
Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

does organic food reduce health risks

alright, this is john kohler with i have another exciting episode for you and this episode was filmed at the woodstockfood festival 2013 where i got to interview 9 of the other pioneers and my self, that'sa total of 10, the 10 reasons why you show go from a high fat raw vegan diet to a lowfat raw vegan diet. first, i wanted to define the terms. what is a high fat and what's alow fat raw vegan diet? some people in raw foods may advocate as much as 40% of caloriesfrom fat, such as dr. gabriel cousins who does the lean green cuisine diet, and he advocatelots of calories, actually, from fat. 40%. even more so, a lot of standard raw foodiststhat get new into the movement tend to eat overeat nuts and seeds and oils and can eat60% or more calories from fat. that, in my

opinion, is definitely not good and i wishpeople that made, you know, gourmet recipe videos on youtube would stop making ones thathave such levels of fat. it's not healthy, in my opinion. in any case, let's define whathigh and low fat raw food is. so, in my opinion, high fat would be maybe like above 25% andthe low fat would definitely be below 25%. so, according the woodstock food festivalwhen the pioneers got together actually last year, we determined that according to thewoodstock food festival, low fat means 25% or less from calories from fat. some peoplethat you'll hear in this interview advocated actually about a 10% or even less tan 10%calories form fat. so, with that in mind, let's get into this clip and share with youguys the 10 reasons why you should go from

a high fat to a low fat raw vegan diet. so,now we're with durianrider. his website is he's been into raw foodsfor 11 years now. you have more energy, you won't be needingto take cocoa and coffee and al that stuff, stimulants, it'll lower your (unclear)'ll have more, better mental clarity, better focus. you'll have a lot more energy, likei said in the first one. you're digestion is going to be a lot better because fat isso hard to digest. you won't have glucose exhaustion any more. you'll get more nourishment,and you're just going to look an feel better. you won't have the greasy hair and skin asmuch. so, now we're with megan elizabeth. you canlearn more about her and check her out at be sire to check out heryoutube videos as well at meganelizabeth on youtube. she has some fab videos, if you knowwhat i mean. she's been into raw food for over 5 years now. well, i think a lot of us get into eatingraw food, either because we have health issues or we want better athletic performance andthe best way to do that is to reduce the energy that you spend on digestion, and fats takethe longest to digest out of anything. more time than protein, more time than, if you lower the fat in your diet, then you will have more energy for the rest ofyour body to heal and be active and everything and you won't be wasting so much energy ondigestion.

so, now we're here with tim van orden. runningraw.comis his website. been into raw foods for 9 years. because that's what all the cool people eat. i don't think that 's acceptable. well, there's certain raw food gurus thatwear ponchos and stuff and they just don't look all that healthy, but if you look atthe people that are eating a low fat diet, really simple foods, not a lot of superfoods,not a lot of gourmet stuff, just real simple fresh produce, a lot of fruit, just look atthem. they're fit, they're lean, they're healthy, they're vibrant. i look to the examples. arethey walking the walk or are they just talking

the talk? there's a lot of people talkingthe talk about gourmet foods and superfoods and you look at them and say, 'well, i don'twant to look like that.' like, you look at the people here, everybody's fit, everybodyis lean. well, not everybody, but a good portion of the people, and those that aren't are becomingfit and lean, you know. they're in the process, they're on the journey. so, you just feelbetter. when you eat a really complicated fatty, cashews, walnuts, almonds, everything,you know, a lot of coconut oil and all this stuff, it just slows you down. you don't feelgood. for me it's al about performance. lie, i eat and then i have to train and if thewhat i ate slows me down, it makes me fall sluggish, i can't train and my performanceis going to drop. so, i eat the diet that

allows me to perform at a higher level andthat's just not this diet, and all the cool people eat it. so, now we're here with freelea the bananagirl. be sure to check her youtube channel out at freelea the banana girl. she has tonsof videos and they're really well-watched by lots of people, and even i check them outsometimes. she's been into raw food for the last 7 years now. it's just like night and day. the differencebetween high fat raw foods and low fat raw foods is just, it's so, so, much better tobe high carb and low fat because if you have too much fat sludging up your blood stream,then the sugar, which is what you run on,

the carbohydrates, won't enter your cell properly,won't get to your brain, you won't feel as good, you won't feel as energetic, you'llfeel lethargic, you want to sleep most of the day, because every cell in your body runson glucose. so, you need that constant supply from a low-fat source. so, excess fat in theblood is not a good idea, and you will feel the difference. you can do the test. do 30days high fat raw and 30 days high carb raw, you will notice a difference and you willprove it to yourself. so, now we're here with dan mcdonald, akadtm or the liferegenerator. be sure to check him out on youtube. he's been into raw foodsnow for the last 13 years. the low-fat, i really like. i like the no-fatfor period of time. i just did like a 24 day

juice fast, and that was really fun, no fat.that was great. that gets a lot of electricity flowing. i actually switch from a low-fatdiet to high fat for a while and i really enjoyed it, and i like what i learned becausei was let out of the fat prison, and that was important, to be let out of the fat prison,ok? it was bad and good. evil, right and wrong, numbers counting and all that stuff, because,you know, the fat can be very useful as a tool. let's say we're going to the we really want to absorb all that radiation and insanity at the airport? no. so, beforeyou go, if you have 3 or 4 avocadoes on your salad, buffer yourself out, or you can gothrough periods, too, where you may want to just put on a little weight. so, interstitially,the fat will kind of sit there. so, it's not

high quality tissue, but you'd look a littlebit plumper and if wwiii came you're going to last a couple more days because you'regoing to burn of that interstitial fluid. so, your athletic performance may be effected,if that's your thing. so, it's not bad or wrong, it just is what it is. so, when i'min more of a spiritual phase and i'm at home and i don't have to deal with a lot, ic ango in a no-fat diet, i enjoy it, i run around the house like crazy, cleaning, i go exercise,but then there are other times when i want to sue the fat as a tool to sort of bufferthe radiation, the energy so that i'm not picking up everything. you know how you'reon the airplanes and you rein the airports and the whole thing just feels like nightmare.a few avocados will really settle the nerves

a bit, you know? you may go through a dayof sluggishness if you're really tapped in. so, again, fat can be just used as a toolto, like i know my friend lou. he's been the most successful raw fooder that i've met andthe strongest, most powerful human being that i've met and who hardly needs to sleep andnever gets tired and is just a 60 year old kid, but, you know, he uses the fat to sortof bring himself down, otherwise he goes too high up. so, it depends on the nature. mostof us don't get that high because we don't get that energetic clearing of the shockersand the light bulb fully turned on, but when you do, a lot of my mental doors have hadthat, but there's only a few of them, but then they use food to keep them down and i'veknown a lot of yogis, too, that have reached

those states of enlightenment and then theyhave to sue those heavier food to sort of keep them down on earth. so, there's no rightor wrong. it depends on the context. so, you know, but, personally, like i do roll withthe low fat diet right now. i'm probably about 20% fat in my day to day thing, but i alsodo periods of just juice, or, you know, a week or 2 or 3 weeks where i just drink juiceor i just eat fruit, and so it all just depends, you know? alright, well, that's the answer. that's, you know, that's a real thing rightthere, it's tough. that one's really challenging to understand. you have to get to know yourself,you know, and there are different times to

bring in different types of food. winter,i definitely like eating more fat. there's no doubt about that, because i've been outhere freezing cold and i can eat a couple cups of hazelnuts and just be steaming withnot shirt out in the 20 degree heat because the fat creates friction, heat viscosity,and that's good when it's freezing cold out there. you do not want to be eating like citrusfruits when it's 15 degrees in michigan, you know? you're just out here and it's miserable.just knock back a couple avo's and some nuts and some seeds. so, again, like, it's toobad that we can't go along, but get your education on and use yourself, practice, and see whatworks for you. so, now we're with kristina carrillo-bucaram.her website is she's been eating

a fully raw vegan diet for 8 years now. i will give you 2 answers to that question.number one, i was almost high fat for the first 6 months of me going raw. i was constipatedfor 85% of the time, and when i switched to a low-fat raw vegan diet, my system startedto flush itself out faster than i had ever seen in my entire life. normal people go onceor twice a week, and that was me, and now i go 3-4 times a day and it feels amazing.i'm not clogged up, i am not held back, and not only that, but when you eat a high-fat,it weighs you down, you feel tired, you have less energy. so, not only do you feel weigheddown in your stomach because things aren't moving, but you have less energy. so, it'sgoing to a, keep you clean on the inside,

which makes you feel fresh in the outsideand your energy will go through the roof. so, now we're with dr. samuel's he's been into raw food for the last 15 years. one good reason to switch form a high-fatto a low-fat raw food diet is because most people that are long-term raw fooders havefigured out that a high-fat raw food diet does not work for overall health. it may tastegood, it may make you feel high at times, but overall, if you're looking for long-termhealth and wellness, then the high-fat raw food diet does not work, for most people. now, we're with dr. doug graham. his websiteis he's been into raw foods

for 35 years now. i think the big reason for going form a relativelyhigh-fat diet down to the healthy recommended levels, which are form between about 3-10%of your calories from fat, is for your health, okay? it's a health matter. i mean, if youwant to keep eating food, if you want to keep playing games, if you want to keep meetingpeople, you got to be healthy enough to do so, and all of the health scientists are inagreement that a low fat diet is in our best interest. we're going to do our best at transportingoxygen through our blood vessels to get to our cells. if you can't transport oxygen,you're setting yourself up for cancer development, you don't get clear thinking in your head,your muscles don't respond like they're supposed

to. for me, low-fat diet is the only way togo because i've tried both ways and i know how i feel. it's all about the health of theissue. people come to me with skin problems and they say, 'my skin is dry. should i eatmore fat?' and i tell them, 'you know what? probably let's try eating less fat,' and theylook quizzical, you know, but at the end of the day, when they try it, their skin justclears up and actually looks better. i don't have one reason for eating more fat then youneed. there's no health reason for eating more fat than you need. so, instead, focuson carbohydrates, get your sugars from fruit, whole fresh ripe raw organic plants, and it'llwork for you. basically, i'm one of those guys who goes after what works, and low-fator relatively low-fat, single-digit fat consumption,

seems to bring the greatest health results. so, now we're with don bennet das. his websiteis he's been into a fruit-based raw diet for over 20 years now. well, one reason would be to live to yourhealth and longevity potentials. to be optimally healthy. if you don't care about that, then,yea, the more fat the better. eat to, you know, a 10-80-10 diet, that's 80% fat, youknow, if you don't really care about your health, but if you want the best health thatyour dna will allow you to have, then, yea, you don't want to eat a low-fat diet, youdon't want to eat a high-fat diet. you want to eat an appropriate amount of fat diet,that people refer to as a low-fat diet. you

don't want to eat too low of fat diet, either,but i know some people that do that. they say, 'okay, fats are bad. no avocado, no nuts,no seeds, no anything, no durian. no, that's not good because that has too much fat init,' and they end up eating too low in the sense that they don't get enough, maybe justnot enough of omega-3 fatty acids. yea, durian's good, durian's your friend, if you don't eat5 of them at once, you know, but it's a tropical fruit and the tropical fruits tend to be alittle higher in fat than things like grapes and apples and the temperate zone, yea, you want to eat an appropriate fat diet. that's what i call the diet that i eat. so, now that you've heard form 9 of the otherpioneers, i'm going to share my take on the

subject. my name is john kohler. i've beeninto raw foods now for the last 18 years. you can check me out at, which iswhere you're at maybe right now watching my videos. so, in my opinion, the one reasonwhy we should go from a high-fat to a low-fat raw vegan diet is simply because, if you'reeating fats, you're going to be eating less foods. so, you're concentrating your gram of fat has 9 calories. one gram of protein or carbohydrates has 4. so, literally,you could eat twice as much. in addition, the fruits and vegetables calories that you'reprobably displacing by eating more fat calories are more nutrient dense. they contain morephytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than just the fats. so, for example,if you ate one tablespoon of oil, and i don't

care what kind of oil, raw, organic, version,cold pressed, stone ground, olive oil, raw coconut oil, you know, hemp seed oil, anykind of oil is 120 calories per 1 tablespoon. so, you could eat 120 calories of one tablespoonor you could eat a nice large size banana that's probably like 120 calories, you know.the banana has a lot more phytochemicals and phytonutrients whereas the oil, 100% fat,man. in addition, if instead of eating, you know, the one tablespoon of oil, you couldeat like probably like 1.5 heads of romaine lettuce and that has a lot more phytochemicalsand phytonutrients. so, the more fat you eat, you're displacing more of the calories andnow they cannot come from fruits and vegetables or you will be overeating. i see many peopleeating a high-fat diet, you know, raw vegan

diet, eating far too many calories 'causethe fat calories start adding up. i mean, people are just shoveling down handfuls ofnits in assisting and i do not recommend that. so, to get into this further, you know, howmuch fat should we eat? should we eat 10%, 25%, 50%? well, you know, one of the argumentsthat's often given by vegans and vegetarians on why you should not eat animal productsis because of the protein issue. we don't need that much protein, you know. if we lookat human mothers breast milk it's about 5-6% protein by calorie. on the same token, let'slook at fat. you know, mothers' breast milk is about 50% of calories from fat. so, inmy opinion, we should never eat more than that amount of fat. that being said, we'renot babies, and we're not trying to double

in size. i mean, maybe you're a wrestler andyou are trying to double in size. you might want to eat that much fat. so, we should nevereat more than 50% fat by calories. so, that being said, how much should we eat? well,we know it's somewhere between 0 and 50%. some people in the low-fat raw vegan movementwill want you to believe it's 10% or below. you know, i'm kind of a little it more moderateand, you know, want to insure i get enough fat because the weakest point of any chainin the weakest link, and if you, you know, your weak link is that you're not gettingthe appropriate kinds of fats or enough fats, that's going to make you weak and you're notgoing to be as healthy as possible. one of the things i like to think about is that everycell in our body and our brain is actually

made up of mostly fats. i mean, the lipidsin our cell walls are fats, and, you now, if you don't have enough fats in your brain,your head, you're not going to operating properly. so, the kind of fats that i recommend are,number one, a whole food, minimally processed, start to fat. so, you know, whole food formis like nuts and seeds, avocadoes and durians. other whole foods, i do not advocate the useof the oils, you know. one of the thing i have seen that if you eat enough leafy greenvegetables, you can get enough fats from your diet. the problem is, most people don't eatenough leafy greens. my goal is to eat 2 pounds of leafy greens a day, especially for thoseessential fats. the omega-3 fatty acids are really critical. there's essential fats andnon-essential fats, you know. we can make

some fats, but we need to get some from ourdiet. the omega-3's are critically important, based on my research, and the standard personin america, even many raw foodists, are not getting enough omega-3's. this is in portionbecause they're eating the wrong types of fats. not only is it important that you getthe right type of fat, but you wan tot the right ratio of the fat as well. so that'swhy i would encourage people to focus on some omega-3 rich fats. so, you want to get ehright kind of fats as well, and i believe the omega-3's are super critical. i mean,even if you're eating nuts and seeds and you eat almonds and sunflower seeds which areoften used in, you know, raw nut pates and gourmet raw recipes, those could really offbalance your 3:6 ratio, which could really

jack you up. so, we not only want to get theright types of fats, whole food fats, we want to get the right kinds of fats, right kindsof essential fats, you know, favoring the omega-3's instead of the 6's. so, for me,personally, i tend to eat about 15-20% of fat and this is, you know, i don't calculateis every day. what i do is every day my diet consists of mainly fresh fruits and freshvegetables. i have about a handful, maybe 2, at most of nuts and seeds a day, and that'show i get my fats. i feel great on this diet. i want to encourage everybody to eat the appropriateamount of fat for the. you know, the strength of a chain is determined by its weakest link.fats are super important and critical when we get an ideal amount for us. we don't wantto get too few, and, you know, maybe restrict

all fats 'cause they're evil, but we don'twant to get too many, either. so, hopefully after watching this episode you've learned10 reasons why you should go from a high-fat raw vegan diet to a low-fat raw vegan know, many gourmet raw foodists use nuts and seeds as a base and oils, you know, asa main source of the calories. i've seen some raw vegan recipes, you now, on youtube, online,that are 60%, 60% or more, calories from fat, and i definitely believe that is to healthy.i want to encourage everybody out there that eats more than a handful or 2 of nuts or seedsa day to minimize the fat content and make recipes that show more fresh fruits and vegetables,without the oils and a minimal amount of nuts and seeds, which i think can be healthy inthe right portions. hopefully you guys enjoyed

this episode. be sure to subscribe to my youtubechannel for more videos lie this where i interview other pioneers at the woodstock food festivalas well as have videos on my own, spreading the message abut eating more fresh fruitsand vegetables, 'cause that's what i truly think it's all about. so, once again, my nameis john kohler with we'll see you next time, and remember, keep eating yourfresh fruits and vegetables. they're always the best. alright, this is john kohler today i have another exciting episode and this is going to be the one, if you liveanywhere in the san francisco bay area, you will want to pay attention to.

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