
Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

why does healthy food make you gassy

hey everyone. welcome to yoga with adriene.i'm adriene and today we have a digestive flow sequence to make you glow. this is theperfect pick me up if you've been taking it easy, or you just got done with a big event,or perhaps during the holiday season you've been taking good care and nurturing your body,eating nice yummy heavy foods, and you're craving a little kick back into a workoutroutine or a yoga practice. this is the perfect sequence for you. it's going to massage theinternal organs, and get those digestive enzymes moving and flowing, and overall just bringa little heat to the body during these cold winter months. so, even if it's hot outside,this will be a nice sequence to make you sweat. so, get in something comfy, and hop on themat, and giddy-up. let's go.

all right, let's begin in extended child'spose, taking a deep breath in and finding a long exhale out. and we'll spread the palmsand in your own time rise up to all fours, drawing the knees underneath the hips andthe wrist underneath the shoulders. inhale, dropping the belly. exhale, curling the tailboneunder, relaxing the crown of the head. cat-cow, moving with your breath. take a moment toclose the eyes here. press up and out of the earth, and really connect to this line fromthe crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone, and everything in between. commit to yourbreath for this practice. as you curl the toes under, walk the palms out, and take thedeepest breath in as you send the sit bones up and back. exhale, downward facing dog.

take a moment here to dance a little. checkit out. paddle the feet. find movement. connect to the energy of your practice today. so,we are doing more than just a yoga workout, but really exploring the practice, and whateverit plans to serve up today. when you're ready, bend the knees softly and we're going to walkup towards the front edge of the mat, settling in to uttanasana here. this is a great opportunityto let go of the day thus far, and again drop into the practice. find what feels good can clasp the elbows. rock a little side to side. relax the head. and then wheneveryou're ready press into your feet, and on an inhale, we're going to lift up to a niceflat back position, just halfway here. deep breath in. on an exhale, float it down.then bend your knees softly, tuck your chin

into your chest and begin to roll it up intomountain pose. take a moment here to loop the shoulders, check in with the neck. letgo of any tension here as you breathe deep and stay connected with your feet. work itout. draw your palms to your heart now, coming into mountain pose or tadasana, with mindfulness,a sense of you. and we'll begin to move. inhale, reaching the fingertips up overhead. exhale,down through the mid-line we flow. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, soften and bow. inhale,reach it all the way back up. deep breath in. breathe, breathe, breathe. and exhale,hands to heart. awesome. inhale, reach it up. full breath in. exhale, soft knees asyou forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, bow.

now, step or hop the feet back to plank. don'tpanic. find a little movement here and then slowly we'll lower all the way down to thebelly. on a deep breath in, open your heart, your chest cobra. and then exhale, we release.curling the toes under and sending it up and back. down-dog. deep breath in. long breathout. and then on an inhale we step, float, or hop towards the front edge of our mat.forward fold. inhale. halfway lift. move with your breath. exhale, bow. inhale, reach itall the way up. spread your fingertips and exhale to the heart. sweet. inhale, reachit up. exhale, forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. long neck. exhale. step, float, or hopthe feet back. plank. now, we can lower down to cobra or chaturangato up-dog. find softness in your vinyasa here.

together we'll meet. downward facing dog.this time inhale. send the right leg up. exhale all the way up and into your lunge. from thelow lunge, we'll take a deep breath in and on an exhale let the heart open. radiate forward.plant the left palm next to the right foot and deep breath in, we reach the right fingertipsup towards the sky. twist. lower that back knee if you need to. breathe deep. inhalein and exhale. melt it back to center. step the right foot back and we vinyasa. movingwith the breath. cobra or up-dog. together we meet, down-dog. inhale, left leg liftshigh. step it up into your low lunge. take a moment to get settled in. open your heart.and this time we'll plant the right hand next to the left foot and on a deep breath in,lift the left fingertips up to the sky.

find your breath. straight line from the crownof the head to the tip of the tailbone. on an exhale, melt it back and we'll step theback foot up to meet the front. forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, soften and bow.inhale, reach it all the way up and exhale right back down. forward fold. inhale, flatback. exhale, bow. inhale, step, or hop the feet back to plank. choose your vinyasa. enjoyyour practice. sending it back to downward facing dog. we'll anchor through the leftheel and inhale, slide the right leg up. this time squeeze your right knee up and in towardsyour heart. take a deep breath in and on an exhale step the right foot up. low lunge.same thing as before. we plant the left palm and inhale, breathe into the lower belly asyou find your twist.

we can always have that back knee loweredor the right hand on the waistline. make it your own. find your breath. on an exhale wecome back to center. lower the left knee. send the hips back. forward fold here as webreathe into the legs, breathe into the back body and flex the right toes up towards thesky. nice stretch here in the left foot as well as we relax the shoulders down for onemore breath cycle. in and out, and then slowly rolling through that right foot, we come backto our lunge. strong legs here as we lift the back knee and inhale, reach the fingertipsup. hug the inner things towards the mid-line, really squeezing that right knee towards thecenter as you find a strong high lunge. and then we gently release.

awesome. find your vinyasa here. mix and with strength and grace. and we'll meet downward facing dog. inhale, lift the leftleg high. exhale, squeezing left knee up and in towards your heart. strong body here, pressaway from the earth. stepping the left foot up into your lunge, we find our twist. inhale,really reaching up towards the sky. or again, bringing that left hand to the waistline formore stability. inhale in. exhale, melt it back to center. lower the right knee and sendit on back. flexing through the left foot this time, relaxing the weight of the headdown. you might find a little wave in the spine here, a little movement. breathe intothat left hammy. and then again, rather than just shifting forward to the next thing, reallyroll through that left foot. enjoy each transition

here as we lift up strong, high lunge. reallyhugging the legs in towards the mid-line, lengthening the tailbone down. deep breathin. and exhale we release. awesome, and vinyasa. make it your own. movewith your breath. i love this music here. all my friends who are a part of the empowerprogram will recognize this. it's beautiful. so ride the wave. and once again we'll meetup in downward facing dog. deep breath in through the nose. long exhale out throughthe mouth. bend your knees. hop the feet up towards the front edge. and inhale, halfwaylift. exhale bow. inhale, reach it all the way up, spread the palms. exhale, anjali mudraat the heart. now take a moment here to perhaps close your eyes. notice how you feel. noticethe sensations in the body. make some observations.

reconnect with your breath. and then whenyou're ready we'll inhale, reach it up once again. exhale, forward fold. inhale, halfwaylift. exhale, bow. and stepping or hopping the feet back to plank. choose your own vinyasa, cobra or up-dog.exhale, downward facing dog. inhale, lift the right leg high. exhale, squeezing thatknee up towards your heart. inhale, find your twist. exhale, back to center. this time we'regoing to pivot on the back foot and inhale. rise up to settle in warrior ii. reachingthe right fingertips forward up and back, we find peaceful warrior, a reverse warrior.deep breath in. exhale. back to warrior ii. now softening the right elbow on top of theright thigh we find extended side angle. press

into the outer edge of that back foot. takea deep breath in, and on your exhale send it all the way back, reverse warrior. inhalein. exhale back to your lunge. vinyasa. moving with your breath. finding strength. downwardfacing dog. inhale, lift the left leg high. exhale, squeeze that left knee in and up intoyour lunge. inhale, left fingertips reach up. twist. exhale, back to center. pivoting on that back foot we rise up, warriorii. move with your breath. sink into that front knee as you reach the left fingertipsforward, up and back, peaceful warrior. extension through the crown. back to warrior ii. andthen softening through that left elbow we find extended side angle. open your hearttowards the sky. deep breath in. exhale, peaceful

warrior. move with your breath. all the wayback into your lunge. this time we're going to step the back foot up to meet the front.forward fold. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, bow. inhale, reach it all the way up and exhaleto your heart. right back in we go. inhale, reaching it up. exhale, fold. inhale, halfwaylift. exhale, bow. inhale, step or hop the feet back to plank. hug the elbows into the side body and inhale,lift-up cobra or up dog. exhale, downward facing dog. inhale, right leg high. exhale,squeeze the right knee up in towards your heart. stepping up into your lunge, we explorea little deeper, bringing the palms together at the heart, hugging that right knee in towardsthe center as you find your twist. palms together

and namaste. can always lower that left kneeor repeat the twist that we've been doing before. strong legs as you really spike thatleft heel towards the back edge of your mat and then on an exhale, release back to again we open up warrior ii. then peaceful warrior. move with your breath to extendedside angle. back to peaceful warrior. and then all the way back down to your lunge. so there's no right or wrong with the breathhere, just move with nice long smooth deep breaths. after your vinyasa, we'll take itto down dog and inhale, lift the left leg high. exhale, squeeze that left knee up intowards your heart. and we'll step it up in towards your lunge. palms come together andwe find that deep juicy twist on the other

side. pulling the left hip crease back. modifyingup or down as needed. make it your own. strong alignment. good energy. as we melt it backto center and lift it up, warrior ii. peaceful warrior. extended side angle. back to peacefulwarrior. reverse it. beautiful. and all the way back down to your lunge. step the lefttoes back, chaturanga practice. and downward facing dog. awesome, my friends. deep breathin through the nose. cleansing breath out through the mouth. then bend the knees generously and we'll stepor hop it up towards the front edge. inhale, halfway lift. long beautiful neck. exhale,bow. now bend your knees generously and send your sit bones back. utkatasana, chair pose,with a twist. palms come together at the heart

and we move towards the left outer edge ofthe right arm to the outer edge of the left leg. find spaciousness. open your heart, yourchest. draw the knees together or try pulling the left hip crease back as you breathe in.and on an exhale, gently release it back to center. nice work. straight legs as we inhale,lift up, halfway. exhale, soften and bow. then we'll bend the knees. drop the sit bonesand try again on the other side. stick with it. you got this. breathing nice long smooth deep breaths. strongtransformative soulful breaths. in and out. drop the sit bones, take a deep breath in.and exhale, release. awesome job. inhale, halfway lift. exhale, bow. step or hop thetoes back. slowly lower down. inhale, cobra

or upward facing dog. and exhale a very welldeserved rest. bring the two big toes together, heels left to right. pillow the head. shakethe hips. notice your breath. then when you're ready we're going to transition all the wayonto our backs. nice and slow, for a little core strengthening practice. take your timegetting there. and when you do, we're going to interlace the fingertips behind the head,elbows nice and wide. then lifting the shins up parallel to the ceiling and lifting thehead and the neck and the shoulders up, we draw right elbow to left knee. straightenthe right leg out long. then switch. left elbow to right knee. back and forth.yogi bicycles. finding a rhythm with the breath. moving from left to center. right to center.careful not to crunch the neck. keep the gaze

up or a spaciousness between the chin andthe chest. stick with this rhythm or begin to speed it up, scooping the tailbone up,drawing the navel down. focus on your breath. make it your own. if you like, when you getbored, you can bring that simba into your hands and bring simba up and over. back andforth. back and forth. deep breath in. smile. exhale, release. hug the knees into the chest.awesome. then we'll cross the right ankle over theleft. grab the outer edges of the feet and shake it off with a little playful rocking,back and forth, back and forth. until you're ready to come back to all fours. curl thetoes under. send the sit bones up. downward facing dog. this time we're going to walkthe toes up, just a hair. and reach the right

arm to clasp either the outer edge of thatleft ankle, left shin or calf, even the back of the knee or the thigh. this is a challengingtwist here that requires nice deep full breaths. careful to not clench in the face or in theshoulders. and then we'll slowly release back to center and experiment with this downwarddog twist on the other side. no toxic thoughts if you're not there yet. it gives you somethingto work towards, something to look forward to. deep breath in as we look underneath theright armpit, chest. and exhale, release back to center. awesome job. final vinyasa can skip it if you like. cobra or upward facing dog. and exhale. balasana. bring thepalms together, up and over head. find a little sway. then slowly we'll rise up, for a littleplaytime.

so this isn't just for advanced yogis or peoplewanting to deepen their practice. this is really what yoga home practice is all you can go into a pigeon here as i'm demonstrating or if you're not really feeling the hip openerbut you've been working on crow pose, you might take this moment now to practice this is essentially a free style moment for you to really ask yourself what do i needand how can i play with that. for me this is the real yoga. this is what home practiceis all about. empowering yourself to just play on the mat. i just tried a side arm balance.maybe it's straight to shavasana for you here or maybe you turn your perspective on itsside for a side plank. you can do as much or as little as you like here. maybe justcoming to a nice comfortable seat, a meditation

pose or bow pose. take a couple moments hereto play. again, remember this is your practice, yourmoment. my best advice to you in this moment is don't decide where it ends. enjoy. takeyour time and when you're ready we'll meet in a flat back position. slowing it down,hugging the knees into the chest, maybe taking a reclined twist or two. we're moving straightinto a reclined cobbler's pose. stabilizing through the sacrum and the spine, allowingthe skin or the face to soften and relax. notice how you feel. and eventually take amoment to just be still in corpse pose. if you want to skip the outro of this video youcan sit up now and just go ahead and pause, maybe resting a little longer in shavasanatoday. rock on.

all right my friends, excellent work. goodjob. if this was challenging for you, don't worry, it's a challenging sequence. it's definitelya more intermediate flow variations there for you. but something everyone can benefitfrom if they want to deepen their practice. this is also very similar to my reboot programand my empower program, which is my version of power yoga. reboot is a 29-day yoga experienceto totally reboot the system and just lifestyle. it's great after a breakup or like i said,a big event or the holidays when you're looking for that perfect pick me up. so, if you likethis style and you're hungry for more, go to and check out rebootand empower there. i always love your feedback. return to the practice. see how it grows andevolves, and i look forward to hearing from

you. have a lovely rest of your day. drinklots of water. namaste.

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