lower cholesterol naturally with these 5 healthyfoods. by lifebuzzfeed.com. whittle your cholesterol, lower your bloodpressure, and keep your heart healthy with these amazing artery defenders. 1. roasted almonds—with the skins. just a fistful of almonds packs a whopping9 grams of monounsaturated fat, helping slash bad cholesterol, while boosting the good kind. opting for almonds instead of a doughnut,chips, or pretzels for two snacks a day could
cut your "bad" cholesterol by nearly 10 percent. natural vitamin e in the almond's "meat" plusflavonoids in this nut's papery skin also help halt the development of artery-cloggingplaque. 2. avocados. in a study from mexico's instituto mexicanodel seguro social, women and men who ate one avocado per day for a week had a reductionin total cholesterol of 17 percent. the amazing details: while their levels ofunhealthy ldl and triglycerides fell, good hdl levels actually rose—thanks, perhapsto the avocado's high levels of "good" monounsaturated
fat. this fatty fruit is also full of cholesterol-cuttingbeta-sitosterol. 3. tomatoes—fresh, sun-dried, and in sauce. eating seven or more servings per week cutrisk of cardiovascular disease by 30 percent in a recent study of more than 35,000 womenconducted by doctors at boston's brigham and women's hospital. the heart-smart factor? it could be the antioxidant lycopene or thetomato's stellar levels of vitamin c, potassium,
and fiber. cooking tomatoes for 30 minutes or longerraises levels of available lycopene. and 1/4 cup of sun-dried tomatoes has moreblood pressure–lowering potassium than a medium banana! 4. canned salmon. among omega-3–rich fatty fish, salmon isking: one serving contains about 1.8 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid (epa) and docosahexaenoicacid (dha), important omega-3s that help cut your risk of deadly out-of-rhythm heartbeats;reduce bad cholesterol; cool inflammation;
and may even discourage atherosclerosis andthe formation of blood clots. 5. good old-fashioned oatmeal. betaglucan, the soluble fiber found in oats,acts like a sponge, trapping cholesterol-rich bile acids in the intestines and eliminatingthem. the result is lower "bad" ldl because there'sless cholesterol to be absorbed into the bloodstream. a big bowl of oatmeal per day (about 1-1/2cups) could cut cholesterol an extra 2 to 3 percent, suggests a study published in thejournal of the american medical association. you are watching: lower cholesterol naturallywith these 5 healthy foods.
please like, share and subscribe our channelfor more daily videos. thank you for watching. cheese is actually good for your health. say what? cheese might actually be good for you? old-school thinking is that cheese is unhealthy,in large part because of all its saturated but newer research calls into question thelink between saturated fat and heart disease. in fact, eating cheese (nibbling, not gorging)is linked with numerous health benefits. here are 5 ways cheese is good for you.
cuts your heart disease risk. some researchers think cheese might explainthe so-called french paradox—that french people have low rates of heart disease despitetheir affinity for cheese and other saturated fat–rich foods, such as butter and duck. then there's a 2016 report that analyzed resultsfrom 31 prospective cohort studies (the ones that watch people throughout their lives)that compared how much dairy people ate to whether they developed cardiovascular disease. one major finding was that eating nearly 2ounces of cheese daily (1 ounce equals a 1-inch cube) was associated with an 18 percent lowerrisk of heart disease.
writing in the british journal of nutrition,the authors propose that minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium and vitamins likeriboflavin and b12 may play a role. another key finding: eating as little as 1/2ounce of cheese a day could cut stroke risk by 13 percent. fends off diabetes eating 1 3/4 ounces of cheese a day may loweryour risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 8 percent, says an analysis of cohort studiesin the american journal of clinical nutrition. there's more good news from the same study—peoplewho ate about 3/4 cup of yogurt daily had even lower risk.
another study in ajcn, this one out of sweden,found that women who ate just under 2 ounces of cheese also lowered their type 2 diabetesrisk. the shorter-chain saturated fats in cheesewere linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes. also, calcium—which increases insulin secretionand may reduce insulin resistance—may fend off the disease, say researchers. whey proteins might play a role, too, as theymay increase insulin sensitivity. helps you dodge death ok, that's extreme. but eating cheese really may help you livelonger, per a 2016 study in the european journal
of clinical nutrition, which followed 960french men for almost 15 years to see whether the foods they ate had any relationship towhen they died. the happy finding? eating about 2 ounces of cheese a day wasassociated with a 38 percent lower likelihood that they died during the study. perhaps calcium's blood pressure–loweringeffects play a role or its ability to curb fat absorption in the gut, write the researchers. improves your cholesterol keeping with heart health, a daily snack ofcheese may lower your cholesterol.
a 2015 analysis of randomized controlled trials(research's gold standard) in nutrition reviews compared the blood cholesterol of people eatinga prescribed diet that included butter or cheese. although both diets had about the same amountof saturated fat and calories, the cheese eaters ended their trials with lower totaland ldl cholesterol than their butter-eating counterparts. their "good" hdl cholesterol was also lower,though—the opposite of what you want. the cholesterol changes could be due to calcium'sability to ferry fat through your gut so you don't absorb it and its associated calories(the amount of calcium is much greater in
cheese than in butter). vitamin k2, found in fermented dairy productslike cheese, may also play a role. makes you stronger eating almost a cup of ricotta cheese a dayfor 12 weeks boosted muscle mass and improved balance in healthy adults over 60. the researchers of the study—published in2014 in clinical interventions in aging—said that the milk proteins casein and whey mayhave fueled the improvement. you are watching: cheese is actually goodfor your health. by lifebuzzfeed.com.
good fat rich foods that are good for youand your weight loss. the word is out: fat — or at least “goodfat†— is not something you should banish from your diet. monounsaturated fat, a staple in the mediterraneandiet, is the “good fat†that may actually help you lose weight, whittle your middle,keep blood sugar levels in check, lower harmful ldl-cholesterol and much more. we’ve dug through all of the fat facts tocome up with 18 good-for-you sources of monounsaturated fats. read on to find out if any of your favoritefoods made the list.
pine nuts (1 ounce): approximately 5.3 gramsof good fat. most commonly associated with pesto, pinenuts are also delicious when added to meat, fish, salads, vegetable dishes, or baked intobread. with 5 grams of monounsaturated fat per one-ounceserving, pine nuts help to lower bad ldl cholesterol and prevent heart disease and strokes. they’re also rich in iron—great news forthose following a vegetarian or vegan diet. looking to shed a few pounds? pine nuts may help, since they contain pinolenicacid, a specific fatty acid that helps you to eat less by suppressing your appetite.
try toasting pine nutes and enjoying on topof your favorite salads. olive oil (1 tablespoon): approximately 9.85grams of good fat. just one tablespoon of olive oil containsabout 10 grams of monounsaturated fat, and only 2 grams of saturated fat. due to its high monounsaturated content, oliveoil is a terrific option for boosting heart health. use regular olive oil to sautã© a varietyof colorful veggies or you can even bake with it. extra virgin olive oil is made from the firstpressing of the olives and contains the highest
antioxidant levels, but these also start degradingsooner when exposed to heat. to make the most out of your olive oil, usethe extra-virgin kind for drizzling and homemade salad dressings. peanut butter (1 tablespoon): approximately3.3 grams of good fat. sometimes there’s nothing more comfortingthan a pb&j sandwich. besides being absolutely scrumptious, thiskid-friendly classic is also good for your heart. with close to 4 grams of monounsaturated fatper 1-tablespoon serving, peanut butter also provides a hearty dose of fiber, as well asother important vitamins and minerals.
studies have shown that people who regularlyinclude nuts or peanut butter in their diets are less likely to develop heart disease ortype 2 diabetes -- compared to those individuals who rarely eat nuts. spread natural, unsalted peanut butter oncrunchy apple slices or add it to a smoothie. lamb (3 ounces): approximately 3.3 grams ofgood fat. here’s a food you might not have expectedto see on this list: lamb. on average, a 3-ounce serving of lean lambcontains 3 grams of monounsaturated fat and about the same amount of the essential omega-3fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ala) as a tablespoon of olive oil.
lean cuts of lamb include those from the leg,loin and rack. on average, lamb is an excellent source ofprotein, vitamin b12, niacin, zinc and selenium. lamb is perfect for grilling or as an entrã©eor side dish anytime of the year. plus, you can include it in soups, salads– and even on pizza! avocado (1/5th medium avocado): approximately3 grams of good fat. they’re delicious, creamy and luscious,so what’s not to love about avocados? a one-ounce serving contains approximately3 grams of fat, and 75 percent of that fat comes from the “good†monos and polys. avocados also contain nearly 20 differentvitamins, minerals and beneficial phytonutrients
including vitamin e, folic acid, fiber andcarotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. avocados have been shown to act as a nutrient-booster,so you can absorb more of the fat-soluble beneficial carotenoids in plant foods. in addition to your favorite guacamole, tryfresh avocados on salads, sandwiches or toast, on top of your tomato or veggie soup. 6. hazelnuts (1 ounce): approximately 12.9 gramsof good fat. with nearly 13 grams of monounsaturated fatper ounce, hazelnuts may help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
besides being a heart-healthy choice, hazelnutsare also rich in manganese and copper, vital minerals for iron absorption and bone formation,respectively. tip: to intensify the unique flavor of hazelnuts,and to better develop their color, try roasting the kernels on a baking sheet. arrange kernels in a single layer, and bakeat 275 degrees fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes. to remove the skins, simply wrap the warmhazelnuts in a dish towel, and let them sit for 15-20 minutes. 7. flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon): approximately2.5 grams of good fat.
a rich source of soluble fiber, with almost3 grams of monounsaturated fat per tablespoon, studies suggest that flaxseed oil may benefitindividuals with heart disease and aid in cancer prevention. use this slightly nutty tasting oil to makesalad dressings, add to soups and smoothies for an extra boost of nutrition, or stir intoyour favorite pasta sauce for an added dose of good-for-you fat. since flaxseed oil turns rancid rather quickly,be sure to refrigerate it after opening, and avoid exposure to light. when purchasing flax seed oil, look for thecold-pressed variety, since it has been processed
at a minimum temperature to preserve its integrity. 8. pork (3 ounces): approximately 2.09 gramsof good fat. pork is rich in monounsaturated fat, and ounce-for-ounce,pork tenderloin contains less fat than a chicken breast. that’s good news, considering the fact thatamericans eat more than 50 pounds of pork per person each year. in fact, a recent study of overweight adultsfound that regular consumption of fresh, lean pork served to improve body composition andcardiovascular risk factors.
in addition to being a lean source of proteinand providing healthy fat, pork also contains iron and potassium. mix things up and give pork a try with oureasy weeknight slow cooker recipe for chili-rubbed shredded pork. 9. dark chocolate (1 ounce): approximately 3.5grams of good fat. with almost 3.5 grams of healthy monounsaturatedfat per ounce, this is a treat that’s truly heart smart. look for dark chocolate with high cacao content(preferably 70 percent or higher), since more
cacao means greater health benefits and lessadded sugars. recent research shows that eating high-cacaodark chocolate may improve blood vessel function. three ways you can get a double blast of antioxidants:1. melt 70-percent dark chocolate over berries,2. enjoy a square of dark chocolate with a cupof green tea, or 3. if you’re feeling extra-indulgent, try asmall square of dark chocolate with a glass of antioxidant-rich red wine. 10. pistachios (1 ounce): approximately 6.7 gramsof good fat.
about 90 percent of the fat in pistachiosis healthy unsaturated fat, and research shows that when individuals with elevated cholesterolate pistachios as a daily snack, their blood levels of antioxidants increased and harmfulldl-cholesterol levels declined, compared to those who did not eat pistachios. a serving of pistachios has 7grams of monounsaturatedfats, 4 grams of polyunsaturated fats and just 1.5 grams of saturated fat. because nuts are calorie-rich, keep portionsin mind: there are 49 pistachios in a one-ounce serving, and 30 pistachios contain about 100calories. enjoying pistachios as a snack instead ofcarb-rich options like crackers or pretzels
is a smart swap. pistachios provide more fiber and may alsokeep you feeling fuller longer. 11. olives (10 large olives): approximately 3.4grams of good fat. whether you are partial to green, black, purpleor brown — all olive varieties are rich in monounsaturated fat. in fact, recent research shows that the monounsaturatedfat found in olives can help to decrease blood pressure. as an added benefit, olives are also loadedwith antioxidants, which may offer protection
against heart disease, cancer, and other chronicconditions. consider whipping up an olive tapenade asa sandwich spread or baguette topper, sprinkling chopped olives into a salad or adding olivesto a tasty marinade for chicken or fish. 12. walnuts (1 ounce): approximately 2.53 gramsof good fat. with nearly 3 grams of healthy monounsaturatedfat per one-ounce serving, walnuts are also nutritional dynamos, packing a powerful punchof protein, fiber, magnesium, and phosphorus — all important nutrients for optimal health. for a crunchy and tasty snack, try these parmesanherbed walnuts.
13 canola oil (1 tablespoon): approximately8.8 grams of good fat. great versatility, light taste and a dynamitenutrition profile make canola oil an excellent option for cooking. lower in artery-clogging saturated fat thanany common vegetable oil typically found in a supermarket, just one tablespoon of canolaoil contains almost 9 grams of monounsaturated since canola oil has a high heat tolerance,it can be used in a variety of different cooking mediums, including baking, stir-frying, andgrilling. it's important to choose organic and expellerpressed (mechanically extracted at a temperature of 120f vs. chemically to avoid chemical residues),if possible.
14. sunflower seeds (1 ounce): approximately 3.07grams of good fat. sunflower seeds are a true nutritional powerhousepacked with healthy fats, protein, fiber, minerals and phytochemicals. and since almost 90 percent of the fat insunflower seeds is good, unsaturated fat, they are a terrific choice for individualssuffering from high cholesterol or high triglycerides. just one ounce of sunflower seeds provides76 percent of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin e. sprinkle sunflower seeds ontop of a salad or simply roast in the oven for five minutes, until lightly browned.
one of the best ways to use sunflower seedsis in omelets for a hearty, nutrient-packed breakfast. this sunflower garden omelet (see hyperlinkbelow) is an all-time favorite. 15. almonds (1 ounce): approximately 8.9 gramsof good fat. reaching for a small handful of almonds willsupply you with a tasty, protein-packed snack that contains 9 grams of monounsaturated fatper one-ounce serving — that’s about 23 whole almonds. this nutrient-dense nut is also a terrificsource of vitamin e, magnesium and manganese,
as well as a good source of fiber, copper,phosphorus, and riboflavin. a one-ounce serving of almonds has a similaramount of antioxidants to one cup of green tea or 1/2 cup of steamed broccoli. for a creative recipe idea using almonds,try making this simple orange almond cilantro salsa. 16. sesame seeds (1 ounce): approximately 3 gramsof good fat. a delicacy in asian cuisine, just one ounceof sesame seeds supplies 3 grams of heart smart monounsaturated fat, not to mention35 percent of the recommended daily requirements
for calcium. in addition to being a top source of monounsaturatedfat, sesame seeds also contain two strains of beneficial fiber, sesamin and sesamolin,which have been shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect. sesame seeds are a terrific source of zinc,an essential mineral for producing collagen. add protein-rich sesame seeds to baked chicken,fish or salads for a nice, nutty flavor and texture, use them to make homemade tahini,or incorporate sesame seeds into a unique spice blend, like this middle eastern za’atar. 17.
duck breast (3 ounces): approximately 4.6grams of good fat. although not as common as beef or chicken,duck is becoming increasingly popular, for good reasons. since it’s mainly comprised of monounsaturatedfat (nearly 5 grams per three-ounce serving), duck is a terrific option if you are lookingto add a new cut of lean meat into your dinner repertoire. a source of high quality protein, duck isloaded with b vitamins, which are important for proper metabolic function. duck is also rich in selenium, a necessarytrace mineral for boosting immunity and supporting
enzyme activity. duck is delicious pan-roasted or grilled,and it often pairs nicely with fruit, like cranberries or oranges. 18. bacon (3 ounces): approximately 18.3 grams with a three-ounce serving of cooked baconcontaining 18.3 grams of good fats, it might be time to “bring home the bacon,†literally. in fact, the type of monounsaturated fat foundin bacon, oleic acid, is actually the same type of monounsaturated fat found in oliveoil.
still, many varieties of bacon are highlyprocessed, so look for brands manufactured without preservatives. when choosing bacon, look for the naturaluncured variety (such as trader joe’s or niman ranch uncured applewood smoked bacon),as they won’t contain nitrates. cured bacon contains nitrates, which havebeen linked with cancer. what do you think? what are your go-to sources of “goodâ€fats? did any of the foods on our list surpriseyou? will you be adding any of the foods from thisslideshow to your diet?
leave a comment below, and let us know. you are watching: good fat rich foods thatare good for you and your weight loss.