
Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

why does healthy food make you gassy

hey everyone. welcome to yoga with adriene.i'm adriene and today we have a digestive flow sequence to make you glow. this is theperfect pick me up if you've been taking it easy, or you just got done with a big event,or perhaps during the holiday season you've been taking good care and nurturing your body,eating nice yummy heavy foods, and you're craving a little kick back into a workoutroutine or a yoga practice. this is the perfect sequence for you. it's going to massage theinternal organs, and get those digestive enzymes moving and flowing, and overall just bringa little heat to the body during these cold winter months. so, even if it's hot outside,this will be a nice sequence to make you sweat. so, get in something comfy, and hop on themat, and giddy-up. let's go.

all right, let's begin in extended child'spose, taking a deep breath in and finding a long exhale out. and we'll spread the palmsand in your own time rise up to all fours, drawing the knees underneath the hips andthe wrist underneath the shoulders. inhale, dropping the belly. exhale, curling the tailboneunder, relaxing the crown of the head. cat-cow, moving with your breath. take a moment toclose the eyes here. press up and out of the earth, and really connect to this line fromthe crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone, and everything in between. commit to yourbreath for this practice. as you curl the toes under, walk the palms out, and take thedeepest breath in as you send the sit bones up and back. exhale, downward facing dog.

take a moment here to dance a little. checkit out. paddle the feet. find movement. connect to the energy of your practice today. so,we are doing more than just a yoga workout, but really exploring the practice, and whateverit plans to serve up today. when you're ready, bend the knees softly and we're going to walkup towards the front edge of the mat, settling in to uttanasana here. this is a great opportunityto let go of the day thus far, and again drop into the practice. find what feels good can clasp the elbows. rock a little side to side. relax the head. and then wheneveryou're ready press into your feet, and on an inhale, we're going to lift up to a niceflat back position, just halfway here. deep breath in. on an exhale, float it down.then bend your knees softly, tuck your chin

into your chest and begin to roll it up intomountain pose. take a moment here to loop the shoulders, check in with the neck. letgo of any tension here as you breathe deep and stay connected with your feet. work itout. draw your palms to your heart now, coming into mountain pose or tadasana, with mindfulness,a sense of you. and we'll begin to move. inhale, reaching the fingertips up overhead. exhale,down through the mid-line we flow. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, soften and bow. inhale,reach it all the way back up. deep breath in. breathe, breathe, breathe. and exhale,hands to heart. awesome. inhale, reach it up. full breath in. exhale, soft knees asyou forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, bow.

now, step or hop the feet back to plank. don'tpanic. find a little movement here and then slowly we'll lower all the way down to thebelly. on a deep breath in, open your heart, your chest cobra. and then exhale, we release.curling the toes under and sending it up and back. down-dog. deep breath in. long breathout. and then on an inhale we step, float, or hop towards the front edge of our mat.forward fold. inhale. halfway lift. move with your breath. exhale, bow. inhale, reach itall the way up. spread your fingertips and exhale to the heart. sweet. inhale, reachit up. exhale, forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. long neck. exhale. step, float, or hopthe feet back. plank. now, we can lower down to cobra or chaturangato up-dog. find softness in your vinyasa here.

together we'll meet. downward facing dog.this time inhale. send the right leg up. exhale all the way up and into your lunge. from thelow lunge, we'll take a deep breath in and on an exhale let the heart open. radiate forward.plant the left palm next to the right foot and deep breath in, we reach the right fingertipsup towards the sky. twist. lower that back knee if you need to. breathe deep. inhalein and exhale. melt it back to center. step the right foot back and we vinyasa. movingwith the breath. cobra or up-dog. together we meet, down-dog. inhale, left leg liftshigh. step it up into your low lunge. take a moment to get settled in. open your heart.and this time we'll plant the right hand next to the left foot and on a deep breath in,lift the left fingertips up to the sky.

find your breath. straight line from the crownof the head to the tip of the tailbone. on an exhale, melt it back and we'll step theback foot up to meet the front. forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, soften and bow.inhale, reach it all the way up and exhale right back down. forward fold. inhale, flatback. exhale, bow. inhale, step, or hop the feet back to plank. choose your vinyasa. enjoyyour practice. sending it back to downward facing dog. we'll anchor through the leftheel and inhale, slide the right leg up. this time squeeze your right knee up and in towardsyour heart. take a deep breath in and on an exhale step the right foot up. low lunge.same thing as before. we plant the left palm and inhale, breathe into the lower belly asyou find your twist.

we can always have that back knee loweredor the right hand on the waistline. make it your own. find your breath. on an exhale wecome back to center. lower the left knee. send the hips back. forward fold here as webreathe into the legs, breathe into the back body and flex the right toes up towards thesky. nice stretch here in the left foot as well as we relax the shoulders down for onemore breath cycle. in and out, and then slowly rolling through that right foot, we come backto our lunge. strong legs here as we lift the back knee and inhale, reach the fingertipsup. hug the inner things towards the mid-line, really squeezing that right knee towards thecenter as you find a strong high lunge. and then we gently release.

awesome. find your vinyasa here. mix and with strength and grace. and we'll meet downward facing dog. inhale, lift the leftleg high. exhale, squeezing left knee up and in towards your heart. strong body here, pressaway from the earth. stepping the left foot up into your lunge, we find our twist. inhale,really reaching up towards the sky. or again, bringing that left hand to the waistline formore stability. inhale in. exhale, melt it back to center. lower the right knee and sendit on back. flexing through the left foot this time, relaxing the weight of the headdown. you might find a little wave in the spine here, a little movement. breathe intothat left hammy. and then again, rather than just shifting forward to the next thing, reallyroll through that left foot. enjoy each transition

here as we lift up strong, high lunge. reallyhugging the legs in towards the mid-line, lengthening the tailbone down. deep breathin. and exhale we release. awesome, and vinyasa. make it your own. movewith your breath. i love this music here. all my friends who are a part of the empowerprogram will recognize this. it's beautiful. so ride the wave. and once again we'll meetup in downward facing dog. deep breath in through the nose. long exhale out throughthe mouth. bend your knees. hop the feet up towards the front edge. and inhale, halfwaylift. exhale bow. inhale, reach it all the way up, spread the palms. exhale, anjali mudraat the heart. now take a moment here to perhaps close your eyes. notice how you feel. noticethe sensations in the body. make some observations.

reconnect with your breath. and then whenyou're ready we'll inhale, reach it up once again. exhale, forward fold. inhale, halfwaylift. exhale, bow. and stepping or hopping the feet back to plank. choose your own vinyasa, cobra or up-dog.exhale, downward facing dog. inhale, lift the right leg high. exhale, squeezing thatknee up towards your heart. inhale, find your twist. exhale, back to center. this time we'regoing to pivot on the back foot and inhale. rise up to settle in warrior ii. reachingthe right fingertips forward up and back, we find peaceful warrior, a reverse warrior.deep breath in. exhale. back to warrior ii. now softening the right elbow on top of theright thigh we find extended side angle. press

into the outer edge of that back foot. takea deep breath in, and on your exhale send it all the way back, reverse warrior. inhalein. exhale back to your lunge. vinyasa. moving with your breath. finding strength. downwardfacing dog. inhale, lift the left leg high. exhale, squeeze that left knee in and up intoyour lunge. inhale, left fingertips reach up. twist. exhale, back to center. pivoting on that back foot we rise up, warriorii. move with your breath. sink into that front knee as you reach the left fingertipsforward, up and back, peaceful warrior. extension through the crown. back to warrior ii. andthen softening through that left elbow we find extended side angle. open your hearttowards the sky. deep breath in. exhale, peaceful

warrior. move with your breath. all the wayback into your lunge. this time we're going to step the back foot up to meet the front.forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, bow. inhale, reach it all the way up and exhaleto your heart. right back in we go. inhale, reaching it up. exhale, fold. inhale, halfwaylift. exhale, bow. inhale, step or hop the feet back to plank. hug the elbows into the side body and inhale,lift-up cobra or up dog. exhale, downward facing dog. inhale, right leg high. exhale,squeeze the right knee up in towards your heart. stepping up into your lunge, we explorea little deeper, bringing the palms together at the heart, hugging that right knee in towardsthe center as you find your twist. palms together

and namaste. can always lower that left kneeor repeat the twist that we've been doing before. strong legs as you really spike thatleft heel towards the back edge of your mat and then on an exhale, release back to again we open up warrior ii. then peaceful warrior. move with your breath to extendedside angle. back to peaceful warrior. and then all the way back down to your lunge. so there's no right or wrong with the breathhere, just move with nice long smooth deep breaths. after your vinyasa, we'll take itto down dog and inhale, lift the left leg high. exhale, squeeze that left knee up intowards your heart. and we'll step it up in towards your lunge. palms come together andwe find that deep juicy twist on the other

side. pulling the left hip crease back. modifyingup or down as needed. make it your own. strong alignment. good energy. as we melt it backto center and lift it up, warrior ii. peaceful warrior. extended side angle. back to peacefulwarrior. reverse it. beautiful. and all the way back down to your lunge. step the lefttoes back, chaturanga practice. and downward facing dog. awesome, my friends. deep breathin through the nose. cleansing breath out through the mouth. then bend the knees generously and we'll stepor hop it up towards the front edge. inhale, halfway lift. long beautiful neck. exhale,bow. now bend your knees generously and send your sit bones back. utkatasana, chair pose,with a twist. palms come together at the heart

and we move towards the left outer edge ofthe right arm to the outer edge of the left leg. find spaciousness. open your heart, yourchest. draw the knees together or try pulling the left hip crease back as you breathe in.and on an exhale, gently release it back to center. nice work. straight legs as we inhale,lift up, halfway. exhale, soften and bow. then we'll bend the knees. drop the sit bonesand try again on the other side. stick with it. you got this. breathing nice long smooth deep breaths. strongtransformative soulful breaths. in and out. drop the sit bones, take a deep breath in.and exhale, release. awesome job. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, bow. step or hop thetoes back. slowly lower down. inhale, cobra

or upward facing dog. and exhale a very welldeserved rest. bring the two big toes together, heels left to right. pillow the head. shakethe hips. notice your breath. then when you're ready we're going to transition all the wayonto our backs. nice and slow, for a little core strengthening practice. take your timegetting there. and when you do, we're going to interlace the fingertips behind the head,elbows nice and wide. then lifting the shins up parallel to the ceiling and lifting thehead and the neck and the shoulders up, we draw right elbow to left knee. straightenthe right leg out long. then switch. left elbow to right knee. back and forth.yogi bicycles. finding a rhythm with the breath. moving from left to center. right to center.careful not to crunch the neck. keep the gaze

up or a spaciousness between the chin andthe chest. stick with this rhythm or begin to speed it up, scooping the tailbone up,drawing the navel down. focus on your breath. make it your own. if you like, when you getbored, you can bring that simba into your hands and bring simba up and over. back andforth. back and forth. deep breath in. smile. exhale, release. hug the knees into the chest.awesome. then we'll cross the right ankle over theleft. grab the outer edges of the feet and shake it off with a little playful rocking,back and forth, back and forth. until you're ready to come back to all fours. curl thetoes under. send the sit bones up. downward facing dog. this time we're going to walkthe toes up, just a hair. and reach the right

arm to clasp either the outer edge of thatleft ankle, left shin or calf, even the back of the knee or the thigh. this is a challengingtwist here that requires nice deep full breaths. careful to not clench in the face or in theshoulders. and then we'll slowly release back to center and experiment with this downwarddog twist on the other side. no toxic thoughts if you're not there yet. it gives you somethingto work towards, something to look forward to. deep breath in as we look underneath theright armpit, chest. and exhale, release back to center. awesome job. final vinyasa can skip it if you like. cobra or upward facing dog. and exhale. balasana. bring thepalms together, up and over head. find a little sway. then slowly we'll rise up, for a littleplaytime.

so this isn't just for advanced yogis or peoplewanting to deepen their practice. this is really what yoga home practice is all you can go into a pigeon here as i'm demonstrating or if you're not really feeling the hip openerbut you've been working on crow pose, you might take this moment now to practice this is essentially a free style moment for you to really ask yourself what do i needand how can i play with that. for me this is the real yoga. this is what home practiceis all about. empowering yourself to just play on the mat. i just tried a side arm balance.maybe it's straight to shavasana for you here or maybe you turn your perspective on itsside for a side plank. you can do as much or as little as you like here. maybe justcoming to a nice comfortable seat, a meditation

pose or bow pose. take a couple moments hereto play. again, remember this is your practice, yourmoment. my best advice to you in this moment is don't decide where it ends. enjoy. takeyour time and when you're ready we'll meet in a flat back position. slowing it down,hugging the knees into the chest, maybe taking a reclined twist or two. we're moving straightinto a reclined cobbler's pose. stabilizing through the sacrum and the spine, allowingthe skin or the face to soften and relax. notice how you feel. and eventually take amoment to just be still in corpse pose. if you want to skip the outro of this video youcan sit up now and just go ahead and pause, maybe resting a little longer in shavasanatoday. rock on.

all right my friends, excellent work. goodjob. if this was challenging for you, don't worry, it's a challenging sequence. it's definitelya more intermediate flow variations there for you. but something everyone can benefitfrom if they want to deepen their practice. this is also very similar to my reboot programand my empower program, which is my version of power yoga. reboot is a 29-day yoga experienceto totally reboot the system and just lifestyle. it's great after a breakup or like i said,a big event or the holidays when you're looking for that perfect pick me up. so, if you likethis style and you're hungry for more, go to and check out rebootand empower there. i always love your feedback. return to the practice. see how it grows andevolves, and i look forward to hearing from

you. have a lovely rest of your day. drinklots of water. namaste.

asian health meal

why does health food taste so bad

we're here to recover your energy for summer and to get your appetite back... we've prepared this concept for today's trip... the hometown of flavor. we'll be heading to jeollanam-do. a food race. you'll divide into two teams to taste the foods of jeollanam-do. it's a race and the team that

eats the most food in the given time will win. there are missions at each location. you must succeed in order to get your food. you have to get back to the base camp at gochang by 9 p.m. if you lose the race... (the losing team has to do manual labor) intelligence! duck!

strength! (team ids and team joohyuk) (ids head to yeonggwang, joohyuk head to yangam) (a peaceful looking harbor) (which team has arrived here?) let's go! - let's go! / - come on, let's go! move! move! hey, man! move! move! move! - hurry up! hurry up! / - move, move, move!

hey, boy! yes! move! moving! yellow on 1. corvina on 2. yellow corvina! (what will they taste here?) (eyes wide open) eat, eat, eat. eat, eat. check out all these dried yellow corvina dishes. braised corvina... (everything you can taste with dried yellow corvina)

(it's the clean and savory barley dried corvina) hurry up and serve it to us. we have no time. you're looking at the dried yellow corvina meal. nice. it's made by naturally drying yellow corvina in the sea breeze. then it's stored in jars filled with barley. it's eaten after it ferments. it's nice and chewy and

the meat has a clean taste. the subtle smell of barley makes it a delicacy. the fish was caught at beopseong harbor in yeonggwang is considered the best in korea. so this is the best dried yellow corvina in korea? - beopseong harbor. / - yes. give us the mission! dried yellow corvina has to be eaten in summer... - for it to taste best. / - got it.

your mission is... flying miser corvina. flying miser corvina? we have to fly? please remove the folding screen. (a corvina hanging from the roof?) there's the story of the miser that would hang a dried yellow corvina from the ceiling and look at it instead of eating side dishes.

- you know it, right? / - i do. all three of you sit under the corvina hanging from the ceiling. we're going to drop the corvina. when it passes by, you have to grab it with your mouth. - just get the timing right. / - okay, good. let's hurry it up. let's just end it in one go.

(for the first time ever) (a battle between human and corvina) you must succeed while the corvina goes by twice. you'll have 7 attempts in total. 7? okay. we'll end it in one go. just grab any part, right? please get it ready. is it okay to bite from this far?

- 7 chances... / - what the? why is it so high? that's too high. this will hurt. - isn't it back and forth once? / - this will hurt. 2 times? from this height, the corvina will go through your head. it'll go through our heads. if it's from that height...

we'll lose a few teeth by the time it gets here. we'll lose 3 or 4 teeth. but it doesn't count if we bite after a bounce. that's a fail. you know, right? call "mine" if you're going to bite. mine. mine, mine. do this.

like they do in baseball. tell us when you're ready. ready. here we go. - it's over? / - you can't do this. what's this? (1st attempt is over) - why didn't you do anything? / - it's too fast. you've failed your first attempt.

it's too fast. it looks like a piranha as it races past like this. (catch me if you can) (it flew right by them) it feels like you'll get stabbed. this is no joke. why's it so sharp? one of you two could do it on the second swing. it's too hard in the middle.

but it feels like it'll bite you. it was really scary. doesn't it feel like an eagle? we did a simulation and they succeeded in 6 tries. - who succeeded? / - who was it? the writer? - him? / - he could succeed. he always succeeds. he's famous at kbs.

he can carry the set for "gag concert" by himself. he can chew on steel. you have 6 attempts left. - i'll take a daring bite. / - yeah, be daring. i'll time it and just bite. let's go. i'm normally not scared of these things... - go. / - go. - okay. / - we're ready.

(2nd attempt) (slap!) fail. hey, why... - what was that? / - it was too scary. i was going to bite but it was too scary. get it on the second swing. that was the second swing. 1, 2...

oh, like that? i'll bite it then. - let's go! / - let's do this! we are one! we can do it. we can do it. ready... let it go. this is it. - it's now. / - it's you!

it's you! you... it's too hard. it hit your shoulder. (the direction was good) (fail) i got hit on the chin. this isn't right. let's switch.

this is too high. you have to be ready for it to hurt. i'll get it on this try. - i'll end it here. / - don't dodge it. - even if i bleed! / - just take the pain. - even if you bleed. / - yeah, do that. - promise. / - no matter what. no matter what. aren't you going to do anything, junho?

i will command them. and strategize. intelligence. he's in charge of intelligence. duck. is your team name ids? buddha jumps over the wall. we have a different team name. ids is our slogan.

- that's different. / - slogan... let's start the 4th attempt. you have to bite it even if it hurts. do it. just like a fighter. go. tell me, tell me. - this one's good. / - tell me. - when? / - right now!

(smacked in the face) (dead) (smack!) director, can't we get on our knees for this? - that should be allowed, shouldn't it? / - yeah! we can do it like that! this is considered sitting too. on the floor... can't we go like this?

make sure your butt touches your calf. this is more than enough to succeed. the three of you sit together. you have 3 chances left. shout out anything you want to say. 1, 2, 3! - yeah! / - let's eat dried yellow corvina! this is your 5th attempt. - corvina... / - let's eat this. this is yeonggwang barley corvina.

let the corvina go. this is too fast. here it comes. here it is! eat it! eat it! eat it! (it just has to go in) (changes direction at the last minute) it touched your mouth... - junho. / - looks like i have to step up.

the intelligence guy should. (wow, look at his mouth) (the leader of ids, intelligence) (it's been caught by a fisherman) (but these guys just can't hook it at all) (human vs. dried yellow corvina) i'll try it from here. (let's eat some corvina) this is good!

we're training him. stop it already. - we can do it. / - training... i'll do it even if i get stabbed. this is your 6th attempt. - throw the dried yellow corvina. / - a little lower. - let it go. / - make it a little lower. here it is. here it is! (miserable)

that must've really hurt. - what are you doing? / - fail. you couldn't get it right on the dot. - and if you look at this... / - i closed my eyes... look, junho. it comes like this... and should go in like this... but on the third one, it starts spinning like this. (it swings in head first) (but later on...)

(it goes body first) that means we have to eat it on the first swing. what i'm trying to say is... it's impossible to succeed in 7 attempts. then what? how many attempts do we need? - we need at least 20. / - give us 20 attempts. this is our last attempt now. - it is? / - this is our last. yes, it's your last attempt.

we can't do this with 7 attempts. give us 2 more at least. we must succeed here. we've spent way too much time here. we went to damyang first then came here... then what do we get for giving you more chances? - what you get? / - yes. well you get... better regard?

that's right. you get our favor. we'll tolerate you. i'm going to fall in love with this guy! i'm about to fall in love. - it's defconn's first time. / - i don't need a girlfriend. - isn't this your first kiss? / - first kiss. yeah, it's like my first kiss or something. ("love and war" with the corvina from yeonggwang) - this fish... / - it's too short.

it's become soggy from our saliva. - this is gross. / - so gross. since you're so bad at it. - we'll allow a bounce. / - okay! that's it. we can do it now. would you like a practice? - practice, practice. / - okay, okay. - don't swing it too fast. / - practice. first swing.

- what are we doing? / - you're just a distraction. move, move. when it bounces off you, it changes direction. yeah, it comes at me like a helicopter. i avoid it first... (gets hit) (he falls over) (gets hit again) (they can't even do it when it's still)

hey, wait a minute. this is really hard. my lips are all torn. hey, let's do one swing... then i'll try to grab it on the second swing up. - okay. / - play. okay then... okay, one. wait, wait. bite!

(huh?) (see you can do it!) - hey, you did it! / - we did it! - success! / - we did it! we did it! success! you never said that was an actual attempt. - must we say so? / - no... - that was a practice. / - that's just an attempt.

(we'll check the replay) do you want a practice? - practice, practice. / - don't swing so hard. (let's go again) let's go! our last attempt! - let's go! / - last attempt! what are we doing? - ready! / - go! - let's go. / - in one swing.

- just get it in there. / - here it comes. - slowly. / - here it comes. get it in one swing. get it. - bite it, bite it. / - it's swinging to the side... you have to bite it now! (what is this?) how did you bite it? - it went in. / - i don't know. i have no idea.

it came like this then into here. - success. / - i don't know. (let's take a look in slow mo) (he just opened his mouth) (and there was corvina inside) (look at his eyes) - hey! / - you did it! you did it! well done! we did it.

you've succeeded your mission! - thank you. / - that was so hard. you did so well. 1, 2, 3 was good. (meanwhile, over in yeongam...) i'm actually happy to just eat this. i've never had beef tartare and raw small octopus. tartare! hello.

- wow! / - wow... looks so good. check out this tartare... it's really savory. because of all the sesame. - let's check it out. / - look at the garlic... mix it all together... this won't even fill you up. it's perfect. (it's even more savory with the sesame oil) it's really bad how they show us the food first.

director, what's the mission! let's start it. hurry it up. (what is the mission they have at yeongam?) the first mission with tartare and raw octopus on the line in yeongam is... paul the octopus. (what?) - what is that? / - paul the octopus.

do you know in the world cup... - i know now! / - the one that makes predictions. - in the world cup... / - he guesses the winners. what is that? you know, in the world cup. - in the finals... / - it guesses who will win. wasn't it that octopus? that's right. they have a 1-year-old octopus like paul here in yeongam too.

please bring him out. what the? it's a real octopus. - eat, don't eat. / - what is this? eat, don't eat, eat, don't eat... i've never seen this game of chance before. please get a shot of the octopus. he has to go in the blue spot. what is this? there's nothing we can do about this.

he's a very talented octopus. we'll leave everything to him. it's really big. what's his name? - give him a name. / - this is like a big octopus. give him a name. give him a pretty name. - so he's good to us. / - yeah. - how about taehui. / - taehui.

taehui! taehui. let's go with taehui. - taehui the octopus. / - how's an english name? that's not bad either. gela? angela? gela? - that's not bad. / - yeah. - gela the octopus? / - gela. - she's giving us a heart. like this. / - oh, yeah.

she's doing this. - hey, gela. / - gela! she's giving us a heart. gela must like us. our gela... we'll leave it to you, gela. let's start right away. i think you're good at this. - gela. / - gela, gela. - gela. / - oh, gela. i'm sorry but you look delicious.

- gela. / - gela, go in the blue area. we're not going to be eating her, right? she moves right away. oh, good, good. leave her. - leave her. / - gela! (let me see) - okay. / - what's this? (eat or don't eat?) - gela... / - gela, go into the blue one.

- gela! no, no, no. / - gela! (oh, no!) - gela! / - no, gela! - yes, eat! eat! / - go, go. - eat! eat! / - that's the way. - eat! eat! / - please! please! (here you can eat) eat! (thank you, gela!)

(they get to eat tartare and raw small octopus) that's it! why did she stretch her legs out like that? amazing, gela! we gave her a good name. - oh, gela, gela. / - gela was good. it was gela. - should we ask her then? / - what? gela...

please tell us our fortune. will we win the race today? will we win, gela? (blue means they'll lose, red means they'll win) that's the way. go, go. she's heading towards the red. that's it. (oh!)

(it's 50:50) (who will win according to gela?) i guess they can't win. no, no, no. it's too late. look at this. this isn't the next game... (i'm angry...) (now they really get to eat) first off, this is the corvina fritters.

- that's right. / - melt in your mouth. (they begin with the corvina fritters) let's try this first. eat the fritters first. (wow) (amazing) - it's sweet. / - it tastes clean. (always the same expression of taste) you have to eat this first. this doesn't taste as strong.

so you eat this with this and that just as is? the way to enjoy this fish... you remove the bones... you have to eat it whole. it has eggs inside. eat it whole like that? - eat it whole? / - yes, like this. - give us your good expression. / - i don't like eggs. - just try... / - just eat it as it is. these eggs are different to regular fish eggs.

(must taste good) it's not salty. corvina isn't salty? - yeah. / - it's not very salty. corvina these days isn't very salty. oh, really? right. because corvina used to be very precious and there was no way of preserving it. that's why they made it really salty.

since we can preserve without salt now. right. - it does taste clean. / - you two can share this. - that's all we have. / - have a taste, junho. (feeling uneasy) - hey! / - try it. hey, where's my corvina? - eat the tail. / - geez! here.

(he just gets two tails) - it's not salty, right? / - wow! it tastes so good! - oh! / - it's not salty... why is yeonggwang corvina famous? it's famous because of the wind, water and salt. wind? the sea breeze is really wonderful here. when the tide comes in and the wind blows.

then we get a breeze when the tide goes out. - you'll feel good after eating this. / - with this... haven't you tried the congee? - what kind of congee is this? / - corvina congee. - corvina... / - yes, with dried yellow corvina. the king ate this in the old days. - the king! / - oh, the king? what did you put in this? it contains dried yellow corvina.

- don't get angry. / - i put some poison in here. what did you put in here, wife? - wife? / - who's your wife? the sun-dried salt also make it good. - that's the real deal. / - this is the real one. this is the real deal. (it's seasoned) (then dried) (then stored in barley)

this isn't matured. they're only dried once a year. that's why it's expensive. in order to maintain these, you have to collect them between december 20 and february 20. we did really well to come here. serious, it's good we came. (just add rice to cold water and you're ready)

why is this eaten like this? - in cold water... / - because of the fishy smell? no! in the old days, this was really salty, right? that's why they ate it like that. so a spoon of rice and a piece of the fish? yes. you get a spoonful like this. - oh, on the spoon? / - yes. like this? i'll have a taste.

check this out. (can't help but express joy) the nice and salty fragrance of the corvina spreads inside your mouth... i thought it'd be really fishy but it's not. - it's not fishy at all. / - it's not. it's just very tasty. it's really tasty. it's really good. it's perfect.

it's so great to eat in summer. what would we have done if you didn't bite that fish? it's so good. we almost ended up in damyang. junho, this is great. it's so tasty. so good. it tastes great with the pepper paste. it's just so good. we eat it with pepper paste in seoul. this one tastes so good.

(the barley yellow corvina disappears instantly) (the tasty clear yellow corvina soup) (pickled yellow corvina) (and ripe persimmon kimchi) it's so good! - this is kind of... / - what is this? (looks like they're going to fill up here) - what is this? / - what is it? if you've finished your meal...

you have your meal card... and your check. oh, the check. hey, what's going on? what is it? - how much is it? / - $35. it's not as much as i thought. you only need 2 boxes of sweet potatoes for $35. (you can see wolchulsan from yeongam)

(we invite you to the world of tartare) nice! wait a minute. (the savoriness from fresh beef) (and the chewiness of small octopus) (the traditional jeollanam-do yeongam food) (no gamey taste and covered in sesame seeds) you mix this up like this. and take a big spoonful.

hey, this looks good. eat up and mix what's left over in rice. it feels different in my mouth. this tastes totally different to regular beef tartare. - with the small octopus. / - the texture's different. it's really chewy. really savory. this taste suits me perfectly. we have to taste this too.

you're adding rice already? with the radish kimchi as well. yeah... it's good we traveled 100km. i really want to call them. i can't. i want to call and boast but we can't. what a shame. should we just tell them truthfully?

should we? - that'll confuse them even more. / - yeah? we ate small octopus. yeah, let's just tell them the truth today. they won't believe us no matter what. your first meal card. - and your check. / - what is it? the check is important. we ordered lemon soda. it's there, right?

they gave us that for free. no, tell them we'll pay. it's $30. (the meal came to $30) thank you, angela! - let's go, taehyun. / - let's go. (two meals have been eaten) (where is team joohyuk headed to now?) can we head off?

yes, you can head off. we're going to jangheung. got it. (heading to pike eel shabu shabu) should i give them a call? (they call team ids) you're in the toilet? you must've had a lot to eat. i think we ate too much.

jongmin, how are you going? it's coming out a little at a time. don't talk to me. i think you're lying. oh, my stomach. - we can tell you're acting. / - it's awkward. so you enjoyed the barley dried yellow corvina? what are you on about? we're in damyang. we're in damyang. we enjoyed the small octopus.

you couldn't have made that distance in this time. we really enjoyed the small octopus. oh, you bought small octopus from somewhere? the small octopus was in yeongam. that'll take a long time. the expressways have no toll today so there'll be lots of traffic. no, not at much as you think... taehyun, you sound a little different to usual.

"no..." what is that? no, we enjoyed our small octopus. the tartare was great with it. so are you headed to the temple food now? we're heading to the bulgogi and small octopus. where? bulgogi and small octopus. - huh? / - the small octopus. we already ate the tartare and small octopus.

don't come here. - oh, you're headed there. / - don't go there? you're headed to the tartare and small octopus. you guys really shouldn't go there. hey. taehyun, the korean meal here is the best. come and eat the korean meal. this is the best. - fools. / - they're acting. those fools.

they must've eaten the dried yellow corvina. they ate the corvina. they must think we went to damyang. i'm 100% certain. they went to damyang. they went to damyang and they're headed there. they mentioned it earlier. the temple food. (defconn thinks they're headed to saseongam) (and they'll go for the tartare and small octopus)

please go for the tartare. that's going to be so funny. the funny thing is... i think they'll keep following us. (everything is sold out) - they're going to follow our tails. / - please do. that'd be so good. jung joonyoung... he would've tried to trick us. they didn't go to damyang.

where did they go then? they went somewhere far. then it's yeongam. they told the truth. i don't think so. we'll know if we go to damyang. so we head to damyang? we can see their route from damyang. no need to use our heads. just go to the next nearest location.

then they would've gone through here and now are headed to eat pike eel. let's say they're going this way and we'll go this way. that's right. - damyang. / - let's go to damyang. if they really didn't go to damyang... - they've made a deadly mistake. / - it's over. cha taehyun.

kim joohyuk. jung joonyoung. - we'll get our revenge. / - let's go. we're headed to damyang. let's go. they wouldn't have a clue. - they must've eaten dried yellow corvina. / - fools. they did. those fools. they went for the corvina. they went far.

then it's yeongam for tartare. (their next stop could decide the winner) i'm hungry. really? we just ate. don't say things like you can't eat. - i'll eat it all. don't worry. / - okay. the word i'm thinking of is hope. if we had no hope of eating at damyang, we wouldn't be going there.

not at all. (the car arrives with full confidence) - let's go! / - move, move. - move, move, move! / - move, move. come on. move, move. - go, go, go, go. / - move, move, move. - where are they? / - move, move. (what are they doing in the middle of the day?) wait a minute. let me explain.

quiet, dog. - quiet, dog! / - shut up, doggy. (they arrive and cause a commotion) this is where the head family home of the jangheung ko's yang jinje is situated. - yang jinje? / - who's yang jinje? that was the nickname for the progenitor of the jangheung ko's. his surname was yang?

it's ho. - you saw, right? / - ho? this is where ko gyeongmyeong... it's ko and ko. - ko gyeongmyeong? / - yes. then it's ko gyeongpyo's grandfather? - well... / - you know the actor? he was around during the japanese invasions. - japanese invasions? / - ko dusim.

- ko dusim. / - yeah, she's from jeju-do. - koala. / - ko jinyeong. kobold. the 14th generation descendent of ko gyeongmyeong and ko setae's 10th generation daughter-in-law, ki sundo... she's carrying on the cooking traditions of this family. gwi sundo?

- yes... / - ki not gwi. - the food... / - it's the family food. so ki sundo is cooking for us? - yes. / - ki sundo... hey, check out all those crocks! it's so different! this is what you call a head family home. (still use an iron caldron and home-make pastes) hello! hello!

cha taehyun hasn't been here, right? no. wow! (we got here first) our plan worked. we've come to greet the head family lady. - this looks nice. / - madam ki sundo. they've renovated this place. head family home shoes.

- nike... / - she has big feet. - big feet. / - she likes nike. - open up. / - open up! (head family home meal from damyang) (home made traditional pastes as a base) (excellently presented dishes) (so much food there's not enough space) (head family home meal) - jongmin! / - wow!

- bamboo shoot. / - what is this? - bamboo shoot. / - it looks like a shark. - bamboo. / - it's bamboo? bamboo shoot. octopus and bamboo shoot. this region must be famous for bamboo. abalone! - hey, seaweed. / - matsutake mushrooms. jongmin...

- bamboo rice. / - bamboo stalk rice. - what's this called? / - bamboo stalk rice. this would be the main dish here. head family kimchi. no, it's the head family bean paste stew. made from traditional bean paste. good work on getting here. - they didn't come to damyang. / - that's right. okay.

we must eat this meal. of course. why are there 3 chairs there? - why? / - i feel like this is footbag. i doubt it since we're sitting down. the mission for the head family home meal... oh, right. it should represent the class of a head family. class?

it's an idiom quiz. "knowing no retreat." "justice will prevail." "things are good only when they're needed." good. success. you'll get the first two characters and you'll have to finish off the idiom. the three of you will take turns for this quiz.

you must get 5 questions right in a row to succeed. - 5 questions? / - you have 3 attempts. i won't be giving the questions. the 11th generation grandson of this family, ko hunguk will give the questions. - hello. / - come on out. - hello, nice to meet you. / - nice to meet you. i can tell you've eaten well since you're a son. my mother makes great food.

have you had a son? yes. you'll get to see gyeongmo's daughter-in-law now. - right. / - later on. when you go on blind dates, gyeongmo, don't tell them you're in the head family till later. (what an odd thing to say) we'll practice with 4. - okay. / - we'll do a practice.

- fisherman. / - no! - fisherman net. / - what's that? we'll have to change the question now. don't discuss anything. we're not discussing. i'm telling him off. - what a bad answer. / - it's 4 characters. hey, don't act stupid on purpose. even if you don't know, guess it properly. i just said it for laughs.

- jongmin. / - i did it for laughs. - just for laughs. / - let's end it in one go. let's cheer. - 1, 2, 3. yeah! / - yeah! ready. go. "good..." "out of evil." - correct. / - "inferiority..." - "complex." / - correct.

"restoration..." - "from death." / - correct. "weak..." - "willed." / - correct. "impregnable..." - "fortress." / - correct. (they won in one go) - what is this? / - how did you know that? i don't know.

- i don't know. / - i've never heard that before. mission success. (we decided to test them again) "narrow..." "escape." correct. "right and..." "detailed." - wrong. / - why? why?

hey, that's english. - it's english? / - what are you on about? you know, knowing all the details. is it wrong? - the answer is... / - "ever changing." "right and wrong." right and wrong? that's english. - you said english too. / - really?

"soft and..." soft? to be soft. there's such a saying? defconn, do you know what it means? i know. hey, mingyu, do you know? someone with delicate hands. someone with delicate hands? hey, you're really clever. how did you know?

(the truth will be revealed soon) - let's go eat. / - thank you. (the winner's feast is waiting) - hello! / - oh, hello. - hello. / - let me bow to you, madam. - no, don't bow. / - hello, madam. hello, how are you? - it's an honor. / - it's great to meet you. madam, is this how you normally eat here?

this is our regular food. what? you eat like this all your life? - normally? / - not for every single meal. but for special occasions, we eat like this. - is this edible? / - yeah. it is. it looks like corn. - you can eat bamboo? / - yes.

(the damyang bamboo was good as gold) (bamboo shoots and korean chicken are combined) (you can't imitate this soy sauce) (cooked for a long time in the iron caldron) (the representative health food of head families) when the bamboo shoot grows. - grows? / - when it starts to grow. - that's when we cut them. / - oh, right. when they're little.

i thought this was what's inside the bamboo stalk. no, no. the shoots grow out of the stalk. he's a very frustrating guy. this is soy sauce kimchi. it's made without pickled shrimp. it's seasoned with soy sauce instead. i want to try this. so it's seasoned with traditional soy sauce? - yes. / - oh, earlier...

i saw the crocks. you had rocks on top of the lids. everyone who visits, asks about that. 1 for soy sauce. 3 for pepper paste. there was one with 12 stones. there was one with 5. that one was organic. - organic! / - oh... since it's special, it has more stones.

what's organic? it's made with organic beans. oh, beans... he's what you call organic. he has nothing artificial about him. he's very pure. don't you have a lot of memorial services? - memorial services? / - isn't it tough? head families do have the most memorial services.

we heard you did it 33 times. 33 times a year. we did it 33 times a year once. you must've cried a lot after marrying into this family. crying? you can't survive if you cry. - oh, really? / - yes. did you come here for love? was it an arranged marriage?

yes, it was. did you know about it? i didn't know it was such a big head family. - i had no idea. / - so you were tricked. right? - i'm sorry. / - geez. i just thought it was all normal for married women. back in those days... (she got married at the young age of 24)

(she's lived with the responsibility of being the head) you were pretty when you were young. you're pretty now too. oh, please don't flatter me. your face is so small. at 24... what kind of gesture is that for the madam? what are you doing? she clenches her fist every time he opens his mouth.

yeah. (angry) thank you for the food. thank you. let's try this small octopus. i want to try this paste. the paste! this is the head family paste. who knows how many years this is? have a taste.

it has a deep taste. try this one. defconn. - you eat it. / - is this chicken? - no, bamboo. / - oh, really? you eat. (what are you doing?) - jongmin. / - yes? eat it with your hands. just grab it and eat from the bone.

make it look delicious. as if you've worked at the head family home. and this is your pay. madam, thank you for this. that looks so good. that's how you eat it. madam, thank you for this food. you're going to be sold soon. that's why she gave you so much food.

our 10th generation grandfather wrote that. there were lots of servant stories back then. - you had servants. / - i'm not a real servant. (the servant revolts) (marinated raw bamboo shoot) try the raw bamboo shoot. - raw bamboo shoot? / - this? (she carefully tears the damyang bamboo shoot) (mixed in the traditional pepper paste)

- it's delicious. / - it's small. the soy sauce would taste good for this too. the soy sauce is so good. even people who can't cook, their food will taste good with good soy sauce. the kimchi is so good. how can it taste like this? madam, can you pack me some kimchi? - as a souvenir. / - so i can eat it at home.

just a little bit. i live by myself. - with this kimchi... / - jongmin. if i try it elsewhere. i can't tell because you say everything's good. no, no. it's because they all really taste good. they're all good. if we succeed here as well, we're so ahead.

it must not be the mudflat. it's not? (that's a relief) oh, it is... - really? / - it's a mudflat. - you saw it? / - oh, no... - i can see the ocean. / - you saw it? (must we roll around in the mudflat?) (they arrive at the destination with uncertainty)

eel. - those are eels? / - yeah. - what are these? / - eels. (you get energized just looking at them) they're not japanese eels, right? they'll bite. these are pike eels. they say the gourmands of korea are all gathering in jangheung right now.

- they must be in season. / - in season right now. it's the time of year when they're the most plump. should we go in first? we're good for now. we've half succeeded. things seem to be going smoothly for us. what's going on here? (pike eel shabu shabu) (the gloss shows how fresh the eel is) oh, my god.

- eel! / - oh, so these... it's a shabu shabu, right? how do you eat eel as shabu shabu? this is a real specialty. they catch pike eels. then they slice it up on the spot. then you cook it for an instant in the broth. this is pike eel shabu shabu. it's filled with protein and minerals.

it's considered a great health food in summer. so if we can just succeed here... - we've virtually won. / - we can eat half and return. should we go all in here? so that it's really pricey? we have all the nutrients we need with this. we have to succeed the mission. the symbol of eels is strength. it's a strength game.

we're in trouble. what do we do? i can't use my strength because of my leg. i've never had much strength. a legitimate game of strength. 3 vs. 3 tug of war. we're doing tug of war? with who? - what do we do? / - we're playing people here. you need to find 3 people to do 3 vs. 3 tug of war.

joohyuk's injured his leg right now. so you can choose a staff member to play in his stead. mr. guard. that's not bad. - wait, that's not bad. / - let's choose body guards. - wait a minute. / - what the? joohyuk... this must be the plan.

you must not need to play. but... you have to find 3 people whose total weigh is plus or minus 5kg of your accumulated weight. i've gained weight so i'm 65kg. we can weight ourselves on this. you're 70kg. i'm 70kg with all this clothing. 66kg.

66. (looking for their opponents) can you do a tug of war with us? (i don't know...) there are lots of men in there. we're old and weak. (3rd attempt) - hello. / - hello. goodness, look at the children.

are you family? sir, can you do a tug of war with us? tug of war? in this summer heat? - it won't take long. / - it'll be quick. just one round. - just one round. / - you three guys will do. if you win, kbs will pay for your food. - all of this. / - you'll eat for free. how much do you weigh? 67kg.

he's about the same as me. 80kg. i'm 70kg... that's good then. that's 10kg... should we take that kid? (what's he going on about?) - what about you, ma'am? / - i'm 60kg. 60kg. we can find someone who weighs 60kg. - right. / - look at this. we're the same weight.

- 70 and 80, right? / - we need matching weights. we just need to find a staff member that weights 70. - let's do it. / - okay then. ma'am, we'll have you play. who are you from gwangju? please introduce yourselves. my name is gwon yanggil. this is... my... wife, oh sejeong.

this is my son, gwon seonu. - this is a your family? / - yes. - that's perfect. / - i told you that's my family. will we see this family fall apart? no, we can choose. how many kilos are you? huh? 72kg? - we'll take him. / - he has big muscles.

he's strong. come and stand here. - that's perfect. / - 71kg. it's 70. - 71kg. / - he's weak today. he's light. (they arrive at the game location) what's going on here? it's a proper tug of war. it's proper. this is a rope for like 30 people.

this is only for 3 people... it's not skip rope. why did you bring this rope? the rope will be too heavy for us. geez. yebin, cheer me on. do you think it's fair that you've chosen a woman? how do you feel? since they based their choice on weight,

we're confident. - you are awesome. / - seriously... he's so positive. (positive father) she's a lot stronger than you think. (oh, come on...) it's possible that she's the man of the house. okay then. we'll give you time to strategize. - okay. / - thank you.

the way to use your strength... you can't pull individually. we have to gather our strength and pull together. - so heave-ho is the sign. / - heave-ho together. - heave-ho. / - heave-ho... no... let's try it. ready. go. heave-ho. (he's just watching) they're going to use the heave-ho method.

they'll be relaxing on "heave." so as soon as it starts, they'll say "heave-ho." so... just pull from the start. - that's the way to win. / - when they say "heave?" - when they say "heave?" / - that's right. then we'll go "ho-heave?" - yes, ho-heave. / - ho-heave?

just pull all the way. as soon as they start. cheer on daddy. - say let's go. / - let's go. let's go. let's go, mom. - let's go, grandma. / - come on. - no, don't cheer them on. / - not that team. - cheer us on. / - let's go. you shouldn't cheer for that team.

you should cheer for us. distract them from over there. - just get in their way. / - let's go. let's cheer from over there. just stand there. trip them up. 1, 2. please get it on the line. if mr. gwon's team wins, we'll pay for their food...

- stop saying that! / - you don't know yet. if our team wins, you get nothing. come on! - ready. / - let's tighten the rope. (round 1) go! heave-ho! - go. / - heave-ho! that's the way! lie down!

heave-ho! heave-ho! - keep going! / - heave-ho! i'm lying down. heave-ho! heave-ho! heave-ho! you've got it. that's it. we won. - heave-ho! / - that's it, keep going. well done! well done! (team joohyuk wins round 1)

they're so strong. is it okay to dig up the beach like this? (traces of a fierce battle) - yeah, we picked the right guy. / - why so strong? well done. you chose a good teammate. you don't need the other two. you did everything on your own. (did it all on his own)

it was all him. come and eat with us. we have to win once at least. you didn't really use your strength, did you? i used all of my strength. you won't be getting any dinner tonight. we agreed to say "heave-ho" before we pull but we couldn't time that right. oh, that's why.

let's go, gwon family! that heave-ho was quite strong. it is, it is. we'd better do it too. if they pull on "ho," let's pull on "heave." so we pull on heave. we're heave. look at this hole you've dug... you really did your best.

he did it all on his own. we have the next round too, so take it easy. i have a small chest so i'll lose on the next round. it's best of 3. - yes. / - okay. let's go, sir. set. - heave-ho! / - heave-ho!

(the mother starts to use her strength) (they put their strength together) hey, we're losing! (the ace falls over) (gwon family wins round 2) - yeah! / - that's the way. (the score is 1:1) what? are you out of energy already. change, change.

change. - i don't know. / - just change first. - change places. / - yes, we have to change. - you must like this side. / - yes, yes. - do rock, paper, scissors. / - no, no. rock, paper, scissors. - we have to do rock, paper, scissors. / - no, no. let's decide the sides. they've watched a lot of tv.

- okay! / - okay... ma'am, rock, paper, scissors. - there we go! / - okay! rock, paper, scissors... okay! last one! so you'll stay on the same sides. why are they so strong? (they're at a loss) if this happens...

this will be the deciding round. whether you eat or not. sir, you've won 1 round so you'll come out well on tv. you've had enough footage. 2:0 would look bad... you've shown us the power of your family. gosh... it's not about our family power,

it's the concept of 2 days and 1 night. but you're not the ones that are suffering. it's only one team that will suffer. okay, okay. (will they get to taste pike eel shabu shabu?) okay, ready... that's it, that's good. set... (they put their all into it at the sound of the whistle)

(team joohyuk takes the lead) (he's saving his team) (they head towards the water) (about to fall in) (i don't want to get wet) (we didn't know this family would try so hard) (thank you) we won! yes! yes!

excellent work. our team is great. that was so hard at the end. he's crying. is the boy crying because they lost? - great work. / - thank you. sorry, eunho. eunho... this is life.

(the bitterness of life) what was the difference at the end? our director jonghwa's tip. putting the rope under your arm. what do we need to do? put the rope under your arm. like this? then just pull like you did in round 1. (it was thanks to jonghwa's strategy)

that's all i did. i didn't do anything but that. jonghwa might not be able to carry the camera now. he's out of strength. that's none of our business. hey... we might need him for another game later. he could keep substituting for joohyuk. - we don't know what games they'll be. / - sorry.

we did win but... you're okay, right? no, i'm still out of breath. if i was one year younger... (they're feeling regretful) but it was a great experience. we were really trying to win. - right? / - it was fun. anyone can tell you were trying to win.

we'll return to the restaurant and you can finish your meal. make sure you pay with your own card. no! we can order food for them. - oh, right. that's fine. / - of course. - it's fine. / - oh, thank you. the losing team at the end will pay for everything. thank you. (finally time to taste the pike eel shabu shabu)

(pike eels with plump meat) (with well presented jeollanam-do side dishes) how do we eat this? "hamo" has a lot of bone. - hamo... / - hamo? - that's what we call pike eel. it's called hamo in japanese. so when you put it in the water... if you put it in for a long time,

the bones that are deep in will come out. just cook it slightly. once the water is boiling. let's have a taste then shall we. we'll enjoy this meal too. isn't this puffer fish skin? i think it's eel skin. with the vegetables... toss.

just a little bit? (add vegetables and pike eel to the boiling water) take care of your own food. where did you go? already? i think it's cooked already. so quick. i've never had eel shabu shabu before. it's good.

it has a really clean taste. when you grill eel... you can't eat too much of it. - that's right. / - because of the oil. but you can endlessly eat this. it's not greasy at all. (it looks so tasty) (i'm jealous) hey, you deserve to eat.

he worked the hardest for this. oh, yeah. what are we doing? i forgot. that would've been bad. we'll leave it to you. you take joohyuk's place for all the games. (he gets a bite for his hard work) it's good, right? (good) (meanwhile...)

it's totally soft. (you're jealous of this?) (busy picking out bones) why don't they sell this stuff? because of the bones. hey, why do you keep getting the bones? you get bones with every bite. you're strange. i almost died.

i don't want to eat. he doesn't want to eat. aren't you getting bones stuck in you? - yeah. / - they're there. but you just swallow it. this is the difference between the 20s and 40s. we just put up with the pain. even though it bothers us. we just think whatever.

there's no problem going in so. you've seen your grandpa eat fish head, right? he chews it all up. you think that doesn't get stuck in your mouth. you just ignore it. here it is. - they have to be there. / - take it to them. - i hope they're there. / - what is that? - i'll be back. / - with this.

is it ready? i just want one bite. shall we? - let's just taste one. / - what's that? - should we just have one? / - that's for them! just one. we'll taste one. - what is that? / - just one for me. it's just the spicy version of this. (i don't like pike eel)

you're still here, right? don't bring that here. no, we... - it's for you. / - thank you. we had nothing else to give... we paid for this. - thank you. / - thank you. no, we're thankful. - you worked hard. / - have a drink.

no, no. you drink. we have to keep shooting. - we're your eternal fans. / - thank you! (what's happening in damyang?) it's a relief you won the game. it's a relief we got to eat this food, madam. i'm so full, i ate too much. stop eating. it's so good. just so good. can't we go back now?

two cards should be good enough. just get three then. have you finished eating? yes, we're done. before we rolled the camera... we heard something from junho. you looked at your phones saying that you got a message from taehyun. but in fact, there was no message from him.

you were looking up idioms on a site. we got information saying that. is it true? who? we checked our text. just a minute, we'll check something. we got a text... we got a message. saying what? it's from taehyun.

hurry up and learn some idioms. before we start. do you have proof? the proof is your conscience. can you put your chopsticks down? (very quickly) how many idioms are there? it must be over 50,000. we didn't get any of them today. not even one.

i heard that you got "impregnable fortress" earlier. we didn't. hurry up and guess the idioms. "head and shoulders above others." "kill two birds with one stone." (did he have "impregnable fortress" in his hands?) let's start. what do you want from us? we're thinking of taking away the golden spoon.

- you're taking it away? / - yes. you can't do that! that doesn't make any sense. but we... this is a promise with the viewers. wait, but we... show them if we had "impregnable fortress." - for real. / - show them what we saw. - just show it to them. / - where is it?

- wait a minute. / - this is for dessert. these people don't deserve to eat dessert. - these people? so random. / - what? - i'm sorry, ma'am. / - she called us "these people." - what's the deal? / - geez. - come on. / - take that phone away from him! they're treating us like criminals. wait... (come here)

- look at this. i went here... / - keep shooting him. i went to the search window. i looked up idioms. the first search result is "idioms." really? there was no "impregnable fortress." here, 50 idioms. "door to door." "sweet talk." "thinking of crises during peaceful times."

"those with bad luck will always have bad luck." it's not here. not here. - not here. / - not here. it's not here! not here! "impregnable fortress" isn't here. it's one that he knew. he's always known it.

the one i said... i studied it very briefly. director, this is going too far. people will get shocked. you shouldn't do this at a head family home. you're treating us like slaves. yes, the madam was going to serve dessert. but she says, "these people don't deserve it." "these people..."

- these people. / - geez. she might not have said it but she meant that we're jerks. they deserve to die. you even had "right or wrong." why did you get it wrong? we got it wrong. - we just don't know the answers. / - i got it wrong. "knowing all the details."

we don't know them. the difficult thing is that even if we had them all... - we wouldn't know even if we saw them. / - right. we can't even remember them. dessert please. madam. madam... these people deserve to eat. did you play games for this as well?

- no... / - she suspected us. what's that? head family home dessert. please take a shot of this. i made this at home. yakgwa. we can't overlook the fact you did research before the mission. since it didn't affect your quiz, we'll let it go. you're very clear about that. - very nice. / - a true heroine.

seriously. i'd like to pack this for the others. geez, you should've come to damyang. the meal card you've earned in damyang... i'm so full. there's no check here? geez, i can't get up. wow, this is how you print the check? it's kind of odd for us to reveal the price

of the meal at the damyang head family home. when my mother treats guests... it's a little awkward to put a price on her food but... they said you had to have this so... - yes, yes. / - i wrote it for you. - that's right. / - it's an honor. why are you writing down a price? - you have to. / - this is our rules. if we lose the game...

we have to dig sweet potatoes to the value of that price. - we have to dig for them. / - then write it for them. won't it be hard digging in this heat? it won't be us anyway. just write a high price. these pastes weren't made overnight. look here. in order to eat all this in seoul... - $10,000! / - it's not that much.

if i had to decide, i'd say $3,000. do you know how much you have to dig for $1,000 worth of sweet potatoes? you'll have to start from here for next week's shoot. i'm sorry. $100! then? we'll just leave it to you. there is no set price for this.

so it's a blank check? blank check! if you write a lot... we don't appeal for sympathy. we could collapse. you're writing in chinese letters? gold... it's gold? square...

upright. what's this? 5. he's great at chinese calligraphy. he's so good. he's written "price" so far. no? isn't that "mi" for taste? 50,000 nyang... nation...

(the check is complete) what did you write? $50. this? this is $50? - is this 5? / - this is 5. - why is this here? / - this isn't right. this isn't the right character. you use this character for that.

thank you! thank you for such a great meal for only $50. thank you so much. thank you, madam. please give me an autograph, all of you. - we must give you autographs. / - we must. hey, you're pretty good. (he learned to write when he was young) here's your autograph, madam.

slave ownership paper. that's your name? yes, it is. what's that? devious? slave for 50 years... (time to say good-bye to the head family) (devious slave for 50 years) look here.

- grab this. / - the other team... their plan... - they're in yeongam. / - from yeongam... they would've gone to jangheung for pike eel. where would they go from here? they must go to suncheon. it can't be helped. why here... it's a route you can only go this way. - that's right. / - you must go through here.

it's either suncheon or gwangyang. if they succeed in suncheon then eat at gwangyang then gurye then return. i think that's their strategy. however, we'll cut them off at suncheon. we'll cut their off their pulse. (this is jangheung) - where do you want to go? / - suncheon. we're just going in that order.

we'll go to gwangyang after suncheon, then gurye. oh, my god! this is paradise! congratulations on succeeding your mission. here's your meal card and the check for the meal you ate here. this includes the price for the family you treated. oh, $110! yeah!

let's check the other team's route. that team probably went to damyang. i don't think we'll meet them in suncheon. they probably took this course. (they probably wouldn't come straight to suncheon) they wouldn't go like this. how come we haven't run into each other yet? i think they're going this way. - we'll go this way. / - the other way.

(their predicted routes) they probably went here... i think we'll meet in gwangyang. (going by team ids strategy...) (the expected situation...) (over 1 hour has passed) what is this place? i think we're almost here... it feels like they've been here. we have to do the dishes, even if they've been here.

(if they visit a location that the other team's been to) (they have to do the dishes before they leave) i have a bad feeling... it doesn't feel good that he told us to wait. let's quickly do the dishes and leave. as if they've already been here and left. (this is where team joohyuk are) (a humble home near the ocean) so hot.

i think we got messed up after that call. taehyun called me. where do we say we went after damyang. - bulgogi. / - the temple. i'll say we went to the temple. say it's the temple. we're at the temple. - temple? / - yes. you're there already?

(they're doing their best to make it seem real) "heart sutra." (cultural shock) hello? the pike eel is good. is it? we ate the tartare and... and pike eel... i guess you're headed to suncheon then.

yeah, we're going to suncheon. to eat ghost crabs. (confusion) you'll have around 2 ghost crabs left in suncheon, because we ate it all. things must be going well for you guys. - goodness. / - as if! this is what you call an "impregnable fortress." stop being so "indecisive."

we hope you "revive." i feel like they've been here. (taehyun has a bad feeling after the phone call) what's wrong? when i talked to them earlier, they talked really confidently about suncheon. - nice. / - look how happy he is. so excited. hey, have you seen a pig come this way?

did he spot the pig? ma'am. we're the second group you've seen today, right? - is it over? / - if you look over there... we have the ghost crab meal there. take a look. so this is the ghost crab. looks delicious. oh, this is a ghost crab? (ghost crabs are in season in suncheon)

(from crispy deep-fried to deeply marinated crab) (it's a home cooked meal filled with heart) (the suncheon ghost crab meal) - okay. / - i feel like this more than the restaurant. this is a real home cooked meal. it's not a food you can commonly eat. if you succeed this mission, you'll get this ghost crab meal. they haven't been here?

those guys! they talked about ghost crabs... why did she say we were the second group? she knows what to say on tv. yeah, those guys couldn't have come here. if they haven't come here, what have they been doing? - i'm so curious. / - is it the temple? - what are they doing? / - it's the temple. what if they're not lying just like us?

- we must succeed here. / - we must. if we eat this, we've pretty much made it. if we win this one, we have a good chance to win. where on earth are those people? the game looks really simple and dangerous. - yeah, it must be simple. / - it's simple. - i think it'll be over soon. / - is it food? the mission with the ghost crab meal on the line... loyalty game.

you start eating and then leave the rest for me. - it's simple. / - just eat it. junho, swallow it. hurry, hurry. look how fast they are. just a minute. please decide the order you'll eat in. let's go with rock, paper, scissors. we have loyalty between us.

- i'll go last. / - we have to win. i didn't do anything earlier. i'll eat it all. but don't leave everything for me. - don't do something ridiculous. / - okay. don't just put the food to your lips. we're not that bad. i'll go first. so we'll go from left to right.

please reveal the loyalty game. don't look... what is it? have you seen it? i've closed it again. you have? it's scarier because you said it so calmly. you didn't shout it out. it was so calm... it's more shocking that it's not food. for me...

kim jongmin's game. clothespins! (annoyed) they're showing no reaction. they don't stick to my face very well. crabs have pincers like clothespins. oh, what a connection! pincers... pincers and clothespins have the same function.

- that's right. / - how many are here? you have 80 clothespins. you'll be doing it as a relay. you must stick all 80 in 99 seconds. 99 seconds? that's almost 1 per second. i'll do as many as i can. it really hurts here. you have to go deep. you're right. depending on which part you clip your ear,

it's really different. oh, with this... this really hurts. so if it's a relay, he has to hold the pain for 99 seconds. this is no loyalty game. it's best to be last. joohyuk gets the least amount of pain. and so...

are you ready? - start? / - yes. (99 seconds isn't a long time) it hurts. it really hurts. where? here? we don't have time. (but they're still so very slow) (it's like they're making a work of art) this is amazing.

how many is that? 22. (they can put it on his nose too) i need to breathe, guys. don't clamp his mouth shut. my turn now? you take that side. 50 seconds have gone by. - 50 seconds? / - yes.

(they've wasted half their time goofing around) (it's time for my revenge) (he's actually matching colors) (they're working hard but not getting anywhere) no, no, no, no. (why would he peg it there?) i have space on my eyebrows. my eyebrows... this isn't bad. it's the eyebrows! it's the eyebrows!

it's okay on the eyebrows. good work. how many is that? (taehyun's finished after getting his nose pegged) isn't it time over? 10 seconds remaining. what? 10 seconds? there's one here! over here! 3. 2.

1. (the time is up) (still one left) (they failed the loyalty game) no one's refuting the fact that we failed. (i can't talk right now) no one can talk because it hurts. i can't do this again. we almost made it.

- i have more here. / - it slips because of the oil. it's too slippery. you failed by 1 peg. just 1... we should've succeeded this one. why did so much time pass? (next time) it takes around 1.5 hours, right? is it more? (there aren't many more foods left)

you won't eat it. i don't know what you're talking about. stop lying. hey, cha... i'm so sick of it. (they finally meet at the same location) why are you distracting us? we're here to watch. - why are you here? / - stop following us.

stop lying! that was cheating. he stopped it from falling down. - we'll die. / - wait. lie down. i can't do this. we can't go on. (the time keeps flowing) hurry, hurry, hurry. we need at least two.

(which team will avoid paying for all the food?) it doesn't make sense! ("beautiful liar" by vixx lr) ("pippi" by 2eyes)

asian health meal

why does health food store exist

alright, this is john kohler with! today we have another exciting episode for you. and what we’re going to do today isactually one of my favorite style videos where i get to interview a bunch of my friends.and as a matter of fact, this one has over a dozen of my friends who have actually beeninto raw foods for quite a while. and i’m going to pose a question to them and hearall their answers. and you guys are going get to also hear their answers on a specificquestion. and the question that i’ll be asking them today is, ‘why do some raw foodistslook unhealthy?’ now, i know many of you guys might think that,you know, anybody could look unhealthy. but in particular, you know, a lot of people thinkthat raw foodists look unhealthy. and there

are many reasons for this. and that’s whyi’m making this video, you know, to let you guys know these reasons. i mean, one ofthe things that i think about why do raw foodists look unhealthy goes back to like a video oryou know, from 20/20, you know, on abc, john stossel, i don’t know how many of you guyshave seen that. i’ve been around the raw foods for a while. but basically, in the 20/20interview, john stossel interviewed this guy named johnny. and i’ll put a picture upof johnny right here. and if you look at johnny, he definitely doesn’t look healthy as araw foodist. sorry johnny. and everybody is on their healing journey, i will say that.but yeah, so i mean, this is what people think of it. and they think raw foodists are realskinny, thin, and just not healthy. so anyways,

let’s find out why some raw foodists lookunhealthy, according to a bunch of my friends. john: so now we’re here with megan can learn about her at or check her out on youtube at easytoberaw.she’s been into raw foods now for the last 6 years. and the question for megan todayis “why do raw foodists look unhealthy?” megan: why do raw foodists look unhealthy?i think we look pretty healthy. john: we do, but there are some people sayraw foodists are too skinny or look sick or whatever. megan: yeah. so, i think probably just notenough variety in their diet, not enough diversity of nutrients. they’re not checking theirnutrient levels, not doing blood tests, not

monitoring that stuff. and, you know, we don’tlive in a perfect world. we’re not living out in nature. so we do need to monitor thingsand we can’t just eat bananas and dates all day and think we’re going to look awesome,you know. we got to eat either greens or add some supplements in. and i think, you know,some people don’t eat enough too and they’re too thin, and that’s a big issue for a lotof people. and then some people eat too much. so it’s like really, you know, it’s almostlike cheeseball like, you know, to listen to your body but actually like that reallyafter you’ve been doing for a few years, you can’t do anything about that. john: so now we’re here with chris kendall.he’s been raw for about a decade now. you

could check him out at and the question for chris today is, ‘chris, why do raw foodists, many of them look unhealthy?’ chris: well, i guess, you know, unhealthyis a relative term. unhealthy compared to whom, you know, and what raw foodists arewe talking about. because not all raw food diets are the same, and not everyone is inthe same place when they’re in the raw food diet, you know. just your first year intoa raw food diet and coming from your near death bed, you’re probably not going tobe looking amazing. you know, if you’re 10 years into a raw food diet and you’reeating a raw food diet that doesn’t support optimal health, you may not be looking thatgreat, you know. i’ve met severe, like severely

anorexic looking, big dark circles under theireyes, raw foodists that have been doing it for years but they’re just not eating thebest foods. next to that, you know, a raw food diet isn’t the panacea, is not everything.if you’re not getting enough sleep, if you’re a stressed out individual like, all conspiracytheories the world’s going to end, and i need 8 crystals , you know, you’re not goingto be feeling that good, right. so that’s like, it’s a lifestyle. and it’s a, it’sa gradient of, you know, how long you’ve been doing it, what you’re exactly doingand how balanced you are in all the other lifestyle aspects. the people that i’vebeen looking at, i’ve been studying nutrition for like 15 years, and i follow those peopleto gain the result i want. those people that

are long term, living and thriving on a simpleraw food diet are doing exactly that. they have a holistic lifestyle, they pay attentionto all the factors of health, and they’re eating really simple, low fat, high carbohydrateplant foods, tropical fruits, young tender green vegetables in the quantities that theyenjoy, as much as they possibly could desire, and they don’t get all ahead and worry aboutit all the time. john: so now we’re here with kristina carillo-bukram.she’s been in a fully raw, raw vegan diet for the last 9+ years now. and you can learnmore about her at . today we’re going to ask her some questions, ‘why doraw foodists look unhealthy?’ kristina: i believe that raw foodists lookunhealthy for, i mean, i think this could

be several reasons. a- sometimes some peopledon’t eat enough and they get too thin, sometimes they overeat and they bloat up sothey don’t look as good as they could be, or they don’t work out, or some people don’tpractice great personal hygiene. and i think that when you do everything right like youhave glowing skin and you feel happy , you are complete, it just all around is a winwin beneficial situation. john: alright, so we’re here with dan mcdonald,the life regenerator. you want to check him for sure on youtube at and he’s been into raw foods now for the last 14 years. and we’re just going to simplyask dan some question today, ‘what do raw foodists look unhealthy, dan?’

dan: well, a lot of raw foodists got intoraw foods because they were so beat up. i’m one of them, you know. i was just in roughshape, you know. all the things that i’ve done in my past. and so a lot of us come toit from a place of being ill. and to totally, deeply regenerate the constitution and thebody, you know, it can take a while to really dig deep and regenerate and activate somedna which brings more youth in, and a fullness into the system. but a lot of times, thereisn’t a complete regeneration and healing. so a lot of the lines and crevices on theface that were there from the life previous, they just stay around. there’s also manyother reasons, not enough sleep, too much stress. our environments are pretty harsh,you know, they’re just, there’s, the fresh

air is absolutely key. low stress levels,the nervous system just being taxed left and right in our modern world and technology andyou know, 9 to 5, and the kids got to go to school, you got jobs, you got all kinds ofstuff going on. and we live by the clock in our society instead of by our own internalnatural flow. so there’s just a lot working against us as human beings. so that’s whyi really recommend being gentle and compassionate towards people and non-judgmental. becauseyou never really know until you walk a mile in a man’s shoe, you know what i mean. john: so now we’re with ronnie, which ishalf of the ronnie and minh team. you can learn more about them at . he’sbeen into raw foods for the last 14 years.

‘why do some raw foodists look unhealthy,ron?’ ronnie: i think that looks are very deceiving.because i’ve met some people that appeared to be obese that are really light on theirfeet and can move around like an athlete. i’ve met some people that are really thinand trim that get winded after short amount of times. so, i try not to go by looks, otherthan skin tone, clarity of their eyes, and you know, a little bit deeper than that. butas far as like the physical appearance, i try to stay away from that because looks canbe very deceiving as to who is healthy and who is not healthy. but i personally havefound that most of the people that i know, like yourself, who are raw foodists and havebeen raw foodists long term, and have gone

from maybe starting a, what i would call aconventional or standard raw food diet full of a lot of or too much dehydrated, too muchconcentrated and isolated foods and have progressed to where they’re eating just a lot of wholefoods, apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, melons, things that you can just pick up and eat.most of the people that i know that do that, that are eating that kind of a diet look likeyou or me, their skin tone looks good, their color looks good, they’ve got fire in theirvoice, they’ve got a twinkle in their eyes. john: so now we’re with dr rick dina, who’sbeen into raw foods for the last 27 years. you can learn more about him at ‘why do some raw foodists look unhealthy?’ dr rick: ah, why do raw foodists look unhealthy?that’s one of the questions that we teach

our students in our advanced educator course,had an answer. so i’ve heard this, good question and good answer hundred of times.maybe not hundreds. probably 70, 80, 100 times or so. alright, now first of all, it dependson what your definition of unhealthy is. so, first of all, two thirds and growing, literally,of americans are overweight or obese. i know when i was, you know, kids are mean. wheni was a kid in the 70s in elementary school, people would pick on the fat kid, cause thereweren’t that many fat kids and they were weird. today people pick on the skinny kidbecause everyone’s so damn fat, the skinny kid who is healthy looks abnormal. and thenpeople say that’s unhealthy, you’re anorexic. they might be extremely healthy. so, somevegetarians though, might get too skinny.

that’s because they’re not eating enoughcalories. maybe they’re not absorbing their food well. maybe they need to address somethingelse and put a little extra weight on. maybe they need to work out and put some muscleon. depends what the case may be. so some legitimate answers though. some vegetariansare truly unhealthy. now, vegetarian vegan or raw, those terms, those definitions, tellpeople more about what someone doesn’t eat compared to what they do eat. so you couldbe a vegetarian that eats fruits and vegetables or you could be a vegetarian that eats processedfoods and cheese and butter and eggs. so some vegetarians eat a lot of fresh food and they’repretty healthy as a result. other vegetarians eat a lot of junk food and they’re not healthyas a result. so whether you’re paleo, omnivore,

vegan, vegetarian, raw, there are healthychoices and there are unhealthy choices. so it totally depends on what the person is doing.don't think they are unhealthy just because they’re lean. that may very well be perfectlyhealthy and good. john: so now we’re with tim van order. he’sbeen into a raw foods diet since 2004. so that’s like 10 years at this point. i admiretim, look up to him a lot. you can learn more about him and his work at www.runningraw.comor his youtube channel runningraw. ‘why do raw foodists look unhealthy?’ tim: why do raw foodists look unhealthy? becausewe are. we are unhealthy and i’ll tell you why we’re unhealthy. because according tothe american medical association, the definition

of health is the absence of observable disease.not the absence of disease but the absence of observable disease. that’s the actualdefinition of health, right. so there are plenty of people walking around and we lookat them and we know they’ve got some disease. maybe they’re carrying a lot of extra weightor we could see it in their skin or we could see it in their eyes. and if they don’thave observable disease, then they’re healthy. so i don’t want to be healthy. that’snot my goal. my goal is to find what’s above zero. like if no disease is zero, you know,cancer and heart disease are down here like minus 50 alright. the absence of observabledisease, that’s probably like a minus 8. you don’t have heart disease yet that’saffecting you, you probably have something,

you just don’t know it, you’re a minus8. so absence of disease, zero, yay, i’m at zero, woohoo. dude, i want be a 50 john: i want to be at a 100 man tim: a 125, right. i want to experience likepower and ease and just abundant physical energy and mental energy as i move throughlife. so if the definition of health is way down there, i am unhealthy. i’m in a completelydifferent place. so. but if you’re asking me why raw foodists look unhealthy. becausewe don’t look like regular people, because most of us are thin and lean. and that’snot normal anymore. alright. and, oh for instance, okay, like, people say wow you look anorexicbecause you have like no fat on your face.

i’m an elite endurance athlete. i trainridiculous amounts of hours. find an elite endurance athlete that has a lot of fat ontheir face, it doesn’t exist. i’m not anorexic, right. it’s just that i’m anathlete. but number two, a lot of the people that moved to a raw food diet came from aplace of sickness. so they’re bringing whatever challenge they had with them in their lifeprior to that, they’re bringing that into the diet. so you’re seeing people that maybehas significant challenge in their life. maybe when they were born their mother was a smoker,and that affected their bone structure and affected their skin and affected their teethor whatever. a lot of us have challenges, physical challenges that can’t be overcomebecause they happen during our development,

and led to illness throughout our life. sowhen we come to the diet to try to heal, we still have those markers of previous i think that’s what a lot of people think, well you’ll look sick. well, maybe we wereall sick, and we came to the diet to get better. maybe we still look, some people still maylook unhealthy, but now they actually are. but the physical markers don’t change. john: right tim: like once your face is formed, that’sit, it is formed. a raw food diet is not going to change the structure of your face. i tried,but look. john: so now we’re with nomi shannon, alsoknown as the raw gourmet. she’s been into

raw foods now for the last 27 years , andthis lady, this young lady is nearly 71. nearly 71 just in a few months now. she’s lookingreally great. you can too if you eat raw foods. so, but, you can learn more about her at the question for nomi today is, ‘why do some raw foodists look unhealthy?’ nomi: that’s not your question, is it? somebodyelse asked other people , that’s that. and i haven’t noticed that in you john: i mean, there’s all kinds of people,they’re on all kind of different raw foods diets and, you know, how they look could bevery different, and everybody has different life experiences.

nomi: well, you and i are at an event rightnow that, there’s about 14 or 15 hundred raw fooders. and i haven’t really noticedanyone that looks any, that stands out as looking unhealthy. some are very thin, andthat might equate to some people as being too thin or gaunt. i mean, there are a fewpeople who are very very thin. but they don’t have that pallid look or pale or i guess i can’t answer the question because i haven’t found the raw foodists i knowto be unhealthy looking. so, i guess i have no real response. john: alright, great. john: so now we’re with lou corona. he’sbeen into raw living foods now for the last

41 years. it’s definitely a long time. youcould learn more about lou at . and the question i have for lou today is,‘why do raw foodists or some raw foodists look unhealthy?’ lou: well, you see , there’s a total downloadthat we got going of communication. if that is not being, in other words if, if they’renot thinking powerfully, if they’re not in this place of love, and if they don’thave the real strong connection with the vibe, you know, and had to listen to it. and i , whati’m truly trying to say here is that some people are still involved judging, criticizing,condemning, ridiculing themselves and also others. so when we really kill others, whenwe judge and condemn others, it actually creates

a negative effect on our own bodies, on ourown little baby cells, which causes degeneration of the cells. does that make any sense ? john: oh absolutely lou: okay. so, when i learned to love andforgive and accept and anoint people with love, and recognize that every single oneof us are brilliant and a genius and creative and really special and amazing, every oneof us are, no matter good, bad and ugly, no matter what we say and do. i also understandthat people say and do things a lot of times because they don’t know any better. theyonly do what they know, you know. so that’s why it’s been said, forgive those for whatthey don’t know, right. so, another thing,

some people become very militant, like aboutcertain things and certain ways of living and being. i’m not about all that. and i’mnot here to force or pressure or try to convert anybody to anything. the idea of what is hereand what my purpose is, is just to remind all those i come in contact with how incredible,how amazing and how wonderful they are. each one of us are. and, because we‘re all brilliantand we’re all creative and amazing and we have so much potential, it’s infinite, amazingpotential we have. so the last mentor came into my life, when he offered download thepipe my first time was 3 minutes. it took everything i had to do 3 minutes. but 10 dayslater i was up to 10 minutes. and it wasn’t because i physically got stronger, it’sjust i got more tapped in here. i got tapped

in to that infinite potential that lies withinus. all of a sudden it grew further and further and further, like that ended up i would beon that later. but i’m just saying that as we get our thinking in a powerful place,we come from a very powerful perspective that life is so precious and that no matter whatwe experienced, no matter what we attract into our lives, it’s for us to learn fromthat and grow and evolve from that. and so no longer shall we judge and criticize andcondemn anybody for anything that’s happened to us. now we take responsibility. we createand we manifest our future, knowing where to go. and also two, a lot of people misusethe elements. we’re supposed to embrace the sun, breathe the air, drink the good waterand grow in ourselves. some people abuse the

elements. and that can also cause a lot ofdestructive aging to the body as well. and also, the third principle, a lot of peopleare not doing enough stimulation of the lymphatic system, so it gets very sluggish. so justbecause you eat raw foods doesn’t mean you’re going to be healthy, because sometimes theraw foods is not always enzyme rich or maybe it hasn’t been cultured or the seeds haven’tbeen soaked or germinated. because i’ve seen a lot of people that eat raw foods. theyjust eat raw nuts and raw seeds and raw fruits and vegetables, but they don’t do anythingto stimulate the lymphatic system or not enough. and also, eating raw foods, raw gourmet foodsand all that, a lot of it is not enzyme activated, and is very hard to digest in that way. byeating raw nuts and raw seeds, it’s almost

like eating cooked food. it’s actually harderto digest in that way compared to when you soak them. so i’d rather see people soaktheir seeds before they eat it. but if they don’t germinate even after you soak them,like a lot of your nuts do not germinate. almonds do, but macadamias don’t. brazilnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, pecans as an example, they don’t do that. they don’t germinateeven if you soak them, because they’ve already been pulled out of their shell. once you pullthem out of the shell they won’t germinate. but what you can do is soak them overnightand then culturize them. blend it up into a cream, put a littlelactoprobiotic to itand it culturizes and becomes enzyme active and predigested and then it’s easy for thebody to absorb it and utilize it. so that

makes sense? john: yeah, sure lou: okay, that’s, those are the reasonswhy i find why people are aging faster then and losing their strength and power and agingfast, even in the raw food lifestyle. because they’re not eating living food. they’renot taking the time to make sure the seeds are soaked and germinated or activated orcultured and that kind of thing. that’s a big important part, i think. so it’s justa, it’s a tie in of the different four principles that we talked about. these four basic principles.if this is not in place, if this is not in place and you’re not putting live food intoyou, you’re not doing something to stimulate

the lymph, you know, then you’re going toage. it’s the bottomline. also two, if raw food people are not taking some powerful enzymesto compensate, and they’re not, it’s whether they’re using some of their own enzyme potentialto digest the raw food that they’re eating, they’re using more than they’re they become enzyme deficient, which will cause aging, premature aging, in itself also. john: so now we’re with karen ranzi. she’sbeen into raw foods for nearly 20 years now. you can learn more about her at the question i have for karen today is, ‘why do some raw foodists look unhealthy?’ karen: i think that one can live an extremelyhaphazard raw food diet, raw food lifestyle,

and i mean, i know that i did in the firstyears. and, you know, one thing is eating way too much nuts. and i’ve seen peoplegain a lot of weight. and then, you know, some people come from a place of wanting tolose weight and have been told that they will with the raw food lifestyle. but if they’restill eating loads of oil and loads of avocado and nuts, they’re not going to be able tolose the weight. so that’s one thing. and then, we’re eating on the raw food diet,there’s a lot of foods that are considered raw that are not raw at all. and they’reactually, in my opinion, quite toxic. an example being like agave, which is really no betterthan high fructose corn syrup, and that’s in a lot of the dessert recipes. so, i mean,we can’t expect to feel good. i listened

to a lot of misinformation when i first started,such as i went to a meeting where they said that we don’t need to brush our teeth, youknow. that this food is so cleansing. i remember being told that apple and celery clean yourteeth. and strawberries. and so we ate a lot of that, my kids and i. and oh wow, monthslater, all of a sudden, you know, we were still brushing but i was very relaxed withit. so it was many times that we just, oh we’re eating a lot of celery today. andwe got a little cavities and we had to deal with dental problems. so, you must reallyknow what you’re doing when you go into this. it’s not like just go to the storeand get some packaged raw food. like just because it says raw on it, does not mean thatit’s healthy food. you know, i would stick

with fresh, pure, organic, and like what youteach john, staying as close to nature as possible and getting as much greens, goingto your local organic farmer, having a garden, sprouting, those are the ways to get reallygood true nutrition. john: alright, thank you john: so now we’re with don bennett d.a.s.he’s been into a raw foods, fruit based diet for over 20 years now. he has definitelya wealth of knowledge and we want to tap some of that knowledge. you’re going to wantto check him out at his website . why do raw foodists look unhealthy? don: well, if they’re just starting a rawfood diet, then yeah they can look unhealthy

because they’re coming from an unhealthydiet. but the other reason is, lets see they are looking healthy and they’ve been doinga raw food diet for many years, and they’re starting to go downhill in some respect, they’restarting to unhealthy in some respect. there’s obviously a reason for it. the reasons i foundis that they’re eating foods that are nutritionally insufficient, they haven’t paid attentionto d and b12 because they were getting it in their old diet because it was fortifiedin their old diet that by mandate. so now they’re eating a raw foods diet. and youdon’t get d or b12 from food normally. so now they go downhill in d and b12 and theycan look horrible from that after a while. so there are reasons for it, but it’s neverever the full, the healthiest of the raw food

diets. it’s something else. john: so now we’re here with dr samuel mielcarski.he’s been into the raw foods for the last 15 years, and you can learn more about drsam at and we’re going to ask him a simple question today, ‘why doraw foodists look so unhealthy?’ dr sam: really? i think, i think raw foodists,some raw foodists look unhealthy because their health overall is out of balance. it’s not,it’s very interesting, this is a great question john because this happens all the time. somebodygoes raw, changes to the raw food, does really well for a while, then for some reason theythink being raw, specially raw vegan makes you impervious to everything on the, you know,in the world. start to let go of those other

factors that we keep coming back to, likegetting enough exercise, enough sleep, loving relationships, fresh air, and it’s an overall,overall their health is suffering. unfortunately what happens is the people around them startto, of course, attack the diet, see that crazy diet, it’s not working, look at you, youdon’t look healthy. the person who’s being attacked is like, no i’ll prove it to they start to push harder on a diet, one more avocado, one less avocado, one more bananasmoothie, whatever it takes. and it doesn’t work because you’re trying to make up forlack of something by implementing more of another good thing. and that’s the americanmentality. well, if i do more of this one healthy thing it will make up for a lack ofthese other healthy things. no it won’t.

this is what we always talk about. the chainis only strong as it’s weakest link and your chain of health is only as strong asit’s weakest link. so that’s why raw foodists, some raw foodists don’t look healthy, justlike a lot of americans in general don’t look healthy, not just raw foodists. becauseall raw health is not balanced. john: so now we’re with one of the godfathersof the whole living foods movement here in the us. he actually wrote a book, survivalin the 21st century, that’s like a classic, and i’m glad to have him on the show, youknow. he’s pretty hard to get a hold of these days. and he’s been doing a raw, enzymatic,live food, vegan diet now for the last 50 years! so he’s been doing this stuff a longtime. he definitely knows his stuff. if you

want to learn more about viktoras kulvinskasyou can check him out at . so the question i have for viktoras todayis, ‘why do raw foodists look unhealthy?’ viktoras: why you’re, you’re insultingme john: i’m not viktoras: i think you’re a mess yourself. john: but a lot of common people like johnstossel actually called you unhealthy and you’re my viktoras: how can you do this? you watch thatshow? you should not. you know what i told people to write it and what a great show anda great job he did for helping people to get

clear on raw foodism and how dangerous, itcould be to your health. and i said doc but now why don’t you bring in also some ofthe beefed up athletes and those who have not been challenged by all kind of healthproblems and take a look at their body physique, because they eat how many of the meat eaterscan do 600 pushups in an hour? well, even myself , i did on my valentine’s day 400pushups and i’m in my late 70s, and kind of a skinny little rut. but i was a body them on the back cover of the book. just to let them know that i’m not always skinny john: yeah, there is viktoras in his youngeryears right there viktoras: 60, not many years

john: he’s still young at heart viktoras: and i was also quite a beast withtriple chins. i was also an anorexic poster child, you know. that’s called shape can do it all in this life. and, so, why do they look so unhealthy? well, you knowwhy? because most of the people who get into raw foodism are sick with incurable diseasesand they are walking zombies now. they’re alive still, in spite of that interventionthey had by the medical community, in spite of all the other things. but now, we got totake a look at some individuals like dr gabriel cousens. he never was sick. does he look everunhealthy or bad? john: no

viktoras: i don’t know. he looks like ahunk. what a bugger. dr brian clements, never been sick. alright he’s been a little onthe heavy side when he was a musician, but never sick. oh my god, he’s a regular gorillaover there, i wouldn’t want to mess with him. so, the ones, many of us who are intothe raw foodism, raw foodism saved our lives. john: yeah viktoras: we were very sickly. and as a result,some of us don’t look as good. but that is not necessarily that you are sick. andbasically you get into this program, you’re going to be sickly all your life. that isnot the case. and so, i’ll give you an example, one of my very dearest cousin, she’s aboutmy age, she had at 60 breast cancer, got into

this lifestyle, she loved it, exercised likecrazy, did all the supplements and not too many, mostly enzymes and blue-green algaeand systemic enzymes, digestive, and you know, little green juices and some small meals.well, meditated, read heavy books to exercise her mind. well, in her, this time of age,she doesn’t go out with guys, they go out with her. in their 30s and 40s, guys are tryingto date her. now, you know, how many of the meat eating gals in their late 70s are gettinghit on by 30 year old guys? unless they’re billionaires of course. then so then theyshow off together. they’re not after your pants, they’re after your bucks. john: alright viktoras, that was an excellentanswer. thank you

john: today we’re with matt monarch. he’sbeen into a raw foods diet for the last 17 years and you can learn more about him andhis internet online super store at . the question for matt today is, ‘why doraw foodists look unhealthy?’ matt: you think i look unhealthy? john: i’m just saying, why do raw foodistslook unhealthy? matt: you’re a raw foodist too john: i know matt: you look pretty healthy. john: i know, i would say so. but a lot ofnormal people think raw foodists are too skinny,

they look messed up, i mean, whatever matt: well, i mean, one reason i think thatcould be is because everyone in the planet today is overweight and obese, stuff likethat. so, when i went raw, people like who knew me before, when they saw me, they thoughti looked emaciated because they were used to the old me. but then i got this, like iwas walking the streets of new york in the beginning stages and this woman offered mea business card to see if i was interested in modeling. so it’s like, you know, what’sreally going on here. but also, you know, i mean, many raw foodists, maybe they’renot, i don’t want to say there’s a right or wrong way to do it, but maybe they’rejust not getting the nutrients they need,

you know. i’m, you know, a big proponentof vegetables juices and stuff like that. so, i think that’s pretty important. john: cool. so what do you guys think of theepisode? you guys made it to the end, you heard all the reasons of all my friends onwhy some raw foodists may look unhealthy. and i think they’re all valid. i actuallykind of liked dr rick dina’s answer the best. really polished. and now i’m going to go ahead and sharewith you guys my ideas on why some raw foodists look unhealthy. number one reason is because people are judgmental.and this is kind of unfortunate, you know.

i mean, i took a class in college, psychologyor whatever, and the teacher in the room, he had this cloud hanging from the ceilingwith a word on it. and the one word was judgement. and i never knew what that meant until oneday in his lesson plan he talked about suspending your judgement. because people are just sodamn judgmental. he’s too skinny, he’s too fat, he’s on a healthy diet but he doesn’tlook good, all kinds of crazy stuff. we’re just too judgmental. so i want to encourageyou guys to just relax on the judgments. and, you know, people, let people do whatever theywant to do, you know, as long as it’s not harming anybody and keep your judgments toyourself. i mean, the world will be a much better place if people were just nicer toeach other, right. and stop being so judgmental.

and just being living with love and compassion. so my second reason why some raw foodistsmay look unhealthy are what kind of, dr rick dina said is reference range. this is veryimportant. if 70% of americans who are, you know, standard american diet eaters and evensome vegans and vegetarians, are overweight or obese. then when you get somebody on theflip side, that’s maybe skinnier than normal but still in a healthy bmi, body mass index,they’re considered skinny and they’re considered unhealthy cause you don’t gotany meat on you, right. so, i mean, most people, in my opinion and according to the statistics,and the statistics don’t lie, 70% of americans are either overweight or obese. so tryingto compare somebody that’s, you know, actually

at a decent height, weight and thinness, andthinking they’re unhealthy just because they don’t weigh enough, that’s completelyfalse. so my third reason why some raw foodists maylook unhealthy is because most raw foodists just didn’t get a wild hair and decidedto eat raw foods one day, maybe a small percent of you guys watching did. but for the majorityof people into raw foods, that i have talked to personally, they got into it because ofa health crisis. they got into it because of their failing health, because what theywere doing, their diet and lifestyle, were not working for them. so they came to an unhealthyplace. and now they’re working their way out of the hole. so they’re already comingform being unhealthy. and just because you’ve

been on raw foods for a week doesn’t meanyour whole life is going to change, doesn’t mean you’re going to instantly look know, for me on my journey, this is my 20th year doing this. i think i look prettyhealthy myself, but i know that i still have a ways to go. i mean, trying to undo damagefrom many years of maybe not doing the right thing doesn’t happen overnight. and everybodyis constantly working on their own journey in their own timeframe, right. so i want youguys to cut people a break because most people into raw foods actually came from a sick placedue to the standard diet. so my fourth reason why some raw foodistsmay look unhealthy is because not all raw food diets are created equal. you could bea raw junk foodist. you could buy packaged

raw foods out the store and gobble that downall day, you know. in my opinion, just doing that is not healthy. you could be a raw foodiststhat eats at gourmet raw food restaurants or just at raw food restaurants all the time.and, you know, you’re going to be healthier than maybe a standard american, but that’sstill not optimally healthy in my opinion. you know, most raw food restaurants have,you know, far too many nuts and seeds, oil and fats, and processed, and unauthorizedfoods, right. i mean, you could be a raw foodist who eats high fat, who eats low fat, who doesn’teat greens, who eats lot of greens, i mean, there’s so many different factors in rawfoods and not all the diets are created equal, you know. i mean, i found the diet that worksfor me that i like to advocate, which is,

you know, a mid fruit diet. so i’ll havelike, you know, moderate amounts of fruits but still lots of greens and some amountsof fat like lower, i like to consider myself low fat. and, you know, everybody needs tofind the specific raw food diet that works for them. and that’s super important, youknow. and i encourage you guys to experiment, and, you know, one of the things that i havecome to learn is that the higher quality food that you eat, the healthier you will be. andunfortunately if you’re just buying your food at the grocery store, you know, conventionalfood, even organic foods, it’s not as healthy as it can be, you know. people can surviveon that stuff. but if you truly want to thrive, i do encourage you guys to start growing yourown food.

so another reason, along with all raw fooddiets are not created equal, is that some raw food diet styles may encourage nutritionaldeficiencies, right. if you’re lacking eating certain foods, you might get nutritional deficiencies.many raw food diets, in my opinion, lack in vitamin b12. so you need to be taking a b12supplement in my opinion, and i do take a b12 supplement. also many raw food diets mightbe lacking in vitamin d if you’re not out in the sun and your body is mostly naked,you know, and if you live in, you know, near the equator you’d probably be getting enough.but if you live north or south of the equator, too far, you just might not be making enoughvitamin d. so nutritional deficiencies can play a role if you’re not taking, you know,nutritional supplements and/or green powders

and other things. and some people might notjust even believe in them because they want to eat whole foods dammit. alright. my fifth reason why some raw foodists maylook unhealthy is because raw foods is not the panacea, as dr sam said. food is onlyone component of the many components of health, right. we want to make sure we get fresh air.we want to make sure we get enough sleep. we want to make sure we stay properly hydrated.we want to make sure that we are in good state of mind and thinking positive thoughts andalways, you know, not a, not a, you know, whatever person that worries too much, right.we want to get enough exercise. we want to, you know, have a good emotional stable, andwe want to be in loving relationships, you

know, have some dogs, have some pets, youknow, touch them, it could make you feel better. i mean, so, so health encompasses a wholelisted view of many different things besides just the diet. and i’ve met plenty of rawfoodists, trust me, they may have the diet down but they’re missing a lot of theseother things, right. so, you want to really become holistic inyour approach and get enough sleep, drink enough water, you know, get enough exerciseand do the other things and all the other components of health, so that you can be trulyhealthy. because if you’re not, you might be a raw foodist who looks unhealthy. my sixth and final reason why some raw foodistsmay look unhealthy, in my opinion, are because

some people were just dealt bad genes, right.i mean, i’m sure you guys always know, specially you guys that eat junk food, i have my grandmaand my grandpa he’s 92 years old, he smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day and he drinkscoke and eats meat and does all this stuff, and he looks healthy. the other thing is,you know, you got to have a proper range of what healthy looks like at 92, in my opinion.but that’s the other thing, you know. some people just have rock solid genes, and nomatter what diet they, what they throw at them, you could look healthy. and, you know,some other people unfortunately, the have a bad set of genes, and no matter what youeat or what you do, you may not look at healthy as you could, just based on your genetics.i mean, in my opinion, you know, lot of the

gene pools that happen in these days, becausepeople have been living on, you know, a highly processed food diet and not traditional dietsfor several generations at this point, you know, things are creeping up, and the genesare kinda getting worse instead of getting better. so if you have good genes, more powerto you. and we need to bring the genes back in and bring healthy genes back in, the wayto do that, in my opinion, is by eating a healthy whole food, you know, vegetarian,vegan, plant based, you know, predominantly raw if not all raw, diet, right. so yeah,your genes may affect how you look. so, i mean, and there’s probably other waysthat i could get into, but these are just some of the top ways that i could think ofoff the top of my head to share with you guys.

and i want to encourage you guys, you know,if you are on this health journey and are a raw foodist who doesn’t look healthy,you know, please take some of the considerations that me and my friends talked about in toyour, you know, lifestyle and make adjustments and changes. as long as you’re breathing,it’s never too late to make changes. and that’s why i do these videos so that youguys could be healthier in the end than you were before watching my videos. because igive you guys a lot of information, access to a lot of different other people, my friendsthat have been doing this for a long time, besides just me, to give you guys ideas and,you know, create some motivation, which hopefully will cause some perspiration when you putsome of these ideas into action.

if you guys enjoyed this video format, heyplease give me a thumbs up to let me know. i’ll do more videos interviewing my friendson a variety of topics so that you guys can improve your raw foods lifestyle. also besure to subscribe right down below for future and upcoming episodes. i have a lot of episodesin the works and a lot of them are going to be really cool. and also be sure to checkmy past episodes. i have, you know, at least a dozen episodes now interviewing all my friendsin this style format where we go over a lot of the more controversial topics in raw foods.and for those of you guys that are watching and made it to the end that are not into rawfoods and, you know, kind of thinking that all raw foodists look unhealthy, well we don’tall look unhealthy, you know. there’s many

different, you know, factors that may playinto consideration for health, and just because you’re raw doesn’t mean you got all yourshit worked out, right. and so, hopefully after, you know, people that are doing itlonger, got more of their stuff worked out than somebody just doing it two weeks. sothat’s what i like to think about. and i always want to encourage you guys to improve.even if you’re eating a standard american diet now, you could always eat more fruitsand vegetables, more plant foods, decrease the amount of processed foods, junk foods,low nutritional content foods, as well as the animal products, you know. and you couldstart looking healthier today. and a matter of fact, you know, one of the things they’vedone studies on and that proves eating more

fresh fruits and vegetables will cause youto get this raw glow that actually will have you look more attractive. so if you don’thave that raw glow or look healthy, maybe you’re just simply not eating enough fruitsand vegetables. with that, this is john kohler with . we’ll see you next time,and until then remember- keep eating your fresh fruits and vegetables, they’re alwaysthe best.

asian health meal