
Kamis, 05 Januari 2017

do health food stores sell beeswax

hi everyone! this video is goingto be about the various types of diet, such as omnivore,vegetarian, vegan, and other diets, as well as the healthyfood and diet propaganda. our diet and the foods we choose toeat say a lot about us and our health. eating is something weall do as it's how we acquire energy and function, bothphysically and mentally. like the saying goes, you are whatyou eat. the ingredients in food enter your body and bloodstreamand become part of you in one way or another. and the honesttruth is, many foods contain

additives, preservatives,coloring, and other chemicals that are not natural and wesimply shouldn't be ingesting. things like coloring agents tomake food more appealing to look at as well as additives thatmanipulate the flavor of food to make it more delicious can causeserious harm to the body when exposed to it in the long-term.however, having a healthy, balanced diet free fromthese extra ingredients is not something many of us mayactually implement in our life due to a variety of factors. forone, it can be more expensive.

another is convenience. thereare less all natural stores and products available. and third,appearance and taste. since natural foods don't containany coloring agents or additives that make the food taste better,it can be displeasing to the user to look at as well as eatsince it may not taste the way they are use to, despite theflavor being accurate of that which it should taste like.some people may change diets for health reasons, as well asenvironmental and animal suffering reasons. most peoplewho have switched to a healthier

lifestyle have done it for oneor more, if not all, of these reasons. for instance, someonewho now eats a healthy, balanced diet may have overcome obesitywhere all they ate was fast food and junk food with nonutritional value. another may do so for the environment. suchthings as buying foods and items packaged in recycled paper.perhaps things to help support smaller, or even local companiesversus multi-million dollar corporations. and lastly,another may do it to help eliminate animal suffering bynot buying any meat products

made from animals, or even notbuying any animal products at all, including items that weretested on animals. whatever the reason to switch to a healthy,balanced lifestyle, the better you are doing for yourself. whatdo i mean by a healthy, balanced lifestyle? i essentially meanyou can have any kind of diet as long as it has what you need tosurvive and be healthy. you can be an omnivore and be extremelyhealthy, or you can be a raw food vegan and be extremelyhealthy. likewise, you can be either one of these and beextremely unhealthy as well. as

long as you are getting thenutrients your body needs to function, as well asincorporating exercise into your daily activities, then you havea healthy, balanced lifestyle. things like calories, fat,cholesterol, sodium, fiber, sugar, protein, as well as theslew of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin a, b complex,c, d, e, and k, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, omegafatty acids, and many, many others. having a balance is whatis important and you can achieve balance with any diet i will bediscussing in this video. when

it comes to supplements,sometimes you may be deficient in a vitamin or mineral and/ornot getting enough of it in your diet so you need to supplement.the thing to be careful of when taking supplements isoverdosing. many times when taking supplements, you aretaking large quantities of it that your body may not need.furthermore, if you are not getting enough of a particularvitamin, consider adding foods to your diet high inthis vitamin first over supplementing. for instance,if you are vitamin a deficient,

consider adding plenty ofcarrots into your diet as they are high in vitamin a. if that'snot an option for you, consider carrot powder. incorporatingthings that are high in what you are lacking into your diet willhave more benefits than just plain supplements, which may noteven be healthy to begin with since many supplements out theretoday may even contain synthetic compounds that can do more harmthan good. while there are many types of diet, some of thecommon ones are omnivore, vegetarian, and vegan. there arediets that help with allergies

and sensitivities, such asgluten free, and others that help one lose weight. think ofit like a scale where the foods available become more omnivore can consume anything on the scale, then a flexitarianwill consume less meat, followed by a vegetarian which doesn'tconsume any meat, but can consume dairy and other animalproducts, followed by vegan which eliminates all animalproducts. this can then get even more strict by those with a rawdiet. there are other diets as well such as organic, allnatural, local, as well as some

detox and weight loss, let's discuss some of these types of diets. i will betalking about omnivore, flexitarian, vegetarian, vegan,raw food, gluten free, organic, all natural, and local, andfinally detox and weight loss diets. in addition to these,i will discuss what foods are available with these diets, somepositive benefits of having the diet, as well as negativeeffects of the diet or things to be careful of if it'simplemented in an unhealthy manner. after that, i will bediscussing the healthy food and

diet propaganda and how we arebeing fed lies, being shamed into converting to specificdiets, as well as being given unhealthy diet information. the omnivore diet consists ofanimal products and meat, as well as fruits and essentially means that one can eat everything and nothingis limited to them. it's the most common diet amongst ushuman beings and also the most diverse. because there are somany options available, it's easy to find foods and create abalanced diet. as a matter of

fact, the omnivore diet is oneof the easiest at creating a balanced diet. you will haveyour fat and protein from animal meat and products, as well asyour vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. anomnivore diet can be healthy when foods are taken to correctproportions. however, the drawback is that the diet cancontain too much fat which can cause one to have highcholesterol and heart problems, in addition to being overweight.many food items at fast food places are extremely unhealthydue to the high amount of

calories and saturated fat.trans fats being the worst of the bunch. diets high in sodiumcan cause high blood pressure. eating high amounts of processedfoods also lack vital essential vitamins and minerals. the flexitarian diet is inbetween omnivore and vegetarian. it's someone who eats amostly vegetarian diet, with the exception of a few animal's also referred to as the semi-vegetarian diet. withinthis category there are several subtypes. a pollotarian issomeone who consumes poultry,

such as chicken, but nomeat from other animals. a pescetarian is someone whoconsumes seafood, such as fish, but no meat from other animals.and finally, a pollo-pescetarian or a pesce-pollotarian issomeone who eats both poultry and seafood, but no meat fromother animals. the benefits and drawbacks are the same as theomnivore diet as well as the vegetarian diet which i willget to next. the difference, however, is that a flexitariandiet can contain less fat from animals. this is because redmeat, such as beef from cows, is

often higher in fat thanchicken, turkey, and fish. and, it's believed that red meat ismore unhealthy than poultry and fish. however, fish can containhigh levels of heavy metals, specifically, eating it frequently can cause problems. the vegetarian diet consistsof no animal meat, but includes other animal products, suchas dairy, like milk, cheese, yogurt, and can even sometimesinclude eggs or not. the products available are less thanthat of the omnivore diet, but

also offer a different array ofoptions. for instance, while an omnivore may eat a beef burger,a flexitarian may eat a chicken, turkey, or fish burger, but avegetarian will eat a veggie or bean burger. these alternativeburgers are usually made up of soy protein or tofu, and/orwheat gluten, also known as seitan, as well as a varietyof vegetables or beans. it's usually much lower in caloriesand fat and higher in vitamins. since it contains no animalmeat, there is less risk of contracting animal relatedillnesses, such as when the meat

is undercooked for example.protein wise, it's comparable to that of beef and can even havemore protein and nutritional value. a vegetarian diet can behighly beneficial for a variety of health reasons. due to lesssaturated fat intake, there is often less cholesterol and heartrelated issues. also, if the quantity of fruits andvegetables increase, this can have a significant advantagewhen it comes to getting sick, and even treating variousillnesses, both physically and mentally. also, there is oftenhigh levels of fiber in the diet

which can help eliminate evenmore toxins. the drawback comes from the fact that it can alsobe heavily lacking in essential vitamins that are often notfound in abundance from fruits and vegetables. one of thesebeing b vitamins, specifically b12. this is often found inmeat, but not in vegetables. it's not uncommon forvegetarians or vegans to be deficient in b12. the vitaminscan also be found in seaweed and algae. this being the bestnatural source for vegetarians and vegans. however, it doesn'tcompare to the amount in animal

meat. other deficiencies canoccur with fat soluble vitamins, such as vitamin a and d. vitamind is also a common deficiency. one reason could also be due tothe lack of fat intake in the diet. because a vegetarian andvegan diet can be low in fat, less fat soluble vitaminswill absorb into the body. since vitamin deficiency, specificallyb12 and d, are not uncommon for vegetarians and vegans,supplements may be required. otherwise, b12 deficiency cancause serious problems with the nervous system and brain,including memory problems. oral

contraceptives and hormones alsohave been shown to lower b12 levels as well which cancause even more problems for vegetarians and vegans. vitamind deficiency can cause bone and joint problem and one of thefirst places you can notice this is the teeth. your teeth andgums actually show a lot about your overall health and vitamindeficiencies. other problems can occur with iron and protein.however, there are many protein powders available forvegetarians and vegans. however, not all of them are consideredsafe for long-term usage due to

the high levels of heavy metals,such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury, that the plantsdraw in from the soil. other problems for vegetarians are thehigh costs of foods, as well as it being an acquired taste.there may be less availability in grocery stores. additionally,it can even be unhealthy due to the fact that it can consist ofhigh amounts of processed foods where sodium is high and thereis no vegetable intake. that would result in a variety ofhealth problems due to low vitamin and nutrient levels.

the vegan diet is similar to thevegetarian diet in that it does not include any animal meat.but, it also doesn't include any animal products at all. no dairyproducts, like milk, cheese, yogurt, and no eggs, and nohoney. no animal products, no animal derivatives, and noanimal testing. this is also a lifestyle that many do notpurchase any items that are made of animal products. for example,a vegan would not purchase a candle that contains beeswax.some vegans may even be animal rights activists and havechanged their diet in favor of

other animals and eliminatinganimal suffering. however, this simply is not the case with allvegans. regarding the diet, we don't need any meat or animalproducts in our diet to survive or be healthy. but, this doesn'talways mean a vegan diet is healthier than any other's exactly like the vegetarian diet when it comes to theadvantages and disadvantages. however, there are a variety ofother things to consider which make it considerably harder toimplement. one of the biggest downsides come from the factthat there are less options

available for vegans than thereare for vegetarians so it can be even more difficult to findproducts. it can be considerably higher in cost as well. this isoften due to the demand being less as well as the qualityand procedure that is needed to obtain the food. furthermore,like the vegetarian diet, some foods have an acquired taste.but unlike the vegetarian diet, cheeses, milk, ice cream and soon also have to be replaced by plant based products. thiscertainly may take some getting use to as the taste and texturecan be different from that of

dairy products. many of thesevegan cheeses can also be much less in saturated fat andcholesterol than non-vegan cheese. however, cheeses madefrom oils, such as coconut oil, can be very high in saturatedfat. however, this doesn't mean that it's unhealthy as bothsaturated fat and cholesterol are needed in our diet. but,saturated fats can be healthy as are monounsaturated andpolyunsaturated fats. also, the same holds true regardingvitamin deficiencies, such as b12 and d, as it does with avegetarian diet. so, supplements

may be needed. calcium is alsoof importance when looking at a d deficiency, as is vitamin k2to ensure the proper deposit of calcium in the bone and not thesoft tissue. however, there is also something else to considerregarding d supplements. this has to do with the varietiesd2 and d3. vitamin d2 is often added to non-dairy milks insteadof d3. this is because d3 is not vegan as it can be synthesizedfrom sheep's wool. however vegan d3 supplements do exist and arepreferred over d2 since d3 tends to be more effective atraising d levels than d2 is.

the raw food diet consists ofonly fresh, uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, and/or other words, it's pure raw and doesn't contain anyprocessed foods which often lose their nutritional value. whenfoods are cooked and heated, often the amount and quality ofvitamins and minerals in them significantly decrease ordeplete entirely. this is because the heat can destroycertain vitamins and minerals if it's too hot. so, the raw fooddiet keeps all vital vitamins and minerals intact. it is oftena diet similar to vegan, but

goes one step further toeliminate anything that is cooked or processed and is notfresh. in fact, a decent number of people who consume a raw fooddiet are also vegan. but, it's not limited to just veganssince there are people who will consume raw eggs, as well as rawmeat. however, eating raw eggs and meat can causehealth problems if there is contamination. this is becauseheat often will destroy the bacteria. sushi and carpaccioare some examples of raw food with meat. while the benefits ofa raw food diet are that it may

be low in fat and calories, aswell as completely eliminating processed and cooked foods whichcan eliminate toxins and aid with heart related problems, thedownside could be too little fat and calories. fat, cholesterol,and calories are all needed for the body to function and a dietof only fruits and vegetables may not be enough. however,there are plenty of fruits and vegetables that do contain fats.avocado and coconut being some of the highest in saturated fat.furthermore, another downside can be too much sugar.while sugar in fruits is much

healthier than processed sugaradded to candies and sweet foods to make them taste better, itcan still cause serious health problems. the teeth especiallycan be damaged by the sugar and the acidity of various fruits.furthermore, raw foods can even be difficult to digest and causestomach problems. just like the vegetarian and vegan diet, thedrawbacks are the same. limited availability, vitamins andnutrient deficiencies are other problems one may face. inaddition, it's always possible to consume too much fruits andvegetables which can cause an

overabundance of nutrientswhich can cause an array of health concerns. the gluten free diet isessentially eliminating gluten from food. gluten is a type ofprotein commonly found in wheat and other grains. it helps breadtake form and have an elastic, chewy texture. it's often foundin breads and can be difficult to avoid. even variousvegetarian and vegan meat alternatives contain gluten. onebeing seitan which is pure wheat gluten. one may even be allergicto wheat and gluten which can

make switching to a glutenfree diet vital for wellbeing. a gluten free diet can beshared by anyone of any diet. an omnivore may be gluten free, asmay a vegan. the benefits are to help those that may have agluten allergy find foods they can still love. in addition tothe various claims about how gluten can affect the body. suchthings a gluten free diet can do is help aid digestion, eliminatefatigue after a meal, and help with inflammation. if you have ameal high in gluten, especially if it's seitan or a meatalternative, and you feel tired

and have difficulty thinking, agluten free diet may be able to help. the downside is that thereare less options available for people who require a gluten freediet. in addition, the cost of gluten free foods can beexpensive. plus, not everyone will like the texture and tasteof gluten free breads as they are often more dry, flimsy,break and crumble easier, in addition to having a morestale taste. the texture can be especially problematic for thinbreads and wraps. and finally, gluten free bread expires muchquicker and is often stored in

the freezer to helpextend shelf life. an organic, all natural, and/orlocal food diet consists of all or mostly organic foods and/ormade locally, often by small businesses or farms. organicessentially means that the ingredients are pure and nottreated with pesticides, no gmos, or genetically modifiedorganisms, and for the most part no unnatural ingredients.often times you can look at the ingredients and will recognizemost, if not all, of the ingredients as there isno synthetic chemicals or

additives. organic meats anddairy are also done more safely, in that the animals are nottreated with any hormones or antibiotics. rather, you getwhat the animal produces without any synthetic compounds. oftentimes cruelty free practices are also put into place to ensureanimal safety and that the animal's diet is natural to thatof what they should be eating. a grass-fed cow will eat grassand not grain which is what they are intended to be eating whichproduces higher quality dairy that contains more healthy fatsand vitamins. grass-fed, free

range, and cage free are some ofthe terms that are used. local foods essential means that it'sgrown locally and may only be available locally at yourgrocery store or places close by. even fair trade fruitsand vegetables are helpful for struggling countries around theworld. an organic or local diet can be shared by anyone ofany diet. an omnivore may be organic, as may a vegan. thebenefits are that it's mostly free from synthetic compoundsand things that are unnatural. as a result, it's oftenhealthier for the body as it

contains all naturalingredients. supporting locally grown fruits and vegetables orfarms help smaller companies and suppliers versus bigname, multi-million dollar corporations, which often donot even produce organic foods. however, a drawback is thecost. buying organic, like the vegetarian and vegan diet whichoften is also mostly organic, can be much more expensive thana non-organic diet. those on limited budgets may have a hardtime finding foods at reasonable costs. depending on the typeof diet one implements, other

drawbacks can be listed herethat are related to the other diet and are notnecessarily associated solely with organic foods. finally, the detox and/or weightloss diet can be combined with other diets to detox the bodyof toxins and/or lose weight. cleanses are also importantas well to get rid of unwanted buildup of toxins that have beenin our bodies. sometimes an all liquid diet is useful for acleanse, other times a raw food diet will suffice. there are somany available detox diets that

it's not possible to list themall. regarding a weight loss diet, this too has so manyoptions. things like low calorie, low carb, low fat arejust some of the common ones. a diet of this sort can certainlyhave plenty of positive effects, but is often difficult toachieve for some as sticking to a weight loss diet can be verydifficult. furthermore, certain detox diets can be dangerous andcan lead to dehydration which can cause problems with the mindand body. with that being said, this type of diet is short termand should be approached slowly

to ensure the body is able toget through it in a healthy manner. however, this is whereanother aspect comes into play, that one being that nomatter where you look, there is promotion for changing yourdiet, and many times it's a weight loss diet. it may saythat you are not acceptable at your current weight so you mustgo on a diet. this is one type of propaganda we willbe talking about now. in this section i will bediscussing various propaganda when it comes to the foodindustry as well as the

promotion of unhealthy diets.some of these things being weight loss and the constantneed to change our diet to be of best health. followed by organicfoods that aren't necessarily any healthier and are justlabeled as such so the consumer pays more. and finally thepromotion of certain diets, specifically the vegetarian,vegan, and raw food diet, that uses scare tactics to make onefeel guilty and convert to their lifestyle. these are allpropaganda and can even have conspiracy theories and muchdeeper ties. while this will not

get into that deep routedinformation, it's ultimately up to you, and you alone, to doyour research and be informed about your food, where itcomes from, and the process it undergoes to get to you. onlyyou can make that decision and decide accordingly to eat thebest diet that is suitable for you and no one should tell youotherwise. the best diet is the one you choose and is healthiestfor you. not what other people think is of your best interestand certainly not what is unhealthy for you. to beginwith, weight loss. just that

term will trigger many peopleinto feeling shame and guilt about their bodies. giving intojunk food, processed food, fast food, and even animal productslike meat and dairy, can bring about shame on the individualsince they may feel like they shouldn't be doing it, like it'sforbidden. society feeds us this image that we must be of correctproportions, preferably super thin and fit, or we will belabeled as overweight and viewed with disgust and shame. we havethis constant idea in our head saying, "what can i do to eathealthier? how can i be more

thin?" we may constantly add newthings to our diet to help us detox, cleanse, and get thatsuper thin body. all of which could be dangerously unhealthyand have life threatening consequences. we may approach itin such a negative way that we develop so many bad habitsand are obsessed with our body image. in other words,hypochondria. some people may be so concerned with health thatthe only thing they think about in life is how to makethemselves more healthy. instead of living the life they'veset for themselves, they are

constantly looking for waysto be even healthier. perhaps everything wrong with them is asign of malnutrition, yet they cut out even more food inhopes it will help, and yet it doesn't. this constant urge toget to that perfect body never happens because their health,including their mental health, beings to deteriorate. whatabout the fast food industry? you see a commercial of a womanthat is super thin and sexy and is a model, maybe even yourfavorite celebrity, eating a huge beef burger. the ad usessex to sell. using sex to sell

items and food is extremelyeffective which is why it's done. but, often what is sold isnot necessarily good for you. of course you should know that thismodel doesn't eat that. but the ad certainly gives theimpression that she does. behind the scenes, she may be forced todevelop eating disorders to keep her figure or she would be outof the job because she would be viewed as disgusting andoverweight, even if she was actually of normal weight ifshe gained some weight. she may under eat, or binge and purgecausing her to become so thin

and unhealthy, not onlyphysically but also mentally. i actually have a video abouteating disorders that may give more insight into this area soi'll have an annotation and a link in the description. the wayit is portrayed is deceptive and such an inaccurate picture ofwhat truly goes on with everyday life. this leads me into anotherfalse claim, organic foods may not necessarily be healthier foryou at all. the price is marked up on the products and it'slabeled as certified organic, but does this mean it's betterfor you? no, it absolutely does

not. it may cost more due tothe certification and many environmental factors.pesticides, yes they can still be used and may be less. thesoil foods are grown in may be richer in nutrients, but theymay also be richer in heavy metals. does organic havemore nutritional value, higher vitamins and minerals, and isbetter for you? well, there are many factors that go into howmuch vitamins and minerals a particular fruit and vegetablehas. but, organic will not necessarily make you's all hype without much of

any significant health may think that junk food labeled as organic is not badfor you, which it still is. organic may help small farms andbusinesses, especially if it's local, but that doesn'tmean it's any better for you. additives in food may or may notcause health problems depending on many factors. and havingfoods free from said ingredients may have some effect dependingon the person and other environmental factors. butultimately, going organic is not a cure all. if you go fromnon-organic to organic and don't

change anything else with yourlifestyle, you may not notice a single thing different exceptless money. it can be the same with cruelty free, free range,grass-fed, and other practices that claim to be better, higherquality products that do not harm animals when they actuallymay not be at all. and finally, what about the promotion of thevegetarian, vegan, and raw food diet? this too is something thatexists and many of us have seen it, and experienced it, firsthand. first, there are people who are omnivores that look ata vegetarian or vegan diet as

disgusting and are ignorant andmake assumptions. then there are those that are vegetarian thatfeel the same about omnivores and even vegans. and then thereare vegans who feel the same about omnivores and vegetarians.instead of just coming together and settling our differences andone another, we fight over which diet is healthier and better forus. we argue over something that all of us need to survive. yet,there is no evidence to suggest that any of these diets aresuperior to one another since it's about finding balancewith your diet. you can have a

perfectly healthy, balanced dietand be an omnivore, or a raw food vegan. it doesn't matter.however, here is where the problem comes into play,specifically with the promotion of a vegan and raw food diet.there are some people who are very passionate about their dietto the point that they try to promote it as much as possible.however, this turns into an almost religious or cultrecruit. they go around to everyone they find that isnon-vegan and promote their lifestyle, claiming it's better,not only for their health, but

due it eliminating animalcruelty and suffering. they will list many perks of the diet andlifestyle. they can even go as far as to shame others intoadopting their lifestyle. they may demand you go vegan or elseyou'll live an unhealthy life and are contributing to animalcruelty and suffering. they shame you away from your meateating life, or even vegetarian life, and will praise you whenyou convert to vegan, saying how wonderful their lifestyle can easily find examples of this by going to a video juston youtube here that doesn't

promote a vegan diet. you willsee people commenting, linking to vegan websites and resources,shaming the person for eating meat, or even consuming anyanimal products like dairy, saying that any diet besides thevegan diet is unethical since the animals are being killed,taken away from their mothers, and artificially inseminated.what's even more convincing of it's cult like nature is thatmost the people who spread the awareness and information inthis way say the same exact thing. it's almost as if they'velost their free will and are

being brainwashed. some vegansmay even show you the cruelty right in their videos thataren't even related to animal cruelty to further shame youinto realizing that eating anything from an animal isinhumane and wrong, or to remind you to stay vegan since eatinganything from an animal is unethical. in other words, theyuse scare tactics to convince you that they are right and youare wrong. when you really look at it, it's clear narcissism isit not? when one knows they are right and others are wrong,feeling superior, and having an

inflated ego. that's thedefinition of a narcissist. you should never feel ashamed ofyourself or guilty for the decisions you make. no amount ofshame should ever persuade you to change. only when you wantto change is when you should change. no matter what lifestyleyou decide, it's the right one for you and no one shouldtell you otherwise. do your own research, learn from bothends of the spectrum and what is positive and negative about anygiven diet, and then make your own, well informed decision.don't be blinded by false

information, advertising, andanything else others are hiding from you. arm yourself withthe knowledge that others may be pushing you to learn about ormay be trying to keep secret from you. understand thepractices put into place about what happens to the animals whenyou consume the meat from them, or any animal product.understand where your food comes from and how it makes you feelwhen you consume it. when you have this knowledge yourself,these scare tactics will not bother you since there is nolonger secrecy. you've made your

decision. it's up to you todetermine how you want to live and what you want to eat, whichultimately affects every cell of your being. when we caneliminate that shame being spread about certain dietsand lifestyles, whether it be advocating or discouragingspecific diets and foods, we will all come to the conclusionthat we are all here to just simply get along and do what isbest for ourselves and not try to change anyone into doing whatwe think would be best for them. we would love othersunconditionally, regardless of

their choices in life andespecially not what they consume or could be contributing to. so in conclusion, there are avariety of diets that exist. some of the more known ones areomnivore, vegetarian, vegan, and many other diets. some includeanimal meat and other animal products, other include justanimal products and no meat, and others consist of absolutely noanimal products whatsoever. we have the option to eat whateverwe like and no one should tell us otherwise. whether you are anomnivore, or a vegan, we are all

equal on this earth. no one dietfits all. so, the best diet you can have is the one you make foryourself and what works best for you. i hope this video wasinformative and helpful. thanks for watching!

asian health meal