
Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

what are health food supplements

well, hi, everybody. i'm dr. group with globalhealing center. and tonight, i appreciate you guys coming on and listeningto this webinar. we are going to talk about one of my favorite minerals,which is iodine. all the stuff that i talk about as far asdetoxifying your body, keeping your body clean, which is great, addressingthe root cause of disease. reactivating your body's own self-healingmechanism. normally, when you look at the amount of toxins that we are exposedto on daily basis through the air, the water, the food. the list goeson and on. the chemicals, the heavy metals, the pesticides,the plastics. all of those

are endocrine disruptors. your thyroid glandis an endocrine gland. and your thyroid produces hormones and it needsiodine. and when you look at the amount of chemicals and heavy metals andall of this stuff that's coming into the body. what happens is thatwe are severely deficient in iodine and all these other chemicals, especiallythe halides which are your bromine and your fluoride and your chlorine,which were put in the water supply on purpose to dumb people down in theearly 1940s in germany. and the chlorine in the water and the bromidein the water, that has a major effect on the thyroid gland and manyother systems in the body. so,

tonight, i want to just share with everybody,my notes that i've been taking. some of the research, give everybodya history of iodine. talk about what it can do. i don't like to use the word "problem" atall because i believe everything, for every situation that's out there, there'salways a solution. and maybe answer some questions. if you have any questions,just type them in and hopefully i can get to it. but we will berepublishing this webinar, there's going to be a lot of good informationon here. so, hopefully, you'll be able to learn a lot and be ableto share a lot as well.

in its natural form, really, iodine is justa gas and it's an element. and like i said, it's in the periodic table withthe halogens, which are bromine, fluorine and chlorine. and it's avery important trace element that's required by many parts of our body.people just associate iodine with the thyroid gland, but really, iodineis utilized by every single cell in the body. and it's important to get theright type and the proper type of iodine into your cells. so, how was iodine developed or how was itdiscovered? it was actually discovered in 1811. and it was discoveredby a scientist who was

experimenting with seaweed and he was burningthe ash and he actually developed iodine. so, it hasn't even beenaround that long. and then, in 1829, there was a french physician,dr. lugol, who created lugol's solution and anybody that knows aboutiodine out there knows and is familiar with lugol's solution. and whenhe discovered iodine, he discovered that bonding it to a potassiummolecule made it water-soluble and it actually unlocked its antiseptic qualitiesand kind of stabilized it. and that's why lugol's solution is potassiumiodide. around 1860, there was a swiss physician thatfound that iodine could be

used to treat goiter. what was happening backin the 1800s, a goiter is nothing more than a cyst that grows on yourthyroid gland. and that was a very big discovery back in the 1960s. becauselater, i'm going to tell you about our own research in the united stateswith the goiter belt that was up around ohio and michigan and stuff likethat. where people were deficient in iodine and everybody was comingdown with goiters. so, like i said, in 1860, he was the one thatdiscovered that it could be used which led to multiple discoveries orlinks that iodine is a very important trace mineral and it can cause majorproblems in the body if

you're deficient. in 1924, which really is not that long ago,iodized salt became available in the u.s. as a means to treat goiter. becausethey found that there was so many goiters along that western belt; ohio,michigan and everything like that. and they actually did a study and theytook a group of girls and gave them potassium iodide and they took anothergroup of girls and didn't give them anything. and the ones they gave theiodine to, the goiters went away. so, at that time, the u.s. decided that weneeded to add iodine into salt and make it iodized. so, that was a greatdiscovery, although it was

refined salt, which i highly disagree with.i believe in using a celtic salt or my favorite, which is himalayan crystalsalt, which contains all of the minerals and the nutrients and everythingthat you need on a daily basis. and it even contains trace amountsof iodine. so, what happened, though, later on, is becauseof heart disease, which is also initiated with all the chemicals andfluorides and everything else in the body and the toxic livers and the toxinscoming in from all over the place, everybody started thinking that saltwas the main cause of heart disease. so, at that point, they recommendpeople don't eat salt. and to

this day, when you have heart disease andyou go to the doctor, they're still going to recommend you don't eat salt. so, that caused, again, an iodine deficiencyat that time. and so, they actually took the iodine and to this day,a lot of salt doesn't even have added in it anymore. then, kind of another discovery which happenedin 1997 was when dr. ghent reported that he saw benefits of iodine withfibrocystic breast disease. now, if you notice, it's fibrocystic breastdisease because any iodine deficiency is going to cause a cystic diseasesomewhere. the iodine is up

taken in the body in every cell, but usually,you see the reproductive organs. polycystic ovarian disease, fibrocysticbreast disease. the breasts take up a tremendous amount ofiodine. the uterus, all the glandular systems. and not only that, iodineis needed by the immune system because the white blood cells need iodineto fight infection. so, it's not only associating iodine with the thyroid,but more or less, associating it with every single cell in the body. and we'reall familiar with metabolism and how if your metabolism is slow, then you'regoing to have a really hard time losing weight and burning fat. or ifyour metabolism is fast, you're

going to burn fat a lot faster. well, when you look at that, you want to understanda little bit more about the thyroid. so, a lot of people always say"what is the thyroid," you know? the thyroid, if you look up here inyour neck, right at the base of your neck is a small gland. and that producesmetabolic hormones. these hormones are what controls your energy levels. the thyroid is controlled by your pituitarygland. your pituitary gland also regulates hormone, testosterone, growthhormone, dhea. your pituitary gland is a major gland, just like your pinealgland is. and also, those

glands are affected with specific antagonistsor chlorine, fluoride. fluoride, especially, which calcifies thepineal gland and also prevents iodine from being absorbed into the actualthyroid gland. but the pituitary gland actually releasesthyroid-stimulating hormone, which is tsh. and that tells the thyroid glandto produce thyroxine, which is t4 or t3. and that's just thyroid hormonewith four iodine molecules or thyroid hormone with three iodine, iodine is the base molecule of thyroid hormone and the thyroidneeds iodine to produce it. but what happens is nowadays, with so muchhypothyroidism going around and

people are diagnosed with hypothyroid. they'reput on synthroid, etc. synthroid is basically t4. and synthroid t4is inactive. when it's released, it's inactive. actually 80 percentof the t4 is activated by the liver, the gallbladder, the bile ducts andactually the kidney itself. that's why it's necessary for the liver andgallbladder to be functioning properly. because if you're on synthroid and you can'tcovert that t4 and you can't activate that t4 because your liver is congested,it's fatty or your gallbladder is gone or your gallbladder iscongested or you have

gallstones, the bile ducts are messed up.then, it's going to be hard for you to activate that t4. and you might thinkyou're doing good; you might think that you're taking this synthroid andeverything else and you're still not getting results. like i said, 80 percent is going to be convertedin the liver, in the gallbladder and the bile ducts. and then,you have 20 percent of your t4 that's going to be converted in the kidneys. now, a lot of times, people are deficientin salt, too. because, really, the body is made of 80 percent, 90 percentwater. all living substances are

composed of 80 to 90 percent water. and really,the inside of our body is nothing more than salt water. so, if your kidneys aren't working properlyand you have a real acidic ph and you're having problem, then you mightalso have a problem converting or utilizing that t4 and get that conversionin the kidneys. another mineral that's really important tolook at, while i'm thinking about it, is selenium. because selenium isalso necessary to convert t4 to t3. so, it's important that you supplementor get enough selenium in your food. or if not, if you are taking an iodinesupplement to supplement with

selenium. iodine is great to take with minerals. youreally need a good array of minerals and pure, clean water when you takeiodine. just like seaweed. kelp supplies iodine. and what does kelp growin? it grows in seawater. so, it's a perfect example of how nature simulateswhat's really going on inside your body. so, just to talk about some health benefitsof iodine. mental retardation, low iq levels is one of the main things inchildren that you look at. and mothers need two to three times the amountof iodine during pregnancy. and

this is a huge problem. so, if you know somebodythat's pregnant or even trying to get pregnant, i highly recommendthat you put them on a good form of iodine, because it affects the fetal braindevelopment and it affects emotional health and many other things. one of the things i like using iodine foris the fact that it helps detoxify heavy metals. and it makes watermore soluble. it helps eliminate toxic metals like mercury, lead and then,of course, it also helps decalcify the pineal of fluoride and it alsohelps detoxify other metals and detoxify the built-up fluoride and bromidefrom the thyroid gland.

so, usually, what's been reported is about12.5 to 50 milligrams of iodine will increase the urinary excretion of leadand mercury. and usually, that happens even within 24 hours. but when you'repulling metals out of the body, you want to make sure that you're veryhydrated. and even when you do take iodine, initially, you might even gothrough a healing crisis. and a healing crisis is just headache and fatigueand everything. just what your body starts to slowly eliminate all thosetoxins. another benefit of iodine is it's a co-factorfor insulin. so, we're not talking about curing diabetes or anythinglike that by giving somebody

insulin, but is something that every diabeticperson should take a look at. and whenever diabetics make good lifestylechanges and get enough iodine, well, most of the time, their insulin functionsbetter. another thing that people really don't knowabout the benefits of iodine is the fact that it is a powerful antimicrobialand antiseptic. i personally take it; i barely ever get sick, but my kidssometimes go to school. they're around a bunch of vaccinated children,they're always coming down with something. the conditions over there,the air quality is bad. all of that stuff.

so, one of the good things about iodine isthat it's a great antiseptic and it was used in the early 1800s and early 1900sfor people that any type of bacterial infection. that was basically theirantibiotic is just dosing up high on iodine. and to this day, there's no bacteria virus,any type of microorganism that can survive or adapt to being in an iodine-richenvironment. so, it does help to protect yourself, your immune systemfrom invading microorganisms. and this another trick that my wife lovesto do, is iodine is incredibly good for anti-aging and the skin. if you justtake some good iodine, a

nascent iodine and a glycerin-based. i wouldn'tdo this with alcohol because alcohol is very dehydrating to theskin. but glycerin in itself, vegetable glycerin.i'm not talking about animal products, but a good usp-certified vegetableglycerin with the iodine with it, like the detoxyadine that we developed.and you take a small amount and you rub it under your eyes, over here by yourcrow's feet. you rub it on your face, any part of your skin. and it takes a while because your skin isseven layers deep and you're going to have to slowly start repairing it.but if you do it for a long

period of time, we've seen dramatic results.even better than the $500 facial toxic chemical-based facial anti-agingcreams that are out there, which are nothing more than plasticizers andeverything else. they just fill in the wrinkles and make you think thatyou're looking younger, but it's actually causing cancer because of thetoxic chemicals in that and sunscreens as well. so, it's great for skincare, i would highlyrecommend it. cuts, burns, stuff like that, it's a great, you just can't go wrong with that.

another benefit of iodine is the fact thatit helps to elevate the ph in the body. not only myself, but if you're watchingthis, you know something about natural medicine. and you've probablysearched all over the web, you've educated yourself. you know about theacid alkaline balance in the body. you know that when the body becomesacid, that's when disease starts to form. you know that when you eat live, raw, goodfoods, that your body becomes alkaline. and that, in an alkaline environment,you're able to resist disease more. iodine actually helps raisethe ph of the body, which is

another great benefit to it. iodine, we touched on it for women's health,but it's extremely important. because when i was seeing patients and wehave people that call all the time. mostly women, because women pay waymore attention to their health most of the time than men do. and it's a humongousproblem out there with the fact that women are suffering from polycysticovary syndrome, pcos, fibrocystic breast disease, fibromyalgia,uterine fibroids. any type of these cysts in these fibroids. the ovaries actually have the second-highestconcentration of iodine in a

woman's body. when they're deficient, thecysts form. so, basically, if there's no iodine in the thyroid; if it'ssaturated with fluoride, you're not taking iodine in through the body. then,the cysts form in the ovaries and especially around your menstrual cycles.for the ladies that are listening, if your breasts become tender,that's a sign that you have iodine deficiency. cold hands, cold feet, low body temperature.if you're always cold, that's another sign. puffiness around the eyes isanother sign. a tongue, when your tongue feels like it's too big for yourmouth and you have a problem

talking, that's another sign of iodine deficiency. brain fog, low energy in the afternoon, allof these things. we'll go into some more symptoms that you can look for tosee if you have an iodine deficiency soon. but breast tissue is also a huge sponge foriodine and iodine is concentrated in the breasts as well. therewas an article here that i wanted to read to everybody. from 1993, itwas recommended that women take 3,000 to 4,000 micrograms a day to promotehealthy breasts. now, that's a huge difference consideringthe fact that the rda; our

trusted fda and u.s. government who gets everythingright, actually says that we need 150 micrograms per day of iodine.that is extremely low levels of iodine. how they came up with that number was, theylooked at when they added iodine, they made iodized salt. and they lookedat the minimum amount of iodine that would prevent a goiter from forming.and that was 150 micrograms a day. personally, now, especially with fukushima,especially with the chem trails, especially with all the stuff that'scoming down on top of us. the

radiation, iodine, the radiation from fukushima.the radioactive iodine 131. we need to protect and saturate our thyroideven more. i usually take 40 milligrams, which wouldbe 40,000 micrograms, which sounds like an incredibly high number a coupleof times a week. but in the case of a nuclear or exposure to radioactiveiodine 131, it's recommended that people take 120 milligrams a day forsix to seven days to protect our thyroid if they're in direct proportion ora direct area where they're going to be affected by that radioactive 131. so, if a woman's thyroid or if a men's thyroidis iodine deficient, her

breasts, her ovaries; everything is goingto be deficient. and it's no surprise that the medical literature has foundcorrelation between thyroid disease and breast disease and sub-par thyroidfunction. and even the leading cause of breast cancer. what really upsets me is the fact that everybodyis going on these walks for breast cancer and all this stuff and donatingall this money. when they're not addressing the root cause of theseproblems, all they're doing is putting a band-aid on the symptoms. andhopefully, you've taken the time and effort to read my book "the green bodycleanse," because that's going

to tell you about the root cause of all diseaseinstead of just the symptoms of disease. so, another thing iodine deficiency can affectis the structure and the function of the breast tissue. you know ifyou're breastfeeding or you're trying to get milk in there, it can also alterthat. and the fact that the cystic breasts end up being very painful. and, actually, there has even been correlationthat cystic breasts may even lead to breast cancer. there was a study in1967 by the journal of american medical association that found breast cancerin mice was linked to iodine

deficiency. the national health and nutritionsurvey from 1971 to 2000 showed iodine levels had dropped 50 percentfrom 1971 to the year 2000. think about this: how many thyroid disorders,how much breast cancer, how much prostate cancer, ovarian cancer? allof that has increased since iodine has been taken out of everything andbromine has been replaced into it. the fact is, there's no more iodine in thesoil. i have this argument with people, they're like "will i get iodine throughthe food i eat?" "no, you do not. you are deficient in iodine." thewhole world is pretty much

deficient in iodine unless you live rightnext to the ocean and you eat seafood all day long. so, there was a research that took place between1975 and 1989. and 1,300 patients were examined with breast pathologyand found that iodine improved 40 to 70 percent of pain fibrosis symptoms.that was a survey. there was another in 1995 where histologicalchanges in breast tissue can be reversed by iodine. and 1996, there wasa study, rat studies demonstrated that iodine suppresses the formationof breast tumors. 1996, "breasts have a relatively large capacityfor iodine uptake." iodine

absorption, 1997. "an incorporation into tissuesoccurs in the same ductal epithelium as the majority of breast cancers.""over 60 percent of women may experience fibrocystic changes. thesechanges may respond to 3 to 4 milligrams a day of iodine taken for threeto four months." how expensive is iodine? not nearly as expensiveas having breast cancer, that's for sure. so, you're telling me thatthe world's best scientists, all this money that's going into the curefor breast cancer and all these women need to do is take 3 to 4 milligramsof iodine a day and their breast cancer is gone? it just makes no sense.

so, how can we ignore how vital and how importantiodine is for pregnant and nursing women, too? if you're a woman,which we talked about earlier...even if you're pregnant, you needtwo to three or four times the amount of iodine than you need when you'renot pregnant. iodine deficiency has been directly associatedwith miscarriages, stillbirth, pre-term delivery, cognitive can impair the fetal brain development. even mild iodine deficiencyduring pregnancy can be detrimental. so, iodine deficiency just is affecting 1990, the world health

organization estimated a third of the worldpopulation is iodine deficient. and that situation hasn't even improved. thatwas in 1990. i think that, right now, we're looking at 75 percent, atleast, of the world's population is iodine-deficient. a national health and nutrition examinationsurvey, a massive survey that examines current health trends; the firststudy in the early '70s found that 2.5 percent of citizens were, up to 75 percent. the journal of clinical endocrinology andmetabolism warned that these numbers extreme iodine deficiency and doesn'tinclude mild deficiencies.

and the reason why i'm actually looking andgiving you these real studies is so you don't think i'm just making thisup. because a lot of people will look at videos sometimes and they'll be like"oh, yeah. he's just saying a bunch of stuff, he's just making it up." but i wanted to actually have these studieson there. and i will post all these studies, too, to the followup to thiswebinar. so, everybody can actually see and read and they can go trackit back themselves, because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figureout how easy it is to heal the body just by cleansing it and giving the bodywhat it needs.

it's just like the medical profession thattells you; it's just like high- cholesterol, heart disease, all that stuff.every single thing that you look at; it doesn't matter what degenerativedisease that you have, it's all caused by too many toxins coming in andnot enough toxins coming out. there are a couple things, though, that ido want to talk about that will kind of affect and block small amounts ofiodine. it's not something serious, but if you are taking iodine, youwant to watch out for eating a lot of cruciferous vegetables with the iodinelike cabbage and kale. because those do have goitrogenic compoundsand that can block small

amounts of iodine. it's probably not the biggestproblem. but you do want to look out for that and this isn't coffee,by the way, this is water. i always drink, which is another great, easyand inexpensive remedy, just like iodine. this is distilled water withorganic, raw apple cider vinegar. and raw apple cider vinegar, i always putit in my water because it contains the mother, it contains living enzymes,everything you need. and it's great; you get used to the tasteand it's great for the body. i mean, it just enhances the water. so, talking about some other endocrine glanddisruptors. pesticides,

herbicides, such a big problem. because mostof the food these days is heavily sprayed, you have a genetically modifiedsituation. then you have roundup, which is glyphosate, which is anextremely toxic chemical. these are all sprayed on the foods. now, what happens is your endocrine glandsor your hormone-producing glands are exposed to these pesticides and thesechemicals. and that also causes an iodine deficiency and it also causes theinitiation of disease-causing compounds, they're endocrine disruptors. you have soy, which has high estrogen in it.and so, a lot of these

disruptors cause a malfunction in your hormones.that's what we're talking about, really, here is with a lack of iodine,you're talking about disruption of hormones. now, a couple other things that can affectiodine absorption and utilization: antidepressants. did you knowthat most antidepressants and antipsychotics out there are flouride compounds?i mean, fluoride is coming at us from every single direction and there'sa reason for that, too. because there's no money in healthy people,there's only money in sick people.

so, beta blockers, birth control pills, estrogenmimickers, antidepressants are those you want to look at. if you're onany of those things, mostly, for sure, you're blocking your iodine uptake.we talked about bromine, toxic halides. we talked about chlorine, wetalked about fluorine. those have a similar structure to iodine and theycompete for the receptor sites. so, if there's fluoride going around in thebloodstream by your thyroid, whoop. it's going to take it in and it's goingto be stuck right there because it's almost exactly the same as iodineis. how do you get that fluoride out? you don't. if there's iodinecoming around after you take it,

then the iodine will actually draw some ofthat out. it could take a month, two months or whatever, even longer, to bringall of that bromide and that fluoride out of your system and start replacingyour thyroid with healthy iodine. there's a lot of iodine supplements out there,too, that are in an alcohol base. but an alcohol-based iodine is an endocrinedisruptor and a hormone disruptor, too. because alcohol, itself, isan endocrine disruptor. and i'm going to talk to you about that a little bitlater on, as well. you're going to find in bromine in all ofyour breads. you're going to find

bromine in the sodas; mountain dew, stufflike that. you're going to find it in a lot of processed, packaged foods thatare going to have bromine in there. because it's a natural insecticideagent and they put it in flour to keep the bugs out of it. so, you want to makesure that you switch to all organic products; organic flours, organicbreads, although i do recommend non-grains and non-gmo. and try to learn moreabout or just read the labels and see if it has bromine in it. but chlorine, for example, too. it's in thetap water, it's in all of our systems. pools, you swim in pools, they usebromine in pools, they use

chlorine in pools. they don't need to usethat. i mean, there's way to keep the water clean without poisoning it. so, i mean, we're just saturated with theseand chlorine and the by- products, these are all these halogens, thesetoxic halogens, are directly linked to birth defects, cancer, reproductiveproblems, sterility. why do you think so many people are having problemsgetting pregnant these days? i never had a problem with people coming intomy office that had been to all the top specialists in the world saying"oh, you need ivf and you need all this stuff to get pregnant." no, you don't.all you need to do is clean

out your body. i put them on an intestinalcleanse, liver and gallbladder cleansing, chemical and heavy metal cleansing,parasite cleansing. next thing you know, their body is clean.they get rid of all these chemicals that they're exposed to outside.on the inside, they're home and they're pregnant. and guess what? they havea healthy baby, too, because they don't have all of that contaminant inthere. but perchlorate is another thing that we'refinding in breast milk right now, which is an endocrine disruptor. andthat's an industrial chemical and it's used in rocket fuel, airbags,'s literally contaminated

areas around military bases and it's now inthe food supply. i was in the military and my heart goes outto the military personnel that are being contaminated, especially overseaswith all the uranium and all the chemicals and that the military givesto them. i try to help them as much as i can whenever they call me up. one of the things that most people don't knowis 83 percent. 83 percent of organically-grown lettuce and conventionallettuce from the southwest united states contains significant, that means you could be getting organic lettuce and you're going tobe contaminated.

the entire lower portion of the colorado riveris contaminated with perchlorate. and that colorado river, thewhole lower portion provides water for 20 percent of the nation's cropsand over 10 percent of the nation's livestock. 90 percent of the u.s.winter lettuce supply is grown in areas irrigated by this river. and is grownin perchlorate-rich soil. which means you think you're eating organic,but you're really not. so, for the water, there's a couple of solutionsyou can do. if you have the money, i don't have any ties to any ofthese companies by the way. pelican water system is pretty good to havefor the whole house and you can

put it in. it's probably going to be somewherearound $10,000, but you don't even have to start with that. you canlook online for fluoride under- sink units, filtration units, shower headunits that are going to take the chlorine and the fluoride and all this stuffout. and those are just the solutions that you can do to reduce your exposureto it on a daily basis. and do not drink tap water. i mean, when yougo to restaurants, it might cost you a little bit more money, but justbuy the spring water in a glass bottle. do what i do, get distilled can make your own distilled water. you can make five gallons of distilledwater a day with a durastill

counter-top distillation unit. you get theglass five-gallon things. that's what we have, that's what all the employeeshere at the office drink, distilled water. we all put apple cidervinegar in it and we don't have any chlorine, we don't have any fluoridein the water and we have all the healthy nutrients in there. like i was saying earlier, until the early1970s, even bread contained iodine. and then, for strange reasons whichwe don't know about, all of a sudden, bromide replaced iodine. who knows?i don't know why. but bromine is a toxic substance and has zero nutritionalvalue.

dr. brownstein, he's like the guru on iodine.i recommend you read his books if you have a chance. he tested thousandsand thousands of patients for iodine deficiency and he tested them forbromide, too. every single one of them tested for high bromide levels. bromine,in itself, can cause hypothyroidism. whenever the bromine was introduced into thefood supply and into the sodas and the soft drinks and all that stuff, theincrease in hypothyroidism shot up. and one of the most toxic pesticides,actually, is methylbromide. and then, you have polybrominated biphenyl ethercompounds, which are your fire

retardants. now, isn't it strange how the european unionhas banned most of this stuff, but the united states still keeps it in thewater supplies. i mean, the eu has banned fluoride, it's banned a lot ofthe bromine, it's banned a lot of these toxic chemicals. you start seeing allthe genetically-modified foods being banned everywhere. people here in the united states need to wakeup and actually do something about it. people are waking up, actually,it's really good. but i mean, the public water supplies and the toothpaste andthey even have nursery water

to give kids fluoride. i mean, people aremixing their baby waters; there's medical doctors and pediatricians that arerecommending people mix nursery water, which contains fluoride, in with theirsoy baby formulas. fluoridated water never prevented cavities.the largest fluoridated water study took place in the 1980s and it involved39,000 children. and it was determined that cities with fluoridated waterhad no difference in tooth decay from the cities that didn't. there is tons of research out there on theinternet that proves fluoride is damaging and it that it never did anything.and the best way to avoid

fluoride is just avoid all the dental products.don't even have those in your house, don't shower in the water. butthe good news is iodine can help you detoxify those halides and protect yourselvesfrom the damage of fluoride and all those other compounds. so, we knew that iodine deficiency reallyhad the cause for goiters. and we really tried, in the 1920s, to determine howmuch iodine was required and that's what i was talking about with the goiterbelt, right around akron, ohio. and with those girls that were givenpotassium iodide and the other girls that were given none and then the researchersconcluded that 150

micrograms of iodine a day was necessary toprevent the goiter. they also found that that was the bare minimumto prevent severe iodine deficiency. with the research that we've beendoing and with all the information that we have on there, we knowthat, like i said, every cell in the body requires iodine. it's necessary toaddress. and there hasn't really been any studies out there that suggestwhat level of iodine is actually toxic to you. but we do know this. i thought i was goingto talk about some of the symptoms of iodine; here's some of the mainsymptoms of iodine deficiency.

number one, you might start feeling littlenodules on your thyroid. that might be the beginning signs of a goiter forming. mental imbalances. if you have brain fog,if you're starting to feel depressed for no reason at all. all of a sudden,you go from being calm to having anxiety, panic attacks. you have hypothyroidismor you've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. fatigue. fatigue is one of the biggest thingsof iodine deficiency. usually around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon. might be starting to become weak, i was talking about the tongueearlier, the cold hands and

feet, the dry skin. insomnia, if you're havingproblems sleeping at night. hair loss, if you're starting to see hairloss, that could be a sign of iodine deficiency. fibrocystic breasts, ovarycysts. we talked about depression. immune system problems. if youfeel like you're getting sick a lot and you're not getting better. slow metabolism. everybody has a hard timelosing weight. if you're just trying different things and you can't seemto lose weight, most likely, you might have an iodine deficiency. especially, it affects your mind. you mightthink of something and then you

forget. and then, you're still trying to thinkabout it and you're just having a hard time. you have those forgetfulmoments. i get the question "can you take too muchiodine?" and what happens, it just really depends. there's certain testsout there that you can do. one of them is the iodine loading test and that'swhere you don't take any vitamins for four days. your endocrinologistcan do that for you, your natural healthcare practitioner can do thatfor you. if they don't know who to send you to or don'tknow how to do the testing, then there's plenty of people online or youcan find or call some different

ones. and basically, you urinate in a cup,you take no vitamins for four days. you urinate in a cup, then you take50 milligrams of iodine. you capture the urine for the next 24 hours tosee how much iodine is excreted and how much your body is absorbing. if you put 50 in and 40 comes out, you'reprobably saturated. you have a good iodine if you put 50 in and 5 comes out,that's usually what happens with most people. you're severely deficient. right now, like i said, i just believe thateverybody can use iodine. i haven't had any situation where someone hastaken...i actually had a mother

call me the other day with a four-year-old.she walked into the kitchen and she saw the whole bottle, 1 ounce of detoxadine,which is the product that we manufacture, sitting next to her four-year-oldson empty on the floor. now, i have kids and i'm sure a lot of youguys have kids out there, too. that would be pretty shocking for me, if iwas taking an iodine supplement or something else and i walked into the kitchenand i saw my son sitting on the floor with a whole empty bottle next tohim. but the good news is, nothing happened tothe son. he probably just saturated his thyroid with iodine. he wasprobably iodine-deficient anyway.

but it just goes to show you that anythingelse, if that would have been anything else. you can take anything froma drug store. and if you take half a bottle of aspirin; if you take halfa bottle of any over-the-counter thing and you will die, you know? so, iodineis extremely safe and usually, your body will excrete any of the leftoversthat you might have. there's natural foods that are also reallyrich in iodine. and right now, with the pacific ocean being contaminated;the atlantic is the best. if you can find seaweed from the atlantic ocean,that's going to be a good source of iodine. kelp, arame, kombu, wakame.

seaweed, a quarter-ounce of dried seaweedis about 4,500 micrograms. there's really not that many sources of iodine.although, i do also recommend himalayan crystal salt. we talkedabout it a little bit and when you take in himalayan crystal salt, you doget a little bit of iodine. and it's good for you. like i said, it's got84 different minerals in it. there are a lot of different types of iodinesupplements on the market. we get that question all the time. "what's thebest type of iodine to take?" there's so many of them out there. there'scolloidal iodide, there's colloidal iodine, there's lugol's. there'ssuper-saturated potassium

iodide, there's the nascent iodine. because of that, it led me to do in researchinto what is the best form of iodine. and i'm going to go over some of thosethings in a little while with you in the benefits and why i recommendtaking an iodine in a glycerin base. but it's also important to take a look atyour body and your diet, in general. we talked about avoiding soy, avoidinggluten, avoiding trans fats, junk foods, refined sugars. just switchover to an organic diet. yes, we're finding high levels of toxins andchemicals and stuff in organic

food because we know the air is polluted andthe water is polluted. under the national organic program, by the way,you can water your crops with tap water or water from rivers, like they do thecolorado river. on our farm, we have pure, clean spring waterthat we use to water our herbs and everything with. but it just goesto show you that it can be organic and it can be watered with tap waterand still be organic. so, what i wanted to go over now with youis just some of the differences because there's different companies out therethat are saying different things about iodine and theirs is the bestand it's in an alcohol base and

it's better than glycerin and alcohol holdsmore iodine. and basically, what it boils down to, andi actually wrote an article about vegetable glycerin iodine versus alcohol-basediodine. here's the thing, for absorption purposes, alcohol has a dryingand puckering effect that negatively affects the absorption. glycerin, on the other hand, is completelyopposite. it's a humectant and it moisturizes and hydrates to promote iodineabsorption. glycerin, actually when you put it in the mouth, triggerssalivation to supply the necessary enzymes for absorption. alcoholdoesn't. alcohol actually dries

up the saliva in the mouth and so, it's detrimental. as a preservative, glycerin and alcohol, theyhave different preservation mechanisms. glycerin gently encapsulates thesubstance into its molecular matrix and it preserves the characteristicsof it. alcohol has a harsh de-naturing action andit actually alters cell structure and renders vitamins, enzymes andother beneficial constituents inert or not even any good. and anybody willtell you, alcohol is dangerous. we talked about it being an endocrinedisruptor in itself. alcohol has a long history of being a solvent.mostly because it has such a

low cost and a lot of people have used alcoholto make tinctures. however, glycerin and again, i'm talking about vegetableglycerin, is a natural, nontoxic food substance that extracts moreconstituents than grain alcohol. for example, if you were to do an extractionof an herb or iodine or whatever in glycerin and do it the right way,you would be able to extract probably close to 70, 80, even up to 90 percentof the constituents of that herb. if you were to do that herb in an alcoholextraction, you're going to be only extracting 40 percent of the herb'smaterials. now, for me, i would want all that stuff workingin unison. it's the same

way with the iodine. it's not easy. you can'tjust put iodine crystals in glycerin because that can be extremely dangerous. we literally spent hundreds of thousands ofdollars to create this production of even using some of the top physiciststo be able to stabilize the iodine compounds into the matrix of theglycerin to where they're released, the free iodine is released wheneverit comes in contact. a true nascent form or atomic form instead of thediatomic form which makes it more easily accessible and absorbed into thebody. glycerin is actually one of the most hungry iodine compounds in existenceand it's the solvent of

choice for whoever demands it the most. another thing, it's got better micro-encapsulatingproperties. alcohol and i'm just reading these from actual texts."alcohol is a harsh and rigid solvent that disrupts cell membranes in dna.""glycerin has unparalleled micro-encapsulating qualities that fully capturecomplete constituents and compounds in its matrix. this reduces ingredientinversion, evaporation." alcohol evaporates, glycerin doesn't. "precipitationand it slows redox reaction." now, this is big because personally, i don'twant my kids having alcohol.

or my pets, for that matter. alcohol is anintoxicant and is not appropriate for children. children lack theenzymes necessary to convert alcohol to sugar, so alcohol is extremelydangerous for children. functionally, glycerin is far more gentleand safe. and my kids take the iodine and the glycerin and they do greaton it. actually, it improves their brain function and since i started givingthem iodine, they've actually become smarter, retained more, havea better memory. i honestly think that my kids were iodine deficient,too. vegetable glycerin has a good taste to it.alcohol has a horrible taste if

it's in an iodine product. it burns your mouth,it turns your tongue purple. it is very harsh to take. another thing is that vegetable glycerin iodineis better for people who want to maintain balanced blood sugar levels.people that are going through aa, people that are recovering alcoholics.the body metabolizes alcohol into sugar, which can aggravate diabetic conditionsand it can upset weight loss efforts. so, glycerin converts to sugarvery slowly and doesn't cause blood sugar spikes. the alcohol-based iodine is prone to evaporation,sublimation, oxidation.

and studies have demonstrated that this effectcan happen as early as six months after production. i'm not sitting here saying "buy my product.blah, blah, blah. iodine is bad in alcohol," whatever. iodine is great.if you have access to iodine no matter what, it's going to be better if youtake it in whatever form it's in. except for the raw form, of course, becausethat's extremely dangerous. but any form of nascent iodine is going tobe fairly good for your body. i'm just giving you the pros and the consbetween alcohol-based and vegetable glycerin-based and vegetable glycerin-basedpreserves the stable

atomic bond longer and it doesn't break downand change over time. alcohol iodine can contain ethanol. grainalcohol, which can be made from corn, which can be genetically modified. it'sthe same alcohol in alcoholic beverages. alcohol is toxic to the liver andcan be problematic for children. vegetable glycerin, safe for everybody. i was talking about pets, too, and how safeit is for pets. let me tell you, pets are coming down with hypothyroidism.they're coming down with the same degenerative diseases that we are becausepeople are feeding their pets the wrong foods.

they're feeding their pets all the toxic meatand everything else. and if you just type in "hypothyroidism in dogs,""hypothyroidism in cats," "hyperthyroidism," most of it is due to aniodine deficiency. if you have pets and that's the problem, iodinecan be a good solution for you. just make sure you take it in a vegetableglycerin form. also, iodine and glycerin is used, actuallyglycerin's use itself dates back as far as the 1800s. when it was usedto keep wounds hydrated, but free from air contact. and the russians wereknown to spread a thin layer of glycerin on their face to protect theirskin against the cold when they

went out in the winter and the military andeverything like that because their water wouldn't evaporate, so they wouldjust put a thin layer of glycerin on their skin. and it's so gentleand hydrating, that it's even been used during eye surgery to keep the eyesmoisturized. so, i know we're running out of time's 8:53, we have a few more minutes. i hope that i've been able to covera lot of the information about iodine. a little bit of the history, a littlebit of the uses of it. i didn't cover the fact that, just kind of lookingat my list, phtalates and plastics, the bpa plastics have a big roleto play. so, try to avoid any

plastics or phtalates or cooking food in plasticcontainers, storing it in plastic containers during the week. we are getting a lot of questions, so whati'm going to do is i would appreciate any additional feedback. followus on facebook, go to my blog. we will post on this blog post and probablyon facebook, a list of questions and some of the answers that youguys are writing in. let me just see if i can take a couple goodones here. one of them is "my son has hypothyroid since he was four, now16. he's on synthroid. will nascent iodine help him get off the pill?"

unfortunately, i can't give medical advice.but from the feedback that we've had through dr. brownstein's patients,the research out there, i would definitely recommend that you go andtype in "iodine for hyperthyroidism." "iodine for hypothyroidism."there's plenty of information out there. let me just say this.iodine pretty much helps with anything. one good question, though. "how soon aftertaking iodine does a person begin to feel the detox symptoms of fatigue?"that's going to be different for everybody. it depends on your age, yourweight.

we've had people that have taken iodine thatwere severely deficient, but actually felt worse for two weeks. they werejust detoxing, i mean, all that stuff was coming out of their system.we just recommend you drink tons of water, avoid tap water, of course. letyour body detox naturally, do an intestinal cleanse using oxygen. do a liverand gallbladder cleansing. assist your body in its ability to eliminatetoxins. but over a period of two weeks or so, like i said, it just depends.but you will be feeling better eventually. and usually, the firstthing that people notice is they notice their energy levels. they wake up withso much energy and as a

matter of fact, i've even had to tell peoplenot to take iodine at night because it increases your energy so much thatyou might even have problems sleeping or going to bed. i've had people that have written in and saidthat they want to go out with their friends. and their friends are goingout to clubs til 2:00 in the morning and they don't want to drink, so theytake a shot. they take some b- 12 and they take some iodine. it just keepsthem up and gives them the energy to stay up til 2:00 in the morningwithout having to take any stimulants or do anything like that.

somebody asked the question on how much applecider vinegar do i put in my water per cup? i just take the bottle andpour it in. but you start with, let's say 8 ounces and a cap-ful. i actuallyhave my vinegar right here. i use bragg's apple cider vinegar with the motherin there. i keep it right next to my desk. and now, i'll just fill upmy whole cup with water and just pour a little bit in there. but if you take a gallon of distilled water,probably a tablespoon to start per gallon. but then, you can work up as highas two tablespoons. and you know, just work it up to taste.i mean, apple cider vinegar does incredible

things. there's over 100documented health benefits for organic apple cider vinegar, so i highlyrecommend it. one of the cheapest and most effective thingsyou can do for your help is what we're talking about right now, iodineand organic apple cider vinegar. of course, i recommend cleansing the bodyon a regular basis, too. one question "is alcohol-nascent iodine morepotent than a vegetable glycerin nascent iodine?" that just dependson how much iodine is used during the manufacturing process. doing testswith iodine and alcohol versus iodine and glycerin, we've been ableto stabilize up to 7 percent

glycerin, i mean, iodine in glycerin. there'sno possible way you can do that with alcohol. so, glycerin will hold probably five, sixtimes the amount of iodine than an alcohol. and as a matter of fact, we'regoing to actually be coming out with a stronger version fairly soon, whichwill provide roughly around 650 micrograms per drop of iodine. so, that'sgoing to be very effective. especially when you're talking about goingwith higher dosing, because most of the iodine supplements out there, 450 microgramsper drop, 500 micrograms per drop.

but we're talking about needing 25,000 to35,000 micrograms on a daily basis. and it's like everything, i alwaysrecommend cycling everything. i don't like to put stuff in my body every singleday so the body gets used to it. i usually do it every other day. for the first period of time, i would recommendgoing for a month, let's say, of 30, 40 milligrams a day, 30,000 to40,000 micrograms a day. but after that, just taking a few drops, a dropper-fula few times a week should be sufficient, as long as you're nottaking in massive amounts of chemicals and toxins and stuff like that.

so, anyway. i just wanted to thank everybodyfor coming on. i hope you enjoyed the webinar tonight. and if you haveany further questions, like i said, don't hesitate to e-mail us. e-mailus at social, s-o-c-i-a-l, and let us everybody have a wonderful evening and untilnext time, if you want to see another webinar on another topic, please letus know. otherwise, be safe, be healthy.

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