
Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

which food health for liver

alright! this is john kohler with!today we have another exciting episode for you. i’m coming at you from my backyardgarden here. it’s spring time, things are shooting up pretty good. things are growingreally well. but we’re not going to talk about gardening or anything like that today.we’re going to talk about a very important topic, right. it’s about eating and thefood you eat and the choices that you guys get to make each and every day, you of the things that i want to teach you guys on this youtube channel, besides maybethe best foods to eat, is more about the mindset and how to move yourself into a better direction.because i know a lot of you guys are, you know, coming from a standard american dieteating junk food, processed foods, burgers,

fries, you know, prepared and packaged foods.and i want to get you guys off all that stuff, right. but you need to, you need some kindof techniques or system to help get you guys to where you want to go. so in this episode,what i’m going to share with you guys is a talk i gave actually last year about possibilityeating or my continuum diet style and continuum way that i teach people to let them know thatthey have choices each and every meal. and that some choices are definitely better thanother choices. for those of you guys that have watched me for a long time, you guysknow i use good, better, best. and not just narrow things down to 3 choices but i wantyou guys to have an infinite amount of choices when you guys are deciding on what you’regoing to eat for that meal.

so next let’s go ahead and get into thatpresentation i gave last year, you know, to help people in the local area to change theirdiet, and now you guys get to see it and learn from it as well. hello! how’s it going? is everybody herefor the talk tonight? alright! yeah, we’re here at pressed forjuice. and if you guys are thirsty, get a juice. i got one right here. this is a carrottop, carrot, orange, pineapple, ginger. it’s a really good combination, tastes good. andi’ll be using that as a prop in just a little bit. let’s see, so today’s talk is themost important diet you were never taught. it’s called, what i call possibility eating.and this is something that i never even heard

of it before. i just made this term up. butit’s something that i have actually been doing for the last 20 years. and now i’veput a name to it. and i’m going to explain it to you guys so that you guys can benefitfrom what i have learned over the 20 years i’ve been on this lifestyle and diet journey. so how many of you guys have seen some ofmy videos or anything on youtube before? so a bunch of people, about maybe half. so iwant to just briefly get into why i got into this lifestyle that i’m living now. and,you know, why you might want to do it as well. so about 20 years, about 25 years ago now,i came down with what’s called spinal meningitis. and the spinal meningitis, it’s a life threateningdisease and many people don’t make it out

of the hospital alive after having spinalmeningitis. it’s basically a bacterial or viral infection that gets into your spinalcord that goes up into your brain and then your brain has no immune system to fight itoff. so luckily i made it through that situation, i could only say through higher powers, toget me through that. but when i got out of the hospital i asked the doctors well whydid i get this in the first place? and they said john you have what’s called a complementimmune deficiency. and basically what that means is they said i had a chronically weakimmune system so i more susceptible to getting any disease. and so this wasn’t too surprising.i mean because as a child i had things like asthma and allergies and dry skin conditioneczema, and these are all auto immune conditions.

and as time goes on, we see more and morepeople, friends and family, getting some of these auto immune conditions, be it allergies,asthma or eczema or you know chronic fatigue syndrome. this is all our bodies attackingitself because maybe we’re not doing the best stuff we can be doing. and so, once i knew that i had a chronicallyweak immune system, all i knew is that i didn’t want to get put back in the hospital, becausethe doctors said if you get a reoccurrence, even though i won this bout with the spinalmeningitis back then, the next time i may not be so lucky, and that i might get sickand might not make it out of there, whether it’s spinal meningitis or whether it’syou know a bad flu and i get pneumonia or

who knows what. because i was like i had abad genetics they said. you know, i was kind of just screwed basically is what they said. so at that point i left the hospital and alli knew is that i needed to do something to build my immune system. because let me tellyou, if you’re in the hospital and the doctors telling you that you might not make it outalive, that’s not a fun place to be. specially when you’re in your 20s like i was whenthis happened to me. but at any age, because you think about like what could have i havedone differently so that i wouldn’t be here right now? and we all just live our livesand, you know, don’t really think about the things we’re doing today and how it’sgoing to affect us in the future. i mean,

right now if i drink this juice, you know,and i was in chipotle in washington state, i might be eating something and then, youknow, a couple five hours later i might have explosive diarrhea because i just got e coli.i mean, it would come on the news, you know. now i’m not going to get that in. that’slike a couple hours later so you know like if you eat something and you don’t feelgood, you know that happened to you. but what if something doesn’t happen to you for 10years later or 20 years later? and it’s traced back to 20 years ago when you had that,you know, i don’t know, some kind of hamburger meat that was tainted with like mad cow diseaseor something. i mean, it’s just virtually untraceable.

so at that point, anyways, i learned thatmy health is my greatest wealth and that i really don’t want to put myself in thissituation to lose or potentially lose my life again. if i can take any kind of actions tomake it basically put me on a different path. i mean, when an airline takes off from lasvegas to go to hawaii, if it just gets off a couple degrees it could end up in, i don’tknow, alaska or antartica or somewhere else, you know, because it, it goes. but it couldchange it’s course, you know, it’s computer controlled. so as it gets off course it goesback and then it gets back on course and then it ends up in hawaii. so that’s how ourlives are too. we’re on all these different roads. and every path we take could end youup over here or could end you up over here,

depending on what choices you make in yourlife. and we all get to make choices every day. and that’s a big part of my talk today. and so, anyways, after i got out of the hospital,i knew that i needed to do something to change my health so that i could build my immunesystem and have a stronger immune system. and i didn’t know what to do so i learnedabout juicing, from a juiceman informercial jaykordich. he said juicing could build yourimmune system, you could, you know, lose weight, have more energy. and so i ordered the juicerand got juicing. and then i got into colon cleansing and then basically long story short,i got into eating a plant based raw fruit and vegetable diet. you know that’s a rawfood diet. and, and that was the best diet

i could find to build my immune system sothat i wouldn’t be put back into the hospital again. so that’s what i have been doing for thelast 20 years. and i didn’t just stop at doing a plant based raw food and vegetablediet. i really researched these 20 years day in and day out, how could i improve my alreadywhat i think should be the, you know, one of the best diets in the planet, you know,how could i even make it better than just eating fruits and vegetables? well john maybeyou could instead of eating conventional fruits and vegetables, maybe you could eat, you know, i started eating organic. maybe instead of just buying organic at the grocerystore or whole foods, whole paycheck, you

could go to the farmer’s market and getit fresh. because they are growing fresh and, you know, and they pick it hopefully thatmorning and they bring it to the market and you buy it. so it’s like not degraded asmuch, the nutrients aren’t going down as much. and then i learned about well hey john,well why buy at the farmer’s market when you just could grow in your front yard andin your back yard? so then i started growing my own food. and now when i want to pick it,i just go out to the back yard, pick it, bring it inside and eat it or juice it. and so that’slike the best! and then also, you know, i learned a lot of other things about like theway food is grown could impact the nutrition in there or the anti-nutrients in there andputting special things into your soil, but

that’s kind of getting off topic. but thepoint of the matter is, i’ve tried to always improve what i’m doing each and every that i can be at the best place now. i mean, some of my recent things are growingmy own foods, increasing the quality of the best foods that i’m eating. and then the other thing that is super importantthat i just want to leave all you guys with is increasing the diversity of the foods you’reeating. so even if you go into whole foods or smiths or whatever, you can go to the producesection and you’re like oh my god there’s like 200 things with different kind of producei could eat. i mean that’s just a fraction of the amount of edible foods that are availableon the planet. so i really try to grow, you

know, foods that you actually can’t evenbuy at the grocery store, in my back yard here in las vegas, you know, different kindsof greens in the summer time. you know, the malabar spinach, ashitaba angelica keiskeiit’s also known as, also gynura procumbens, they’re like they’re anti cancer foods.they’re like from asia and they grow amazing here in the summer. so i really try to growa diversity of foods and then get those into me because every different food has a wholespectrum of phytochemicals and phytonutrients. and it’s these phytochemicals and phytonutrients,after these 20 years of being into raw foods is what’s the most important factor in myopinion about raw foods. some people might say it’s the enzymes, some people mightsay it’s, you know, the vitamins and minerals,

the life force, but i really think it’sthe phytonutrients. and phytonutrients are degraded, you know, after they’re heatedor after they’re, you know, heavily processed. so that’s basically my journey, and i’mgoing to share more about this and get more to the possibility eating. so the first thing i want to talk about isthis juice right here. so this juice, is this bottle half full or half empty? audience: half full. john: so depending on your training and dependingon what you think, there may be only two options- half full or half empty or it might even noteven be either of those. it could be, you

know, a little bit more than half full, alittle bit more than half empty, i don’t exactly know, i tried to do it the best icould and it looked about half full, i mean. but, you know, we’re all taught like aboutlike to think positively. so people that think positively think oh that’s half full insteadof thinking half empty. and that’s definitely a good part of it, you know. you could alwayslike oh yeah i like to eat raw food vegan but then you go out and eat a hamburger sometime,you know. you’re thinking positive but you just don’t actually follow through. so what i’m going to teach you guys todayis a way maybe to, to help you get to where you really want to go instead of just thinkingpositively. it’s more about thinking about

the alternatives, you know. in our societyone of the things that kind of irks me a lot is that we’re taught to be convergent convergent is like if you ever see star wars, right, when they blow up the death starthis is like perfect convergent. how many people seen star wars and when they blew upthe death star? or even when the death star would come on and just have a global planet,that’s what it is. so the death star came on and had these beams that went in to thisway and al like five beams and one into one beam, it went into one beam and right therethat’s convergent and then it made that one beam shoot out of the planet and the planetblew up. that’s convergence. so when you, convergent is kind of simplifyingthings and make it into one or two or like

few choices. so in our educational system,you know, we’re really taught like this is right, this is wrong, this is good, thisis bad, you know, you’re vegan or you’re not vegan. and we’re talking only like,we’re really taught few choices. like people driving here today, either you’re speedingor you’re not speeding, right. on the freeway you’re going to get a ticket or you’renot. but hey what if you’re going on, you know, 215 over there and people are flying,you’re going at the speed limit, or you’re going 66 in a 65 zone, but people are flyingby you at 75, right, are you really breaking the law? who is the cop going to get, right?so things aren’t always black and white. and that’s something that i really, thati really want to really impart with you guys

that there’s always like look beyond justthe given choices, you know. i think that kind of messed me up on tests because i thinkthere’s a different answer and it wasn’t on there, and then i wouldn’t get it right.but yeah there’s always other options than just what we’re taught. and so, one of the techniques that i liketo share with people is a simple technique of giving you guys at least 3 options, whichis more than 2 options. and this is a really easy technique that you guys who are watchingmy videos you’ve learned. it’s just simply known as good, better, best. so i can give the example of my brother, whoi spoke with on the phone two days ago. and

it was kind of sad when i spoke to him onthe phone, i’ll tell you why. but i told my brother when he was living here in vegas,he’s since moved back to california, i told him okay jim if you’re going to eat outat mcdonalds, right, and you know like eating a plant based diet would be like the bestand eating at mcdonalds is like the worst, maybe if you ate at chipotle and got likea vegetarian, you know, burrito or whatever, it would be better than eating at, you know,jack in the box or mcdonalds or burger king. because at least like at chipotle it’s supposedto be non-gmo and hopefully it doesn’t have e. coli and hopefully it’s you know morereal food instead of just processed stuff that they just reheat and serve you, i mean, and he was willing to do that.

so a lot of times he would just go out tochipotle. you know, for him that’s a great improvement. i mean, i wish he would eat,you know, more plants and juice and make smoothies and all this stuff and come by here and getjuices if he’s not going to do it himself. but he’s not willing to do that for whateverreason and that’s cool. i mean, at least he knows a better alternative is chipotle.but then when i spoke to him on the phone the other day, he’s like yeah today i wentto burger king, had a two for one coupon or something, and he had burger king with a soda!like i’m like god this is so terrible, i guess i didn’t teach you anything. but anyways, it took for him to know thathe has a choice. and we all have choices.

we make choices each and every day. and wecould choose to do one thing or the other, as long we we’re given choices. and thechoices are oh either i eat a healthy diet that just all raw foods or i eat a bad dietwhich is all mcdonalds. it’s never all mcdonalds, or it could be like yeah okay so i eat a healthydiet most of the week but friday nights i like to enjoy myself and reward myself aftera hard day’s work after and eat mc donald’s or whatever. whatever you’re vice is. youknow know just minimize it and do it less frequently, right. so that gives you at least three options..good, better, best, right? you got, i’m not going to go into explaining what all thoseare. but what i want to talk about to you

is more than just a good, better, best model.i want to talk to you about what is a new concept that i came up with. it’s calledpossibility eating. and instead of just thinking like about, you know, positive thinking andjust thinking things that are positive, you know, it’s along those lines. it’s likei’ve heard about this technique called possibility thinking, you know. back in the 1980s, i thinkit was robert schuller, he was like a self like self help like coach person that wroteall these books. and he talked about possibility thinking, which actually just going, whichis going beyond just thinking positively but it’s thinking about the possibilities andyou know, what are the possibilities when you’re confronted with a situation, youknow.

so for example, you know, i missed my flightwhen i was going to california about a week ago because i had to drop my pets off at afriend’s house and i had to get to the airport and park my car and then take the bus to theairport and all this stuff. and i missed my flight. so like what are my options? okaymost people would think okay either you, you know, get pissed off because you missed yourflight, you yell at the people behind the counter. or maybe you could take responsibilityand know that you missed your flight because you didn’t leave your house early enoughto deal with traffic and get to your friend’s house, you know. and you could think aboutit in different ways, you know. you could just take full responsibility. i’m likeokay i take full responsibility that i’ve

missed my flight, now let’s work out a solution.and, you know, just think of the possibilities now that once i’m in the situation how cani get out of it and get out of it at the lowest possible cost. so i know that, you know, there’sother airlines that flew to san fransisco, so i checked online at the prices, and i sawthat sphere had a cheap flight, it was $58 online. and i was already there at the flight actually cost $19 on frontier, which is cheaper. but whatever, i missed that, and oh, and i learned that frontier doesn’t re-book you for free. that kind of upset mea little bit. i won’t be booking them unless i’m going to make it. but even sphere, they’rea low cost airline, they’ll re-book you for free if you miss your flight. they’vedone it for me at least twice. i kind of miss

my flight sometimes. but, so i know that,but frontier, they’re a pain in the butt man. they were going to charge me a $100 tore-book me. and i’m like i can fly for cheaper. so anyways, sphere was $58 online and i wentto the sphere counter. if you go to the sphere counter at the airport, they’ll charge youapproximately $20 less than the online price. so then i got it for 40 bucks. and then thegood news is because that happened to me, i got to re-book my rental car which actuallywent down by 10 bucks. so, oh in the end i paid $30 more and i got there a bit later. but, you know, it’s all how you look atthings. and i want you guys to think of all the possibilities. i could go home and justsuck it up and not go on the trip now because

it didn’t work out. or i could make it work,right? so try to think of the possibilities. and we could also use this concept with ourdiet. and that’s really what i want to get into tonight. so a lot of diets define a personby what they eat or by what they don’t eat. so for example, somebody that was vegan, right,that’s commonly known as vegans would have the intention or not eat, you know, anythingfrom a animal, any animal products, whether that’s meat, eggs, you know, cow excretionsincluding dairy or things like honey that’s from bees which are animals. or vegetarianswouldn’t eat meat but they would eat dairy and they might eat honey and people that areinto raw foods maybe wouldn’t eat things above a certain temperature. and then theybasically wouldn’t eat anything else, right.

so, so that’s telling you what you eat orwhat you don’t eat. and i just like want to, just like this style of thinking in myopinion is more like if it’s right or wrong, if it’s good or bad, if you’re driving65 on the highway or if you’re going over 65 and you’re breaking the law. and, andif you eat, if you’re vegan and you eat meat once because you slip up, everybody slipsup once in a while, you’re what, are you no longer vegan even though it just happenedonce? or even try to not tell anybody so you could still claim your veganism or your vegantitle. i mean, i don’t know, i think that it gets kind of ridiculous. and, and everybodyslips up sometimes, you know, nobody is perfect. am i a perfect 100% raw foodist? no, i liketo claim i’m 99.999% raw foods. because

i slipped up in the early years. i mean, ona daily basis i eat all plants these days. i mean, you could ask my roommate, ask mygirlfriend, whatever, i mean, i don’t eat anything cooked. i don’t cook anything onpurpose. i mean, if i go to a potluck and somebody slips something in, you know. buti’m pretty careful, like if like people put like canned chickpeas in a salad for potluck,and a raw food potluck nonetheless, and i’m like i know those are cooked chickpeas soi’ll put it aside and i won’t eat them. but who knows what else was in. i try to justdo the best you can, right. so and the other thing is that we create ourown reality, you know. we define who we are, whether we want to fit into a box or a labelor not. and, you know, as i get more mature

and wise in my age, i try to not to fit into labels because it really can limit you, you know. if you live like by this whole naturalhygiene principle, which is, and for people that don’t know that is, it’s basicallytrying to be like a fruitarian and living like you were, you know, hundreds of yearsago and maybe not eating a whole lot of vegetables. i mean, there’s a book now, natural hygienebook that’s written and people follow to the letter. in my opinion it is a lot of dogma.because a lot of it is not going to leave you down to the optimal road of good health.there’s a lot of principles in there that are definitely right on and you should follow,but not everything in there is correct. so if you define yourself as a fruitarian or,you know, doing natural hygiene i think that

could get you down into trouble in the future.and once again, it’s not like oh i’m eating fruit now, i feel great. well what about youknow 10 or 20 years later when your teeth start falling out? you’re not getting remineralizedbecause the fruit today is not like the fruit 200 years ago when we were living in the junglewhere they had like really rich nutritious things, and not sprayed with pesticides. andyou don’t have all these environmental toxins of cell phones and who knows what else we’regetting bombarded with. so yeah, so that’s what’s, so possibilityeating could help bridge the gap between, you know, trying to live in a box and tryingto be your own person and figure out the best course of action for you.

so on possibility eating, i want to try toencourage people and think about what they can eat instead of what they can’t eat.but also be aware of , you know, the range of possibilities they have when choosing adiet. so what i like to do is, i like to make a continuum, that’s what i’m going tomake on here. like anyone know what a continuum is like in mathematics. it’s like you everseen one of those continuums that has like a, it has like arrows and like a line andmy pens out. let’s see if this works. it has like a line and an arrow and then anotherline and then it has like, you know, in 1878 columbus discovered america, in 2015 we electedyou know obama as president or something. so that, it has like the date but it’s likea, it’s like a continuous line of different

things. and so the continuum that i want totry to give you guys like, you know, a continuum is like i try to think about like this. sothe room goes from here to there and if my goal was to walk across the room all the wayto that wall, you know, i’m a constant journey from one end to the other end. and i couldget like halfway over and i could get like almost all the way over there or i could beall the way back here. but i’m constantly working to get to that wall, which could beone end of the continuum. and the other end is maybe the not so good end. so the continuumwe could kind of think is like, you know, a good better best, if you want to put termson it. but on the continuum there’s more than just 3 options. you know, there’s goingto be a lot of options.

so i think it’s best if i kind of explainit out by just doing it. and this is kind of an audience participation. because i reallylike to get the audience involved, so you guys are thinking about this stuff. is everybodyfollowing me on what i’m talking about so far tonight? alright, cool. so, so this is the possibility eating continuum.and so first we could do a continuum for a lot of different topics. i want to start offat broad and then go more narrow, right. so when i get into like a continuum of categoriesof food that you could eat. and then i’m going to put those categories of food on thecontinuum being like, you know, over here like good or worse, and then better and thenbest over on this side. and this, this is

up to your determination because i’m puttingthis continuum chart together. i’m going to use my filters and my judgements on thefood items that we’ll be putting up here. so why don’t you guys share some categoriesof food? audience: herbs john: herbs! okay, so herbs in my opinionwould probably be near the end of the best continuum over here, so we put herbs. audience: seeds john: seeds! so seeds that’s probably notput quite down the best, but it’s still, you know, down here pretty good, seeds. yeah,what?

audience: multi vitamins john: what? john: multi vitamins. so multi vitamins, idon’t know, i’ll probably put it down here. any other categories of food? audience: nuts john: nuts. so i’d probably put nuts around,you know, nuts and seeds, or maybe nuts a little bit below seeds. audience: fruits john: fruits! fruits and veggies i’d probablyput on here with herbs. i don’t know, i’m

thinking on either side of it. i think someherbs are better than fruits. but i need space but anyways i’ll just put it , i’ll probablyput it there. it probably should be veggies, herbs and then fruits actually in my opinion. audience: big mac, fries and a shake john: is that a category? i guess that wecould call it junk food. so we put fast foods down here, right audience: seafoodjohn: what? audience: seafood john: sea foods. so sea foods is probablybetter than fast food. is it better than a

multi vitamin? you guys might get mad at mefor this. i mean, i’m going to put it down under multi vitamins. i guess the multi vitaminsis good for you, you know, who knows what. but i’m not a big fan of any kind of animalproducts. but i do think sea foods provided they’re not contaminated, are probably oneof the better meats that you could be eating. it’s better than chicken and fish in myopinion. audience: seaweed john: seaweed. oh that’s a good one. wow.sea weed. so i’d probably put seaweed, you know, up over in this whole general area,i’m just going to put it over here because of room.

audience: grains john: grains. i mean, grains, like i’d probablyput grains over here personally. but once again, this is the chart that you guys aregiving me the input and then i’m putting up, with my filters of course, when you guysgo home you could make your own continuum chart based on your research and what youbelieve is to be good, better, best. audience: noodles john: noodles. so like pasta noodles, i’dprobably put pasta noodles, you know, probably above whole grain pasta noodles or like whitepasta noodles, you know. the white ones would probably be above sea foods, whole grains,i’ll put whole grain noodles.

and then i’ll just interject with a few,like maybe like meats, you know like chicken, cow or whatever, i’d probably put you knowbelow the sea foods, the meats. and then like dairy i’d actually put dairy below meats,right. i don’t think really dairy is so good. audience: water john: water! that’s a good one. is thata food? is that a food category? i suppose liquid is juice. audience: vegas water john: oh yeah, see now vegas water is differentthan regular water, right. vegas water i’d

put it lets see, if it’s probably contaminatedi’d probably put it in this corner right here, above sea foods. but anyways, you guys get the point. we couldfill it in with like candy bars, you know, which would be down this side. we could fillit in with cookies, we could fill it in with, you know, legumes, which i’d probably putbetween nuts and grains. we could put in, we could fill it in with eggs, bread, youknow, bread i’d probably put, i don’t know, below multi vitamins maybe. i mean,anyways you guys can see what we’re trying to get at here. we’re basically just puttingcategories of food. and then now you have a range. and what i want you guys to do ishave you own set point, right. so your set

point is like what you commit to not eatingbelow. unless you mess up or something, right. so like for me, my set point, i mean, it mightbe, my set point, i mean there’s always exceptions but my set point would be probablylike my cut off line would be right here, you know. i don’t like to eat things fromlike legumes, i rarely eat any kind of grains. but i pretty much eat on this side only. butyou might not be where i’m at and that’s alright. you might still do sea foods. andif you’re on this side, you could do sea foods on and off. and you know, that’s greatbecause now you have defined what you’re doing and it’s not necessarily by any kindof raw food term or vegan term or vegetarian term. it’s just what you determine are thethings that are healthiest and the things

that aren’t the healthiest. and your goalis to eat things on this side on the continuum. and then once you do that then you could likeokay well now i’m going to just like if i’m walking to the wall, my goal is thatwall, you could move your way and change your line. okay well i’ve done this, you know,the sea food thing. and you know my line is here but now it’s been like 6 months, sonow i’m going to move my line up a little bit. and we’re going to move it to here.and we’re going to have sea foods either less or just exclude them , because in myopinion there’s no nutrition in dairy, meats or sea foods that’s required that we can’tget from some other kind of food on the planet. and actually a food that actually has morebenefits than those foods. so let’s see

i need to get a towel to wipe down this. now lets erase this continuum and we’re going to make another one. so that was a pretty general continuum justwith food categories. now i want to get into like processed food categories, right. that’sa question that always comes up is you know. so for example, you know, some of the thingsi had down here were things like okay so where would like juices on a food continuum go comparedto other foods, right? other processed foods or other whole foods. where would smoothiesgo? where would, you know, just whole fruits and vegetables go? where would sugar and oiland salt go? and, yeah, fermented foods, where do they go, right? because one of my goalsis to eat whole foods that are minimally processed.

i mean, i could go to my back yard and pickmy own kale. and i know that’s a whole food. once you start extracting out the oil or thesugar from different things, you know, that gets them to be a processed food. and peoplewould say that this, the juice here, as natural as it is, it’s processed because you removedpart of the fiber, not all the fiber. because there is soluble and insoluble fiber. andthe soluble fiber is soluble in water so it’s still in there. and even i see some particulatefloating around even though it is pressed and it is pretty fine, there’s still smallbits of fiber but it’s mostly been removed. and people in natural hygiene would say ohwhole foods it’s always the best. well, i mean, there’s always examples where it’snot always that way. so for example, whole

foods if you lived 200 years ago in my opinionwould probably be the best because it wouldn’t have arid digestive systems from years andyears of eating processed foods that are messing up our digestive systems and we don’t havethe beneficial micro flora that will help break down some of the fibers in our gutsbecause they play a role in our digestive system because everybody seemed to have antibodiesat some point of their life these days. so you know, as much as i like to have wholefoods as my meal, i do also like to process my food whether that’s juicing and blending. so, you know, i could definitely put like,you know, fruits and whole foods and veggies, like you know, veggies over on this side.and would i put juices above that? well i’d

probably put it right below, you know. unlessyour digestive system is compromised, i mean, i really like juices. so once again, withjuice and once you basically break open the cell walls, the juice start to oxidize andthe nutrition starts to lower. now when the food is it’s whole form like the carrot,it’s not oxidizing because all the nutrients are packed within the fiber cells. then whenyou starts chewing it, it breaks them open, it releases them. the problem is that mostpeople don’t chew their food well enough. they take two chews and swallow whole chunksof stuff and then we don’t get the nutrition out of it. so that’s why it’s very importantto chew your food to a mush. like if you’re not chewing your food into a mush like itcomes out of the juicer, and like, you know,

they’re using a press juicer here, it’ssawdust dry, you know. if you’re not making it into a fine mush, you’re not going toget the optimal digestion. i mean, that’s why we feed babies baby food because theydon’t have teeth to break it down to a mush. because we have teeth we should be doing thatto get the optimal digestion. so then i put juice here. then for me personally,i put smoothies here. and even if you’re like, well wait a second john, smoothies theyhave all of the fibre where juices don’t have them, you’re putting that below thejuice? right? because the juice is missing fiber so we need to have the fiber. well,in my opinion, the way that smoothies are traditionally made in this day and age, it’swith a high speed blender. so just the blendtec

or the vitamix, it’s spinning dependingon the test you see 20,000 rpms, it spins massively fast. and with every rotation you’llsee a vortex. the blenders create a vortex. it’s vortexing and it’s cycling the liquidaround in there, and as it’s creating a vortex, it’s pulling down air in. so whenit’s pulling down the air, the air is oxidizing all the fiber cell walls that are being blownopen and then the oxygen is basically oxygenating some of the phytochemicals and phytonutrients. so a recent study they did that was a publishedstudy last year came out and showed when you use a high speed juicer like one that runsat 10,000 + rpms or high speed blender, you have 50% less cancer fighting ability in theproduce you process. so for example they process

broccoli in a high speed juicer, a high speedblender and a slow speed juicer. and they took the broccoli juicer mixture, they putit in petri dishes or whatever, test tube, with live cancer cells and they showed thatthe juices made with the slow juicer had a 50% better kill rate. so that’s why i wouldput the smoothie below, not because of the fiber but because i’m eating for my health,i want to have the highest level of cancer fighting ability. and to me it’s reallyimportant to you know maximize the nutrition in my foods that i’m eating. because i don’twant to waste mouthfuls on things that aren’t going to serve me. so we could get into otherthings, you know. these are, you know, minimal processed foods. i mean, this is like theleast processed. it’s just whole and you

know we can go further down the line, i’llprobably put, you know, extracted salts down here. let’s see and probably sugars downhere. oh wait actually i’ll put sugars and salts. and then oils down there. then we couldfill it in with like other things, you know. i mean something like whole grain pasta, youknow. i definitely would put that above these guys. and then maybe i’ll put like oatmealup here. any other processed foods that you guys think i should put up here that you’recurious about? audience: dehydrated food, dried food john: oh good, good point. dehydrated dehydrated food, you know, one of the things that’s really important to me is that weare water rich creatures, and if you think

about it we are nothing more or less thanwater recyclers. we’re nothing more or less than water recyclers. we take liquids in whetherit’s this carrot juice, whether it’s coconut water, whether it’s hopefully filtered lasvegas water, it goes through us, we filter up what we need and hopefully it comes outclear on the other end, right. because we take in everything out and then some of thestuff, the solids come out the back of us. and so we’re just cycling nutrients in usand then we recycle it. so we are 60 to 70% water, and so i believe that water rich foodsare the best foods that we should be eating. so that’s why smoothies, juices, whole fruitsand vegetables are all water rich. and then the things on this side are not. so i meani would put dehydrated foods above the oatmeal.

audience: where would you put chestnuts? john: chestnuts, so chestnuts. so chestnutsi would probably put because it’s not a crop well it depends, i’d probably put itlike, oh that’s tough, i’d probably put it here. it has some, it doesn’t have alot of fat content. but oatmeal is just, you know, oats. and i’d probably put the chestnutshere personally because they do not have fat content in there. and that’s just my personal,you know, i mean. of course i’m just showing you this technique so that you guys couldmake your own continuum with your own foods if you don’t want to you know follow exactlymy ideals or what i believe, you know, to be accurate. and it’s tough , i’m doingthis so just for the moment. so like you guys

eat many things and i’m like oh where thehell would i put that because i don’t often eat chestnuts. any other foods we should putup on here before we go to the next one? audience: flour or whole grain pasta john: yeah, so i mean, i’d probably putit above whole grain pasta. and better yet, like, for me it’s like even differentiatinglike all flours are not created equal so you know i mean, i’d much rather buy or actuallygrow my own grains and grind them up myself. and that would be actually even further alittle bit over than just, you know, store bought flour that’s been oxidized and sittingthere for who knows how long, right. because once things are processed, once they’reblown open number one, a lot of, a lot of

flour who knows what they’re milling withit or milling without it. they could be taking off the hulls first and then milling it. youcould mill it with the hulls, you’re actually going to get higher fiber in there. or youknow who knows what kinds of other nutrients are in there. i haven’t really researchedall the grains because i don’t normally do grains, so. alright! so you guys could see this continuumfor processed foods. next i’m going to create another continuum. how many people in heretonight consider themselves vegan? a couple. you guys are outnumbered! i would considermyself vegan because i don’t eat any animal products. but i do eat honey so some peoplewould not consider me vegan.

but i do have compassion for animals and idon’t want people to, you know, eat animals. i think the big thing about veganism is thatwe need to focus on the animals and not necessarily bees because animals are losing their liveseveryday needlessly in my opinion. but, so, why don’t we do the vegan food continuum?so any vegan food? shout it out, i’ll put it up here whatever it is. audience: veggie burgers john: veggie burgers! are veggie burgers good?depends on the veggie burger. i’d probably put veggie burgers somewhere here. audience: live bread

john: oh live bread. so like an ezekiel bread? audience: yeah john: can you think of another? audience: chickpeas john: chickpeas, alright. chickpeas i’dprobably put over here next to whole foods how about coke or soda? soda is vegan audience: yeahaudience: how about kale? john: kale i’ll put kale over here. definitelya better vegan food audience: margarine

john: margarine. yeah that’s like they whipthat stuff up and it’s oil that’s whipped up and who knows what kind of stuff they’reputting in there. vegan margarine. audience: whole tofu john: whole tofu, that’s actually on wholefoods whole products. i’d probably put it right here. anything else? audience: oreos john: oreos. yeah alright, oreos. we’llput down here with the soda. it will have more fiber than soda so i’ll put it a littlebit higher audience: clif bars

john: clif bars. i haven’t really lookedcliff bars lately. but i’d probably put it, i’d probably put it above the veganmargarine. depending, they actually have some good clif bars that are mostly nut and seedbased. but i think i forget what version, but anyways most of them they just have alot of stuff in there, brown rice and who knows what. any other things we should put on our audience: beans john: beans. so beans i’d put them, i thinkbeans, you know, in a vegan diet are actually great. they’re probably one of the bettercooked kind of grain like things you could

eat. i’d rather eat beans than grain. soif you asked where are grains john, i’d probably put it here audience: what about seeds? john: seeds. so seeds on this chart, i thinkseeds are better than beans. but that’s debatable. i’ll put up over in this area,you know. so that’s towards the good end. audience: tempeh john: tempeh, so tempeh is like a fermentedwhole soybean. i like that better than tofu. but it’s still more processed than likecooked chickpeas. audience: kombucha

john: kombucha, oh man, i drink kombucha sometimes.actually i had some last night. i’d probably put it, oh man, it depends on like how thekombucha is made. like i think if they fermented all the sugar out of it or not, and if theypasteurized it or not. let me see, where would i put kombucha. man,i’d probably the kombucha maybe here. audience: what about quinoa? john: quinoa is not a grain. i like that better.i like that better so i’m going to probably, it’s all, i mean, it would be in this generalarea here. i’m really trying to think about this. i’d probably put, i’d probably putit over here. quinoa, it’s not a true grain. it’s alot of , a lot of the grains these days people

have celiac disease or even just sensitivityto gluten. and quinoa is a non glutenous grain, it’s more of a seed. so i like that more.and the other thing is that it actually hasn’t been as hybridized. so i mean that’s a wholeanother spectrum we could get into. the food is the natural food that we would go out intonature and actually find plants, you know, just out of the wild. like i could find someof the plants that i grow in my garden, and i could find them out in the wild. i meani just grow wild dandelions that just blow in from the wind. not the ones that you buyat whole foods when you buy dandelions there you’re actually buying chicory which isa little bit different. audience: what about cranberries?

john: cranberries, oh i love those. yeah notcanned cranberries but fresh cranberries. i mean i’d put that right next to kale onthis chart. berries are like one of the best, you know,fruits you should be eating in my opinion. audience: what about goji berries john: fresh or dried? fresh goji berries,if i’m growing in my back yard, i’d probably put those right after cranberries.audience: genetically modified corn john: genetically modified corn, that’svegan. i’d probably put it down here. audience: sauerkraut john: what is it?

john: sauerkraut, oh that’s a good one.i eat sauerkraut regularly. i’d probably put it above seeds actually, because sauerkrautis basically fermented vegetables. audience: nutmilk john: nutmilk. nutmilk, so yeah nutmilk wewould probably put a little bit right below or right above the seeds, because it’s likeless fatty than eating the whole seeds and it’s water rich. and once again, it’sjust me coming up with this on the spur of the moment. if i had time to think and plani might put things a little bit differently, but it’s pretty close i think. audience: how about corn bread?

john: corn breads! oh they’re excellent!i mean, once again i’d probably put, i like corn bread and would put them with the cranberries.corn bread has ellagic acid or something, it’s anti-cancerous. people don’t knowthat. audience: coconut john: like a whole food or the coconut water?and is it a young coconut or an old mature coconut? audience: a mexican mature coconut john: well, the young coconuts, in my opinion,are better like they have less fat content and the water is sweeter depending on whetherthey’re from thailand or mexico. mexican

ones aren’t as sweet. so i prefer those.and also the thai ones are dipped in thiamindazole which is a fungicide and sulfites which arenot too good for us. audience: so where would they be put john: they are pretty close. i would probablyput the coconuts above the nutmilk, above the fermented foods. audience: but which one would be the bestone? john: i mean, if i could have like coconutwater, i’d probably put coconut water alone. but see once you start out in the back, that’swhen i would degrade points because we want to get good healthy whole food sources offats that is in the coconut, but we don’t

want to get too much of that. i prefer andbelieve that coconut fat is healthier than like a nut fat for example. unless it’sa fermented nut fat because nuts are pretty hard to digest. coconut and things like avocadoare much easier to digest for me personally. now it may be different for other people.and also when i eat coconut i’m not just sitting there and eating the coconut meat.what i usually do is i blend up the coconut meat with the water and then i extract it.actually that’s the number 15, the take the young thai coconut water and a maturecoconut meat and they blend it up and then they press it out. so it’s , that’s liketrue coconut milk, the coco cracker. so i basically make that at home. instead of usingcoconut water i usually use like a cactus

fruit juice. so that’s totally insane. audience: but healthwise what about the youngvs mature coconut water? john: well they each have their pros and cons.i personally like the mexican coconuts better than the thai coconuts overall for the water.because they’re less sweet. and, you know, i mean sugar is a good thing but it’s alsoa it could be a bad thing, which actually we’re going to talk about just in a littlebit audience: what about honey? john: that’s a good question. so this isa vegan chart we’re doing right now. so honey is not on the vegan chart. we coulddo that on the next chart.

audience: alcohol john: alcohol. that could be vegan. so putit uo here. alcohol. as long as i’d probably, is it from a gmo one? well it depends on thealcohol. see i’l put wine, like organic sulfite free wine. sulphites are super badfor us. they leach the trace minerals out of us. but organic sulphite free wine, i’mnot a big fan of alcohol but the wine has benefits just because it’s high in resveratrol,because that’s what’s in the grapes. but it would be better to eat grapes or juicegrapes with the seeds than drink wine for your resveratrol alright, so , did you say anything?

audience: what about cannabis? john: cannabis. so i’m talking cannabisgreen leaf. leaf that is juiced or eaten raw, not heated and not smoked. i’d put thatactually above kale. audience: (laughing) john: the us government , i mean you guyslaugh about this, the us government in i believe 2004 has a patent the government has a uspatent on the beneficial effects on cannabis for protecting your brain from inflammation.and i mean, many people don’t know this. at the same time it’s also, it’s a classof one drugs, schedule one drug that has no medicinal benefits supposedly. so i mean,and i don’t necessarily advocate the use

of cycloactive the use of cannabis. i’mnot talking about that. i’m talking about the beneficial use like juicing kale or juicingany kind of burs. and there’s a lot of research on, you know, it helps people with seizuresand all this stuff. audience: how do extract juice without gettingall the other effects john: yeah. so the question is can you extracta juice without getting the negative effects or not negative but for some people it’sdesired effects, for me it’s a negative effect. and the answer is yes. so you haveto do it properly. so i do recommend if you want to do it properly and are legal to doit in the state where you are, is to watch my video how i got high for 10 hours on rawcannabis. you guys, i successfully learned

how to get high on raw cannabis leaves ifyou want to, but knowing what i did i would never do that again. because it was not afun trip at all. now on the other hand i had my friend duplicate the same juice the nextday, who, he doesn’t live without getting high like every minute of the day, he’salways high. and i gave him the same juice, he got high for 10 hours and he’s like johnif i had this every day i would give up smoking. and hallelujah, because i want everybody todrink green juice and get high from cannabis if they want, but also get the beneficialanti-cancer, anti-inflammatory effect that they’re getting in the green juice, thatthey’re not getting when they’re smoking it and messing up their lungs. and that’sthe truth.

alright! so enough with the vegan continuum.but you guys are getting the point and the idea of how this works, right. and you’regoing to do your set point. alright, my set point, i love wine, i love sulfite free wineso my set point’s here. how can you just put anything on that because i’m vegan,right? and that’s cool, man. whatever you guys want to do, i’m not going to tell youwhere your set point is. i mean on this chart i’d be up over, i’d be right over heresomewhere, maybe right over here. from there on. i do kombucha sometimes. i don’t reallydo chickpeas, i’ll do sprouted quinoa, i’ll do some beans like carob is a bean i’lldo raw carob. peanuts are beans, i’ll do peanuts, i’ll actually do nattå which isactually a live food because they cook the

soybeans and they ferment them and it hasvitamin k2 which is very challenging to get on a plant based vegan diet. and then i’lldo all the other ones on there on the vegan list. so let’s go ahead and erase this. and nowlet’s have some fun. let’s get into the raw foods continuum. this should be fun. andi will definitely know where to place things hopefully on this chart. vegan foods i haven’tresearched all those, but raw foods i’m pretty good. alright! so what are some raw foods that weshould put on the continuum? audience: chocolate

john: chocolate. oh my god, so there’s alwayspros and cons with every food. and, you know, i’m going to put it down over here.there’s definitely some good parts to it but there’s a lot of bad parts. and i havehad friends that eat chocolate too much, too often and they burn up their adrenals. nowused in moderation, it may be a good thing. like i like to eat chocolate personally likeif i’m falling asleep and i’m driving somewhere and i want to get a pick me up ofenergy. like when i was in college i think i used to like i’d drink mountain dew orlike caffeine. i like chocolate for it’s known drug effects to keep me up so i don’tcrash my car when i’m driving late at night. and on the rare occasion i like to have somechocolate just because i want to have some

chocolate. and it is rich in anti-oxidantsbut the thing is, you know, there’s foods we should eat sometimes, always or never.and i like to have a list of foods, so i mean, that’s even getting beyond the continuumhere. but there’s foods that i’ll eat always. so i’ll always eat fresh fruits,fresh vegetables, you know and things like that. i’ll sometimes eat nuts and seeds.and, you know, i’ll rarely eat chocolate or i’ll never eat. unless somebody slipsto me something like sea tangle raw noodles. yeah. audience: cacao john: yeah, so chocolate or cacao, same thing.cacao is unprocessed chocolate. so that’s

what it would actually be, because chocolateis when it’s more refined. audience: what about kelp noodles? john: kelp noodles. so kelp noodles are consideredraw. now for me i’d actually put them down here. this is my personal view. i’d putthem down here because kelp meal is they basically it’s, i mean i sat in the ocean, i havea video of me pulling kelp out of the ocean and getting my ass wet, and taking kelp noodlesout of the package and showing the difference. these are kelp noodles, this is kelp out ofthe ocean, how does this remotely look like what’s coming out of the ocean? audience: yeah, i wouldn’t think either

john: so they basically get this, i thinkit’s sodium alginate i forget the exact, but i made a video on it. but basically theyget this white powder stuff that they then rehydrate with water and then they extrudeit out into the noodles. so i mean, yeah okay that food is vegan, it’s a low calorie foodand it’s probably better than, you know, potentially better than eating like, you know,specially if you’re celiac or something, eating a grain based pasta. but it’s notas good as like making your own zucchini noodles spiralized. so, you know, and then if youwant you get these things called sea spaghetti. so sea spaghetti is from france, and they’relittle spaghetti like noodles that are 100% seaweed. and they are really, they’re kindof expensive and they’re kind of hard to

find these days, they’re not usually available,you got to order them online. but those are like, those are like the best noodles asidefrom zucchini, sea spaghetti. audience: where would put animals in raw foodsor no raw foods john: so now this is the, this is, okay so,i didn’t specifiy this is a vegan raw food, you know. well, i didn’t test if like thiswas raw or vegan. i said raw, i didn’t say vegan. so i mean, if i, because a lot of peoplemay do raw milks on a raw food diet. i’m happy to be raw vegan. and i try, i’m goingto say i’ve tried raw dairy before to see how it would agree with me, even though iconsider myself vegan. i was at my friend’s place in hawaii. his goats ran free. we milkedthe goats ourselves and i drank the milk right

after. and the goats didn’t like didn’tseem like angry or they weren’t trying to get away. they were like wanting to give it’s pretty, pretty healthy. but then still for me, like it caused me to have amucous reaction. like almost instantly. so i’m like okay john that’s not good foryou. this is your body is telling you something. and most people don’t listen to their i mean, i’d say, you know, raw milks, not human’s, raw animal milks are down overhere, you know, worse than kelp noodles personally. because i mean, any animal product, whetherthat’s a raw milk, a raw meat, you know, there’s foreign proteins that our bodiesdo not recognize, our bodies do not handle. so for example, i mean this is one of thereasons why i went on raw and i was so into

raw foods in the beginning. because when iwas, when i started this 20 years ago in 1995, i was taught this. i was taught that there’ssomething leukocytosis. everybody knows what that means? leukocytosis? leukocytosis iswhen your white blood cell count increases. and this is when there’s a foreign invaderin your body , the while blood cells that are your first line of defense for your immunesystem. so i learned 20 years ago that when you eat cooked foods your white blood cellcount increases and it’s a auto immune response. and for me i almost lost my life due to anauto immune condition, i absolutely did not want to get the auto immune response to mybody every time i opened my mouth and ate some cooked food. so that’s why john youhave to eat raw because otherwise if you don’t,

it’s like the boy who cried wolf. the boywho cried wolf, you know, you activate your immune system every time you eat cooked foods.and then the time you need it, the time it’s the real wolf the people don’t come, andyour body can’t fight off that disease. so that’s what really motivated me to keepme sticking to my raw foods diet successfully. just sheer i want to live and i don’t wantto activate my immune system. now that sounds pretty scary that everybody is eating thiscooked food every day and it’s activating your immune system. but that’s what i learnedback then. now there’s new research that people have done in this day and age. i thinkthe original research was done by this guy named paul kouchakoff something like that.and it was in a book so everybody believed

it. because that was like the gospel and stuff.but later people tried to duplicate that. and, you know, they take the worst vegan cookies,you know, full of just you know vegan crap food. and the vegan crap cookies they do alive cell blood analysis, they look at their blood under a microscope before and after.then they also take actually the blood in the parking out of the lab and send theirblood off to the lab to get it analyzed before and after. and so the , in the white, in thewhite blood cell you could immediately see whats going on at the lab, you know, whenyou get a lab report , basic cvc panel , they’ll you you your white blood cell count. so eveneating the worst toxic not healthy vegan cookies, it didn’t cause the leukocytosis. so thiskind of like i heard that and i was like oh

my god i’ve been eating raw foods for allthese years for nothing. but there’s other reasons you can eat raw foods besides leukocytosis.but basically more of the story is they found the researcher found out that leukocytosiswas caused by any animal product, whether raw or cooked, not vegan cooked that gave me a valid reason to be vegan but not necessarily to be raw. there’s otherreasons to be raw that’s beneficial though. but i thought that was an important pointto let you guys know. and so yeah when we eat foreign proteins,it’s foreign proteins and it’s like if alright! so sorry guys, that video cut off,my batter went out in my camera and i should have probably plugged it in but i didn’ anyways i was talking about foreign proteins.

and what i was going to get into saying wasthat basically if you get like a liver transplant, so say like my liver went out, i had to geta liver transplant from my brother who we have similar blood types or whatever, youput his liver in me and then for the rest of my life i’d have to be taking immuno-suppressivedrugs so that my body wouldn’t attack my brother’s liver, which is not me it’sa foreign protein. and that happens each and every time you eat any kind of animal product.anything that’s not you, unless you’re eating yourself, it’s a foreign protein.and, you know, your body does not recognize it. now this does not happen when we eat plants.any kind of plant food, right, it’s recognized as oh this is a protein i could eat. i mean,we are not carnivores. we don’t have teeth

like a dog or a cat, although we can. andpeople do, you know, eat meat all the time. and , you know, my goal is to not necessarilyget you to be a vegan or anything like that. but my goal is to get you to drastically reducethe amount of meat you’re eating if you guys are still eating meat. like i don’teat meat or any dairy products, right. and i don’t want you guys to do it either becauseit is, in my opinion and based on my research, it’s not healthy for us. but that beingsaid like if you guys do want to eat it, i don’t really care, but i will tell you this,right. i want everybody i know that eats meats still to reduce the consumption to less than10% of their calories. in that proportion ratio and provided you eat enough plant foodsincluding fresh fruits and fresh vegetables

predominantly, you know, i don’t think it’sgoing to have that much of a negative effect on your health. because you’re getting,you’re flooding your body with good stuff. even though you’re eating things that maynot be so good for you. and, you know, each person is at their point, at their own place,right. so after i talked about that i probably, weprobably put some more things on the continuum which was a raw food continuum at that point.and i want to encourage you guys to make up your own continuum based on, you know, yourbeliefs, your thoughts and your research. i have my own continuum, you know, based onmy beliefs and what i have learned. and that’s what i strive to do and eat on the far sideof the best side of the continuum. and after

we made that raw food continuum, we made afew more continuums that i’ll go over really quickly. we made a salt continuum for, youknow, good better best or you know, worst and best kind of salts. also we made a sugarcontinuum for the worst and best sugars in my opinion. and we have an oil and fat continuumwhere we have the best and the worst oils. so i want to go over that really quick foryou guys here. on the salt continuum, right, we want to strive to get whole food sourcesof salt as it would be found in nature. so the best kinds of salt would be things likecelery and swiss chard, the stems, they’re quite salty, right. really good, because theyare fresh. they have the water content but they also have that sodium content that wecrave and desire and is an essential nutrient.

the problem with sodium is that most americansget way too much. but i’ve also had friends who are raw foodists that also that don’tget enough. so we want to get just the right amount, right. aside from the fresh, nextbest after fresh is dehydrated. so dehydrated celery, you know, chopped up, could use that as a salt you know substitute. you could also dehydrate swiss chard stalksas a salt substitute. after that then maybe down on the list i’d say like seaweed. soi like to eat seaweeds, they are a bit salty. and then way down further i would do sauerkrautsbecause it’s a fermented vegetable and most sauerkrauts you know have some level of saltin there but it’s not entire 100% salt, you’re getting other nutrients along with,you know, the salty flavor. then going further

down the list, things like meso, coconut aminos,nama shoyu, sea 90 which is probably one of the better salts to eat or it’s also knownas seasons 90. it’s actually 70% sodium instead of like 99 or 98% like some kind ofhimalayan or celtic sea salts. then going down from there, maybe like sea salt, lavasalt, himalayan salt. then like white table salt, that’s down on like the end wherelike i don’t even eat. so normally, my set point is like right here, you know. i’lleat some sea salt rarely if i’m like out somewhere and it’s actually if they putit in the food. but i don’t salt my stuff with that stuff. i’ll use the seasons 90salt which is 70% sodium. so there’s 30% of the other trace minerals and that’s whyi like it. there’s more of the other essential

trace minerals. you know it’s a big shamwhen celtic sea salt and himalayan salt says oh i’m eating this for the trace, you’re eating it for the salt man. it’s majority salt with small amounts of othertrace minerals. and the best place of the trace minerals you know is getting them fromthe food you’re eating, like the seaweeds which i would rank as a better sodium sourceas well as other mineral source. and also, you know, my garden, that’s where get mytrace minerals from. on to the sugar continuum right, there’sgood better best sources of sugar in my opinion and based on my research. the worst of courseis like white refined sugar. they process all the good stuff out of it. then we gotlike a raw sugar. and then over here maybe

like not quite in the center would be somethinglike agave. that’s a highly processed food, even if it is raw or not, it’s very highin fructose and this is not natural. and, you know, it can, it does negatively impactyour body from the studies i’ve seen. going up from there, maybe like coconut nectar wouldbe better, than maybe even a maple syrup. i mean, that has lots of minerals in it. sonext on the sugar continuum would be something like the honey. and the honey is not vegan.and i do encourage you guys if you guys get honey to get some good honey. and most ofit is crap, i do not recommend it, they’re enslaving bees, really terrible. but if youhave a friend that has a hive or have your own hive, i’ll post a link down below toa video that i did with my friend susan lerner,

you’ll learn more about that topic. yeah,honey has a plethora of, you know, beneficial enzymes and nutrients in there from the plants.and also, you know, it has medicinal effects that they’ve done a lot of studies on, andanti-bacterial. then i’d say something like the sugavida, which may contain b12 whichis from a fruit. after that i’d say something like dried fruits. then dates, sugar beets.i’m growing some sugar beets in my garden over there. fresh fruits, and then sugar cane,you know, whole sugar cane is probably one of the best sweeteners in my opinion. it’sas nature put it. oh another thing i would put in here too, besides just whole dates,i’d put date powder, dried date powder is probably one of the best dried powdered substitutesyou can use for your sugars.

alright, last continuum i want to go overreal quick for you guys is the oil and fat continuum. this is a big one, you know. andi know some of you guys might not agree with this. but this once again my continuum. oliveoil i’d say i’d put it down at the side that’s maybe not so good. along with thecoconut oil, you know. i’m not a big fan of extracted oils. they are a 100% fat withvery little nutrients otherwise. i maybe rank flax oil a little bit higher because it is,you know, rich in essential fatty acids, omega 3s particularly, which can be deficient inmany people’s diets, specially a standard diet or even a raw food diet if you’re eating,you know, a lot of almonds and sesame seeds, like you’re really eating way too many omega6s, right. that’s why i limit my nuts and

seeds consumption and fat consumption forthat matter. you know, for oil and fat, other things that are really good, you know, closerto the end of the best are nuts and seeds. so nuts, then seeds. then something like coconutbutter. coconut butter is basically just ground up dried coconut flesh with the fiber intact,not removed as in the coconut oil. then something like raw olives, right. i love raw’s not olive oil, it’s olives that have been, you know, dried or preserved throughlike a brine solution without additives. and you get the oil, you get the fiber, you getall the phytochemicals and phytonutrients as nature would have you eat it. let’s see,and then i would put things like avocados and coconuts, which are, you know, water richsources of fats. also with water and other

nutrients, you know. much like, you know,nuts and seeds but they don’t have their water content, right. they have them if you’re going to eat those things, i do recommend soaking them first, that woulddefinitely be better to raise the water content, also make them easier to digest. and thenat the top, you know, maybe one of the best sources of fat is durian. it has some fatin there but it also is quite delicious. and you know, basically what my continuum processis going to show you guys, and this is based on, you know, my what i’ve learned overall these years. we want to concentrate on whole plant foods, right. once we get theprocessed foods, in my opinion they’re on the bad side, you know, of the continuum.but i don’t know where you guys are starting,

right. if you guys are starting in canolaoil, i didn’t even put that on here. that would be below olive oil because that couldbe gmo, right. i want all you guys to have a set point. like my set point for fats are,you know, maybe over here, you know. rarely even eat coconut oil once it’s in somethingthat i go to a raw food restaurant, you know, i rarely even eat flax oil in my house. maybelike another one i’ve put right here would be like, you know, dha oil extracted fromalgae like with water. actually that i do that, it would probably be my lowest set pointon actually me eating oil on rare occasion. other than that it’s all the way up, youknow, for my set point for the sugar continuum maybe would be right here with the honey onup. i rarely eat maple syrup, if it’s in

some kind of raw desert that labeled raw,even though maple syrup is not raw in itself. and i might eat some coconut nectar if it’sin a processed food product. but i don’t have that in my house nor do i use it. but yeah the whole message of this is to,you know, move your diet in the right direction and create a set point and then move it towhere you want to be right. so that you guys knows the best foods. the best foods are wholefruits and vegetables. and try to get your diet mostly fruits and vegetables. and thereare way to do this. i’ve been doing this now for the past 21 years. and this is justone of my many lectures you could learn from on this youtube channel to get to in the directionof eating and enjoying and loving and including

hopefully more fruits and vegetables in yourdiet. if you guys enjoyed this episode, hey pleasegive me a thumbs up to let me know. i’ll be sure to film more presentations i givelive and then put those up on youtube for you guys, since i know a lot of youtubersdon’t give presentations live and actually never put them up on youtube if they do. andalso be sure to click that subscribe button right down below. i have new videos comingout every 5 to 7 days. you never know what you’ll be learning on my youtube channel.and be sure to check my past episodes. once again, i have over 450 episodes on this channelto teach you guys all aspects on how to live a healthy plant based fruit and vegetablestrong diet. so once again, my name is john

kohler with we’ll see you nexttime, and until then remember- keep eating your fresh fruits and vegetables, they’realways the best.

asian health meal