
Senin, 23 Januari 2017

what health foods are bad for you

alright! this john kohler with tobring another exciting episode for you guys and this is going to be a fun one at thati’ve got my buddy here paul nison that i’ve known for i don’t know how long for a longtime over 10 years easily and i rarely get to see paul cause he lives on the other sideof the country from me but mean while paul has been into raw food for as long as i havefor like 20 years or actually maybe a little bit longer than me but none the less the reasonfor this episode today is basically we are going to give you guys a download of whatwe learned over the last 20 years so that you can improve your diet because we didn’thave too many elders that we learn from and now with the advent of new youtube and allthese things you could have instant information

instead of trying to hunt down and find theperson that's been doing it cause i know we did that and we used to hang out with a lotof different people doing raw foods way back when and we’ve learn from them but thenalso we've learned on our own maybe even how to make raw food better than what we weretaught and that's self-evident but what we both do now one of the thing paul’s doingis growing his own food like i've come to the realization that that's what you reallyneed if you want to highest level of health so he has converted his backyard to grow allfruit trees and vegetable garden and check weather channel grow all your wherei have a video touring his place and so we are just going to go ahead and ask him somequestions today. so paul why did you get into

raw foods in the first place?paul: well when i was 19 years old i got diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease also knownas ulcerative colitis and crohn,s disease i was very much into competitive sports asa teenager i always want to be the top of my game and that slowed me down so i had tofind a way to get better and i chose to go to the doctors and they told me straight outwe can't cure this, there's no cure for this. so i looked elsewhere and first was a vegandiet, vegetarian diet, vegan diet and then ultimately i move down to west palm beachflorida for the weather and just for the to reduce the stress from new york city and iended up moving next to a place called the hippocrates health institute which is a worldclass health spa and they teach about raw

foods. so that’s ultimately where it startedi tried the raw food diet and got better from my condition and from there i just kept doingit. john: cool, cool i mean much like me i hadspinal meningitis and almost lost my life when i was in my twenties and i made out ofthe hospital only through higher powers i could say and i got out and the doctors toldme that basically that i had a compliment immune deficiency and i have chronic weakimmune system and i knew i needed to do something to build my immune system and make it evenstronger. so i had a immune system like a weak immune system that the doctor's blamedon my genes and once again like paul like basically they said we don't have anythingwe could do for you john so i knew i needed

to build my immune system so that i wouldn’tbe back in the hospital because the doctor said that i could get not a recurrence ofthe meningitis but a recurrence of any disease and i might not be so lucky to make it outthe next time. so when i almost lost my life i knew for a fact that i didn't want to beback in the hospital i didn’t want to put my health in the hands of the doctors whichis what everybody does these days when you get sick you go to the doctor they are supposedto make better but they just give you drugs and treat you, and people with disease conditionsthese days lose their life because they weren’t proactive in their health and that’s somethingpaul and i would both agree with. that you guys out there need to be proactive with yourhealth and that's why i continue to eat you

know i like practice raw food diet each andevery day. so paul i know you like me you've been doing a lot of different things latelyso why don't you tell everybody what you eat in a day nowadays as compared to like 20 yearsago when you started? paul: so well to be honest i got things havechanged in terms of my diet first of all just in general of what i eat because i monitormy blood work and i do believe in supplements. i don't believe unless somebody is growingtheir food i don't believe it's possible to get all the nutrients you need, even on araw food diet. i think raw food diet is the best way to go but still the food is depletedand even if you go to a health food store it’s probably flown across country. it'snot just enzymes we are missing its minerals

its nutrients i confirm this at least withmyself and some other people i know through blood work so i monitor my blood work to makesure what i'm doing is working for me and unless i'm eating on a regular basis foodthat's grown i'm just not able to get enough so i do supplement. a good amount these days5 days a week i take supplements and another part of it is i'm married now with kids, wheni was younger i would spend a lot of money on food and i would not care about how muchit was. i didn't have extra bills and things like that, now i do so i do have to look atmy money more closely. now i can understand and resonate with with people that have thisstruggle a little bit more, for me it's not a struggle but it's something i pay more attentionto now. so there are times now where i know

in the old days i would definitely get somethingregardless of the cost, now i might not if it was really just ridiculously expensive,some exotic fruits that might not necessarily be good and i threw away in the past i didn’tcare. so now i might not even buy them cause i don’t want to take the chance money wiseso i definitely look at that more closely. its help me understand more how people think,another thing on that same note is i was a100% raw for a long time and then after about maybe15 years i tried to experiment with cooked food even raw food animal products and i learneda big difference between just you know raw milk come straight from a cow verses the druggedup milk in the store so if somebody is going to choose animal products i learned that andone of the time you was here and we were discussed

that but i still did not feel as good as ifelt on a raw food diet doing the animal products so going back to a vegan diet i felt greatand i feel the best raw food vegan diet and i went back to that doing that but now i haveincorporated but no because of the weather in live in florida but i have incorporatedsome cook food in my diet specifically steam vegetables, potatoes and greens these thingsi didn't touch for very long time and i still feel much better and i noticed a differencewhen i do all raw and i'd say about maybe 5 days a week i'll do all raw maybe 100% allvegan its always vegan but i say you know 2 days a week i'll do like steam vegetablesor grain. i don't know why but potatoes was something i never used to like before andi really enjoyed them now and you know my

kids eat stuff if they have some grains thatare left over i might just finish them bowl for them it's just maybe i don't want to wastefood as much now as i'm getting older so you know i’m learning but it's always been thestaple of everything is greens you know i feel i do eat more fruit now that i used toi'm exercising a lot more but i have to have my greens every day and as long as i'm gettingmy greens you know i feel some liberation in what else i'm allowed to eat but if i eatanything whether it's a lot of fruit or cook food if i don’t have the greens i feel i'mrobbing my body of something but the greens i feel balances things out. so that's prettymuch what i do now and i'm still on a mostly daylight diet you know now it's the wintertime and it's getting dark here at 4 o'clock

or so 5 o’clock sometimes but i’m i wouldsay i’m 95% still on a day light diet which i don't eat when it's dark outside or lateat night. john: yeah i mean paul’s he's come a longway he's experiencing a lot in his raw food journey, you know he was eating some animalproducts you know and he figured out that that wasn't a good thing so if your maybedoing that you know paul learned it's not a good thing in my opinion it's not a goodthing i have never experimented with meats but i have done raw dairy and it didn't agreewith me either i didn’t and i didn't do it for any long period of time. other thingis that paul started to eat cooked food now he’s not my brother anymore because he eatscooked food of course not i look past the

diet paul simply eats and that’s not whyhe’s my friend he's my friend because he’s a cool guy and we always learn from each otherwhenever we're hanging out together i learn new stuff from paul, he learns new stuff fromme we help each other out and this is one of the reasons you know for people to helpeach other out we need to help our fellow man live in service and so many people thesedays like oh you’re not my friend anymore because you eat vegan or because you eat meatthat’s totally like i think ridiculous we should embrace everybody and you could alwayslearn something from everybody even no matter what their diet is right. and the other thingi've learned over 20 years although i don't eat steamed potatoes, baked potatoes or riceor grains or anything like that that's been

cooked my girlfriend does it you know i'mtotally cool with her doing that maybe in the olden days i would have like you’recooked but i just don't really care because you know what i've learned over the yearsof being raw and i have a video 12 reasons why the raw food diet works i’ve put a linkdown below you guys want to watch that. is that not all cooked food is bad; there isdefinitely certain cooked foods that are quite toxic and quite not good for you. you knowfried food, terrible you know in my opinion the worst things, you know food cooked athigh temperature they’re really not too good either, animal foods that are cookedor raw in my opinion are not that healthy for you either you know and there are a lotof things you could do to make the food that

you cooked not that bad you know cooking yourgreens if it's going to allow you to get more greens if you would have juiced them or blendthem or eating them raw i think that's a good thing and you want to cook them by steamingor boiling or pressure cooking and actually paul has 2 pressure cooker and a slow cookeractually slow cooking excellent way to cook things low heat for a long period of time.paul: something that’s really interesting i went to an ethiopian restaurant (cross talk-ethiopian?)and i had some potatoes and i had some cooked greens and i've never had cookedgreens ever like my whole life even when i wasn't even raw i just didn’t like theywere delicious they was so good but i literally fell asleep. and it wasn’t the potatoesbecause i’ve had potatoes other times but

it was just the ethiopian food and the coupleof times i’ve have had cooked greens i don’t know what it is but maybe i’m just usedto eating them raw but they do taste delicious. john: yeah i mean i think you know my goalis to get 2 pounds of greens in me every day and that’s my goal i’m not going to sayi do that every day some days i hit that and a lot of days i hit at least one pound andof course i started a youtube channel called growing your greens because i as paul hasdetermined is that greens are essential for optimal a high level the of healthy of courseyou could be a full fruitarian not eat green’s but in my opinion that will catch up to you,you know sooner rather than later and it's sad that a lot of people who are into theirfruitarian diet tend to be a little bit younger

and you know when you're younger you're moreresilient and we've gone through this you know starting raw foods when we were in ourtwenties we were more resilient and now we're learning as we get more wiser you know asthe sun goes around us more you know we are learning to just be a little bit more smarterabout things. i mean paul has a really beautiful family the daughter is cool climbing treetogether and stuff and he has a lot to live for now you know so he’s even really takinghis health even more seriously than, than when i knew him 15, 20 years ago. paul doyou want to talk about how you know your thoughts and even your diet a little bit has changedfrom the time like when you were single and to the time like you were dating and now youhave a family?

paul: well like i said before i had a familyi really didn't think much about the cost of so it was a big thing in terms of justseeking out higher quality food i just only cared about my own body and what i put inmy own body but in terms of having a family, a wife and kids i want to make sure they areeating the highest quality foods i also want them to be happy with what they're eatingso if they are choosing to eat grains and they are vegan they are on a vegan diet buti want to make sure i am getting the highest quality ones of that. but there are thingsthat my kids eat you know toast and even waffles believe it or not i said before i said there'swas no way i'm going to ever marry a person or have kids that are going to eat waffles.waffles are never going to be in my house

but when you have kids and i'm just so happythat they're eating healthy majority of the time they want waffles that’s not cavingin i'm going to find the highest-quality waffles i can find and the highest-quality syrup orhoney i could find and they're going to get waffles. and when i was younger i would belike no way and i mean a lot of people that say that and i think they're just fine i don'tknow kids that are healthier than them and some people say my kids are all raw but youmight be might be junk food raw (cross talk-yea) you know when my kids eat they are eatinghealthy and yes waffles are not healthy to any degree but it's just having an open mindreally and looking at the big picture (cross talk –yeah) and the other thing is my wife'sokay with it i would prefer them not to eat

the waffles but my wife's okay with it soi’m ok with it. john: cool man yeah i mean you got to learnespecially in relationship to you know to change it a little bit and be open to newideas with your partner and then make adjustments like i'm going to say now in the video youknow my kids are not going to eat waffles and my girlfriend wife one day will go alongwith this but i have no intentions of feeding them waffles if i did i’d be like paul youknow i would grow the grains to make the waffles, my wife would make the waffles fresh and we’llheat them on low temperature, even raw waffles in the dehydrator. so another thing paul iwant to talk to you about, we were talking about it earlier before we started makingthis video, is that i know that you get regular

blood test i also get regular blood test andmodify what i am doing based on my blood test to even get better now one of the things thatis important to me is you know a lot of people are going i don’t need no blood test causei feel fine. what are your thoughts about that comment?paul: well first most people that do get blood test they are not and i don’t know whichones you get but they are not getting the sufficient amount of blood work done to knowif anything truly is wrong so i meet a lot of raw fodders that say or even people thatsay well my blood work was fine and i'm like well what did you get tested in? and wheni realize what they got tested in and i'm like that’s going in for a breast examinationfor women and only get one breast tested.

(cross talk- yeah)it's like it's just insufficientis not good enough so even if you are getting blood test you got to make sure you gettinga good quality blood test that’s why i go to dr schandl at american metabolic laboratoriesand i think that's one of the missing links of health that i talk about on my websiteoften but for people that blankly say i don't need no test at all me and you know somebodywho's used to say i'm just going to eat like the gorillas and i goanna eat healthy andi’m goanna be great you know the natural hygiene philosophy which is wonderful whenyou think about it but there are a lot of other factors that come into play here andwe need to monitor our blood work to make sure what we are doing is working for us,so this person is a great example of somebody

that ate wonderful ate just like we wouldate nature i guess but just an example of when we don’t monitor what’s going onthings can still happen. so i think it’s very wise for us monitor what we are doingto make sure it’s working for us with all the factors and everything out there and ithink good blood work is important, and for me i think that is the missing link and forme the thing is cancer you know a good friend of mine got cancer and he was eating the rawfood diet for a long time. there are stories of many raw fodders getting cancer long termraw foodies, the thing was doctors will say when you catch cancer when you can see itand you get it at an early stage that is the best way to overcome it which is true butwhen they say you could see it early is when

you could actually see it on a microscope.well if you get good blood work done like the one i get done is 10 years prior to itever been able to be see is when you can know something is going on and you most likelyare developing cancer and you can start doing something at that point and that's truly catchingit early and and and that's something that i highly suggest. it’s very important.john: yeah paul i completely agree with you that’s it highly important to get testedand i am but i'm taking what you're saying even to the extreme right. why wait untilyou get tested to see that something's going to just change your approach and change whatyou're doing to eat an anti-cancer diet now? so that's my some of my latest findings ison eating the highest quality food that i

could grow with trace minerals because there'scertain trace minerals that are implicated you know being deficient when some peopleget certain types of cancers and the other thing that i'm doing my life besides eatinghigh trace mineral foods and even things like sea weeds is adding copious amounts of differentkinds of phytochemicals and phytonutrients foods that are proven to fight and kick cancer'sass more than you know a conventional treatments for my research. so these are the things likethe brassica family of plants like kale, collard greens, cauliflower, broccoli, perseus familyof plants also things like garlics and onions things like mushrooms you know there's evenproperties in carrots and apples that are anti-cancerous but maybe some people on areon a raw food diet are simply just not eating

enough fruits and vegetables not nuts andseeds and i like to eat some nuts and seeds or not eating any oil and other fats and eatingtoo higher fats you are crowding out the amount of biochemical rich and anti-cancerous antidiseases promoting fruit and vegetables. so paul how important are fruits and vegetablesin a raw food diet in your opinion? paul: what really comes down to is nutrientsyour body needs a certain amount of nutrients to do the job it was performed to do and wecannot if we’re not eating the foods that have those nutrients, how we're going to getthem? and this is why i believe so much in supplementation but the reason why fruitsand vegetables are best food on the planet animal meat and cook food has nutrients butthere's so much extra work created to get

those nutrients and my goal is to give mybody the least to get the most out of it and and and make my body work the least to getthe most out of it where the average diet is making the body work the hardest to getthe least out of it and so it comes to food fruits and vegetables especially raw ripefresh organic make the body work the least to get the most. and that is essential thatis key, so that's why i believe fruits and vegetables are the highest quality foods onthe planet. if you just look at it from a nutritional standpoint yes you know thereis a lot of nutrition in other things but you got to take in the other factors the digestivebreakdown of these things and that's what puts fruits and vegetables at the top andthat's why it's so important and that's why

meat it so bad cause from a nutritional standpointmeat is a wonderful food from a nutritional standpoint they're all nutrients in it. howeverto get those nutrients the body have to work so much harder and not as the major issuethat's the problem that's make so much harder and it's not so it still gets what’s itneed so that's where disease really sets in because the body can't handle that much workso quickly what it needs to do and it becomes waste in the system and then ultimately itwill contributed to disease much quicker and that's why i go even further than that andi take supplements and when people hear this for example i take vitamin c which is somethingi never thought about so i take vitamin c on average i take 10,000 of vitamin c on adaily basis and and and people think well

this is a lot this isn’t near enough ifyou look at go to dr schandl work on the interviews i did with him and you’ll hear about thisand and and you see people aren’t getting near enough you know even with raw food youhave to eat do you understand how many oranges you have to eat to get that much vitamin c?(cross talk-inaudible 19:22) and even that you just can't eat enough even if you arejuicing you can’t eat enough to get it so i'm going to the next level of finding outwhat helping the body to not to avoid getting cancer to keep it working the way it's supposedto and there are supplements that are designed to help this happen and so you know i wantto assure this is going to end this, there is no assurances there is no panacea but whenit comes to food i want to give my body the

least to get the most make it work the leastto get the most and that's fruit and vegetables and when it comes to getting what we needthe supplement are we got technology enough today to make that happen so i am doing itand i feel better than ever for my age and and it’s you know it’s exciting it’sexciting to know and see my friends around me and to know them i’m at least up therethem or better than most of them but humbly say up there with them and you know if youlook me and jon when you first started and you take 2 other guys our age when they firstdid something and you look at them 20 years later (crosstalk- there’re jacked up) imean they're probably have much more sickness, they're overweight and just starting to getall the problem that people normally get at

these ages that we might not never get thembut it’s going to be later on than most people would. john: yeah one of two of the things i wantedto comment on paul. the meats i mean as paul said are hard to digest and get the nutrientsout of on the other hand what is most important for me is when you eat meat you are displacingthe amount of phytochemicals and phytonutrients and these are the things that are super criticalto me to get that are anti-cancerous property like the pigment in the foods like the lycopene,the lutein and zeaxanthin and all these different corinthians and pigments things that are noteven studied yet there's over 300 different plant metabolites in one tomato. one of themwhich is lycopene and some are vitamin but

there are so many things that plants maketo protect themselves from the sun, to protect themselves from disease, to protect themselvesfrom pest and when we eat high quality food with all the minerals they can make the mostplant metabolites which then gets transferred to us when you're eating meats then you'regoing to eat less vegetables because you don't have the room for them because meats are clearlydense. so when you eat too much fat you're not going to have enough room for the vegetablesnow unlike paul, paul take supplements several times a week a bunch it sounds like and itake some supplements the ones that i have determined that i need but i strive to nottake supplements and get my nutrients from the food as much as possible that being saidwhen i do see i am deficient in something

i will take a supplement i have been to drschandl once and i'm going to go back one of these days and see what he would recommendfor me and you know i would not put it past me to take supplements if i believe that itwould truly help me and take me to better place but that being said the thing i wouldtry to do first time is to get my nutrients from food. how can i increase the vitaminc content? going to take amin berry powder which is the highest vitamin c content youknow dehydrated fruit powder that has vitamin c but all the other co-factors but you knowso one of the things that's cool about long-term raw fodders is you know me and paul we’reyou know we got a lot of the commonalities but we are doing things a bit different andso just to see in another 10 years how we

are both doing you know and hopefully we areboth going to be vibrant in both the ways we are doing you know it works. that’s whati want for both of us i want optimum health for both of us my buddy here and even youguys and that's what i’m making this video to share with you guys what we've learnedover the last 20 years. paul any other comments for my viewers today you like to share withthem any words of wisdom? paul: yeah i know the raw food movement imean and there are people out there that will see this and right away oh we don’t needsupplements we weren’t designed to take supplements and these things and they willsay things like this. guys have an open mind especially if you're new to this or if i youonly been doing this for 4 or 5 years or so.

you know i realize that you know we want tolive as natural as possible and we don’t want to have to ever go to take a blood testand do these things but we got to be realistic as well you know, you know we think we havethe cure for cancer but we don't , we think we know what cures cancer but we don’t,so to a degree it is a guessing game you know we just got to continue to look and experimentwith our own bodies and do what’s working for us and not really focus on other peopleand i know a lot of people again be careful cause a lot of people are saying well youknow, you know i don’t need supplements raw food is enough and all these things oreven a fruitarian diet and all these different things. everyone feels great at the beginning(cross talk-yeah especially when you’re

younger when you start) yeah but then in thelong run you start seeing and realizing things aren’t working out as well that’s whyyou don’t see many fodders long term raw fodders out there and there’s a reason forthat. check out me books i interview with people that have been doing it a long timeand you know thankfully so many of them are still thriving but unfortunately some of themactually died. i mean we're all going to die at some point but they died from diseasesthat we really shouldn’t have to die from if we're dealing with this. i have a lot offriends that have been doing this a long time many, many years one of my favourite friendsand teacher dr fred bisci in his eighties and he’s been eating diet raw food dietraw vegan for over 50 years so i'm talking

from experience not just mine and it doesn'tmean you can't get it right but you gonna have changed your gonna have changes in yourthinking so you know it's not my way or john’s way it’s the way that you do for you that’sworks for you so find what works for you and enjoy it.john: yeah, and i want you guys to investigate all the different options and see and do researchand learn on your own, that’s how i’ve done my stuff i don't like oh paul said thisthat's what i'm going to do, no i look up stuff and figure out stuff myself and seewhat makes sense to me and that's what i do and share with you guys. if you guys wantto do similar to what i do great if not then find somebody else and follow their work and,and always be open to changing always be open

to being flexile about your approach. youknow i’ve changed a lot especially as i get more mature and wise you know and stuffwe have different like goals in life we want to have maximize our life’s potential liftour optimal genetic potential you know especially when paul’s got kids and a family to bewith his kids and see him graduate and all these things and to see our history of doingthis for 20 years now and how maybe like our goals have changed a little bit from whenwe were a little bit younger you know. alright paul so i gonna wrap this up it’s gettinga little bit dark but i you got one more thing? paul: yeah health is more than just a foodthat we putting in our bodies obviously i mean we need to exercise we need to sleepwe need to get enough water but i think a

big missing element of the whole thing isto understand is we have a creator who created the food and he told us in the bible in genesis1:29 the food for man is fruits and vegetables and those of you out there that are familiarwith the bile yes he did allow a man later to eat meat but that wasn't his ideal. plana was fruits and vegetables genesis 1:29 and the food looks like what it good for the carrotif you cut it in half it looks like the eyes, celery is the shape of bones and mineralsin celery are great for bones. he didn’t make any mistakes when he did this until mantook what our creator gave us and destroyed it, the soil, the food that’s growing inthe soil we had everything we needed to thrive and he still provided that. so we have tolook at that and realise that you know he

wants us it says in the bible it says andknow the plants i have for you they are good and not disaster to give you a future andgive you a hope. our creator doesn’t want us to suffer from the diseases that men aresuffering from today, he wants us to have a future and hope and he says if you followmy guidelines and instructions all will be well with you and i’m sticking to that,his plan a and right now things are going pretty well.john: alright paul so thanks a lot for being on the show today and if somebody want tolearn about your work paul i know you have a youtube channels websites how does somebodyget a hold of you to learn about your bible teaching and your raw food teaching and everythingyou do you?

paul: my main website is healthwatchman.comfrom you can click on my bible site or you can click on my raw foodsite and i also i have several channel but on you tube a real life health show on youtube and also healthwatchman. john: cool, cool alright paul so if you guysenjoyed this episode with paul give me a thumbs up this is information you're really not goingto hear on any other youtube channels as i've been doing this for so long i have friendsall over the place that i love to bring you guys and share with you their knowledge andalso me at the same time learn to see how i can improve my diet because i always wantyou guys to always improve whatever you're doing in life including your diet your healthall this kind of stuff so yeah thumbs up if

you want me to come back talk to paul againand also be sure to click on subscribe button right down below to be notified of my newand upcoming episodes and be sure to check my past episode i’ll put a couple linksdown below to videos i’ve done over the years with paul and it’s definitely reallybeing a fun ride fun journey and see him married with beautiful kids you know i'm so happyfor him and hopefully one of these days i’ll have kids too so also share this video withother fodders you know that you think it may help that’s why i make the videos to helppeople out so they don’t have to go through the trail and tribulation that me or pauldid in our younger days when we didn’t do the best stuff that we could have done becausewe know a lot now from just experienced it

right and you guys are gonna learn from thattoo so once again my name is john kohler with okay we'll see you next time untilthen remember keep eating your fresh fruits and vegetables they are always the best.

asian health meal