
Senin, 09 Januari 2017

does health food cost more

all right this is john kohler from i have another exiting episode for you. im coming at you from the pure living expohere in sedona, arizona and i’ve a very special guest on my show today. one that inever had before. he is a really hard guy to track down and he was in costa rica andtravels all over, does different retreats and consulted many different health eventsand does phone consult. but i’m glad he is here that i get interviewing him becausei truly look up to this man. i mean this is viktoras kulvinskas and all you old timersmight know he wrote a really popular book “life in the 21st century” way back inthe day. and now he has a new book that he came up with and its actually titled “ourelders speak” so i really wanna talk to

him about this book and how it can help youin your diet whatever kind of diet you are living on specially you are on a any kindof raw foods diet. but before we get into that i wanna assurewith you guys that viktoras is being doing “raw living biogenic diet” now for last50 years and he has a lot of experience in this and he’s seen people doing this comeand go.and before we get into talking about the book today, we wanna talk about anothervery important subject because he is being doing it for so long, he is getting up therean age and are gonna jump right into it, viktoras, what is sex after 80 gonna be like or youthink it’s gonna be like? well, it has been good up to now and as theysay, “life gets better after 80”. so,

i’m looking forward to that period. on valentine’sday, just to test my own agility, i ended up doing 400 push-ups instead of 50 and thatturned out to be ok. no sour muscles or anything. this is something that, as we grow older wegotta exercise more and that empcluse exercising all of our body parts.awesome.. so i mean the thing is really funny but also important to ask you is why are teenagersnow using viagra’s? it’s like number one party are so right on!! are you a teenager? no no no... i don’t need any of that stuffor raw foods may be. that’s the problem. i mean, look at thestallions,i mean i know all that raw food dieting, all those oats and greens and grasses.what’s happing to them? supper studs. and

what we have right now 60% of the couplesare reproductive or sterile. the life expectancy of our children is that of seniors of manygenerations ago in other words they are expiring early. our parents are gonna out lives thechildren. you have either to get some life into your body or you will be dead meat. remember,that diet, is a prophecy in itself. spell it, d i e. that’s what about your, you gotta be into a lifestyles and lifestyles means, eating, living foods, exercising, singing,getting enough rest, meditating. connecting with the creator, creating the beautiful abounds,we have the joy in life. at the same time, stay out of the unsanitary environments. so,yes, it’s in the lifestyles. matter of fact, it’s becoming the rage in the field of you realize? apple which is like the biggest

biggest corporation in the world, it has wildnessdepartment can you imagine that? they do say, “apple a day keeps the doctoraway .they got to keep up with their reputation with the apple” so they have a wildnessprogram and primarily, they have a professor from stanford university. they had a lecturegiven, “have you taken your meds today??” now, it’s the new our recommended dailyactivity, “what are the meds of the new age?”. meditation, exercise, diet, sleep,sex and sensuality that sss for that. that’s the future. do you wanna be alive? get intolife. it dead, it become dead very early. so we got to get the young into more livingand more and more i do... you think that deer drinking and eating those big sandwiches andgetting stoned is the way to go? there is

a whole group called yes, international, youthfor environmental sanity. are you saying?? they are into, veganism, meditational environmentawareness. because, we are in a sinking ship unless we get you guys to get engaged. getup your…butts, and start navigating this planet earth ship into aliveness i mean startplanning gardens in your backyard. even if in its pot, it’s ok!yeah, especially if you eat it raw. totally. or juice it.yeah but … so many different ways to get high. you gota choice between alcohols like marijuana, cocaine. god… nasty staff. or alkalize,alcholoids temporarily give you sense of alkalinity and you feel viral. but it brings its cousins,like coffee is a good popular at starbucks

happy hour riding by the nobel of my news place popping up and creating all kind of wonderful music. nah… that’s after2 hours, you are into your old self unless you go to starbucks and drop another 5 bucks.well with that 5 you can go over somewhere else and get alkalize, get a green juice andget high, drink some weak grass get high. that’s maintainable. you can be stoned highall-day long. riding songs, downloading the cosmic, divine creator and sharing it. lifewill become totally newbie and you will become the real you. because unless you are you,you are just be ass instead of be you. let’s get on with life. how is that? ride on.yeah.. that’s pretty ride on it. i mean i’m in a video where actually i got highon raw canvas and you have to watch the video

i put a link down below. i got high on rawcanavas for 10 hours. like really high. so i recommend you guys, don”t do that! becauseactually what are the things i’ve learned is that i really did not leek being high fromraw canavas if made in a certain way all raw, and so i am high on life . you know on analcholine rich diet naturally when i get high with this natural thc compounds. i reallydidn’t like it. i want it to be over that i can get back my normal natural highness24hrs. a day, 7 days a week with boundless energy.and it’s only good to experiment. they say what really is the way to go for the future.they wanna be fully alive dancing, having a joyous occasion, dating the young beautieswho are 120 year old or going out with 34

year old it doesn’t matter. it’s agelesssociety. my cousin, in her 70s dating 30 year old guy. it’s not because she goes out anass for day. they are hitting on her raw foods.the same thing is for maleness. we have movedout of that aging into a place where at 500 you can be just as young as you are 12.absolutely…. so viktoras,you know i know you’ve seen a lot of changes over the yearsin the raw foods moving. whats being one of the biggest problems you have seen in theraw food moving which causes people to fail? well… probably over eating, getting involvedwith lot of the sweet food, and also just basically not addressing life from a holisticpoint of view. so many raw food is lacking exercise, many raw food is not meditate, manyraw food is don’t detoxifying fast. so 5

years later go by and they are still at puttingtoxic even though they are on live foods, you got to get those stuff out of your systemthrough fasting, through all kind of cleansing techniques. then all of a sudden your iriswill change. i had a black iris, but right now it’s blue green. it has changed 50 yearsago it was black. matter of fact, famous neurologist said in a lecture where i attended he addme as a demo, he says here is the example of walking zombie. says we had not got intoraw foods we would be definitely all dead. well, many years later cleansing in the detoxificationall changed. my face still being cover with acne and pimple. losing hair, going into know right now in my late 70s no pimples, no warts, no brown spot, aging spot, liverspots none kind of that stuff. it’s all

possible, you can cleanup your inner act andouter act shows it and so i tell that i’ll dance like crazy tonight and hypocrisy do90 minute marathons of disco. i am there from start to know, that was possible,i couldn’t do that when i was you know much older biologically 50 years ago, now it’sanother ratio all together. get charge an alcholinity , entomology, oxygenation that’swhere life process begins . so viktoras, you talked about eating too manysweet fruits. now, are you saying sweet fruits are bad and we should never eat them or…oh no no… over eating of anything even salads will totally be distracted. the whole ideais moderation and all your intakes. and so, a fruit salad of 2-3 cups at most. that’sa great breakfast. not every day but couple

times a week or even more frequently unlessyou are dealing with some incurable disease which is really curable and life green orientedand there is no cure by the way. only haps can be cured. no instead, what is happeningis that the body’s self-healing, self-regenerating, self-renew. it’s just like you get a cut,it heals, your hair grows back, everything. your nails grow back. the human body continuouslyrenewing itself and you might have a mess.. made a mess out of your life, which changedthe lifestyle habits and once again your body is forgiving, renewing you, regenerating you.all you have to do is return to the source. awesome… so what are thing you just talkedabout was like eating a high green food, diet. so, what’s one really important reason whysimply you should agree because you see many

people out there really concentrating on foodare not eating enough greens? why should people out there watching this video that are noteating enough green, just eating like head of remaining of a day, really expand out differentkind of sprouts, micro green, different varieties of chalet and chore, all the deeply in thegreens. why are they so beneficial? weak grass and all that stuff?well last year, that the olympics they did an interview of competitors and they ask them,what you have for breakfast? a green protein smoothie. all of them said that, what youhave for lunch? a huge green green salad and some protein. evening, what are you eatingfor evening meal? huge green salad and some protein. one of the strongest man alive. youcan look him up. google up law hercules. you

know, raw vegant protein and greens complexcarbohydrates. fruit is ok, but greens is where the power lies. this is where the friendlybacteria co-exist within your body and they do all kind of beneficial things. they keep,they tonify your brain, your gut brain becomes amplified so that you are functioning withdivine order. you are downloading the creation without effort. life becomes a synchronicityof positive events. that’s how beautiful life is intended to be. whereas, you knowon a diet lot of food… just keep on eating more and more munchies, 125 bananas a day,you are in state of ongoing east-feast thing. your east are just dying having a bankruptinside of you and they are making tons of alcohol. so, without knowing it, you can bequiet intoxicated. it’s poisonous that,

price stop that produced in the gi track,so low bet, the east don’t get a chance to takeover. your predominant theme shouldbe green. complex carbohydrate green, soak season nuts. these are super power foods.alright viktoras, let’s talk about the seeds in the nuts. cause i know the lot of peopleout might deal low fat, raw vegan diet. you know what percentage of overall calorie shoulddo you believe we should get from fat. but it’s not just nuts and seeds, it’s formentadent, activating nuts and seeds. which are actually different then this is standardnuts and seeds right? hmm totally. they are predigested and alsothey are low in fat. once you activate the hydrolytic enzyme in the seeds, they becomepredigested by this enzyme, converting that

60-80% fat of your macedonian nut worth 60%in the walnut or in the sunflower seed and it’s converted us essential fatty acid whichare important to nerve and brain development and hormone development and this is as easilyassemble all of your system and you don’t have that bladed feeling that heart struggleto digest all this grassy food and also many people are allergic to many of the nuts. especiallypeanuts allergic to wall…excuse me, to almond, many are allergic to cashew because of thishigh complicated protein and fat structure. so, predigesting by either soaking or justtaking the nuts and seeds blend them to a cream with water and introduce some friendlybacteria. and they will predigested for you instead of the enzymes in the seeds doingthe predigestion. so, you have also the new

benefits of fermentation working on the nutsand seeds instead of on the cabbages and sour crops in the cinchy.awesome…so what percentage of overall do you recommend or range of fat total in youknow healthy raw food plan based diet,live food?basically i don’t look at life. i look at the whole food and what is required to maintainyour body strength, vitality, nerve quality as well as mental clarity and in terms ofoverall percentage i would say somewhere its about, somewhere around 10-15, 20% you shouldbe getting it from whole foods. you should not be using olive oil or coconut oil. ifyou do, small amount especially the younger you are the more you can tolerate. but onceyou get into more advanced age like 30, you

wanna just kind of shy away in order to havemental clarity. because all this fats causes your red blood cells start clumping togetherand delivering less oxygen to your brain to your whole extremity. so you don’t feelas vital as you could be and they are difficult to digest. so it takes much longer to digestfatty foods. so no oils, no nuts or seeds. instead if you use nuts and seeds soak emovernight. then they become quality foods with low fat and it should come out of food itself out of the […] out of the olives instead of havingolive oil, you have olives. awesome you know i am agree with the wholefood message that’s very important even on a raw food diet. in the raw fast thingis plenty of package, borrow the prepared know i wanna you guys to eat fromthe mother earth. eat the foods of nature, fresh food, fresh vegetables, sprouts, nutsand seeds that have been activated. the large division of medical community calledpcrm, the raw positions committee for response for medicine and basically they have takenthe part that there only is beaconism when while choosen is adequate nutritionally butalso anything country to beaconism country to good health and their overall promise is“no oil, only whats you get i the food” and i think it’s a good now viktoras i wanna get into this book that you are one of the four authorsin it actually just called the “feel better, feel younger. our elders speak, health andliving foods expert, health longevity happiness”

“discover the real key to vibrant healthand longevity and happiness” and this the panel discussion book so contain the fredbisci, brian clement, rabbi gabriel cousens and the viktoras kulvinskas. so ah collectivelyall these authors have 200 years of experience in raw foods. so they have been doing it forlong time, they have seen people doing raw foods, come and go and they have..many ofthem have clinical and personal experiences seen what happens when people eats,you know..differentstyles of raw foods that’s you know lot home made foods, lot of this, lot of that.and in this book, thers over 150 questions that they asked each of these individualsand each of them give a different answers. some of the answers will be similar and somewill be different. so you had a lot of questions

about raw food that mean the answers probingin this book lets just flip into one of these, the can saw what we are doing is creating a living wikipedia for the healing alertswith this book. we will find our websites, our email and all these other qualities, can go and start linking up and we are gonna have chat rooms, we are gonna basicallydoing everything possible to spread truth to all the world so that people can when theywant to have a cost-effective minimalistic self regenerating dietary approach that iswithin everybody's budget and accessibility and miracles can happen your life within thecontext of diet and the holistic lifestyle because we're very much into holistic lifestyle..i completely agree and one of the things i

want to let you guys know about is you knowin our society that this right and this is wrong and maybe your guru the person you listento the most that you may have learned about raw food from a do it this way to you callthem and they said that you're drinking juices bad or this is bad or high flattery nothingseason found, so you didn’t do it. i want you guys to remain hoping and possible tochange your pros when you get new information and don't always believe what the gurus evereven if it's written in this book believe it but do your own research and you know thatthe key to this book that theres four people that have been doing this for you know manymany many years and have seen people come and go and putting their expertise in for example going to ask viktoras

question number 3 today because theres a 151actually i've looked through this and there's some really questions so question 3 to isviktoras it cannot be denied that high calorie high sugary fruit diet is becoming very popularworldwide and there are many cases of high food eater excelling in marathons bike racesand other unique competitions is this fool's gold long term does this type of diet correlatewith a longer life then standard american diet.i think it probably is going to be leading to longer quality of life than average americandiet because the average american diet is a sad diet and it shows that everybody isin a state of inflammatory condition immune system is basically working 24/7 that justto deal with the toxemia associated with dietary

choices and all form and degenerative diseasesare developing within these individuals or where is an approved diet you don't have yougot at least an enzymatic nutrition and basically something that is relatively easy to handleif you have a lot of physical activity you might be able to burn off all this song butthere's alternatives to all of this which is the alternative is eating food in a smallquantity and encouraging the proliferation of friendly bacteria vs east bacteria yourtotal health picture of longevity and quality life is totally determined by the microbialcolored receive calls cyst on the standard american diet their existing with the rottingcorpse culture. basically parasites the maggots in also all the pathogenic microbes in virusesare part of the animal protein diet and you

can see what happens on that died you needall kind of heavy usage of cell breath refreshers all kind of other conditions and a fecal matterso bad that even if you compost nothing will grow on it that's basically the nature ofthe beast of that's where son of fruit diet you basically encouraging the proliferationof east that is to be making alcohol that vitalizes you over the long run here you'reon a sugar rush during those athletic events in great you can do fantastic i have a wholeprogram for athletes, i work with olympic athletes so many times over the last yearsin my history and we had them on primarily the biggest contribute with enzymes, probioticsand blue green algae in terms of taking an athlete who is average and terms of performanceand in taking converting them at the super

athletes, where they compete in athleticsbe coming in like dan o'brien as an example in the atlanta olympics from very debilitatingout for you could work out on the an hour within a matter of 2 months he was workingout 7 to 8 hours a day. just by the intake of these super foods that are foundationaland then we have also other star athletes who are raw foodist who are breaking in theirsenior years breaking the records that they have set when they were in yes in collegewhen they went on scholarship of athletic performance. this is possible and what sprouts,sea vegetables, fermented foods beside the super foods that require very little insteadof having yourself blowing up with you know a meal of 15 bananas. i can't even imagineeating 15 bananas without the thought i mean

after the 2nd or 3rd this totally revoltingits gluttony and gluttony is not good weather it's raw or cook. i totally agree i mean i want to increaseguys to seek balance reading a lot of fruit man i want to encourage you guys to balanceit out with greens you know i'm glad that this is my 20th year doing raw foods and i'mseeing people and natural high green and with more green diets. and you know if you askme john what to do you do you know the high green diet and we're done what guess whati take the best of both worlds enough when i don't want you guys to do for you and findout if you want to do a 35% with more know you know if viktoras kulvinskas you know green,your sprouted nuts and seeds, biogenic diet

and 25% fruit or 75% 25% but experiment andfind out what's the best for you because i don't want you guys to get stuck in a boxbecause oh i am a food trainer and on a 80 to 10 cant do that other stuff. do it make your own rules. they are you got all the time in the worldi mean i'm life food program try whatever you can experiment and find what really worksout in the long run and you will find in the final evaluation that small meals, highlyconcentrated foods, foods that is high and biogenic namely either sprouts and or babygreens and or walls of furman's these are the foods that are giving you the highestfertility, healthy mental clarity, agility maximum power in terms of overall performancein these are the foods for longevity.

i mean that's absolutely true and wanna encourageyou guys to reach out and reach for more those foods, grown yourself you know for me yourown foods at home and more importantly you're going to want to purchase this book that youcan get on the right track even if you read this book that anything in there somethingin there might just you know change a little bit change your course and you know you therefind a wide from san francisco and they just change by when they take off changes and getoff course, they get end up you know in the other side of the world. of course you don’twant you guys to get of course i the raw foods diet right. but just a.. you know followingpeople teacher on youtube. know we should really be listening at least taking part oftheir suggestions into are you are being and

utilizing some of the knowledge and informationfrom our elders that have written this book that are still alive today that haven't gonethe way of the dinosaurs like many others doing different kind of diets that are notlinked to synced with longevity so to order this book and learn more you want to checkout very important i haven't encourage you guys to go to that website rightnow by this book read it and start implementing something. you wont like converting diet tothis. you know green diet overnight but just make moves in the an attitude modification… in yeah and your body start to going throughand you're feeling better because of implementing the techniques and ideas sharing this book.i guarantee it.

and no matter what kind of diet orientationyes take time off to meditate takes time out to exercise and not every couple days exerciseeveryday for 1 to even 3 hours as time makes itselfs available, get to spend time alsoin the sun and also just be experiencing grateful come from contribution final reason for livingthat usually means extending yourself be on your own limited scope and being of serviceto others taking them to the next level as me are never alone where social beings andremember our greatest socializer are are probiotics they're having a party inside of your bodyright now ortiz galore there reproducing there just laughing and giggling as their munchingaway on sprout raw fiber. awesome viktoras so viktoras i know you doconsultation so you want to get ahold of your

person that you draw from your over 50 yearsof knowledge living this style a lifestyle you also to do retreat and spread all overthe world couldn't get ahold of you to do all this stuff.for the kids go to are and you'll findthat the what kind of services are available and also my retreat are in costa rica as wellas also in west palm beach to be do the health educator training program where individualsbecome versed in the lifestyles of this biogenic lifestyle nutritional orientation and endup going out helping other people. that’s amazing yeah i mean that's one ofmy purposes in life,it keeps me alive,it keeps going every day by being able to grow my ownfood eat this healthy diet and share with

you guys. this is when i left i almost lostmy life as did viktoras when he was younger he has enough health challenges extreme ididn't find have anything. you know his as viktoras but it also turn my life and i’mglad and i am happy one of my goals and purposes in life is to share this with other. i’mglad that you have taken your time today to watch this video and i wanna encourage youto take the next step and once again reach out and get that book, it can change yourlife. i’ll be reading this and implementing things that i find didn’t know even after20 years because you know i want you guys to be an empty tea pot, don't think you knowit all because nobody can know it all even after 20 years even after 50 year line i don'tknow it all and you can learn morning must

be open and it starts by getting a book readingit and see what makes sense you and implement small changes you and in the end you willbe healthy because of it and in the end you know i will have done my part to.. so thatthe world can be a healthier place one person at a time just by making a simple video. soviktoras are there any last words to my viewer out there that you want to share with them.last week i was someone saw my friend who i've known for years haven't seen him forquite a while they were macrobiotic one of the woman there was 15 years macrobiotic sheclaims not only cure is an incurable cancer herself but also she helped another thousandpeople and i blessed year for it i try to explain my position and close mine howevershe appreciated me and loved the way i handled

her now without the knowledge that she hadabout holistic living and the way the human body works macrobiotics can be helpful ithas a removed the causes of many things yet she is suffering with severe itching the shinglesall over body yet in the medical community they treating successfully 100% success withwhat enzyme saturation and you know and this is something that you find success incurringor cancer she is a lie when the doctor said she should be dead yet she's doing great there'speople who might have rescued their life on a fruitarian diet and now they're doing alife but that doesn't mean that it's the only direction to go, be open to the wider scopeand see how it aligns with your long term goals and is it gonna be something that isgonna be sustainable.

awesome viktoras, yeah so i mean hope youguys enjoy this episode if you did enjoy give me a thumbs up. but try to have viktoras onin the future. also be sure to check my past episodes i’ve over 450 episodes on thischannel to teach you guys about my healthy lifestyle and also be sure to check out myother channel that’s very important where i have over a 1050 videos, you guysgrow your own food at home and also.. he is my favorite of all the interviews ihave ever done. i mean this guy rocks not only energetically drama and information andhaving an open mind that i remember if the mind isn't has a parachute if you don't keepit open guess what you're going to crush so open up your mind so you can fly to your destination.awesome viktoras.. so once again this is john

chloe with we’ll see you nexttime. its all okuntil then keep your fresh foods and vegetables sprouted, nuts and seeds and sprout fruitsas well.

asian health meal