alright! this is john kohler with okraw.comtoday with another exciting episode for you and we have very special interview for youguys today got my friend dr. rick dina who's been on a raw vegan diet now for 29 years.he actually started in 1987 and i myself have been doing a raw vegan plant-based diet nowsince 1995 so i’m going into my 21st year this year and we're going to talk about atopic that’s important to the both of us, is how do you maintain and stay raw for along period of time? you know you might see other you tubers on youtube that have beendoing it 6 months a couple 2, 1 year 3 years and giving all these tips but i really wantto give you guys good solid information from people that have been really been doing thisa long time and have a lot more experience
that you could really learn from, grow fromand benefit from. so we are going to ask dr rick and he will share with you guys the top3 ways how you can stay raw for the long term, so dr rick what are these 3 ways that peopleneed to know? dr rick: well alright i’m borrowing someinformation from a telesummit my wife dr karen dina and i gave a little while ago on theexact same topic how to stay raw over the long term? and we’ve got three basic reasonsand you could go into a lot more details with each of those reasons. number 1 is motivation,people have to find what motivates them and so the thing is, if you're if you're goingalong eating pizza and cheeseburgers eating your donuts and everything's good life's great,why give up all the stuff that you like? there's
no reason to so people find all sorts of differentincentives and reasons why they want to make some dietary changes in the first place andthose have to be compelling enough to get you to try something different and learn somenew things and give up some stuff that you used to like. so for a lot of people healthis the main reason so course weight loss is huge almost everybody out there in the worldso many people need to lose weight and literally it's growing all the time in terms of thepercentage of our population that's overweight so i mean a healthfully implemented raw fooddiet can do that so well and i do say healthfully implemented cause there's a lot of kind ofraw food diets out there that people gain weight on so fruit and vegetable based logicalsensible good education although that's coming
up in a minute. so people want to lose weight.people often time want to increase their athletic performance i mean that’s huge god i’vehad so many people i’ve consulted with that have said they have start eating more fruitsand vegetables and their marathon times are decreasing and they were recovering fasterfrom the workouts and all sorts of stuff like that. sometimes people also noticed that theirbrain capacity is improved it is dramatically better so for example my father-in-law is90 years old and my wife dr karen isn't here right now because she is helping him out.she flew across the country and his brain is functioning better now at 90 then it waspreviously at 85 and so she really helped him make some major changes in his diet eventhough he's not doing nearly as much as we'd
like him too he's included more fruits andvegetables and it's made a big difference in how quick his mind is and how sharp heis and he's still living on his own and it's his friends and neighbours are pretty convincedthat if it weren't for her help he wouldn't be on his own and he probably wouldn't stillbe with us. so a lot of us have noticed that our brains are the clearest when we are eatingthe healthiest. lot of times people find for example you'll see a lot of yoga people whoeat a raw food diet there's a big connection there because number 1 they're interestedin athletic performance and flexibility so they find that it's easier to get into complexposes and they can hold things longer and their strength improving as well as there'sa spiritual connection with yoga so people
find that when their body is clear and cleanthey just feel more connected no matter what their take on things. or their spiritual religiousviews are they just feel more calm and more connected to whatever they're trying to connectwith so that's a big part of it. many people find incentive to improve their health whenthey are faced with some type of major health challenge okay i've got high blood pressurei’ve high cholesterol you know whatever other issues are going on and people don'talways like the way they feel from the medications or they're starting to get angina pain andthey know that that's going to lead to heart disease for example and they have grandkidsthat they want to see grow up and you know life’s good and they don’t want to cutit short so disease reversal is a huge incentive
maybe other than weight loss may be one ofthe biggest reason cause it's not so easy again to give up your pizza and hotdogs andall that stuff you like. but when someone says when you get educated and you realizewow is those things worth losing my life over wow you've got enough incentive now to givethose things up and it's better to eat oatmeal and fruit smoothies and stuff like that inthe morning and enjoy yourself rather than have bacon and eggs and not be around so that'sa big part of it. then once people get healthy they want to stay healthy so they to maintaintheir health they they want to keep eating healthy so that's another major incentiveand then there's a few of us out there that are wise enough that we don't want to waittill we have a health problem we've seen what's
happened to family members we see what's goingon in society and we're enjoying being vital and healthy and youthful and we want to staythat way for a long time so there's another good reason so we're still on the number 1top reasons maintaining things long term is what motivates people what gives themjohn: why yeah what why? what motivated me i got into this because of my health it wasloss of my life and that that i didn't need any other reason man i mean i want to be hereman. dr rick: that a good enough it’s only onereason but boy that’s pretty big, stick around you know that’s huge and going backto again with the spiritual connection and yoga that i was using in this example a lotof people find that they feel better emotionally
when they eat healthfully i mean people goout and you know eat diorites all day and all that kind of stuff and it's hard not tofeel on edge and whatnot so emotional health can also be a big reason people find incentiveand then beyond personal health reasons there’s other reasons as well so a lot of people don'tfeel comfortable having to kill something so they can live so they just want to eatplants instead of you know killing animals and i really can appreciate that and thenpeople also realize that okay if you eat some plants like this you can get the caloriesdirectly from the plans but if you feed these plants to animals 96 or so percent whateverit is of the calories from these plants go into the animal's metabolism and then we don'tactually get those calories back when we eat
the animals so leaving a lighter footprinton the earth it is a big reason also and the more reasons you have stacked up the morelikely you are to stick with it over the long term. if health is your only concern and you'refeeling pretty healthy but someone says oh you need to eat fish for the dha and epa thelong-chain omega-3 fats highly and saturated fats are extremely important by the way. youmight be like no problem bring on the fish but if you're concerned about the planet andwe realize we're overfishing and that's causing a lot of environmental destruction and thattype of thing and you also actually care about the fish themselves you'll stay on a plant-basedpath, so you've got more reasons than just your health. sometimes people find that theythey get healthy they are feeling good but
then some other things creep back into theirdiet, their joint pain comes back or their blood pressure goes up again so the more reasonsyou have the more likely you are to stick with it over the long-term all else beingequal. john: so dr rick as much as i had you knowlosing my life as my main motivation to start now that i've been doing this for over theyears i've seen and started piling on like you suggested other reasons that kind of giveleverage to me to stick with this diet since it is having like one brick you know as aweight i have like 20 bricks as a foundation like i’m building a pyramid here man andthat pyramids is solid man it aint going anywheres and you know yea i mean i’ve experienceddoing it but experience like the different
spiritual connection the connect with naturewanting to conserve the planet the planet's resources and being more concerned about thatand opening me up to like solar power and not consuming all these natural gas and gasolineresources on the planet and does all these things are super important so as much as youmight have one that's like the most important to you now put them in order make a list actuallyof what the most important ones and as you go on in this journey you’ll learn otherthings and why it's so important to continue this and to keep it up.dr rick: yea, that's such a good point john and i know for me i wanted to lose some weightand get in shape and my brain was kind of cloudy and foggy and once i started doingthat i started feeling so much better and
i started thinking about the animals. i useto think those animal rights people bunch of whackos you know i don't want to hear butyou know i started to understand them like that’s a really good point and then theplanetary things and this spiritual stuff i just yea it all starts to come togetherso it’s kind of nice you get into one arena and once you’re or one avenue and then youget into the arena and you you realise all the other reasons as well.john: right dr rick: so the more of those you can connectto the better. john: absolutely, so yea that’s number 1what’s the second way? dr rick: number 2 and this is this is wheremy wife and i what we do with our life's work
is so critical i think number 2 is educationit's because people can have all the incentive in the world but then what happens is theystart on a plant-based diet they're feeling good and sometimes they don't do it rightthey think that handfuls and nuts and seeds and all the gourmet food is going to be thehealthiest for them and maybe their health improved some but not nearly as much as theywere hoping. they don't get the goals they were looking for and they're like why bothergiving up all the other stuff i like if i'm still on my blood pressure medication so you'vegot to take the right approach and there's there's so many ways that people can get confusedor lacking a nutrient sometimes they are not eating enough fats and sometimes they areeating too much fats are afraid of fruit you
know all and then they're eating more fatas a result and people are so confusing and so number one they got to find what worksfor them. that's absolutely critical but then there's a whole other growing reason, growingaspect of this where things are working well for people but they're not well educated enoughto fend off if you will all the other stuff bombarding at them, like where do you getenough protein and what about essential fats you need to have fish right? and vitamin k2oh you need your bone broth for that cause if you’re not goanna get it your bone aregoanna be weak and you’re goanna get hip fractures you vegetarians better watch out,and and what else? oh you got to cook your food for lycopene and beta carotene you gotto you know vegetarians are deficient in vitamin
d and that’s true but just as much as therest of the population so i mean there is all these different thing out there, oh iodineyou have to do this and go on these crazy crazy mega dose protocol and i mean there’sjust and then people say you better eat fish so anyway there these whole set of reasonswhy people not so informed who look at a raw vegan diet and think oh my gosh that lookstoo challenging for me and then think ok on the one hand if it’s right and they don’tdo it they feel like they are doing something wrong and that’s tough it’s tough foreverybody to look in the mirror and acknowledge their own issues and shortcomings what's mucheasier is let’s make it wrong let's criticize it so b12d essential fats protein you knowall that other stuff k2 ah people it's just
easier to start complaining about that andputting it out and then people want to get their own attention so they just repeat therhetoric and put that out and those of you in earnest who are trying to learn about rawfood nutrition you tune into to youtube and you see some good stuff from some of the goodyou tubers and you see a lot of nonsense also and it throws you off the path so proper educationwill number 1 get you on an approach that works the best for you and number 2 will giveyou the confidence to stay there because you will not get thrown off track by the peoplewho are uneducated yet who have loud voices and a lot of outreach so the education partis so important we teach a series of classes called the science of raw food nutrition it'sa hundred hours’ worth of intensely pack
information we could turn it into 500 hourseasily. people are just scribbling notes its super dense.john: so dr rick besides like your hundred hours of course that i know that people cango to attend actually for a lot of money and there's no substitute for going to a 100 hoursof education that you packed in even more information into i know you have you and yourwife actually mostly your wife dr karen wrote a book that i would actually encourage youguys to get that i have myself and it's probably the number one book i would recommend on araw food that's available at this time actually i haven't written my book yet but it’s solidso can you tell people more about that because minimally if you don't do anything else gettheir books so you can get a good solid foundation
of how to eat raw food that healthy.dr rick: yea absolutely so first for our classes you spend a few thousand dollars and you havea lifetime of education so many of our students tell us our notes are references for themfor years and years and years to come and you think about that compared to being onmedication for the rest of your life and dealing with all the side effects so first of alli think it's an incredible lifetime investment and good value however that's not the rightapproach for everyone and then so for 15 bucks on amazon you can buy dr karen book the rawfood nutrition handbook now i know there's lots of books on raw food and nutrition outthere and a lot of times people hear a few things they repeat rhetoric it's in theirbook they put a fancy cover they get a marketing
team they sell a whole bunch of them. i cantell you our book though is based on our 55 plus years of personal experience tones ofeducation both formal and cool cutting-edge stuff type of education and and our clinicalexperience and our research experience it's all condensed into a basic yet done very thoroughlyto lay the foundation book called the raw food and nutrition handbook so for 15 bucksyou can get an enormous education about how to keep on this path long term that way. john: awesome yea also i’d recommend checkingout dr rick and karen’s youtube channel i’ll put links down below this video forthat or those links for their videos down below this video also for that also be sureto subscribe to this channel if you're not
ready. i give some pretty good solid informationmost of which dr rick would probably agree with maybe not everything. but we agree withlike most stuff man. dr rick: just to give you a plug john andi have been friends since what 1998 or something like that and over the years we were juston the same page with so many things i'm glad that you are utilizing youtube to get goodinformation out there and i would so much love to say everybody on youtube is givinggood information but i just can't it’s just not fair from someone who's been around theblock a few times and ah so keep checking out the videos that’s that’s good stuff. john: thanks dr rick so moving on to number3 now on how to stay raw long term, what’s
that? dr rick: so number 1 we got motivation talkedall about health reasons, environment, animals etcetera. number 2 education you got to knowwhat you’re doing. you can’t be successful at anything if you don't know what you'redoing and number 3 interesting enough is flexibility, because sometime people hear, they’ll watchyoutube, go to a lecture, read some books and it’s like the way to do it john: dogma dr rick: this is the way this is it everyone’shuman have to eat the same way and you'll always find a segment of the population thatthat works great for and then you’ll find
another segment of the population that thatdidn’t work so well for. so if people are convinced there's only one way to do it, theydo that way and they're not feeling good and it's not working for them well, first of allthey might start blaming themselves if they are thoroughly convinced that’s way to doit oh i must be doing this wrong, there must be something wrong with me, there must besomething i’m missing. and that’s not about health that's self-defeating that'sbeating yourself up, why should you have a dogmatic system that makes you beat yourselfup? again that's not about health or sometimes they’ll go somewhere else oh my god someoneelse has the way to do it and it's a different way they say opposite thing so they switchover there and then maybe there's some benefits
to that but then there's some drawback tothat and that, that might not work either what we have found over the years like myself,my wife, john so many other people we know who our long-term successful healthy raw foodvegans is they are flexible and open-minded enough and oftentimes even ten twenty thirtyyears in they're still learning new things that are helping them and by trying this tryingthat understanding this understanding that making sense out of different things and thendoing some personal experimentation sometimes we can help guide people with lab work withthat what works for them and what doesn't they find the approach that works for themand they also enjoy doing it they like eating the food it's fun and you feel good and youget all the benefits so that flexibility is
just absolutely so key. it doesn't mean beso flexible that you're off the path but it means learn the fundamentals and then findwhat works for you and you can enjoy it over the long term just such a critical piece ofthe puzzle there. john: yeah i completely agree one of the thingsyou know that you'll notice about me and if you watch my videos from i don’t know 6years back when i started making them i change what i do like, not in any large way i stilleat raw plants you know, fruits and vegetables predominately but i’ve changed things upa little bit and you can see me in my journey on my youtube channel changing things up andi’m highly suspect of people that always keep it the same right cause there in alwaysnew information new data new research studies
coming out and just as i learn more and getmore knowledgeable about things in life and i would always encourage you guys to workon always improving yourselves whether it’s with your diet, your relationships, with growingyour own food ,whatever it is we should always strive to improve and make the world a betterplace not only for us but for future generations, so yeah. if something’s is not working changeand modify and be flexible in your approach is the main message. so dr rick i know youhave a programme coming up that’s free available for everybody where you are going to have25 long-term 20-plus years for the most part raw foodies and people that do a raw plant-baseddiets successfully that you guys could all benefit from for free, so tell my viewersabout this program and the summit you have
coming up? dr rick: well we have put together a programmecalled the raw for life summit number 1 you can you can have a lot of life and vitalityfrom eating raw foods and number 2 to keep it up for life so like john said we’ve gotover 25 people who have been successfully and healthfully and enjoyably maintaininga either high to all raw diet for 18, 25, 30 or more years who have really stood thetest of time and we interview all these people each interviews like 45 minutes to an hoursomeone a little bit over and we ask each person what is breakfast lunch and dinnerlook like? why do you do what you do? is your diet the same today as it was back when youstarted? and for most people there's a certain
foundation but things have changed over timeso that flexibility comes in handy. john you mentioned such a good point earlier with flexibilitywith anything in life not just what you eat you got to be flexible enough and change andsee what works and what doesn’t. so we find out what they eat, why they eatit, what gave them incentive in the first place, what kind of education they have andwhat kind of flexibility they have? and it's just so revealing and here's a perfect example29 years in you know doctorate degree lots of education, lots of clinical experiencei learned a lot of new things talking to a lot of these people so it’s called the rawfor life summit so i think we're going to put the link right here put it right therefor you guys, put it right there, there it
is and yeah you can hear from all these peopleand get their inspiration and again hear from the people who have stood the test of timewho it’s still working for and i'm going to speculate here that you're probably goingto get some better advice if sticking with this long-term is your goal from listeningto people who have stuck with it long term vs people who are newer. now we were all newat some point too but you know when (cross talk: been around the block) when you takethe new kids some make it some don’t. when you take in to account people have been atit 20 or 30 or more years they’re all in the long term camp, so can't emphasize thevalue of that enough. john: yeah i mean i definitely recommend onceagain i’ll put the link right here below
and also there be a link in the descriptionas well as in the comments so click that to sign up for this free raw for life healthsummit that you can learn and gain from. now the thing i want to say is that there's goingto be like 25 different people on the summit that dr rick and dr karen will be interviewingand have an open mind, when your listen to you may not agree 100% of everything of anyone person says but they'll be nuggets right pick out the things that make the most sensefor you and start incorporating those into your life. dr rick: which is the central theme of thesummit right, that one of the things that all the people do, they just don't do it oneway we have a variety of approached but we
don't have anyone on there that's too dogmaticbecause the most of the dogmatic people don't make it over the long term sorry to say, butyou have to be committed. so you’ll see how they find that balance and you know noteveryone agrees with everyone my wife and i don't agree on everything believe it ornot a husband and wife don’t agree on everything, john and i don’t agree on everything butwe all have a certain foundation and by the way our lead off our lead off speaker is isjohn he's leading off the event cause he's a 100% raw for a long time lot of (crosstalk99.9%) people know about him well a lot of 9’s right we’ll cut you a little slackthere well i’m about 90% raw off and that’s what works for me all raw for extended periodbut then you know i have some steamed vegetables
here and there, so anyway john is our leadoff and it’s just a really great event and again i’ve learned a lot from interviewingall these people and we’d like you to do the same. john: awesome so dr rick why did you and yourwife dr karen decide to put this event on for everybody for free? dr rick: well number 1 we would like to tellpeople a little bit more about what we do that we feel like in a lot of ways we've beenthe best kept secret in raw food nutrition for many years you know we’ve spent a lotmore time educating ourselves then we have marketing ourselves you know most people inthe raw food movement it’s just the opposite
they go to a weekend seminar they read a fewbooks and then they are experts and they spend a lot of money on marketing and they you knowthey have their channels they do their blogs and they have a lot of outreach but they knowvery little so we been like heavily weighted on the research, the clinical experience,the teaching, the education the working with people that's number 1 and number 2 whilewe are at it a lot of these summits they just get the people with the biggest list and saylet’s get all these people so we can get the most exposure and although we have somepopular people with big list and we are going to get a lot of good exposure. it was reallyimportant to us to maintain the theme of the summit to just find people who we knew werehealthfully and successfully at this for a
long time, to be of the most benefit to allof you so many of these things you hear the one dogma, you hear the opposite dogma, youleave more confused than you were before you started. we didn’t want that there’s toomuch of that out there and it’s goanna continue, so we really wanted to provide something ofvalue to really help you keep this up for a lifetime. so you can keep getting all thebenefits that all of us do, that we enjoy so much. it's such a central theme of ourlives for for good reasons because it enhances our lives and we want that for all of youtoo. john: awesome yeah one of the reasons whyi continue to make videos to this day is just to share the knowledge and to help my fellowman right. i mean this is just good for you,
it's good for the planet, it's good for theanimals, it's good for so many different things and you know i'm glad you guys are watchingto this point it is this video this lets me know that you're really committed. so i wantyou click that link right down below and sign up for the summit that’s coming up reallysoon don’t miss out on any of the episode including the first one that i’m in.aright, dr rick so any other comments or things you like to share with my viewers today? dr rick: find your motivation stack up allthose reasons get some good education we're not the only ones to do it but you’ll findsome other really awesome educators on the summit and be flexible in your approach seewhat works and what doesn't i’ve got to
give a lot of credit to tony robbins ultimatesuccess formula. number 1 know your outcome yeah you want to be healthy you want to leavea lighter footprint on the earth etcetera number 2 start taking action eat more fruitsand vegetables and then number 3 this is where most people start messing up see if it's workingor not and if it is keep it up if it's not then number 4 change your approach and modifyand be flexible and find what does work and you just keep going through that cycle andyou go about it rationally and intelligently you will be successful and like john touchedon earlier whether it’s your diet or anything any other endeavour in life that’s the wayto go about it so. j0hn: awesome, awesome yeah i agree dr rickand i and dr karen went to a tony robbins
seminar together years ago unleash the powerwithin... yeah we unleash the fire we did it was great. so if you guys enjoyed thisepisode with dr rick hey please give me a thumbs up to let me know also be sure to clickthat link down below to get to the summit the raw for life summit sign up for that alsobe sure to check the links below to dr rick and dr karen's website you’ll learn moreabout educational programs as well as their book that i would recommend you guys purchaseand also be sure to click the subscribe button right down below while you are at it i havenew videos coming out in 5 to 7 days you never know what you’ll be learning in my nextvideo or what i’ll be doing always having a fun time also be sure to (inaudible 28:17)my past episodes i have several episodes with
dr rick you know sharing with you guys somereally good information on raw foods and of course all my videos have lots of other goodinformation as well that will help you live a healthful plant based fruit and vegetablestrong diet for life. so once again my name is john kohler with we’ll seeyou next time, until then remember keep eating your fresh fruit and vegetable they are alwaysthe best.