alright this is john kohler with okraw.comwith another exciting episode for today. this episode is going to be like no other, i amactually going to show you guys how you can eat a raw foods diet in las vegas for 14 dollarsa day for eating mostly organic food and also meeting all your nutrient requirements exceptfor two and to learn what those two are you have to actually watch the video that is comingup real soon, now you guys are going to get the extended remix cut because i give thetalk but they are not getting some of the extra footage that you guys are going to seecoming right up. anyways we are actually here at a pure healthand this is an awesome health food store here in las vegas. they do a lot of education andthey have actually been giving frequent talks
here in the backroom but it’s open to alland sharing what i know about raw foods that i have learned over the last 17 years. inthis episode you guys are going to learn how to eat raw food and meet all your nutrientrequirement for under fourteen dollars a day here in las vegas and now if u don’t livein las vegas, you can use some of the principles that i am teaching you guys here because thatwill apply pretty much wherever you live although it might be a little bit more challengingbut in any case what we are going to do next is giving you the extended remix cut but thereis no dance music so don’t worry. anyways the extended remix cut is going to show meactually going around to some of the local stores and that’s one of the tips to shoparound for the best prices and the best organic
food at the lowest cost and you guys are goingto see some of the stores i go to and how much some of the produce cost and it willshare some of the specific produce items with you, so i guess next lets go the clip andthen we go in to the talk now we are outside sprouts farmers marketand actually this is used to be called sunflower market and the best day to come to sproutsis on a wednesday because there sales run from wednesday to wednesday so if u come onone wednesday the sale is ending that wednesday and the new sale is starting that wednesdayso you get advantage of two sale adds and when they have things on the add on sale thenthey are definitely the lowest price on organics, so we are going inside sprout to see whatkind of organics they have on sales this week
now we are in sprouts in organic section andthey have too many sales to list we are just going to go over just a few of those for youguys right now so, they have definitely the lowest price on apple around 99 cents of poundand they also have peers, organic bartlett peers 99 cents of pound, definitely the bestprices anywhere in vegas they also got organic grapes here on sales this week 2 pounds for5 bucks. this week they also got organic avocados on sales for only 99 cents you want to lookoutfor little red signs, red signs are the sales sign, green signs are the regular signsthere are organic greens here at sprouts got to be the cheapest prices around, some ofthe things i am not going to get like the green kale and a regular kale 2 for 3 dollarsfor each bunch. moving on down some of the
things i will get today organic caulifloweris 2 pounds for 3 bucks i will get some of that and then also i am going to get someof the celery which is also 2 for 3 dollars each bunch, got some celery. then finallyoh they got organic romaine 4 for 5 it’s like a dollar and 25 cent for each, that’sa good price, then i pass on that and then i am going to some organic cilantro for 99cents now we are outside traders joe’s, in generaltrader joe’s has actually lower prices in whole foods but not as low as some other placesspecially where there is some sales so we are going to check out trader joe’s forsome organic products today let’s see what we find. we are inside trader joe’s theyhave some organic products, and there it is
you got to shop around some of the best deal.some of the best deals today are the apples here, 2 pounds for 2 dollar 49 cents and weare going to pick up 2 pounds of gala 2.49 that’s better dart 25 pounds much less thanwhole food. now we are picking up red seedless grapes 2.69 per pound, 2 bucks cheaper thanwhole food. now we are at some another place you can purchaseproducts actually fresh because you are picking it yourself in many cases here at gilcreaseorchard here in las vegas .i encourage you guys to visit local farms gilcrease is oneof the many farms that i visit in las vegas where u are going to get lowest prices inproducts and actually support local economies here in las vegas. and also probably havesome of the freshest picked foods you can
find here in las vegas because a lot of foodis imported unless of course you have grown it yourself so let’s go into the field andpick some products today and save some money. now we are here inside gilcrease and thereis a lot of things that are harvested here there got a regal over there they got greentomatoes some zucchinis scotch some butternut scotch some radishes but i am here actuallyfor right below me the cucumbers, so it’s the end of the season here not too abundanthere but these are minions continuing to flower and create fruit, there is a nice minion cucumberhere, i used this for juicing and these are for dollar per pound definitely excellentprice and you know if you get to pick it yourself it’s definitely the freshest and you arealso supporting the local economy and also
i am saving money over how much cucumber thatwould cost from the store so there is many reason to support the local farm if you arenot going out to them already i will encourage you guys to thatnow we are outside the vons and the vons are pretty much like a dominrix or saflayer maybeeven a pervillian, it’s a standard grocery store that does carry some organic so u cansave some money in a place like this definitely if you have their club cards or saving cardsif they have things on special even if they don’t have things on special sometimes thisplace is actually less on some produce items so let’s go inside and i will show you guyswhich items i normally get at the vons now we are inside vons and the organic producesection is right in the middle you can see
they make a big sign go organic now at lowerprices and there is the organic counter it’s in the middle some vons have smaller organicsection than others so the one near you doesn’t check another one. some of the prices arefairly good and some are not the apple are like 2.99 per pound that’s a lot if youa bag that will cost less but there are still less expensive at the sprouts farmer market,but the reason why i am here is because of bananas, the bananas are for the most partare on the lowest price here at 69 cent per pound that beats the trader joe’s priceof 29 cents each for example this set of 4 bananas was about 1 and half pound here itscost 1.05 and at trader joe’s it costs u about 1.18 dollars so you can save a littlebit here so i am going to get some whitish
looking bananas here todayother things that are inexpensive here at vons are the organic grapes just 2.99 perpound and they got the red black and green you know there is some cheaper other placesbut you this is one stop shopping. organic strawberries not too bad either. last thingi am going to get at vons is the organic celery it’s on sale this weekend at sunflower butif it isn’t in general vons have the lower prices, this week its 1.49 dollar and itsranges between dollar 1.49 to dollar 1.99. now we are outside winco foods, winco foodsis like a food for less like an employee own like grocery store that has like really gooddeals on a lot of stuff now they don’t necessary carry too much organic they might carry organiccarrot and organic green and maybe some more
organic herbs but sometimes i get hot housegrown produce here and maybe also avocado so i am here today to check out what theygot. now you may notice that i am actually going around to a lot of different storesto go shopping, and you know i like actually going to all the different stores to findbest deals and best quality produce, back in the golden days we didn’t have storewe have to forge into the wild for food but in the modern day we have to forge in thegrocery stores if you have not grown them yourself. today definitely scored a good dealcheck it out avocados a lot of them, 28 cent each these are conventional but avocados areone of the items that are not sprayed a lot so i do eat conventional avocados when i getthem for 28 cent
now we are outside 99 ranch market there andthis is where i am getting coconuts today you know there is other asian markets andstores here in las vegas that sells the coconut but i find 99 ranch because they have goodlow price but more importantly good quality, i find so many other stores that sells casesof coconut that have the off brand and the quality is not so good even if it is likea dollar cheap, i am willing to pay 1 extra dollar to get high quality coconut that tastea lot better and actually aren’t spoiled from the inside so let’s get inside andi will show you how you can save some money on the coconutsthere are the young thai coconuts here if you buy them by the each they are dollar 1.49by each. one tip is to buy in bulk. check
it out here they are by the case and by thecase they are 10.99 that will definitely save you at least 50 cents a coconut. one of thethings before buying your coconut is to open up the case just like this, because if youknow buy the case and there is one bad in there then you are actually losing money sojust check your coconuts flip it up and check it’s not wet on the bottom here and notany sign of pinks or any major cracks which may be indicator that the coconut is badnow we are here inside this spring bazaar outside the conference room and this is wherethe farmers market is every thursday from 10 am to 1 pm definitely encourages you guysto get here early around 10 because they do definitely sell out especially on the gooddeals early so come soon rather than later.
another excellent resource to save money onproduce is your local farmers market and i am here at the spring bazaar farmer marketand what i am going to buy today is some pomegranates. pomegranates here are actually 2 for dollarthat’s 50 cent each, pomegranates are wealth of anti-oxidant and so deliciousnow we are outside my local costco wholesale here in las vegas, costco around the nationis a really good source for organic products. they generally carry the organic carrots andthe organic spring mix and the organic spinach, sometimes they sale organic baby kales, organicbroccoli, have seen organic apples, organic grapes, blueberries and strawberries and evenraspberries before so you know u never know what you are going to get you kind of visitit and see what they have in stock another
thing i like to go to costco for is the hothousegrown cucumbers and bell peppers because they are hothouse grown and they are not oftensprayed and you know they use (ipm) integrated pest management so that means that they tendnot to spray unless they have to, so let’s head in costco and see what kind of organicproduce they have today. here at costco today, they have actually organicbaby kale that is similar to the one i got at the dollar store, this is 1.5 pounds for4 dollars 29 cents for 2 dollars 86 cents a pound for organic mixed baby kale. costcopretty much always have baby spinach organic in these little bins here that is 1 poundworth much cheaper than wholefood its 3 dollar 59 cents for wholefoods its 4 dollars 99 centsand next they have the organic 1 pound spring
mix here and over here for 3 dollars 79 cents.the best deal so far at costco is the organic bunny-luv carrots; this is a 10 pound bagright here, i have got 10 pounds of organic carrots and the price is 4 dollars 79 centsthat’s about 40 cent each pound, that’s definitely the lowest price you will findand the bunny-luv carrots are really sweet and great for juicingnow we are at another unexpected place to find some good deals on organic produce the99 only store which is basically a dollar store, and yes i am a dollar store shopperespecially when they have organic produce so not all the 99 only store have the organicsection and not always organic produce so let’s cross over fingers and see if theygot any organics today. now we are inside
the 99 only store and i am going to checkout the produce sometimes they have the organics and sometimes they don’t so let’s seeif we get lucky today. here is there produce section the majority of it is non-organicand just want to take a quick look around and look at each packet and see if its organicor not for example these guys right here are splendido organic (ust) organics so theseare little one dry pint of cherry tomatoes for only a buck, it’s definitely a lot cheaperthan whole food and even something like trader joe’s, so we are definitely going to picksome of these guys today. another good deal here today at the dollar store, these guysover here, these are actually called the sunset compari tomatoes lover’s tomatoes, theseguys have pretty good flavour and these are
says here greenhouse grown, check it out samebrand of these guys splendido are organic but these guys aren’t certified so if somethinglike this is growing up in a greenhouse they usually doesn’t have to be sprayed withpesticides, so these are good enough for me a pound of greenhouse grown tomatoes for abuck, definitely a good deal. last thing i am looking for are the organicgreens and i am in luck they have some organic greens here. they have a whole case of non-organicsbut on the bottom there hiding, got the organic herb blend, this is earthbound 5 ounces foronly a buck so about 3 of these will be about a pound and that’s about 3 bucks they areoff like 2 bucks off whole food price. looking for some more organics produce and check itout man i have totally scored, right here
organic earthbound mix baby kales looks likea 9 ounce bag for a dollar so 2 of those are 18 ounces that’s over a pound for 2 dollars.i will encourage you guys to get mixed baby kales and tender greens they digest a lotbetter and they taste a lot better than the larger kalesthank you very much for coming tonight its hopefully going to be worth your time thisis something i really don’t talk too often you know how to keep raw food on a budgetor affordable or at a you know for a good price so what i have done actually is thati have shopped around vegas so this is like a real world experience not something outof town hey this how you can eat raw food on a budget now i will explain generalitiesi will tell you guys what exactly you need
to do tonight because i do this in vegas everytime i am here, so you know i have a lot of experience eating raw food for the last 15years so this combines me being frifti, which is i am not that was the passion i have beforei was into raw food it’s like shop with coupons buy in buckets in costco, i can’tdo that anymore since i am raw there is a lot of things that coupons for are like packagedand processed food which we know are not necessarily too good for us and that have a long shelflife and we want to eat things that expire quickly because those are the things thathave some of the most valuable nutrients such as a vital compounds and vital nutrients thatcan be lost with processing, so how many people have heard me speak before, almost everybodythere is a few i haven’t so i am just going
to really quick a big diversion of my storyfor the people that haven’t heard me before to know why i got into raw food because it’sa very important point that i like to make. the long short of me getting into raw foodis because i got into raw food was my health, i had a health condition called spittle manin digest and i was hospitalised put into the intensive care unit and the doctors toldme that i might not make it out alive luckily through higher powers i made it out alivebut when i was leaving the hospital the doctor said you got this spittle man in digest becauseof complementing means of food efficiency which means they said basically is in layman’sterm defective genes because of chronically weak immune system and so because of thisi needed to find a way to build my immune
system because i never wanted to get anotherdisease and put back in the hospital spittle man in digest or whatever else and then notbe able to get lucky next time because i didn’t make it through that situation with raw foodthat being said after i got out i got more serious with my health and it took me a yearto try and figure out what i really need to do to be as healthy as possible and so i foundjuicing i found cleansing and then i found raw foods and i am pretty much in that orderand i just jumped in full force because for me it was like either living or not livingand that’s a very strong reason when you have a strong reason like that if i put somethingin my mouth maybe i won’t be here tomorrow i know that’s pretty extreme but you knowthat was my belief system even to this day
like i just don’t really want to put somethingin my body that’s not going to nourish me and feed me because you know there’s manypeople walk around we can actually live on a diet with all kind of fast foods and junkfoods but you know are you really going to have the highest level of health when youget older you know are you going to be in a wheelchair and you know not too healthieror you going to be running around like the people like juice man formerly known as ajuice man j quarter was 89 year young who is being juicing and teaching around aboutraw foods for so many years and he is still playing with his rackets and all kind of stuffso you could be vibrant and healthier into your older age not in a wheelchair like manypeople do because you know you are going to
get a different result if you eat the foodthat is naturally designed for, and i think that’s a really big problem because we allbeing marketed to what we should be eating based on marketing and commercials and whohas a lot of money to do that and then they have the coupons and buy the stuff for cheaperbut you know the people like farmers, the farmers here in las vegas area and the produceindustry don’t have ton of money like some of the other industry do to stand to marketto you guys, to let you know guys what really to eat even including people into raw foodas i mean i still don’t see commercials for you know for promoting fruits and know they are promoting you know you need to get this you need to get that you needall kind of crazy stuff and you know if you
don’t eat these foods then those foods mightbe better than obviously fast foods but i think you know getting back to the basicsto the other creatures of the world eats, referencing to animals they eat their naturaldiet, fruits and vegetables and if they are carnivore they eat meat so overall i reallywanted to get back to some natural diet, what we really should be eating in the first placeinstead of the things that are made in the factories that people could package up andyou know a company could profit off you, so that’s my story and that’s why i am doingthis talk. another thing that i want to, i got some pointshere to talk about. one of the reason why i also wanted to do that talk is because youknow in our country we are all used to cheap
foods, i don’t know how many people havetravelled outside the country to a different country like when i travel to a differentcountries like food is significantly more expensive than it is here in the us and youknow as americans we expect cheap food and guess what as foods gets more processed itgenerally gets cheaper because they have a longer shelf life, it’s going to sit aroundlonger and they can do things on mass scale you know to pick leafy greens i went to mygarden tonight i was handpicking each one and labels as one of the most expensive inputsto a farm but you know with corns and with soybeans they get this tractor with one guycould farm like 10 acres you know easily so anything where it is getting really mechanisedyou know i prefer not to eat those find of
foods because those are the things that alsobeing g-mode soy and the corn what not, so we are used to cheap foods other countrieshave more expensive food especially some of the people from you tube land that might bewatching right now you know they complain when i post a video like this, john i can’tget stuff that cheap you know, eating raw food for 14 dollar a day i wish i could dothat or all you people complain about john 14 dollars a day for raw food’s diet istoo expensive and if you think that i mean like i think when you spend money on the foodyou are eating of the highest quality you are making an investment much more valuablethan any investment in my opinion you can make in your life, better than putting moneyin a bank, better than going down the street
and putting in the slot machine, better thananything because you putting in into your health. when you make food choices that isgoing to nourish you and to get you to a highest level of health then you are going to be healthyand this is only going to save your money. down the road, you could be put in the hospitala lot of americans lose their life’s because of you know the big killers, heart diseases,cancer, diabetes and these things based on my research are preventable from basicallyeating the right foods so you can avoid all that stuff if you do the right thing so ireally want to encourage you. today’s talk was originally going to be headed towardseating raw food for 20 dollars a day that was before i got here and then i modifiedit to 14 dollar a day because after i did
my printout its under 14 dollar a day butknow it’s going to be under 15 because i forgot 1 item so i am going to have to substitutethat’s alright, but nonetheless who cannot afford 15 dollars a day to eat probably someof the healthiest food on the planet i mean everybody here should be able to do that,my brother i mean he eats a conventional diet he just goes out to eat it whenever i don’tknow what that place is called ph chaings and all these other chapotais and he doeseat fast food a couple of times a day, he is like way more expensive than 14 dollarsa day, so really don’t want that to be that expensive and i want to encourage you guysto actually stand a 15 dollar a day to eat and it’s not that hard, you know i got somesurveys results from some of the people that
have attended, people maybe spend 20 30 dollarsa day and you know some people have different challenges for raw food diet like where dou get the best raw food you know i am going to cover that today and i have whole listhere where i bought everything from i will pass that thing to you guys so you can seeand not only am i getting these things and getting them out in an affordable price andmost of that is organic over 80% is organic. the other thing which is really importantis you meet or exceed the daily rdr, people may give you guys recipes all the time, peoplewill give you recipes, but the nutrient breakdown of that it might be like there is a differentgraph in here of that stuff i will pass that around to you but there is different graphsover here. for 14 dollars a day you can meet
all your us rdas better in the list here exceptfor 2, one of it is you can get free every day is if you can get enough sun vitamin d,vitamin d is not in. for the most part one exception i know not in plant foods and thenthe other thing is vitamin b-12, so i do recommend vitamin b-12 supplement they do have it herein small bottles can u give me the small bottle! i do recommend that they have it in here that’sa small investment of 10 dollars for a little bottle of b-12 that you will be safe and makeyou sure you get that to get your essential nutrients because they are not naturally occurredas it should you know in the olden days. this is the b-12 that they have here that i recommendedthat’s actually called nutrusuma, and it’s very clean and it doesn’t have things likesugar, alcohols or preserves in it, so i recommend
that for you guys and once again that’sonly 10 bucks aside from that all the food that you aregoing to see me share with you guys today will meet you usrda, you can heave throughthat and see even a lot of different minerals and everything i mean it’s insane so wego over that in a little bit, so another thing if 14 dollars are too expensive like you knowsome you guys it might be too expensive then i will recommend you beside raw foods thebest food you can use in my opinion is the cooked vegan food, so a wholefoods diet, soa wholefood diet i don’t mean 20 or something like that, like adding something like beansif you add something like cooked beans and grains, i am not the big fan of glutose grainsbut i like the beans or the non-glutose grains
you can significantly get more calories andlower your cost that being said it’s so cheap to do this why not do this because inmy opinion it is much better any ways not to say that we don’t have not include somebeans in our diet because they are actually very healthy and beneficialone of the things i really focus my work on is doctor jo farman, any people know doctorjo farman, he does what’s called the nutritarian diet and you can be a vegan, vegetarian, nutritarianyou could be conventional eater nutritarian, you could be raw food nutritarian, a lot ofpeople are into raw food don’t necessarily talk about this and what a nutritarian meansis you are eating nutrient dense diet, for examples some people eat raw food and thatis a less expensive if you want to eat that
way some people eat raw food they eat 30 bananasa day and 1 head of romaine lettuce and that’s coarsely dense and that’s prively cheapyou can do it in man i don’t even know how much like 8 bucks or something and you getall your calories but the challenge i have is you know you are not getting full spectrumof nutrients it’s not going to meet all your rdis that i am showing you guys in thechart right here so i want to encourage you guys to a nutrient dense diet like each differentlike beans have different nutrients and you know that there’s zero zeniths in it andlutiams in this greens here and all different kind of vital compounds and vital nutrientsbeside basic standard vitamin-a –b-c and some of the minerals, so that’s very importantbecause the nutrient density in some of the
vital come overs and some of the most protectedqualities of the food you know like they enchance the eyesight that provide us with free radicalscavenging capabilities which are anti-oxidants and a lot of them not even researched yet,so nutrient dense another reason why i want to give this talkis because a lot of people complain about the organic food is so expensive and thatcan be absolutely true because if u go shop whole food and you try to eat organic so youare going to go broke i mean one of my friend calls whole food whole pay check because it’sgoing to take your whole pay check there is only one thing i source from whole food here,so unless it’s on sale on whole food it’s definitely really expensive in most casesthings sold at whole food are actually not
whole food which i kind of kind ironicthe best way to save money by buying raw food is and these are some basic tips that i amgoing to give you guys. number 1 is minimising purchasing raw food products in packaged bottlesand jars i mean they have some great products that’s packaged raw foods different kindof goji berries and you know cacao and carob powder and all these and yea i like to eatsome of these once in a while but for the most part those things per pound are significantlymore expensive than fruits and vegetables, so i want to encourage you guys to get awayfrom the packages and stick with the fresh produce like we should, you want to play withthose sometimes for a birthday party or an anniversary that’s definitely great. eatseasonally whenever possible obviously anything
in season is in abundance in the market placeand we have supply demand which dictates the price so there is more supply there is theprices go down so often times you eat what’s on sale so i go into sunflower market whichis now called sprouts and just go there on a wednesday when they have double sales onthat day and i buy all the things on sale the things on sales are probably are the thingson season as they have them in abundance and they just want to move them now because sproutsgot a good deal from the mill man wholesaler and pass the saving on to you, another wayto eat seasonally very effectively is to go into the farmers market, one of the thingsi got from the farmers market this time was pomegranates, how many people know how pomegranatesusually cost in a store or somewhere, 3 dollars
yea 2 3 bucks you know this is an organicpomegranate actually grown i don’t know i forget, near logan dale or whatever andits 50 cents so actually i buy it with lady had, that’s what i was breaking this morninganother thing i want to mention is that whatever the sheet guys is average day for me but notevery day is this exactly ingredients so i don’t to leave you out johnny this under14 dollar i am going to eat this for every day the rest of my life, no! that’s notthe point, the point is that i give you guys an example of what i do and want to give yousome other hints and tips of what i do today you can buy things in season and some of thethings in staples and you know do something very similar each day, so this is not setand stone this is just the example of what
my days are going to be and actually whati do with all the pomegranates is i de seed it that i will show you guys how to easilyde seed the pomegranates. i de seed it at least a half dozen of them maybe more anda couple of apples and juiced it up and made it really rich and delicious juice and i made16 ounces of juice so i have like 32 ounces earlier and then now this, so yea eating itseasonally because its season right now you can definitely save a lot of moneyanother thing is i shop locally at farmers market or visit the farms so there are somefarms here around las vegas; some of you went to gilcrease? good a number of people, theygenerally have produces for like about a dollar for a pound so i got these cucumbers freshpicked that i got to pick myself that’s
a real treat. this time of the year its reallynice to go out there because it’s not really hot and these were a dollar for pound andyes they still are fresh locally grown minion cucumbers, also got zucchini, lots of zucchinileft they are kind of getting shy of the cucumbers there’s a lot zucchinis there are for adollar a pound too, i mean they don’t spray they are not certified organic but on thosecrops they don’t spray that’s what they told me, it’s on tenaha it’s like sapnorth farm 7800 north to tenaha the address that pops in my head, so that’s one placealso there is another place called cowboy rail farm which is open every saturday youcan go by there and visit their farm and buy things direct from them also another verygood resource that i also visited on this
trip is where i got some tomatoes that i didn’tuse in my recipe today and there like 2 dollar a pound so the master gardener orchard ison hoarse drive indicators it’s like north of las vegas and they generally sell theirproduce for 2 dollars a pound something is more something is less on an average 2 dollarsa pound and they have some of the most exotic things you will find around here like lasttrip to vegas i got joop joops they are like a chinese date and they are over dried formy particular taste but they are really inexpensive they are really goodcoming up in about 2 weeks they will have nevada grill percito so i am really excitedabout that right now the others things have, they have like apples, pears and they havea lot of different variety because it’s
a master gardeners orchard they do a lot ofexperimental growing and planting different variety instead of just having rome applesand delicious apples they have that other variety that u haven’t heard about and someof them taste amazing, so yea visit farms that’s definitely an important thing todo don’t eat at raw restaurants that’s anothertip, that’s when you blow 15 dollar on one plate of food unless if you are in chicago,there this raw indian restaurant that i visited 15.99 all you can eat only on monday nightsi have a video on that that’s on i did a review and it’s all you can eatin 15.99 that can cut down your food bill because what i did was i had a juice in themorning and starve myself all day and went
there for dinner and i got there when theyopen at 6 30 and we stayed there until 10 and you got to slow and don’t stubble itall in you know take your time chew well but i like three plates of food and a good dessertand a smoothie so that was definitely a good deal unfortunately there is not an all youcan eat raw food restaurant around here there is another one in florida or 2 in floridahapakry health institute that’s 20 dollar all you can eat and then new ash caf㩠i havea video and a review of that as well online so a lot of time when i am travelling i makevideos to share my secrets and tips with you i have actually many videos on how to producewholesale which i haven’t fully discovered yet here in vegas there is a little more difficultbut i will if i do
there is a great model of like a local wholefoodclub where making it a club kristina korulu booground made one around in texas and shehas like 7000 people where she buy stuff from wholesale and then basically sells it noteven sells it distribute it to the people at the price she is getting it from and shehas incredible buying powers i talk to her at the last event i was at, so she shareshow to do that with people. it’s fully raw her website is its kristinakorulu booground, but yea i think it’s definitely something needed in here in las vegas, somekind of a buyer or a buying club or people could just pool money in and someone is incharge of it all you are going to do is just drop down to la and once a week or somethingand you can get wholesale produce i have already
done that and i will show you guys how tothat someone needs to drive down and get the products and distribute it there needs tobe a system someone dedicated for doing that and we can do it its easyanother tip is to shop at different stores to find the best deals, it’s very importanti mean you noticed that i shopped at a lot of different stores to get some of the dealsi probably could have saved not as much money if i didn’t go to all those different storesbut i kind of make it a game, it’s kind of fun for me like 100 good deals, in theolden days before there was stores you have to literally forge for your food and go aroundso i am literally forging for my food at different stores when i am trying to find the best qualitystuff and in low possible price that being
said i also forge things in my backward andactually i have trees locally so yea shopping around is definitely important and i willshare some of the stores with you when you go over my list when i will pass it aroundso let’s see here when i said in my teaser thing, you want to purchase the most costeffective organic items so the most cost effective organic fruit, i mentioned it earlier anybodyhave any ideas, bananas, so organic bananas are about 69 cents a pound at vons that’sthe cheapest price i found, cheaper than even buying at trader joe’s, so like 69 centsa pound a food is definitely is good it’s really inexpensive for the calories you aregetting, they have some nutrients in it too but i don’t make you diet full of bananasbut if you have few especially at the winter
time when you know some of the local fruitsmaybe go out of season i think it’s definitely something smart to dothe most optimal vegetable to buy in for the cost saving for organic, anybody have anyguess? it’s a pretty nutrient dense vegetable, cabbage, cabbage is a pretty good one, cabbageis pretty good but i was going to say carrots because carrots i get these organic carrotsat costco for 69 cents a pound so that’s for the pound it’s pretty good and alsofor the price and also for the nutrients in the carrot as long as you are chewing it wellor juicing them up because it’s hard to extract the nutrients out of a carrot whenmost people chew 2 times and then swallow so yea those are the most cost effective fruitsand vegetables even better way to save money
on your raw foods diet is to grow your ownfood, we can’t it’s a harsh whether here bohonkey! i would say bohonkey because i growit myself and does the gilcrease do it and how does the tomato lady do it how do i doit, i have at least a dozen videos showing really excellent examples of people growingin las vegas and i even have a video of an hour long showing me taking my backward andfrom nothing being there and installing the irrigation system and installing you knowto where to get the best soil and you know building it and making it grow and actuallyif i was with it tonight i would grab the pound of leafy greens that i have harvestedfor my garden and i must have at least a 100 more pound of leafy greens right now that’swhat i am talking and you can do it too! i
tried but nothing grows, see with that attitude,i like to have a positive attitude what i like to say you know you watch some of myvideos i mean there are certain techniques you have to do, you first time got on thebicycle you probably fell off and if you always thought every time i got in on a bicycle ifall off and that doesn’t work forget it i am never going to try it again, then youwill never be able to ride a bicycle, you know just like walking you got to get up youmight fall over and you forget how to walk and you can figure out how to garden in lasvegas if you do these specific things it will ensure your success and it’s not too don’t need a backward you can do it in a patio you can do it in a little you knowa porch you can even grow food inside your
kitchen in trays like micro greens or youknow sprouts in trays in fact there is a couple of out who is doing this and pretty soon iwill be visiting them and showing you guys how they do it and they also teach classesthey do! so it’s one of the farmers here in the area that sells in the farmer marketsthat sells the micro greens, they usually sells at the hinder sons i have only seenthem on this side of the town a few times but i am going to get out there and make avideo and share it with you guys so you can do it too because buying some seeds is superexpensive to produce the food that you have to buy i mean micro greens are like 2.49 attrader joe’s right down the way just for few ounces so that’s incredibly expensivewhen you take some seeds for little pennies
and turn it into food that’s fresh foodthat you are harvesting that’s more nutrient dense because as things are cut and shippedand process nutrient level goes down. i have a question yes! where do i buy my seeds?so where do i buy my seeds so a lot of things i start in las vegas are actually i buy itfrom the starks so one of the other things you know when a gardiner talks that i havegiving in pretty soon but especially if you are a new gardener i recommend you don’tmess with the seeds for the most part unless you are sprouting if you are going to planta regular soil garden then just start with a little starter plan and be assured of ahigher level of success because sometimes things don’t germinate if you are new toit you don’t do it right and it’s not
going to work and then you are going to havesuccess and you are going to get turned off rather just spend a little money and buy athe plants that will do well for sprouting seeds i got a place like therein south florida that will ship you organic seeds, other things like you know sunflowerseeds you can just get black holes sunflower seeds at wal-mart that’s sold as bird seedsand that will actually sprout and grown to sunflower greens and that you can huge i don’tknow 50 pounds bag for like 10 bucks, there is a lot of resources available in las vegasfor learning how to grow there is a lot people giving classes, they have master gardenersthat will actually help you out you can call them anytime for question and they will giveyou information you need so that you can be
successful tooanother way besides actually growing you own food is finding and forging for wild foodsso if you live in an area where you can do that or take a hike up in the mountain whereit’s not contaminating with toxins and pollution you can definitely do that de-align or somethingthat that bruise relatively well you can forge that you can just literally de-align seedsand throw them out and grow because they literally grows a weed. another thing i actually harvestedlocally i was going to bring some tonight but i didn’t was dates, so dates palm growhere in las vegas many of the landscapes trees you see are dates palm and right now thereare the time they are ripening so the last trip i was in las vegas i climbed a date palmand harvested a bunch of dates and dates they
are not cheap they are 4 bucks a pound andi almost harvested at least like a 100 dollar worth easily just 25 pounds no problemnext i want to talk about the raw food i will be eating in this day are the sample menuday i have so let’s go over there next and we will go over that stuff, so this is a standardday as an example not to say you should eat that every day but if you want to eat in thatexact combination that’s probably great but i want to encourage you guys to eat differentfood based on what you are going to get on a good price and then make something that’sgoing to taste good for you, so the foods we are going to use today are young coconutsnon-organic, bananas organic, frozen cherries organic, baby kales organic, apples organic,cucumbers not sprayed, coli greens that is
the thing i forgot from my garden they arebetter than organic, celery , hot pepper , carrots, tomatoes, vocami seaweeds, pomegranates, avocadoes,zucchinis scotch and some of miscellaneous herbs from my garden so i have all the differentprices here i am going to go over all of it but i will pass it down to see where i gotit from and my favourite places to shop at town for specifically organics number 1 ilike is sprout formally known as sunflower market if you go on a wednesday there addsbegins on a wednesday so you have double add day so you will benefit from the last addday and the upcoming add so if you go there and get everything on sale you know you willbe doing pretty good on the prices you know in generally i don’t buy too many thingsthat are not on sale in my personal life unless
it’s something i really want, another placei really like is costco they generally have a few things organic for the most part allthe time organic spring mix organic spinach and now they have actually organic baby kalesand organic carrots they also have hothouse things like hothouse peppers and hothousecucumbers that i will get if i can’t get organic ones for a good price, right now theyalso have organic apples and you know in a few months they will have organic blueberrieslike they normally do like they also have had organic strawberries and raspberries youknow in a past few months sometimes they have also some costco have celeries and broccolisas well and it just depends on the costco like one costco might have more organics thanthe others and i don’t know how exactly
they do thatin addition i got these guys, these are frozen organic blueberries, i like cherries becauseit’s a very nutrient dense food with a lot of different anti-oxidants in there and that’sanother thing i eat beside from nutrient density i eat for anti-oxidantsanother place i like beside from the farmers market is the 99 only store or the dollarstore, so this at the dollar store is for a dollar, this is 9 ounces of baby kales that’sabout a little less than 2 dollars a pound, at costco it was like 2.66 a pound which isstill good but it beats it, that being said you know not every dollar store always carryorganics it’s like whatever they get in the shipments so sometimes they have it sometimesthey won’t and i do go to multiple 99 only
stores to find the stuff i need and just ikind of like doing it, the other thing they also had he herb blend salad and that’sonce again organic and i got different blends from this size of box either its spring mixor spinach al different kinds but this is 5 ounces per dollar so 3 of these will beabout a pound so it’s like 3 dollars a pound of organic greens and they are pre-washedso i like that a lot that saves me some time in the kitchen so i open it up and put blastit through the juicer or put in the blender or put in a bowl and it have an instant mealthat i have to wash and clear the dirt and all kind of stuff and they are really inexpensiveso 99 only store, other than that i fill in with trader joe’s, in general trader joe’sis lower price than whole food like they have
organic apples that i bought for 2 pound bagfor a dollar 25 cent a pound which is pretty good sunflower beat it with 99 cent a poundon sale. so what we are going to do today is how inormally eat is i have several meals during the day maybe 3 or 4 different meals and itsalways different and its always one or combination of these factors, so one i can eat somethingin whole so i like to do what’s called mono meal, mono meal is one you eat one thing atone time and you are totally happy and totally full, so a friend the other day mono mealthe tomatoes i don’t know i could do that if that my was my garden picked and they arereally delicious or you can just mono meal that’s another thing i got this week sothis was actually from the dollar store too
and these are 1 pound of compari greenhousetomatoes so these are not organics but they are greenhouse grown in general when theyare greenhouse grown they use ipm integrated pest management which means it is a controlledenvironments they don’t generally have to spray, they don’t have these herbicidesbecause they are only planting what’s going to grow and no seeds going to get there togerminate and the bugs they only spray at small parts if they have to they only getsin if they open the door or its come in with a plant or something, the dollar store alsohad these small packages of cherry tomatoes by the same company that are certified organicas well. yes? i call the 99 only stores the dollar store because that’s the best one,some of them have produce and some of them
don’t, the one i go to is in decatur’sthe one on spring mountain and the one on like tropicana fort apache so those are the3 i go to regularly some of the other around too in town, the one in rancho has a fairlylarge produce section actually i got organic oranges there before one of my meals is mono eating a fruit and today my mono eating fruit was like onepound of grapes, organic grapes they are about 2.50 a pound in sunflower and i have anothermeal a smoothie today and then i also had a juice so that’s what i had so far todaybut on this day, the example day we are going to do umm so ahead of myself here, so waysof eating are usually mono meal or just eat food whole whether u want to mix somethingor not i just like to eat one thing at a time
in general and then another way i eat besidea mono meal is i have a juice, if i don’t have a juice then i will have a smoothie ori could have you know like a salad or a soup which is kind of a combination of some ofthe different things so i would be chopping up things and juicing and blending thingsso every meal i have the opportunity to do a couple of different options you know wholefood blended or juiced for the most part, salad will be kind of whole and i am justgoing to juice which i want to do i get up in the morning and generally i like to drinksomething more watery like a juice or maybe a smoothie because we just woke up and speciallyin las vegas you are probably dehydrated just from sleeping because the water is evaporatingout of you and that’s another point i really
want to talk about is especially in las vegas,it’s important to eat food in your diet that is going to give you water you need soyou don’t have to drink extra water a lot of the cooked foods actually cooked the waterout of it and the foods are actually dehydrating you and dehydration can be a cause of manyillnesses so by simply eating fresh fruits and fresh vegetables that have higher watercontents it’s going to keep you hydrated naturally that being said here in vegas ialso do like to drink about 32 ounces of water right when i get up and also before i go tobed to ensure that i am not going to be dehydrated. so what we are going to on our sample daytoday is we are going to make a smoothie and these are the ingredients of the smoothie,1 coconut and some cherries and some bananas
then the next thing we are going to do iswe are going to juice and the juice is going to be some carrots some cucumbers some apples1 hot pepper and a whole bunch of greens we are going to put 9 ounces of these greensit’s here and then i am going to use coli greens which are actually free because whenyou are growing your food you are not tend to pay for it, instead because i forgot yousee some of these herb blend which was about a dollar so that’s all intrigues the priceto 14.22 a day instead of 13.22 and let’s see that’s going to be the juice and finallyfor dinner you can make a salad on my last talk that i gave here is to how to make asoup especially when some of the greens don’t tastes as good as it used to so we are actuallygoing to make a soup for the dinner so this
is basically my 3 meals during the day andalso you can do some snacks if you want some other things but our soup basically is goingto be made out of these tomatoes and herbs some croutes and avocado some pomegranatesand some nuts and seeds and so hand this out one at a time you see you can only go overthe list how i made it so this is the food you are using and this is if its organic ornot and most of things are yes and this is the source where i got it from and this isthe overall cost like the coconuts i bought 10.99 for 9 because if you buy for each it’smore expensive and then the cost of a dollar 22 each if you look down the cost of eachitem then most of it is a dollar or less some of the things cost more, number 1 the processedraw food that i told you guys not to buy if
you want to eat for cheap so this is for adollar 50 per serving now we are going to use it cost a dollar 50 you can substitutelike a more sea vegetables instead of it, i like to use it for its unique flavour thisgives and i am willing to pay a dollar 50 for that but if you are not you can definitelyleave it out, another thing which is pretty expensive is the coconuts everything elseyou mean you will be pretty amazed at the prices over here so i will hand that outthe next thing i will pass around to is actually this is from, so howmany people have been there to, so is a website where you can itsfree you can punch in what you are eating on daily basis, it will tell you like howmany calories and the percentage fat the carbs
and the proteins and all the other nutrientsis in the food so you can ensure what you are getting you need to stay healthy you knowa lot of people teach raw food and teach you a recipe and they haven’t done the nutrientbreakdown of it, they will just say eat this, some of it very high on like the nuts andseeds. the amount of nuts and seed i recommend for a day is right here, with these nuts andseeds and these vegetables you are going to meet all you rdis as you will see when i passit around and this is not a lot of nuts and seeds to make this easier i just say one ortwo handful at the max and that’s about as much as in here this is approximately oneounce of sesame seeds and like quarter an ounce of brazil nuts and that’s not prettymuch but the nuts and seeds have specific
nutrients like the brazilian nut are veryhigh on selenium, selenium is hard to get challenging to get in some other vegetablesthe reason for the sesame seeds is specifically for the zinc because zinc is another thingwhich is difficult to obtain from fruits and vegetables unless you eat in an absurd quantity.another thing i want to talk about is we are also getting a little over 2000 calories ithink, 2200 calories on this diet, now i actually didn’t account for juicing of vegetablesi actually put one pound of carrot yea some of it is coming and we are going to get alot of juice might change things a little bit. another thing i was curious for its days1 coconut is for 270 calories and that’s from this chart and different places i haveseen different amount so i am not sure that’s
completely accurate either, but nonethelessit basically shows all the things we are eating, here 2246 calories is the total amount ofjust the food here for 13 dollars and 22 cents so i will pass that aroundthis next one over here goes over the usrdis in a numeric version you know it shows thatthere is no b-12 there is no vitamin d but everything else we are getting all the nutrientswe need, pass that around this next one here is i like little betteractually this is the that’s pretty much the same but this actually have the bar graphso you can like on vitamin-a 888% of the normal like that’s a lot more than you know a 100%so i mean most of these items the 100% lines over here in excess of the different you knownutrient in this diet
this last graph is a pie graph and this piegraph actually shows you the calories coming from fat proteins and carbohydrates and alcoholsbecause alcohol can’t provide you calories, zero calories coming from alcohol and youknow the fat calories are 24% overall now there are some people i recommend a high fatraw food diet, if you are eating a recipe out of many raw food recipes you may be eating50% fat or more and i don’t advocate a diet that’s that high on fat, just because it’sa raw fat doesn’t necessarily make it a good fat that being said i would rather haveyou guys eat a raw fat than the other fat but we want to keep our fat calorie down thereand some raw food diets like the 80/10 10 diet which recommends the 10% fat which isbasically no avert fat so they are not eating
nuts and seeds and they wouldn’t probablyeat coconut or maybe some of them not even eat a avocado because it’s too much fatas parker tells you our brains are made of fat we should be called fatheads it’s veryimportant besides eating fats in your diet in my opinion we also need to eat right kindof fats so the kind of fats today are the coconuts and the avocado and some of the nutsand seeds here and another thing which is very important is to rotate the kind of fatsyou are eating to ensure you eat omega 3 rich fats including the chia and the hemps andthe black seeds also very important another thing that’s not often talk aboutalso is if you are on a 80/10 10 diet and actually not eating any overt fats your omega3 levels of what i have seen will be in a
pretty good range because leafy greens havehigh omega 3 but the problem is when you eating other nuts especially in large quantitiesthat can through your ratio out you know of you omega 3 balance which is very importantbalance in my opinion, and let’s see fat 20%, protein 8% and a total calorie over gettinga 100% of our rdi is 68% so pass that around so those are the all different hand outs toshow all the nutrients you need from the 13 dollar 20 cent that is pretty basic anybodycould do that just take couple of hours to do that, i don’t always do that i just knowif i eat wide vary diet mostly fruits and vegetables and some nuts and seeds here andthere you are going to get what you need and it’s also very important to rotate the food,don’t eat the same food day and day out
so i guess we get into doing the recipes now,the fun part, so how we are going to use these things, the first thing we are going to makeis a smoothie and you guys get the sample of some of the stuffs see how can i arrangethis. so the smoothie is going to be a very basicsmoothie, i like to make smoothies that are either like a green smoothie or a fruit basedsmoothie and it’s very simple a lot of the times i use the coconut because coconut tome is a rich source of water, natures purified water, it’s also high on electrolytes clinesadaclines which can be anti-aging for my research and instead of drinking water i ratherdrink you know water from the foods and coconut is a food that has a lot of water contentso we are just going to take a knife here
and cut the crust of the coconut and todayi am using a thai coconut, based on my research thai coconuts are actually dipped in withsulphites and fungicides called ferma benzoyl which is also used as a anti warming drugso for that reason i keep the plaster on it i am not touching that and another questionthat happen is people say because it soaks the nut in there if it goes through and penetratethe hard nut and i have seen testing of that fact and most of the people say no, in probablymy opinion say no that being said i do also try to include a lot of mexicans coconutsinstead of thai coconuts so they are available at a place like the mexican markets in townthat’s called mariana’s, but they are more expensive than the thai coconuts so ilike to rotate once we got this we use this
knife and this knife is from the dollar storetoo so with dollar store knife you can easily open the coconut that’s chunk full of waterso besides the water the most valuable part to me is the coconut meat, that’s wherethe most calories are, you know for me calories are not like super critical there is moreimportant to me that you get a lot of nutrients, i mean if you are eating a lot of food withnutrients you are probably going to get your calories as well i think a lot of people tendto focus on calories and that’s maybe not the necessarily the best thing to focus ona lot of the standard processed foods are really rich in calories and low in nutrientswe are going to focus on the exact opposite that’s what the nutriotarion is, high nutrientslow in calories that’s where the leafy greens
shineso for example this morning i made a smoothie similar to this but i used instead of fruitsi used greens so it was a green smoothie, alright so there is all our coconut meat,next thing we are going to do is to put in a few cherries there is only a few ouncesof cherries these are just frozen cherries you know in one of the things you will findis i don’t tend to use a lot of frozen foods i tend to use fresh foods and i actually don’tuse a whole lot of dry foods either, especially in vegas just dehydration lives out here andwe are going to put food that raise our moisture level and not subtract from it, if you eatdry fruits or cooked foods you better drink extra water you know to make up for the waternow the foods going to pull out of your body
because it takes liquid for your body to processand move all the stuff through you, otherwise it will be very painful for you to go to thebathroom for some of you guys it might be painful, so here’s what we are going toadd 4 bananas, these are organic bananas, the organic bananas price varied a lot invegas i have noticed like some place to as high like as a dollar and 19 a pound and atvons i got it for 69 cents a pound that’s almost like half the price so it does payto strap around. in general at vons i like to buy the organic bananas and when some ofthe others don’t have celery then at vons is the least expensive for celery and thenif they have things on sale they have a little club card thing which gets you pretty muchgood deals
also in the summertime i like to use morefrozen foods the only thing wrong with frozen foods are is they are frozen, they still havethe water content or dried food miss the water contents so i would rather use frozen thandried, also frozen food will make your food a little cold so this is a good thing in asummer time when it’s too hot outside okay so can i get some these samples outon the frozen, does that kill the enzymes or something? so the frozen does reduce theenzymatic activities in my opinion reduces some of the nutrition’s in the food forthat reason i always recommend fresh fruits generally all raw but if you buy frozen vegetablesgenerally glance before they freeze them in my opinion they are not considered raw it’sstill much better food than something else
you may eat instead freshest is the best iswhat i like to say so instead of coconuts, i use coconut waterand coconut meat as a base you could just use and make a juice you can use you knowtomatoes you can just blend a whole bunch of tomatoes as a base i generally like a fruitbase and i like to use wholefoods you could use water if you wanted to i would intendto use apples or a produce item that i got inexpensively this week so you know carrotjuice base, tomato base or a cucumber base, apples are 99 cent a pound, i could use anapple base but that’s another step you got the juice and then blend it up with your greensor if you have a blender that powerful you can just literally put an apple in the blenderand just blend that up, it’s going to be
a lot thicker than this but that’s definitelyup to you, so that’s what going to go around hereok john you are using a lot of calories as bananas and you say i don’t mind the fatcontent because you are right the brain has a lot of cholesterol, not to mention yourheart protects your body that you are using 2000 calories a day isn’t it quite a bit?yes right another chart that i actually didn’t print out because you have to put in yoursize and weight and it says that i am eating 2000 calories a day but i am burning 2400calorie a day based on my activity level so i am still a count negative that being saidit depends upon your specific needs and this is my example day doesn’t mean you needto do exactly like this you know personally
you might want to reduce the number of bananasyou might want to put 1 banana instead of 4 because 4 is a lot, but this is what i needto survive because i don’t want to get too skinny and weak like many raw fodders looklike stick figures, i think i look pretty healthy and some people i think that are intoraw food they look like guans maybe they are not eating enough calories i don’t exactlyknow i won’t drink naked juice because they haveso much sugar? well right yea i mean the things is when you have your own appliances a blenderor a juicer you can make things like this the next thing i am going to make is a juiceand you better sit down when you are drinking this juice because this juice is not goingto be sweet it has a total of 2 granny smith
apples and granny smith apples i tell youguys are not definitely the sweetest apple and this is pretty much going to be greenjuice because it almost have almost a pound of greens in there if i brought my tree caliit will even be stronger which we are using herb mix not quite as strong so yea you needto tailor what you are doing to your specific needs you know i recommend for the most partfor me i do eat a lot fruits and for many people that not might be such a good ideabut you need to get your calories from somewhere and you also need to figure out based on youractivity level how many specifically you need yes! one the list there is 2 sources i neverheard of it before sure! , sf super and winco, so winco is a supermarket and they are onlike north decatur in 215 and there is one
on the hinder son and that one i just putthat on the list because i got these avocadoes that are not organic for 28 cents, so theyhave a limited 10 i could have bought more , but this is a lot of calories for a littlemoney that being said you know there are another way to save some money is actually buy thingsconventional that are on the clean 15 list, anybody knows about the clean 15 and dirtydozen? so the environmental working group that’s put together a list theydo this every year and they do a survey of all the conventional produce items and youknow the residue and pesticides it contains and so avocado for the most part being onthe clean 15 which means the least amount of pesticides residue on them that being saidyou know i also did buy organic avocadoes
this week and they are 99 cent each so 99cents versus 28 cents i mean at the store i got it of which organic avocadoes at sunflower for 99 cents for each and the non-organic were 78 cents so for me that’s a no brainer,non-organic for 78 or organic for 99 ok john vow you the money the organic one probablyhave more nutrients and they taste better so that’s what i am going to do for 20 centsdifference you know when they are collar on the price you know all these guys are on theclean 15 list, good enough for me, the other one you mentioned is sf super, sf super isan asian market its right on spring mount decatur and so that one is a big asian storeand they have a big produce section mostly its non-organic i got pretty good selectionof the seaweeds, another place for seaweeds
is actually better than that is the internationalmarket place on the decatur on your chart you’re fat % is 24 is thataverage for you? so you know what i like to say is my fat % range is about 10 to 25 % that’s25 % is the highest depends on the food i am have available you know right now we aregetting into the fall/winter and there are not many fresh fruits or a wide variety offresh fruits that i would like to eat at a pretty affordable price i mean i can sit thereand eat a lot of bananas and apples and then i can lower the other calories from otherfoods but on this day i just worked out to be about 25 % so i recommend from 10 to 25% obviously it’s going to vary if i want to eat a low sugar diet is it hardto get enough calories that way? so eating
a low calorie diet on a raw food diets canbe quite challenging because then you are probably going to get your calories from morefats because that’s what they really contain fats or the other option which you can dopartly is if you want to do carrots or not because they can be quite sweet especiallyonce juiced you could do a lot of juice and that would ramp up your calories i think ifigured out once i pretty much need about if i get about 2 gallons of juice i get allof my calories but that’s 2 gallons of juice that’s a lot of juice i don’t have a problemwith that buy many people might, another way you can do that is by sprouted grains so youcan do something like sprouted buckwheat and not gluttonise grains and you know they aremore calorically dense but still there is
definitely a lot of greens i think the muchsmarter thing to do is just do 80 % raw and then include some cooked whole vegan foodsome steamed beans some steamed vegetables if you have i would rather juice them or somesteamed non gluttonise grains in my opinion will be a better idea i mean i do all theraw thing i have been doing this for 17 years now 99.999% this may be unrealistic for mostpeople actually i don’t advocate that people do an all raw diet but you know doing a lotof i am incorporating here and then by getting your fat calories down by doing you know somecooked beans which are very high on nutrition and some of the non-gluttonise grains mightbe probably a very good idea in my opinion it’s much better to sprout your beans andthen cook them a lot of beans do have fight
heating things which needs to be broken downby heat and i have a friend that sprouted kidney beans and eat them raw she got reallysick so that’s not fun there is only a handful of beans lentos and mong beans there is anotherone that you can sprout and eat them raw so i am talking about the most part when i amtalking about beans you should sprout them and cook them to get all those anti-nutrientsout and the whole food locally they have wide selection of beans now so you could probablythose cool different beans and what not, another thing you know i grow runner beans out hereand that grows in a when it’s not in the middle of a summer it’s doing quite wellnow this time of the year and i eat the little beans part of my plantsthe non-gluttonise grains so milet and quinoa
beans would be 2 good ones teff is anotherone i believe amaranth right okay so how did everybody like the smoothiei didn’t even try it myself very good very good! , yea it’s quite good. yup i normallydon’t like i am not anon on measuring everything oh 3 ounces of cherries i just take the bagover it up and dump it up whatever it lands in there but i want to prove a point withthis and sure it can be done under 14 a day so i am kind of tailored everything to howi wanted it alright the next thing is going to be funit’s going to be juice and this is where you can really start to get a lot of nutrientsin so now since i am using omega bird juicer and i do need to mention that is my businessi do sell juicers for a living and i do have
a lot of videos on you tube on explaininghow to select the best juicer for you and demonstration of all the juicers if you don’thave a juicer and considering buying one because every juicer just a little bit different justbecause this one is my favourite juicer doesn’t means it’s going to be your favourite juicerbecause the best juicer for you is going to juice the best the things you want to juicethe most and for me what i juice most is it does really well in here and its very convenientas well. a lot of people may have a this typical injection style machine that’s a kind ofwhich has big fast spinning blade probably 3 inch wide you can probably juice this in2 seconds in there and you know things like hard vegetables and the hard foods like thecarrots and the cucumbers and the celery even
apples, those juicers tend not to juice thegreens very well so that’s why i recommend one of the slow juicer because they are goingto get the maximum nutrition out of the leafy greens which are the most nutrient dense foodon the planet so in my opinion those are the most important things that we should be juicingso the question is what you do for roughage and fibre so when you do make a juice yesyou remove most of the fibre but there is still some fibre remains especially in thismachine if you don’t fill to the juice out it lose a lot of pulp of the juice that beingsaid i am eating other meals in my day besides just the juice meal so we are going to havea soup that’s going to have some roughage in there you can even make a salad and i eatmono meals of fruits all these fruits have
fibre you know there are people who go onliterally juice diet for a period of time for several months i know a guy actually startedhis juice diet in the beginning of this year and up to like august he is been only livingon juices to me it looks like he can probably juice a little bit more but you are stilldoing fine i mean there is people that go on water fasts i just heard of loran lockmanspeech earlier this week he helps people with water fasts my dad went to a health centrefor 30 days you live only on water and you still have movements just drinking water believeit or not so well fibre is important you know if you are eating a lot of fruits and vegetablesyou probably going to get enough i have had any constipation problems myself eating thisway one of the thing you will discover if
you do chose to live this way unfortunatelymy mom hi! mom if you are watching, she doesn’t like to eat this way, john if i eat the wayyou do i got to go the bathroom like six times a day and its inconvenient i want to say iwant to go one time a day and constipated all the time maybe that’s why you are soanal sorry mother! it’s a truth i seem to tell that out in my you tube videos hopefullyshe generally doesn’t watch my videos hopefully she won’t watch this i wonder i will bein anyways alright let’s get the juice in herejohn is you juice like you take out the core part just saw you pulled the twig off? yeaabsolutely so you know as long as core doesn’t have any funky stuff and this is an applethat’s pretty fresh doesn’t have any moiled
in it i am going to juice the core up somepeople will might be concerned john you are going to juice apple seeds in the apple seedscontain cyanide and you know every nut and seed may contain some level of anti-nutrientthis is so in the nature animals aren’t going to sit the whole apple because theymake them sick you know i personally have been juicing apple seeds from a long timeand i haven’t have any issues if you actually look at the health food store they probablysell something called b-17 or laetro they basically sell aimen cornels which are basicallyhigh in b-17 and that’s what in these guys so you are getting small amount of it whenyou are juicing things like apple seeds as long as you know eating a lot of them i personallythink that’s not an issue but you can do
your own research if that concerns you, don’tneed a diet just on apples i don’t think it’s a big problemwhy do you cut the celery if you are going to juice it so with this specific juicer everyjuicer has it pros and cons with this particular juicer if you don’t cut the celery becausethey have a long string that they will get stuck in your teeth it will get stuck in themachine and the way this is set up it clogs it so aside from this juicer many other juicersyou don’t have to pre-cut your celery and if i do bring my coli greens from my gardeni also have to pre-cut those because they are baby greens they are nice and thin andnot too vibrant i don’t have to cut those up so that’s another thing i want to mentionis its far better in my opinion to purchase
baby greens like this instead of this babykale instead of large kale i never want you buy at dollar store its probably less expensivelike this and number 2 its pre washed as i mentioned but number 3 it’s a lot less vibrantand also this stuff is a lot sweeter how many people had the baby kale so it tastes a lotbetter i don’t know about you i just don’t like to take a bunch of kales and eat it nastybut these kales tastes good and you are getting the nutrition’s in the kale without havingto taste bad so next i am just going to go ahead and turnthis juicer on and start juicing so let’s see in this juicer it’s very important yourotate the produce you are putting in some of the juicers you can just put in anythingheavily just whenever you want, with this
one you need to put in you know your leavesfirst then followed it by something hard so now i am going to use some of the herb blendsover here and these are the some pre-washed weeds, another thing i like to do is do avariant beside just juicing these items i might juice some so this is some money savingtechnique here if you want to save more money instead of just juicing it all it might begood to juice a lot and juice the cheap stuff so in my opinion like the carrots are prettycheap celery aren’t too expensive you know the cucumbers and the apples but i actuallytake these greens instead of juicing it up i actually i make a juice with that stuffand then take the greens and put them in the blender with the juice or instead of juicingit you are going to blend the leafy greens
to make it a lot thicker because you are goingto have the fibre that’s also going to fill you up quicker so you want to feel full quickeri personally want to get the nutrient out of it and get the most nutrient density ican so that’s why i tend to juice instead plus i am a really stickler for good qualityproduce and you know want some like a lot of the produce i grow it myself in californiawhich is very high quality i don’t mind eating it but when it doesn’t taste as goodas i used too then i just prefer the juice to get it in.what model is that juicer? so this is the omega bird juicer is that a commercial juicer?it’s not a commercial juicer this is just the home juicer the omega bird this is calledthe 330hd, yea this machine really does a
good job especially on the leafy greens andthe product is really dry as compared to some of the other machines and this is my currentfavourite juicer the main thing with this is that for the most part a lot of juicesyou have to sit there and have to push the stuff in on the leafy greens you don’t haveto push it but on a lot of the other stuff is to actually drop into the machine and itjust takes it in and juices it right up so the main challenge with this machine is itdoes make a poopier juice and as u saw it you need to pre-cut some of your vegetablesor it will jam up so juicing is one of the easiest way to get more specifically in vegetables,i prefer to basically juice my vegetables but blend my fruits this is for a very importanta lot of vegetables like a carrot you know
has hard vibrant material so we will not beable to extract the nutrient out of it so the juicer does it more to us because if youthink about it our bodies is nothing more or less of a juice extract where we put somethingin and it comes out one sides comes a solid and one sides comes a liquid so that’s whatwe are getting in here we are getting the solids and the liquids this is an easily absorbablestate already that the juicer did for us without our body really having to work that hardanother question i get a lot is also if you are juicing fruits like we talked a littleabout earlier you are going to get a more sugar hit and you know you maybe want thatbecause the sugar you get from the fresh fruit juices is way better than caffeine hit fromcoffee of course right but it is probably
better to not put that much sweet so that’swhy juice the vegetables and not juice the fruits i do blend my fruits because when youblend your fruits you are retaining all that fibre which is going to slow down the sugarhit you are going to get. always like to teach my class the theory of good, better and bestyou know you all want to try and do the best if you can’t you know all this the bestwill be the vegetables juice maybe you know better would be a fresh fruit juice and youknow worse than that would be maybe like a pasteurize juice and then worse than thata coffee and a soda so you know how to do to the coffee and the soda the option arecoffee and soda or the fruit juice, oh fruit juice has too much sugar well not the optionof soda that’s way worse but the option
of vegetables juice you know. a lot of peoplehave this i got to do the best or nothing and you know life is not about the best ornothings there is always going to a compromise you want to always do the best you can ifyou don’t have a juicer you know just get a blender and blend all this stuff upanother thing that comes up a lot in my talk is john why i should blend and why shouldi juice fruits and vegetables blending versus juicing but a lot of people say john is itretaining the fibre good and you know my 2 sentence on that is there is a therapy youknow called the gerson therapy how many people know about the gerson therapy so a handfulof people so many people know that on the garrison therapy they are feeding you freshjuices actually made up of mainly carrots
and apples and that’s actually fairly highon sugar but they have been healing people from things like cancer for many years nowthey don’t give those people blended apples and carrots now why is that because if theydid because if it worked i am sure they would do that instead of actually using a specificjuice of the neuroma juice to get the results they have been getting that’s because thisis literally fully digested in a lot of people that may have compromised digestive systems,juice is one of the easiest thing to get the nutrition ado so you know i see juices aslike a healing food. what’s the quantity you use? right! theother thing about juicing is i started out with a pound of carrot and a pound of cucumbershere almost a pound of greens and two apples
and i mean i am turning all this food intoa drink that i would drink in one siting, in general i drink about you know maybe 32to 64 ounces of juice in one sitting and that’s goodanother thing i mentioned actually in the promotion the one food i eat that keeps mesatisfied for hours is the young coconut because it has the electrolyte rich water and alsosome of the fat in there so if i make a smoothie like this will be good for several hourslemon and the orange in the juice? people can add i would add lemon in my juice buti wouldn’t add orange to this juice because i don’t like to mix my fruits and vegetablesin juices generally the only thing i would like to mix is i would add a lemon or applesor pears but in general people make juices
with all different kind of ingredients andthis just gets like too complicated, i like to keep my juices recipes for 5 ingredientsbecause if you start throwing everything in the kitchen sink you could make really nastytasting juices especially which are made of all organic ingredients and it can be quiteexpensive and not taste good and you are like i got to drink it because i made it you havenot done that before so that’s why i speak from experiencei have a standard base juice that i use i pretty much used it tonight my juice baseis what usually be out of 1 or all the items i am going to list is cucumbers, carrots,apples, romaine herbs, zucchinis and that’s all i got cucumbers i got celery and i usethose as my base and then i will add in just
some leafy greens and then might add in somelime and some ginger to spice it up, another thing i like to add in is actually one hotpepper for the next thing we are going to do forthe soup base is going to be tomatoes, so these tomatoes were a dollar per 1 pound andone again we are going to throw them through the juicer now as i mentioned earlier youcould throw the whole tomato in the blender and just blend it up it will make little bitdifferent texture than i would like and one of the thing i like to do is i really liketo play with the textures you know if did put the tomatoes in the blender it will bea lot more thick but i don’t necessarily want that thickness and the other thing isaw actually a lot is you know my mom trying
to get me on this one is john you know thereis always studies that shows that if you cook your tomatoes you get more likely proteinout of them and if they are raw and that’s actually true but the problem is you can’tcompare if you juice them because the problem is if you are cooking your tomatoes and gettingmore like a because you are breaking down the fibre cell wall but the same time youare cooking your tomatoes you are also losing some of the nutrition in there because ofthe heat of the enzymes but if you juice your tomatoes you are also going to breakdown thefibre and you are going to get even a higher level of absorptionyet another reason i want to juice things to remove the fibres of the walls to makethe nutrient more bio-available for us that’s
a great commend but i don’t have time forresearch. you know i am chart full of knowledge over here, yea i will encourage you guys toactually i don’t speak to often about it in vegas we do it about once a month latelybut you know i have an overall 1200 videos now on you tube so in every video you aregoing to get information like i am sharing with you now and usually i prefer shorterformats and you could have it running in the background if you are making your juice andlike i will be editing my videos and this morning i was actually editing my video thati am going to upload actually i already uploaded it today, just like play in the backgroundand do final edits just to make sure it’s alright while i am doing this it’s a greatthing to do to multi-task
the question is, is there a big differencebetween organic and non-organic so you know stanford came out of a mess study on latelyabout you know that organic food is not more nutritionist than conventional food and kindof really upsetting me a lot lately because how they do the study is they take existentstudies out there and combine all those studies to one mega study just to show the resultsbut the problem i see with that is another thing is i don’t necessarily like to livemy life with these studies because when they do a study it’s not always that accurateunfortunately, the reason why is because who is paying for the studies to show organicis better than conventional a lot of the conventional growers and big agro businesses that one promotespesticides use and you know chemical use and
they are to show that there product is betterthan the organic product because they are going to sell more because of it because ofit they will sway people from buying organic so you know who’s funding the studies isone issue and the other thing is i can definitely tell you from eating the food i mean we don’tneed a study to tell what tastes good and generally when something tastes good or tastesbetter those are the indicators of nutrients in the food. so the difference between anorganic and non-organic avocadoes oh it’s huge, it depends on the grower like you knoworganic means it doesn’t you know they can’t use chemical or fertilisers or pesticidesso you know when you eat something non-organic you may be getting basically in my opinionanti nutrient and toxins bringing it into
your body which now your body have to workon its spanning so why do that if you don’t have to number one and number two i mean icould talk about for a long time i will try to be short number 2 is that you know organicfarmers and conventional farmers use different kind of fertilisers to feed their plants soconventional growers may put on like pmk fertiliser made from chemicals made from petroleum madefrom natural gas i don’t know about you but i don’t want to eat things based onpetroleum products because that’s not natural, organic growers will use things like composand manoeuvres and more natural things which are naturally occurring in nature and buildtheir soil fertility that way and a lot of studies i have seen especially being a homegardener myself show and my taste buds proves
it that organically grown foods especiallyhigh minerals density food which is a whole topic i am not going to discuss today becausethat’s taking your diet to the next level and most even organic farmers are not evengrowing mineral dense food you know tastes much better, the big problem i have with organicsversus conventional is that, with conventional it’s like they can use anything at leastwith organics they can’t use these really toxin things just because its organic doesn’tmean it’s going to be nutrient dense because there is no standard of say as an organicfarmer you have to put this much compos which adds fertility back to your soils you haveto use things like beneficial microbes like fungi and bacteria’s and residuals to yoursoil to basically those things break down
the things in the soil to make it more bio-availablefor the plants so they can bring it in or you may use things like rock dust which addsa trace mill to the soil because our top soils are de voided minerals these days so thereis none of those rules so at least with organics probably the best you can do unless you growit yourself and that’s why i am a big fan of advocating to grow your own food becausewhat i grow far exceeds from organic stuffs based on my research and my taste buds anddoing breech testing so we are going to add the tomato juice we just made into the blenderbecause we are going to blend that with our nuts i talked a little bit about it earlierthis is literally all my choirs like 1 ounce of sesame seeds and those were the seeds andwe are going to put this much a quarter ounce
of brazil nuts in there now instead of eatingthe nuts whole like many people do and you can definitely go out of control and scoopingnuts in your mouth and eating them i have a really good video i went to my brother’shouse here in vegas and he has an oman tree in the backyard and i harvested all the oman’sout of his trees and filled half a shopping bag and then i actually took the omans becausethey comes in a husk, i take out the husk and just going to crack the nut and it filledup one of these jars about that much it took me about a half hour an hour to harvest andthen even longer to shell them and get them in there but with the add in a ball pin youcould open the ball pin and before you know it you got a whole bagful and you didn’thave to go through the process so in nature
we wouldn’t be eating a lot of nuts andseeds that we have to spend a lot of energy to get those nuts and seeds so that’s whyyou mean i like to focus on eating things because in nature we could pick it as muchzucchinis as many apples we want as many leaves we want but we wouldn’t eat that much nutsand seeds and many raw food diets especially recipe books they like have nut based pateand that’s very high on fat in my opinion not super optimalso the other thing i am doing i am going to blend the nuts and seeds because when youblend it up with a high power blender it’s going to fractionate and create more surfacearea so you will get better digestion so i am going to put this on high so alright that’sour soup base nice and creamy soup base with
the tomatoes and a little bit of nuts sometimesin seeds sometimes instead of using the nuts you can use avocado especially if you wantto lower your cost i mean the nuts kind of get more expensive but the avocadoes are muchless expensive so actually i made a really good soup the other night with tomatoes andavocadoes base and some similar things, some similar things that i am going to show youguys now. so the next thing i am got to do is one of the things i really like to addto a lot my recipes are the seaweeds especially if you are not getting mineral dense foodlike we are talking about even farmers and organic growers are not growing it at leastthe seaweeds because they are grown in the ocean has mineral and more importantly theyhave trace minerals in there because all the
minerals existed on the lands are in formof rocks and they broke down and gets washed out into the ocean that’s why the oceanshas the trace minerals now so these are like grown in the ocean and they have a lot oftrace minerals in there so this is available at the sf supermarket we are just going togo ahead and pour it in a container for what i like to do is soak these guys first youknow i have used this before like this but they are pretty hard and crunchy so i liketo soak them first and let it expand and this amount of seaweeds here lying in the bottomyou are going to be amazed at how much it turns out in here in just a few minutes whilewe are working on the next project here the question is about soaking the nuts sothe reason why they say you should soak your
nuts is for the enzymes and inhibitors, enzymesand inhibitors are actually anti-nutrients and they are not necessarily good for us sothey say soak your nuts to describe the process which is to breakdown the enzymes and inhibitorsso i think that it’s a good idea for something like some people have digestion system thatare particularly sensitive i mean you could have done this in the morning when you putit out and soaked at least for the day to that, i tend not to do that because i neverknow what i am going to eat at night i don’t like to plan out my recipe that i am goingto eat this soup for dinner, lets soak my nuts now like its dinner i am working on ithere comes the dinner time crap! what the hell i do, ok let’s see what i got i gomy fridge and see what i got and i just throw
some together like i am throwing them togethernow i mean the best way to do it is to be soak your nuts and dehydrate them so thereare always dry and then they are ready to use, the other thing if you soak your nutslike if we put soaks nut into this recipe that were soaked in and drained out it wouldadd more water content to this and that would dilute the content and it wouldn’t quitehave a good flavour for me personally so it just depends on, if you are eating a lot ofnuts like many of raw food books out there i would probably advocate you should probablysoak your nuts because you are eating it a lot but when you are eating literally just1 and a quarter ounces i don’t think it’s quite as important as it isso the next thing we are going to do is fun
we are going to show you guys how to rootthe seeds of pomegranates because many people have a challenge with that it’s not reallythat hard. so what we are going to do is we need a couple of thing for these a pomegranatea knife and a mini little baseball bat actually this is a pusher of the juicer they also sellthese at asians market for doing something i am not exactly sure or you could use oldbroom handles stick that you cut down or something like this or you could use a tamper for amitosis, yea anyways so what we are going to do is we are going to cut these littleflower of the pomegranates there and the next thing we are going to do is we are going totake our knife and cut very carefully liking going into a centimetre and just like scornedthis all the way up so that’s like what
those on the trees and this is the flowerand we just scorned it and i like to go around like i was cutting this morning i was doingit sometimes i went 6 sometimes i went 7 times you could do as few as four you don’t wantto do too many of them so that’s like one two three four five so good enough, now weare going to cut those scorned we are going to cut this in half and there is our beautifulpomegranates, pomegranates are only at seasons this time of the year, so you guys are luckyyou all are here locally then what we are going to is take this and hold it in my handlike this and then we are just going to tap it down the bowl and tap it down pretty vigorouslyand what’s happening is my hand wasn’t there they all dropout we are just going tobeat all the area out of it so you can there
it’s pretty clean there is some of the fewleft in there i will kick those out or beat a little bit more this is just the way i doit that i found that works the best they do have a like special kitchen tool basicallyto do the same thing but instead of using your hand and you getting all mucky thereis a plastic thing you put it on and then just basically do the same thing on why buyextra stuff when you don’t have to, no you can eat the seed and everything you are goingto eat the seed tonight actually so yea this morning i juiced it but tonight we are goingto is make a soup so in the soup pomegranates will be there for a nice texture and elementof the soup so you could use the lemon esters some kind of lemon or you could use tomatoeseven you can use a tomato pulp but the pomegranates
seeds will add a nice texture and an explosiveaerials in your mouth and plus we will a unique kind of tart sweet flavour too to this soupso that’s that we are going to get our soup bowl here and now i can empty up this guyso this is tomato juice with the brazil nuts and sesame nuts blended up into that and startadding some of the iingredients we are going to add all these pome seeds in there now weare going to add some of the other things that we used a little bit of sara sprout,so i like to add the sara sprout specifically for the beneficial probiotics and just thelack of bacillus, they sell probiotics here in many different streams that one of thething i regularly is probiotics for my health has to work with your digestive system workingoptimally and then also in my research with
amenity so we are just going to put a scoopin here, also this gives us a little bit added sodium because if you do eat a diet of justfruits and vegetables unless you are eating a lot of calare you may not be getting enoughsodium no i don’t recommend and advocate things like taking celtic sea salts and thingslike that because that would way add too much sodium i recommend getting your sodium fromfoods so at least in this way we get small amount of sodium in here from sea salt andif you look in our chart my nutrient analysis is literally getting about a 100% of sodiumintake and that’s mainly because of the sara sprout over here actually because allthe other stuff is low in sodium if i didn’t want to use the sara sprout some of the otherthing i can use instead are maybe some chickpea
miso i like to you chickpea miso that alsohas some sea salt in it if you want to get away from all the things that have sea salti would ramp up the celery my juice celery and put that in with the tomato then we haveto add a significant portion of celery to get our sodium or i would add some more seavegetables you know for the sodium and other trace minerals, what we are going to add nextis some herbs from garden so the things from my garden are for free to the recipe wherethe kale and the juice of the tree coli i forgot to bring see it in my canvas i am goingto juice it later tomorrow and the herbs so these are the 2 easiest things to grow onlas vegas, if you try to grow tomatoes especially in the summertime you will probably not goingto be too happy because there is a special
technique you have to use, with many herbsespecially with basil in the summertime it’s really hard to mess that up, basil grows reallywell here get a plant and start it out just give it enough water every day and it’sgoing to grow like mad you have so much basil you will not know what to do with it, anotherthing that grows really is the chads really did well for me the par coli has done wellfor me i have actually some of the sages in here the sage is huge just growing crazy andjust some other smaller herbs like the tame and rose marries also do well here in vegasand then the other thing i am going to use was tree carols, those things grow crazy allyear long in summer or winter they provide you with a pleather of greens every day ofthe year, in the summertime they are particularly
hot and a little more spice or bitter andthen in the winter time about now they really starts sweeting up and these are called primarytree carols some of the tree carols are literally 6 feet tall they have a big stock and theylook like a big tree and they just keep making leaves every day of the year standard carolgreens you might find at home depot or like georgia collars are hybrid corals, those thingactually grow for a specific amount of time then they actually flower and seed then theyare pretty much done with their life cycle. the primal tree carols are different becauseif you plant them once and then they basically grow for 7 years or maybe even longer i amnot sure they say 7 years and it just keeps producing leaves every day of a year and itdoesn’t or verily goes out of flower and
if it does it will keep producing some ofthe plants here in the climatic condition they actually went to produce seeds and ilet them mature after they are done just continue to produce some more leaves like it neverflowered before unlike many regular coral green plants so what we are doing is justdicing these guys up, a really fine here and we are going to add these herbs now herbsare another nutrient dense food to include in your diet and this is how i like to addin a little bit of herbs like fresh herbs obviously freshest is definitely better thandry, some of the herbs are some of the most expensive thing to buy it’s like 3 quartersof an ounce for 2.50 wholefood organic herbs but when you even if you have a window shelfor a patio you can have a little pot of herbs
you know grow some of the easiest ones likesage i never have to buy sage again or mint one thing i forgot to juice was the hot pepperso we are going to go ahead and basically add that in real quick for the mixture, soone of the things i like to use is herbs and spices such as the hot pepper spice to makethings taste good without adding extra salt a lot of raw food recipes even in restaurantswould just add more salt to it and make it taste good when the flavour should be comingfrom the foods but you know a lot of people don’t use fresh herbs anymorealright so hopefully that’s enough pepper juice that will really ramp the flavour upa lot the next thing we are going to do is strain these guys out here, remember wheni added this it was just in the bottom of
the container but look its totally filledup if i had to put some more water in there probably would have sprained it more but thereis a lot of seaweeds once again it gives us some nice texture in our soup how many peoplewere in here when i gave my soap class last month there was a couple of people here buti like these a lot because a lot of seaweeds they taste fishy and you know i don’t likethings that taste fishy but this seaweed doesn’t taste fishy another one of my favourite seaweedthat doesn’t taste fishy is the dolce and also the nary so last night i just used anary seeps and i rip those up and then put them into the soup that i made last nightso we are just going to basically press out the extra water now the water you are gettingout here you couldn’t drink it its really
good to be poured into your plants becauseyou are also leaching out some of the minerals in here in the soak water it’s pretty goodnow i am just going to stuff that into i think we got couple of more ingredients left forthe soup there so the next ingredient we are going to add to our soup is the avocado hereso we are going to dice this avocado then add it for a little more texture and morefat, i want to talk about the avocadoes for a second this avocado is actually from mexicothey are also imported from like chile and i will encourage you guys to whenever possiblebuy the california avocado because they have to travel less far so there is a less resourcesand less fuel and one of the thing i noticed is they are a lot better for their tastingi don’t know what exactly is from mexico
or chile but they don’t have the richnessin them that the california avocado do even if they are organic so in general i tend tobuy california ones whenever possible alright that’s pretty much our soap is doneexcept one last ingredient so i want to use some of the zucchinis a lot of people likenoodles in there soup but i have different cutters and pyro slices, some pyro slicesover here now that will take this zucchini and basically make long pasta like shredsand strains out of them actually they have the lowest price i have ever seen anywhereon that tool here actually so i like making different textures out of adding differentfoods and so instead of buying like regular pasta that you have to cook you can use zucchiniwhich are in my opinion a lot healthier than
just eating pasta so what we are going todo instead of making the large noodles we are going to make smaller shreds with thislittle tool that i have here so i mean as fast as you can go back and forth that isgoing to make those little match sticks like things that are going to be giving anothernice texture to our soup, sometimes i like to use a spiro slicer but it takes longerand this is so much quicker and easy, next time i give a talk i try to bring some ofthese guys with me to sell i am out stock for them right now alright that’s it, soi mean just an instance we have gone through a whole zucchini you can easily put you knowanother in there that’s pretty much our soup just going to go ahead and do this guyup now, so this is a soup and i really have
been on a soap kick lately because if youare eating a soup you can really packing a lot more nutrition then you can in a saladlike you know if i was making a salad i wouldn’t necessarily put 2 pounds of tomatoes in mysalad so it’s like mostly tomatoes but this way with pretty much we got all the nutrientsout of tomatoes less the fibre of the seeds and the skin and the skin is not actuallybest part of tomato anyways, a lot of the salad i do make also is like greens and dumba lot of dressing in them which is something similar to this like tomato juice with somenuts and then maybe i will add the sara craw in there and then just pour that into my saladi don’t actually recommend using things like olive oil and vinegar added as a saladdressing actually i rarely ever even use olive
oil and vinegar, olive oil number is basicallya processed food extracting fats from the olive i would rather let you guys eat oliveand olive tree actually grow here i find some in sun dry at the other day i forged but olivesare a great food because it contains the oil and fibre and all the other vital nutrientsin olive itself, also the olive oil will ramp up your fat calorie just like crazy just 1tablespoon of olive oil is 120 calories so a lot so guess somebody could come up andscoop out for everybody and for dessert i was going to bring some of the thing i haveharvested but i forgot to grab it when i left my house with some dates you know the datesare harvested like 4 dates that i harvested for free and that’s an excellent way toyou know save money by harvesting your own
foods let’s see that’s pretty much itthose are the 3 recipes you saw the breakdown you saw all the prices you saw where i goteverything from, one again i want to remind you guys you know don’t eat the same combinationeveryday mix it up find some of the local and cheapest deals, locally resourced foodlike the farmers market and then buy things at sales get more foods in you whether yougot to eat it whole food or juiced or blended. so i don’t have i don’t write down myrecipes because every recipe i make i just make spontaneously based on whatever is inmy fridge and whether i have carrots i will usually make carrot juice and then use thatjuice for a base for a salad dressing or for a soup but about five years ago i did writedown a lot my recipes and i did put this in
my book and this book basically have no oilsin it and the way i eat 5 years ago which is pretty similar to now, modified a littlebit but this book has 30 of my delicious recipes similar to the one you have tasted tonightand i am offering these for just only 5 dollars, if anybody is interested come up and takeit i will be glad to take any questions for a little bit and then i have to clean up andget out of here you didn’t mention sprouting wheatgrassjuice sure! i did not actually so i don’t do generally for me personally i don’t dodiets that much contain any of gluten you know a lot of standard americans people eata diet based on wheat and i think that you know i tried to look to nature for answersand if we are adding nature like it will be
pain in the butt like to pick that much wheatand eat and sprout and make that being said i mean you know it’s a better food thansome things we are not naturally designed to digest the grains if they are sproutedthat’s definitely better and if they are grown in a week nest that would be the bestso i do eat wheatgrass sometimes you know if i didn’t have full on garden where igrew kale and other greens to juice i will be juicing wheatgrass if that was the onlygreen i can grow because you can’t grow anything indoors but i think there are a farbetter foods that are better available more sustainable and easy to breakdown unless youare juicing the wheatgrass even in a blender that will wrap around the blades or at leastjust chew it in very well and spit it out
the pulpyea i sell wheatgrass juicer which looks like a meat grinder you can get the juice out imean this juicer will juice wheatgrass so you know some juicers will juice wheatgrassand you know people want to find these what i call is magic bullets you know one ounceof wheatgrass is 8 pounds of vegetables or something like this you know to me there isno magic bullets you just eat fresh fruits and vegetables diet you know have wheatgrasssometimes and have kales and carol greens and have a lot of different food because eachdifferent food is its own powerhouse of nutrition’s. so how do you the like the soup there? verygood loved it! excellent yea some of the things you saw you can all these and get some ofthese delicious food for 14 dollars and 22
cents a day and just rotate it don’t makethis list every day i liked the pomegranates yea the pomegranatesadded like a nice burst of flavour in your mouth and that’s some different textureyou not expect it and the seaweed is pretty mild doesn’t like taste fishy or anythingjust has a nice chewiness texture because a lot of people into raw food think you knoweither got like i don’t know like some leafy greens or something hard not something kindof sponge like that kind of like noodles they reminds me of chufas noodles so it was likethose when i was a kid, this is like the closest thing to natural chufas noodles here thereis another story i want to mention here is a story that i went to a raw food sectionand one of the things i like in the raw food
section is actually they have these seaweedpowders so these are excellent things that add the trace minerals and they have like4 or 5 different varieties and each tastes totally different so that’s being a goodthing to add into a soup to give it some flavours and also give you trace minerals i think traceminerals are not valued as much as they should be and a lot of people in my opinion is reallytrace mineral efficient and that’s going to be something coming up in the years tocome in my opinion there are more researched and more people will be may aware of this,that was actually called the vocame seaweeds so this is from the sf super market anotherasian market where they may sell this for like 2.50 for this little packet or 2 dollarsdepends where u get it yea that’s one of
my favourite for the noodlesi hope you guys enjoyed this episode of learning how you can eat a raw diet and meet all yournutrient requirements for under 14 dollars a day and i know some of you guys has madeit to it and some of you guys will say john it’s still too expensive well i can’thelp you with that you need to get a better job that pays more money so you can afford14 dollars a day to get some of the best food on the planet so you could live a healthiestlife because you are what you eat and if you are putting junk in you are going to get junkedout if you put good stuff in you are going to get great stuff out so 14 dollars is nota lot to pay in my opinion, i really hope you guys have enjoyed that episode and learnwhat you can do in an example day and once
again the example day is just an example don’teat that day and day out, every day you want to eat different plethora of fruits and vegetablesnuts and seeds to me your nutrient requirement and be as healthy as it can with the tipsi shared in this video now you can do it and i am so glad that i could hear you guys out.once again my name is john kohler with will see you next time and remember keep eatingyour fresh fruits and vegetables they are the best.