alright! this john kohler with another exciting episode and aloha, i'm still here in beautiful hawaii on the bigisland and it's another exciting episode for you and i'm really excited about this one,you know. as you guys know when you watch me or this is the first video you guys aswatched of me, then i teach an organic, biologic, natural, gardening approach or farming approach.if you’re growing on a bigger scale, right. it's completely possible; i have visited somany different farms and home gardens, as well as grow myself. there is nothing to it,you know and grow organically and grow high quality food really good quality food withoutreally messing up the island. messing up the mother earth, you know. i mean, we put thesechemicals, synthetic (you know) water soluble
fertilizers that basically leads through theearth, kill the microbial, reduce the populations and then run of into the ocean or into thegulf of mexico. create dead zone that can pollute the water table and all this kindof stuff and this is what i do not want to see for our planet. i want to see a healthyvibrant rich planet (you know) that would have been around like, before man got involvedand as you guys learn in just couple of my episodes ago instead of being degenerate tothe agriculture or degenerate to using synthetic chemicals and fertilizers and even betteris sustainable but that is sustaining the status coat. i want you guys all to do regenerativeagriculture and to do true regenerative agriculture. if we've been growing food in a non-sustainableway and we're using those products to re-enrich
our soils, such as tree limbs and composeand all these stuffs we really can't get to the regenerative aspects. so in my opinion,we really need to add in some additional nutrients and microbes into the soil to basically bringthat soil alive. so it can get back to full fertility, how it would have been before manstepped on any of these beautiful hawaiian islands or even before man set foot in continentalunited states. i know many of you guy can email and say “john where can i get rocktest? where do i get this? where do i get that?†i have a friend, josh at the boogiebrew company. you can check him out at they will ship the rock dust to you. no matterwhere in the fifty united states you live in, including hawaii. i want to always encourageyou guys to source your products locally whenever
possible and more importantly from a reallycool business organization (you know) that actually helps and promotes farming to others.that is simply where i am at today. they are going to provide you guys with all the conventionalfertilizers. if you guys still do that i want to encourage you guys to move in the otherdirection. they provide you with an awesome larger selection of organic nutrients fertilizers,whatever you want to call them. anywhere in the islands you want to visit today makesme want to move to the big island, just because this store is so super cool. it’s actuallycalled the farm supply corporative inc. while it is incorporated, this is actually a notfor profit business. this is a true corporative owned by the members. there is a board thatruns it and all these stuff and what you do
is you can pay $30 a year, just 30 bucks ayear and then you are a member. then you get lower prices and you are supporting them tobe more efficient at their business. so the more members they can get the more pricesthey can drop because at the end of the year they are not doing this for a profit. theyare doing this simply to make some of these fertilizers, nutrients and accessories availableto farmers at the lowest price possible instead of having to go to some big bucks store. thisis a 100% local company owned by the people and i want to encourage you guys to alwayssupport local whenever you can especially here on the islands. instead of a big, largecorporation coming in that are not doing the best things in the world. so we are here,and it's not 366 east kawilli street actually
that is on their sign, but that's their oldaddress. they moved over two years ago and i think they're on island time. they're actuallyat 60 holomua, which is actually just right around the corner from 366 east kawilli street.they’re still supposed to wipe that out or change the address on there. but anyways,what i want to do know is actually just go into this warehouse and if you guys saw myprevious episodes, you know, i was living in the santa rosa area and i went to a placecalled leballister’s and this is like leballister’s on steroid, man. it’s like port leballister’sor like hydroponic shops. it’s one of the coolest stores i have seen anywhere. i wouldwish that they would actually have one of these in every large city so that people couldsource good organic supplies and growing materials
to grow organically wherever you guys let’s go ahead and head inside. so this is the main entrance way to the farm supplycorporative and this is not just for farmers. if you guys live or sustain in residentialhouse in hilo or even kona, i would probably drive over on a market day or going downtownto get some good food and stop by here. this is for everybody; you don't need to be a don't even need to be a member. although i would highly encourage you guys. if youguys stop by, join as a member because you are voting with your dollars. the most importantthing that you guys have is your money and the choices that you make and where you wantto put your money. you can choose to put your money with the big corporations or you canchoose to put money with local farmers who
wants supporting; like farmers' markets youare not growing your own and choose to put your money towards an organization like this,that's making mutual funds available for farmers and not making a profit at the end of theday. i think there should definitely be more coops such as this in the state of hawaiiand around the world. another benefit if you shop here instead of a local big bucks storeor another store, you are not going to pay sales tax because they are a you are going to save money right out the top there and support a good. so whether youare a big farmer or you are just a backyard grower, you can come here and the cool thingis for backyard growers they have a whole sectional of re-bagged fertilizers in smallerportion sizes you don't have to buy huge 50
pound bag of rock dust which i would alsorecommend you guys to do. another thing to be really concerned about is they're not alwaysthere, only open monday to friday from 8 o'clock to 4 p.m. and get there by 4 pm sharp theydon't stay a minute later. the people have stuff to do and when you come here on theweekends, sundays are closed. on saturdays they are open only from 8 to 1. get here i'm here on a saturday and i have the whole store by myself to show you guys aroundand they're really friendly here. they do anything they can to help you out so you guyscan get the supplies you need. i am going to go ahead and give you guys a little quicktour of the store today but more importantly i'm going to show you guys my favorite nutrientsand favorite products that they sell here,
that you may want to pick up if you live inthe area to increase the quality of the food you're growing. a lot of the things that i talked about onmy show people are not talking about that. this is not taught by the master gardeners.unfortunately this is not even taught at universities. this is the next level. this is extracurricularstuff and i have learned it by visiting places that are growing foods and other high qualityfoods that taste better, that yields more, that has less pest and disease problems andit's amazing but this stuff is not thought so i'm really glad this place is here to offeryou guys a product that i recommend. so you guys can start growing more biologic, organic,nutrient dense way. so, let's go ahead and
head in and show you guys some of these coolprices we have here. so, i say again and i meet fans in some of the funniest time i was actually at the airport standing in line to go to the tsa line, i met a guythat watches my video, just now there's a random guy shopping here and he was like “johni watch your videos, man and he got so inspired by watching my videos online,†and thatis what i try to do whether you guys have been growing for a long time or are new togrowing or never grow anything in your life but is interested in it. i think it is reallyimportant to get educated. this is why i put out all these videos for you guys. to educateyou guys. if you live anywhere on this island or the big island, us side, kona side, puna,hämäkua, havi, you definitely want to come
to this place. this is the number one resourcefulorganic gardening on the island. if you are near, you definitely want to pick up one ofthese free gardening guides. these are put out by down to earth all natural fertilizersin it. it talks about organic gardening, organic growing, and biologic gardening. down to earthis basically in line with methods that i teach. they make some fine products. i have useda lot of their products myself and i am glad to say that here at this place they sell afull selection of the down to earth products and if there is something that they don’thave here from down to earth, that you want they would probably bring it in for you. that’sdefinitely really cool. it’s already known that they sell the down to earth stuffs. iknow this place is definitely on the right
track and sell some cool stuff. so i am excitedto show you guys some of the different products that are selling inside and some of the onesthat i would recommend the most. so now, i am in this farm supply coops and this is theirbox section. you guys saw where they have their repacked products but this is whereyou can buy things in bulk. i want to encourage you, even if you are ahome gardener, it is always less expensive to buy things in bulk, especially some ofthe things that i recommend to you. they won’t harm your plan so you can put a whole bagon one plant. as long as you don’t bury the plant, it’s still going to be aliveand thrive. i don’t necessarily recommend that and i do recommend using the applicationrates on the bags of the products you buy
and in most cases for organic inputs, theyhave plenty of conventional inputs. and i want to encourage you, when you come here,to source things and purchase things that are omri certified or for use in organic agriculturenot the things that’s synthetic. to me, it looks as if this place has mostly organicswith smaller sections of the synthetics for those people that, if they haven’t fullymoved over to the organic way. once again, i want to encourage you to groworganically. once you get your soil built up and in the right method, growing throughorganic method is going to be far easier, far less expensive and in a much more joyfor you to grow. you will get higher yields once you have it dialed in and that’s thewhole key. to get it dialed in because you
just flip over to organic. things are goingto change because you are changing the whole soil microbial and i want to give you sometips on how to go from synthetic to organic or if you are going from starting off withjust nothing to just going into organic. i want to show you, in this episode some ofthe products that you definitely will want to go with to enhance your growth potentialof all your different fruits, plants, vegetables and herbs that you’re growing. i mean, thereare so many different resources here. i could be here all day sharing things with you butactually my girlfriend is waiting at the house for me so i got to get back, because i thinkmaybe we were supposed to go to the beach today. i can’t be hanging out here too long,so let’s go ahead and get started.
alright so, for my organic biologic gardeningapproaches, basically three lynchpins that needs to happen, so that all and these componentsneed to be in place or you’re not going to the most organic productive growth. youcan try to use one or the other and you’re going to have definitely more success thannot using them, but when you combine all three that’s truly when you’re going to get,hit the higher plateaus and get higher yields and better tasting foods and what it simpleis, is number one you need organic matter. we need organic matter in the soil. that'slike compose. whether you got a standard fungal dominated compose made with low heat withwoodchips or whether you have thermophilic compose made with things and bacterial baseat higher heat. and you guys can make this
stuff yourself. they sell some really gooddown to earth compose in a bag for those of you guys that are home gardeners that can'tmake big compose piles and stuff. its good stuffs in bags, shipped in from the mainlandbut i always want to encourage you guys, once again to go local. so, try to source a goodlocal produced compose. i haven't really research that yet. it's on my list one of these daysbut get some good compose. fungal dominated as well as thermophilic standard compose andyou might have to create the fungal compose yourself which happens really quick here inthe island with all the rain. that's one. number two is: you need the microbes, themicrobes are huge. this is often left out of many, even organic approaches after is true that compose have microbes and
we need to encourage additional microbes becausethey are really your workforce. i mean really think (you know) big bucks stores have hundredsof workers working in their store that get the store stocked and all that stuffs andthink of it as five people trying to run a huge warehouse big bucks store. it’s notgoing to happen right? in standard soils, especially if you have been growing in commercialfashion, you have very little biologics or workers in the soil and that's why we wantto add in some of these workers into the soil. known as the soil microbiology beneficialfungi, bacteria, nematodes, arthropods like earth worms. these are all workers and they’reworking for you. and guess what? you got to pay them, right. you just got to pick themup, buy them or you can make them yourself.
i like to do the more bring-it-in can make your own imos and we will actually talk about that next. you can make these thingsbut i like to buy more of a proven product that has guaranteed results and guaranteedlevels. this is especially important if you are on a commercial operation; guaranteedlevels of the beneficial organisms for your garden and farm. one of my favorite productshere that you guys saw in the previous episode is the em1. so these are effective microorganisms,microbial inoculants and these were put on the beneficial microbes unto your plants andinto your soil. so, they could basically breakdown the organic matter and the minerals that makeit more available for the plants and the plants can uptake them. so, i do recommend usingthis as a spray-in, mixing it with your soil
mixes. spray it on your plants and also sprayingit into the soil. you can also use this for insect control. so, this is the em1. you canlook up an em5 recipe and actually use this as the base for a spray for your plants toresist bugs, pest and decease. one of the cool things that i found out whilei was at the em place over on oahu is that actually they’re just spraying em on garbageto get rid of all the flies that fly around. that's pretty amazing that it has these cureabilities. another thing that i have learnt in that episode is that if you are worriedabout fukushima and all these things, there was some studies that they have there thatthe gatherers tell me that this stuff will negate radioactive isotopes or something likethat. so i mean, microbes are powerful they've
been around since the dawn of time and thoseare the real catalyst. microbes are what help us digest our food that we eat. we need naturalprobiotics. this is what we wipe out when we're using synthetic in-conventional fertilizers.that's what we really need to get back and more than just what is maybe in your soil,more than what you can culture but what's in the product, in my opinion. and they gota couple different ones. they got the em one; they got this one; companion microbe, microbeinoculants. i want to encourage you guys to get one of each and spray them all up at differenttimes and let the microbes kind of figure out what they’re doing because dependingon your climate, your environment, some are going to thrive and some are not going tothrive but the strongest are going to survive
that's how nature works. and if you can introducethe widest diversity, let them figure out that's all you have to do. i don't think ittake a scientist to figure this out. so let’s go ahead and show you guys a few more wayyou can introduce the microbes into your gardening with some of the products another way you could introduce the beneficial micro-organisms into your garden or into yourfarm is by using these imos. now, this is a bagged imo product. of course, you can lookat pre-natural farming. take classes here on big island and learn how to make your ownimos at your place but if you are lazy and just want to buy a bagged product, they definitelyhave them here. these are just called the imo invisionist microorganisms topsoil revitalizerand this could be added in to add, once again,
those very important microorganisms into yourgardening style. let’s go ahead and take a look at two more products that will ramp-upyour microorganisms in your garden. so another product that's really rich in microbialactivity for me is actually the earthworm castings. now my favorite earthworm castingsare called worm gold plus earthworm casting and i hope they really get to sell those herebecause they really are the next level in earthworm castings. they have the down toearth earthworm castings which are good. these guys are actually from canada, so they makeit all the way over to hawaii. any earthworm casting is definitely better than not usingearthworm castings. the earthworm castings are rich in the microbiology, right. and ifyou want to not put as much into your soil,
you are basically going to want to brew theminto a compose tea. so you can just take the earthworm castings and just aerate it withsome cane sugar and some powdered minerals and some humates and some other stuffs. reallyincrease the diversity and increase the microorganism count and then spray that and forever feedit to your plants and forever feed it to the soil. i will actually put a link down beforethis one to my buddy josh at the boogie brew company that makes world class tea calledboogie brew compose tea, which i will also recommend to you guys. they should have here,actually. it's already premade but if you guys want to do it yourself, josh gives hiscomplete recipe in the video link down below. that's one of the ways i really want to introducea lot of organisms, really fast and at all
stages of plant growth including when i havelittle baby seedlings. it really helps them get off to a good start. actually, the lastproduct will actually also help get your seedlings and your plants off to good start. it's actuallysome fungi inoculate. so, another product i'm big on is, right here,it's actually known as the microryza and this is actually a special blend from down to earthfor hawaii. things are different her in the tropics and different bacteria and fungi maygrow here that will not survive in the standard temperate climate zone when there is freezingevery year. so they've actually have a specially designed microbial inoculate for hawaii. that'sthe one i would actually recommend for you guys because they've researched this and putthe right different endo and ecto, razai 19:10
and some trichoderma in there and basicallywhat these guys do is they live on the root zone of the plant. so if you are plantinga seed, take a little sprinkle of this. put it in with the seed. if you are doing transplantsand have a six pack or a four pack or four inch pots, you are going to just take someof this and just sprinkle it on the root. make sure it comes in contact with the rootand you don't need to use a lot of this stuff. just a few little sprinkles will basicallyget those roots inoculated with the beneficial fungi and it's these fungi that actually helpthe roots absorb the organic matter as well as the minerals from your soil so that you'llhave really productive plants. it's these bacteria, microbes and fungi that are missingfrom conventionally grown soils because they
are all feeding water soluble nutrients, whichbasically subverts this whole system of nature and how nature works and how a big forestup in whisper valley (20:20) has been living for a thousand years. we till stuff and breakupthe earth and we vultalize nutrients and we lose a lot of microorganisms. i mean, i amreally into the no-till farming; no-till gardening methods and they are ways that you can dothat successfully, once you get it all valeted. i'm not going to say it's not a lot of work,because it definitely is and it can be, but be sure to stay tune (20:32) and prescribeto my videos. if you're not ready i am going to visit a no-till farm that produces a twohundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) a year in net revenue and i think they areonly farming only two to three acres in california.
so yes, you definitely can do it and theseare the microbial products that i recommend here. now, besides the microbes, you knowthere is also something really important, is the mineral. i am really big on the traceminerals. these things are probably not in standard agricultural stores because standardagricultural is word with three name minerals npk. it's like the ten, ten, ten (10,10,10)fertilizers you may see and those are three numbers and those stand for three differentminerals but the products i recommend have seventy to ninety different minerals. allin small trace amounts and standard culture. agriculture identified maybe sixteen to eighteenminerals that are required for plant growth but how do we really know what a plant needs?are we really able to talk to plants? are
there plants whisperers? that says “plantshow many nutrients you need? do you need eighteen?†nature has been growing for a thousand yearsand there are so many minerals in the earth. and i just want to duplicate what nature putsthere naturally and with once again, forming improperly top soil degradation, bulldozing;all these minerals are getting washed away into the ocean which actually is a reallygood source of minerals. so you could use sea solutions and ocean water solutions, springminerals on your crops but you got to be careful with that kind of stuff because they got sodiumin there and too much sodium for us or our plants is not a good in general, i prefer the rock dust powders and other sources of minerals. so, let’sgo ahead and show you guys some of the ones
that they are offering here. so, it wouldbe hard to identify my favorite product in the whole store, because they actually gota lot of things that i really like but i really want to encourage you guys; there is one productthat you will leave this store with when you come in. you want to make sure it's the azmi(22:20). they have a micronized version of the azmi which is the fine particle size andthen they have, basically a grainier azmi. so, this has less dust. if you don't wantto deal with dust and you're not going to be digging it into your soil, i don't reallyrecommend doing the powdered stuff because it's going to blow in the wind. this is goodif you like mixing up a soil mix. mix it in with your compose or you are maybe going todig it into your vegetable garden. it's a
lot more easily absorbable. the grainier isgood if you have big orchard in the existing trees. you could spread that with the fertilizersspreader into your, the orchard and get the trace minerals to the plants where they areneeded. and more importantly to the microbes because it's the trace minerals that feeds,not only the microbes, not your plants but you. now, it's my belief that instead of taking,like centrum a-z to zinc, trace minerals supplements for us to get our minerals, we should be gettingour minerals from our foods. if they are put there in the first place and yes, plenty ofsoils have a lot of minerals. i mean, we are on one great rock here but i want to be assuredthat you got the trace minerals. some of these weird minerals even in small amounts can playsignificant role in fruit development, produce
development, special nutrients (23:45) fiberfiednutrients in the plants as well as flavor. and i can tell you this from firsthand experience,there are things that i grow in the rock dust, that just taste better than produce that doesn't.i have tasted plenty of junk. lemon cucumbers but when i grow my own in the rock dust andsimilar different practices that i teach, it taste way better than anything that i haveever found. and that's kind of sad because i want every grower out there to grow highquality food because the state of food in the country, at this point, just buying commerciallyproduced agriculture where they're not using up to seventy minerals has in the rock dust;it's really a lower quality food and it may have more nitrate content which is not necessarilya good thing. another thing is the higher
quality you can grow the food, the more proteinit will have. so for example, if you grow nutrient dense dream beans, for example. youcould have fifty percent (50%) more protein than conventionally grown, store bought greenbeans grown with the standard npk fertilizers so, fifty percent (50%) more protein. youcould also have fifty percent (50%) or more minerals of different minerals. so those mineralsare more available for us. plus also, the proteins act as a pest deterrent in the plants.plants like simple immature proteins and when you have fully developed complete proteinsbecause the plants truly getting what it needs, including up to seventy (70) minerals andthe different minerals and proper balances, the proteins are more complete and the bugswill just like "no we don't want this plant,
we want to go attach the weak plant", theplants that don't have as much protein because those are the things that are much easierto digest for us. that's just yet another reason to get on using rock dust and someother things that they’re offering here to increase the quality of the food you aregrowing. so i know, depending on where you live, you can't find the rock dust and youare like "john what else can i use besides the rock dust?" well in my opinion, thereis no substitute for rock dust and i have other videos on how you could source rockdust locally at a rock queries and all that stuff and not get a, maybe a horticulturegray rock dust that they are selling here. which is the ones i recommend but they'reother things which you can use to add minerals
and trace minerals into your soil. using somekind of trace minerals solution is always better or some kind of product is better thannot. i want to encourage you guys once again, to go with the rock dust. i like to use theseproducts, that i am going to show you guys next, as ancillary products because they havebenefit’s such as the trace minerals plus other benefit’s that i like to personallyget into my soil. one of them that they are offering here is the green sand and it's afifty pound bag and the prices here for actually being on the island is actually quite's cheaper than some of the price i've seen in actually orange county, california. believeit or not! yes, the green sand is another really good mineral products. let’s go aheadand take a look at it. two more real quick
and then we will get into some organic pesticidesand other products that i like, that they're offering, another mineral product that i like that could add a lot of trace minerals into soilis the celtium. you can buy bag celtium here but this is one big island and i'm sure there’splenty seaweed and ocean. you can maybe find washed up on the beach. if it's legal to harvestit, i know in california you can harvest legally certain amount of poundage per day, per personwithout a license. i'm not sure how it is in hawaii but it's basically the seaweedsare ocean grown plants that absorb nutrients from the sea that you can then powder up andput in a bag or use fresh in your garden to get some of those, not only minerals fromthe ocean but also some of the different plant
hormones and vital nutrients, biochemical,vitamins and minerals for those plants into your garden. so yeah, celtium are some ofthe other things that they are offering here. so the last mineral based product that i wantto show you guys today; here it is, it's an all-natural granular humic acid. so you canthink of humic acid as basically prehistoric compose. these are some of the deposits thatwere composed, prehistoric, sort of like trees, way back in the days, under the ground. theybasically ultra-composed down to their constituent parts or minerals with a lot of other nutrientsin there and then they bag them up and offer them to you. now, because this is like prehistoriccompose, ultra finally broken down and not like current man-made compose, it has a differentspectrum of minerals than that which are available
today. the plants that you are composing nowin your garden or if you are getting commercial produce and composing the food scrapes, thoseare only good as the nutrients that they are grown with and the top soils are eroded; thoseplants, those vegetable, whatever you're growing is not getting the minerals that get composeddown. make that cycle and return things to mother earth like in ancient rain forest wherethere is a lot of minerals in the soil. the trees bring up leafs; all the nutrients inthe trees. the trees drop those leafs and then the cycle repeats. so, there is verylittle nutrients loss and there is really good nutrient cycling. basically, what i amtrying to do in a home garden or even a farm is gets some nutrients cycling and sometimesit is not entirely possible to do it from
onsite resources as much as i would like todo that. you do need to bring in some external inputs maybe to at least start you off andget you up and running for a period of time. in my opinion, and yeah the granular humicacid is definitely one of them that i am glad to see that they are offering it, i know you might be thinking "john you show all these different mineral products,like which is the best one?" so, that is a really tough question. personally what i woulddo, is if i can afford one, i would get the rock dust like top, number one and if youhave any more money and could afford a little bit more, what i would do is get a coupleof each bag. so i might get one of each bag of rock dust and one of these bags and theni would make a big mixer of nutrient mineral
mixture and mix them all together and thenfeed those to my plants. if you have a small vegetable garden, this won't be too difficultto do. if you have larger acreage that would get more challenging; a lot more costly ofcourse. but that's what i would personally do. i don't believe that there is one, anyparticular magic pill, magic drug that's going to fix you. all these different products havesomething in it that's really viable to the soil and your one tree or one plant mightreally like this one and not the other one but i would just combine them all and justgive the plants (like) the las vegas buffet style. you know guys, in hawaii knows howthe las vegas buffets style looks like man. i have lived in vegas, i don’t ever eatthere. i don't encourage you guys to either.
but at the buffet you know go in and you gotall these selections. you could eat anything you want, pretty much in the whole world.they’ve got like, ice cream and cakes and cookies and pork and meat and salads and pizzasand all kinds of stuff. and that’s what i sort of want to provide for my plants, iwant to provide all the different kind of nutrients so they can just go to town. themicrobes can go to town, and their like “oh my god we have so many thing to eat here.we love this place,†they are going to hang out and be more efficient workers for you,which mean your plants are going to be happier in the long run. alright, so yeah, that's mainly the mineralproducts and get a little of all products
and see that the microbes be inoculate, youknow, i mean, i believe diversity is the best thing and i don’t want to ever say like“oh this product is the bestâ€, although i do have my favorite products as i really want to talk to you guys about pest control. this is super huge, super importantto me. you know we are spraying, especially on food crops (you know) that we are sprayingbad chemicals that people are ingesting that in my opinion are not good. so we want touse organic approved (you know) methods to control pest that are least toxic, you knowrather than more toxic. so let’s go ahead and go over to their natural pesticide sectionand show you guys some different options. so, one of my favorite natural organic pestcontrols that i like to use is actually this
stuff right here. it’s known as the neemoil. the neem oil i mix with some dr. bronner sal sud soap by two tablespoons of each. twotablespoons of the neem oil and two tablespoons of the dr. bronner sal sud soap with one gallonof water and i put that into a atomizer sprayer and i go put that into a backpack sprayerand just cover my plants and that just takes care of a lot of the different common bugslike the aphids, white flies and all this kind of stuff. and it’s usually my firstline of defense. it’s even effective against you know, maybe powdery mildew out breaksand i keep on it. this will definitely coat the leaves and wipe them out as well. so,super natural basically just make the oil out of the neem and that’s simple it. soi mean, they’re all different levels of
pest control you can do and here in the tropicsthat can be a really big issue. so, let’s go ahead and show you guys a few other morenatural organic controls you can use is. so another product i really like a lot isactually this, it’s called the actino-iron and have an actinovate product and they’rebiologic agents. so, this actually prevents fungi in your roots and there is the actinovateproduct for the powdery mildew and what not. and i like these because they are basicallybacteria and you are harnessing the power of the bacteria to kill the problems. i meanthe whole thing with pest and bugs and diseases is when you have an imbalance in your gardenthat’s when it attracts the pest, right. so, we want to try to bring the biologic backto basically create a balance and i want to
mention to you guys, (like, you know) thehigher quality soil you can have, the more you can build your soil, the more your plantsare healthier. the more they are going to have their own immune system, right to fightoff bugs, disease and bacteria. and when you go your neighbor’s house that is not usingthese techniques it’s like if you have a whole family and your kids gets sick but youknow they have the cold and they are coughing on you ,they’re kissing on you, cause theylove you (hopefully they love you). but you don’t get sick. that’s because you havestrong immune system, maybe you’re eating a little bit healthier, maybe you are eatingstuff out of your garden, and your kids are still on junk food, right. and that’s howthe plants want to really bring up the nutrition
to the plants and bring up the quality tothe plants, so they can have their own immune system, so that we can do less work, right?and that’s my goal overall before i even try to spray anything, i try to have the highestquality and grow the highest quality stuff. next let’s go ahead and look at somethingthat is a problem here. i mean, i saw some of my friend’s farms that have a lot ofholes and lots of holes are from a lot of caterpillars. so let’s show you guys howto deal with those in a more natural way. see if you have caterpillar problems, or anykind of (like) pillars kind of problems, like little worm thing on your leafs and all thatstuff, i recommend something like the bt. so they got (like you know) small kind, likecaterpillar kill made with the bt. and they’ve
also got the biological insecticide diet pillwhich is actually for organic production and that is also the bt, which basically willcontrol your caterpillars in a more natural way than using some kind of synthetic (youknow) chemical killer. now, you know i don’t really like to use diet pill or anything ifi don’t have to but if you got some caterpillars that are eating your stuff and (you know)you can’t manually pick them out, then i definitely would use this stuff. and i haveused this stuff and instead of just like covering your whole orchid with it or your farm oryour whole place, (you know) i want you guys to walk your farms and see where you’rehaving some issues and use these products in only isolated areas. spray only when youneed to and only the area you have to control
the outbreak of whatever you got. so, i wantto just encourage you guys to (you know) not spray whenever you can but if you have anoutbreak and the neem, dr. bronner not working i would recommend something like this. thisis known as the pyganic and then this is the pyrethrum botanical insecticide and it iseffective on more than a hundred different kinds of insects. if you try to do organicstyle and it's just not working and you're like "god man john, i sprayed that stuff andit didn't work." you just tried like neem and dr. bronner, try another organic one.they got at least a dozen different kind of things you can use here and come here andbuy and if that bug is ineffective with one of them, come back and try the different one.that one didn't work, let's try a different
one and then you'll have a whole arsenal insteadof having one gun, you'll have a bunch of different guns. if one jammed, you will alwayshave a different one to go to. so you could always shoot the intruders. you're alwaysgoing to have different kind of things you can always use and try and always make sureit says "for organic production, ormi listed", very important to at least have that minimumas a standard. of course, i don't like to spray when i don't have, one of the big issues here, on the island are slogs and snails because it is so does rains a lot. even worst, there is a thing call rat lung disease and basicallyit's spread by snails. so, if snail sluther across your lettuce and you eat the lettuce,you can actually get really sick and it's
not fun; any crop for that matter. so youprobably want to wash your crops very well. i would try to just definitely control therats and also the snails and slogs; and of course, you want to get some kind of chickensor animals that will eat snails and slogs which is really good but they have some bigsnails here. i don't know if the chickens could eat the big snails. so, an organic control,that is approved for organic agricultural; though i'm not entirely sure that i wouldreally want to use it at home but that's up to you guys. if you need a natural solution,a more organic solution than just the standard toxic stuff, they got this stuff here, whichis what i have used in the past and if i do have an outbreak i will use this in isolatedarea, although it may not be the best stuff
in the world to use or the most natural. itis approved for organic gardening and organic agriculture. it's actually called the ‘sloggo’and they actually have a ‘sloggo plus’ that i don't think they're carrying here thattakes ‘sloggo’ to the next level and makes it more effective against other insects. although,because it does rain here and if this stuff gets wet it kind of gets kind of funky. soyou want to apply this when it's dry and keep it out the rain for sure. there is alwaysan organic solution you can use to deal with your pests and i want to encourage you guysto always choose the organic solution whenever you can because this is going to be betterfor the planet, better for the (37:34) hinner. better for you as well as your customers,if you are selling produce.
so i have done a little piece on microbes,on trace minerals and also some of the natural organic pest controls you can use. i wantto get into now, more of a fertilizer and we talk like "to grow trees, you need to feedthe tree fertilizer and to me fertilizer is like us trying to living on little vitaminsupplements. fertilizer or bag fertilizer products are not what we would use to getour nutrients. we would get our nutrients through whole food and natural food i really want to get you guys thinking outside the box and kind of getting away fromfertilizers but if you guys are still in that mentally that's alright too, because theyhave specialty fertilizers, standard fruit and vegetables fertilizers here. bagged products,many of them are derived from chicken pallets
or chicken manures. here is one just for citrusthat is ormi listed. so if you still are in the more standard mindset of wanting a fertilizerand living on nutrient supplements, like from the vitamin shop instead of whole foods foryour plants and compose and minerals and biologics, like i mentioned. they can help you out here.i want to encourage you guys think of your life and you farm and your garden as good,better, best. in my opinion the best is trying to duplicate nature's system to the best ofyour ability but i will be totally glad if you guys are on synthetic chemical farmingand you guys turn to organic blend or organic fertilizer based because that's just movingin the right direction. you might not be the best but that's just moving in the right direction.that's what i want to encourage you guys in
all my videos. always just try to do it alittle better than you did before. do better for the planet. do better for yourself anddo better for your plants. so, the citrus mix is just one fertilizer in the bag forcitrus but they have many other different key fertilizer nutrients that you may wantto add to your garden, in this section i'll show you some of them. one of them, i want to show you guys is actually,is one that i haven't seen too much because it's quite rare and kind of a bit pricey.although, the prices here at this store, compare to any other place on the islands i've beenare definitely good prices. this is actually known as the mean cake fertilizer here andso that's good for adding fertility and also
from what i have read, it is also good tosuppress some soil borne deceases and nematodes and other kind of stuff like this. so i reallylike this stuff a lot. it says ideal for hawaiian soils. another locally produced product ibelieve are from a company over in puna is next door. it's actually the biocharge, soi'm going to go ahead and show you guys there are two different types of biocharge theyare offering here and which one is the best. so now, we are looking at the biocharge that'sfrom a company over in puna, papaya farms road. actually if you check couple episodesago i visited josiah hunt at his place. showing you guys his farm and how to activate yourbiocharge. very important, if you buy biocharge you want to get it activated. if you do buythis biocharge, which is the standard hundred
percent biocharge, you need to activate itbefore you use it for best results. so if you are lazy, like i am don't get this good as biocharge is, you want to get the pre-activated stuff that they are sellingover on this side. this is known as the charfish (40:55) and this is just size blend wherewe actually pre-activate the biocharge. it makes it ready for use. it's not simply mixingingredients. it's actually mixing it and blending it set a while to basically activate. you’regoing to get much better results. so, there is a mixture of different things in here,such as fish, meat and bone meal, biocharge, sulfate and (41:17) potest, powder blue rockand molasses to fully activate this biocharge. so this is one other thing that i will definitelyput into my soil mix, if i was growing here
on the big island. no i know many of you guys are still verycaught up in the npk mud alright and are like "john, your plants need three nutrients, it'son the bag of fertilizer and all these things that you recommend are low on npk", well it'smy opinion that plants need more than just npk and yes npk are necessaries for gardeningand plant growth but so are other minerals and by including good compose and other nutrients,other different organic inputs, like i've shown you guys, you will get some npk butif you want to spike it and get some natural npk in a more natural and organic way, theyalso have solutions for you here as well. they have them actually right next to eachother. one of my favorites is actually plant
based source of the n or the nitrogen. thisis known as the (42:17) agneenos and this is 1400. (42:20) agneenos is derived fromsoy. so it's like soy aminos, so that's 1400 water soluble natural form for your plants.if you want the k, then you can go over to the kelplex. the kelplex is basically extractedkelp and its 0.5017, so that's actually quite high if you want to get the k into your plantsall naturally and all organically. i want to encourage you guys always, there are organicsolutions, you just have to look for them and big island is lucky to have a store likethis that provides you guys with solutions. so you guys can grow more organically insteadof having to rely on chemical pesticides that are normally sold and chemical fertilizerssynthetic fertilizers that are sold at big
bucks stores. another soil nutrient that you may want toconsider using in all-purpose, bulk control is this stuff right here. it's actually calledthe diatomaceous earth. they keep it wrapped up in some garbage bags here. this stuff issome fine particulates that probably blows everywhere and makes a mess in the store,which is not so good. the diatomaceous earth will provide some silica for your plants.silica and silicon is definitely real important to plant growth. so you can include this inpart of your growing mix but also silica will, (basically) if we took sand paper to our skin,our skin would actually start bleeding and we could lose all our blood and lose our lives.that's what the diatomaceous earth actually
does to bugs. so this could also be used asa pest control for soft bodied insects as well. just make sure when you use the diatomaceousearth, wear a respirator and dusk mask. do not breathe this in because any fine particulates,even if it is natural and organic for us, not a good thing. i am in the aisle with all the different littlepots and plastic grow bags, fabric grow bags and even got the smaller two inch size netpots for hydroponics or aquaponics which actually can be very hard to find. so i'm actuallyquite glad they have these. it's definitely telling me something when a place stock thesehard to find items but they also have them like these trays here with no holes in them,which is perfect for growing micro-greens
inside. so even if you're living in downtownhilo in an apartment or condo, you can get these to grow micro-greens inside. i wantto encourage everybody to grow some micro-greens. its super simple, super easy and the micro-greenslike temperature we like. so not in the green house, maybe in a shade house and they aresuper nutrient dense. super easy to grow; i mean the crop you grow literally in oneto two weeks and they have these specialized trays that will enable you guys to do well as other available kind of different trays to store plants and to start your ownnursery and all this kind of stuff. plus the nutrients that you should be using to putinto your nursery plants as well. so yeah, this is a one-stop-shop for all your farmingand gardening and growing needs here in hilo.
so, besides the bagged products and some ofthe different pots they also have a section of tools here and some really cool uniqueones. whether you are, maybe visiting the island like i am for a week or here for alongtime, you want to buy some tools here for sure. they've got some of the lowest pricesand you will be supporting a local corporative here on the island. every time i come to theislands, i always love to drink coconuts but one of the problems is, i need to buy a machetethat's really inexpensive because unless i'm travelling and check-in a bag on my way back.i can't take it back with me and actually this week they have a machete on sale or aking knife that's similar to this one for $8. it might not be on sale for $8 when youcome but maybe it will be around $10, that's
if you are a member. it can easily open upcoconuts, cut down sugar cane and that's something you guys should grow in your garden or onyour farm, the sugarcane, and start juicing the sugarcane up. sugarcane juice is one ofmy favorite things; ten bucks for a machete, so you can open coconuts for a week. i wouldhave gladly done this if i knew about this place earlier in the week let's go ahead andtake a look at a couple more tools and things that i think is really cool, that i’ve neverseen before. so one of the things that i want to encourage you guys to grow if you livehere in the islands for sure, no matter how many space you guys have, are fruit trees.i love fresh tropical fruits. i've had some amazing ones. this including fahee bananawhich is like a bright orange yellow florescent
color banana that is insane. it had an amazingflavor but it's the first time in my life i have had it. also on this trip i've hadthis fruit’s called kupa asus47:09 so it is related to the kacab but not widely known.when you grow fruit, you are going to want to harvest the fruit and they have fruit harvestingbaskets here, that make it easier instead of being all ghetto with a box or somethingand this wraps around you so you could just harvest them more quickly, easily and efficientlyand not damaged or bruise your fruit. and another thing that's very cool that they sellhere is plungers for your toilets! i'm actually just kidding. that's actually what i thoughtthis was. i was like "man that's a small plunger for a toilet, maybe that's for like a men'surinal". well no, this is not a plunger for
a toilet and please do not use this as a plungerfor your toilet. this is actually called a papaya fruit picker and for the small kindof papaya, which makes total sense. you put this up in the tree, you grab the papaya,it kind of grips on to it. you don't really need to pull too hard and you pull it andpull the papaya down without hitting it with a stick and dropping them and smashing theminto a million pieces, which is actually because it's often ripe. so yeah, i kind of like thistool and if i have papaya trees one day, i'll definitely have a papaya-picker-plunger tool. alright so that's pretty much it for thisepisode, you know, i got to show you guys around a portion of the store. this storeis huge. i probably spent a lot more time
here than i would have liked to. especiallyif you ask my girlfriend, cause i probably should have been home like about forty-fiveminutes ago. so, i hope you are alright sweetie; i'll be home real soon if you are watchingthis. she doesn't watch my gardening videos too much but in any case i really enjoyedmy time here. if you live anywhere on hilo, you would definitelywant to stop by sooner rather than later and if you even live on kuna and you are on thisside visiting, you definitely want to come by and stop here for your new organic gardening.this is like your number one resource. and i want to encourage you guys once again gowith your dollars, join as a member. they've got a discounted price for team's only fifty dollars and that’s fifty
dollars goes directly back into buying moreproducts and bringing things in, lowering the prices so that everybody in the communitycould grow food more affordable and hawaii could be more resilient. you could be moreresilient. you could grow higher quality food, and all that stuff. in addition, i'd liketo say that they do have a monthly sale here. so when they have monthly sale, whatever ison sale is way cheaper and like this month actually they have worm compose on sale. theone that you guys saw on the video, so it's lower than normal price and even if you area member, you get an additional five percent off even the monthly advertised sales. soif you want to learn about the monthly sales and more information about the farm supplycoop here in hilo, you want to check out the and that will giveyou the basic information but yeah, you guys learned a lot in this video and definitelyif you come out here, you want to get some of the products that i recommended to youguys. you guys, you could grow a higher quality food and post a comment down below and say"hey john, i bought that stuff, come visit my place next time you're out in hilo, causei usually come maybe once a year. maybe i'll visit you and make a video to your place too.i've enjoyed eating some of your tropical fruit’s that you are growing using someof the amazing nutrients they have here. so you can have some high quality shit. not likethe stuff i've been getting at the local farmers market.
alright so, if you enjoyed this episode, pleasegive me a thumbs-up, let me know. i maybe try to come out make another video here nexttime i'm in town and go deeper because there are so many different products and i couldnot cover them all. also be sure to check out my passed episodes and especially foryou guys that are watching that are in hawaii, you know, be sure to just go to,click that little magnifying glass thing, type in hawaii. you'll see all the videosi've done in hawaii. i've done over a dozen videos in hawaii with all the different resources,stores, seed shops in the islands that will help you guys grow more food because hawaiiis an island and growing in hawaii is a lot different than growing in the mainland. letme tell you and i'm learning as i grow and
i'm doing a lot of research now and one dayi might even have my own place in hawaii and i 'll know of all the resources because i'vemade all the videos about it already. also be sure to check my passed episodes of overa thousand fifty episodes now. be sure to click that prescribe button cause i thinki might have a few more hawaiian episode coming up in this trip. i've been out in the islandsfor about two weeks now and i make almost a video every other day that teach you guysabout something that i'm learning new and something that can more importantly benefitand help you guys become more resilient in your food, become more healthier by eatingand growing your own natural food, grown in the most quality ways. you guys get the bestand easiest results in your garden.
and once again my name is john kohler, we'll see you next time until then remember: keep on growing. alright this is john kohler with growingyourgreens.comtoday we have another exciting episode for you and as you guys could see, got biochargepiles to me on each side and i've returned to the home, once again of josiah hunt. whoi consider one of my biochar mentors in all this stuff.