
Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

where the nearest health food store

alright! this is john kohler with we have another exciting episode for you. we’re here in baltimore, maryland.the weather is beautiful outside but pretty soon i will not be outside, i’ll be in insideand i’m gonna be attending the natural products expo east. this is the largest trade showon the east coast for the health food industry. so health food store owners and all that kindof stuff come here to find the latest and greatest products. there’s many differentfood manufacturers, something manufacturers, all those kinds of stuff inside. and in thisepisode i like to always highlight the hand selected, top vendors with cool products thatcan make your life better. i mean, there’s a lot of junk in there. this is about thebusiness of health, not necessarily about

true health. and i want to encourage you,once again, to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables ‘cos these are true health foods.,not most of the products found at the natural products expo. so in any case let’s go aheadand show you guys what it looks like inside, and show you guys some of my favorite productsfor the natural products expo east 2014. so, now we’re inside the natural productsexpo east. it’s the second largest trade show for the health food industry. and i simplycome here to learn about the latest products that are being sold, so i kinda know what’sgoing on in the industry. also, to research and learn about new products that may be beneficial,you know, to use in my life, but more importantly also to share these with you guys. i mean,there are hundreds and hundreds of booths

here. they all have different kinds of samplesand different kinds of products to try, most of which i’m just simply not interestedin because simply i believe, you know, this expo, while it is called the natural productsexpo east, it’s about the business of health, not necessarily about true health. you guysknow what true health really is, right? it’s really simple. it’s getting back to nature.we want to eat natural foods as naturally, unrefined, as unprocessed as possible. eata diet, if not exclusively like i do, of fruits and vegetables. eat lots of fruits and vegetablesand minimal processed foods. so what i’m gonna do in this episode is share with youguys the hand-selected booths that i like the most at this event. you know, whetherthey’re food related or not, i believe all

the products i’ll be sharing with you inthis episode will make your life better. so, pay attention and stay tuned for this awesomeepisode. share some awesome vendors at expo east, now we’re gonna share with you guys probably my favorite packaged raw food productthat’s literally a vegetable. i mean, they’re calling it tigernuts. this is our true roots.and this is not a nut, it’s a vegetable. actually, let me go ahead and share with youguys what this is ‘cos i’ve known about this for many years. actually, i’ve grownit in my very garden the tiger nuts, also known as chufas, which is originally whatthey made horchata out of, before they started using rice. we’re not gonna talk about thehorchata today, although you can make your

own horchata with tiger nuts. i wanna sharewith you guys about the real food, the nuts, the tiger nuts or more specifically a vegetableor a tuber. and what it is right here, this is the little tuber here and this is basicallycomes off of grass family plant. i grow this in my garden. it makes these underneath theground, and let me tell you these are some nice large tiger nuts. i mean the ones i’vegot is non-selected variety or wild. this has been grown in africa for thousands ofyears. i mean, if you know somebody into the paleo diet, right, our ancestors ate 80% ofthese guys. so this is like really paleo food, not like all the meat and crap that peopleeat for paleo diet now. so they wanna get back to eating tiger nuts and food that theywould have really ate in the paleo times.

i mean, they wouldn’t have been killingthat much meat, man. that’s insane. the reason why i like these tiger nuts, checkit out, i mean this is literally a tuber or a vegetable. so, i mean i’ve harvested outof the ground and eaten them, but when they come, they come sun dried, so these are araw food product. here at our true roots, right, they go through every possible, youknow, thing to ensure you’re gonna get the highest quality nuts and check it out, theseguys like they’re all in different shapes and sizes and this is a process of nature.i mean, i saw one that looks like a peanut. it’s super cool. now, when you get themthey’re like this. and actually, these are so raw that you can actually take these outof this package here, take them out of the

ones that you buy, when you buy them and youcan plant them in your garden and grow your own tiger nuts. but watch out, these guysare invasive. what does that mean? that means if you plant them they will spread out andtake over your whole yard, man. and then you’ll be cursing me out. john said to plant theseand now i can’t get rid of them. well, if you’re planting food, that’s a good problemto have. you’ll have your own fresh source of tiger nuts like forever, literally. thereason why i like these guys are because, you know, they’re really rich in carbohydrates.while they are 50% calories from fat, they’re much lower in fat than nuts and tree nuts.and these are not, once again, these are not a nut. they’re not growing on a tree, they’regrowing underground. they’re actually a

vegetable akin to yacon, which many of youguys know about the yacon sweeteners and also like the jerusalem artichokes sweeteners orthe jerusalem artichoke tuber. these are just much smaller tubers and these you can stillplant and they’ll grow. so yeah, very little fat content as compared to nuts, and they’rereally delicious. even also, a tiger nut flour. and this stuff is revolutionary. man, theytake the raw dehydrated tiger nuts and then they basically grind it up into a nice powderhere. let me go ahead and show you guys what that looks like. it’s just literally likea flour. this is gluten free, nut free, i mean, it’s so amazing and minimally, better than coconut flour this tiger nut flour. look at this stuff. i mean, this isgonna revolutionize raw foods. now you can

eat more vegetables instead of nuts and loweryour fat percentage if you want to. and this stuff, i mean, you guys gotta simply tastethis stuff. i mean, i wish you guys were here. we’re gonna go ahead and pour that stuffout. look at that – a nice, fine flour. look. alright. it’s like one of the sweetestlike vegetable flours i’ve tasted in my life by far. i can only imagine like mixingthis stuff with some dates and making like, you know, crust for like raw pies with likelow fat that combines better, because you’re combining vegetables now with dates, insteadof nuts and dates which is not necessarily a good food combination. and yeah, it’sgluten free. super delicious. this is now available on amazon. to learn more about thetiger nuts, you wanna check out

so the next booth i wanna share with you guysis revolutionary. i mean, you guys if you eat a plant-based, vegan diet, you guys knowthat b12 is literally not found in food. and you’re supposed to eat animals from it.well, i wanna let you guys know that b12 is not a vegan, non-vegan issue, it’s justa industrialization issue with, you know, the microbes not appearing in the soil anymore.but, there’s now a new product to solve this for vegans out there. it’s a plant-sourceproduct 100% from fruit that they’re claiming has b12. and it says one tablespoon is 36%of the rda of vitamin b12. and i asked them, is this analogued? and he says, no, it isnot. i’m gonna have to do more research on this ‘cos this is very curious to me.and check it out, it even gets better. i mean,

this stuff doesn’t taste like nasty or anything.this stuff is the only sweetener that is a superfood, and this is called the sugavidaand it is the most nutritious natural sweetener on the planet, organic and unrefined, lowglycemic index, rich in b vitamins. so literally what this stuff is, this is literally thejuice of a fruit that’s been dried. and i mean, that’s all it is. and they’remaking some outrageous claims, and if they are true it’s gonna be totally amazing.they said this stuff will actually get you off processed sugar. this will change yourbrain chemistry so that you do not crave like refined sweeteners anymore. and if you areputting coconut sugar or any other kind of sugar, knowing what i know about this at thistime, i recommend you guys get this sugar

instead. it’s at least better, althoughi’m still not a big fan of refined sugars this is literally the juice of the fruit inpowder. so it’s literally like eating fruit instead of eating sugar. so amazing, so checkthis stuff out. you can see here in this nutritional comparison, you know, for 100 grams comparingit with white sugar, honey and even the coconut sugar, it’s about the same amount of know, some of the nutrients are very similar. higher in the b vitamins. it has the b12 – 20.1mcg. and yeah, also it’s similar in magnesium. so that’s the main benefit for me is thevitamin b12 and it’s literally from a fruit, it’s the juice from fruit that’s beendried. go check it out. i’m gonna show you guys what this stuff looks like here. thisis a little container. now, yes, this stuff

is a fair bit expensive. it’s made fromthe palmyra palm and they take the fruit, and this is what it looks like in here. imean, this is you can think of this as of akin to like lucuma fruit powder. this isliterally a fruit powder here. we’re gonna go ahead and put that onto my hand. it’sa really fine consistency. it’s not really like granules like sugar. it’s more like,i don’t know, like lucuma fruit or another fruit powder like mango powder. melts in yourmouth. has like a brown sugar like fruit taste. it’s actually quite delicious. and in thattablespoon there, i got 36% of my vitamin b12. so yeah, you definitely wanna check thisstuff out. this is a new and up and comer. you heard about it here first. and you canlearn more at s-u-g-a-v-i-d-a

dot there’s a lot of different raw food product booths here. i’m not really showing youguys a lot of them because a lot of them are fairly similar. you know, they have kale chipsand all these different products. but i really wanna highlight this company here. it’sactually called the raw food central and why i like them specifically is because they’redoing, you know, the raw foods packaged products which in my opinion are a good transitionfood and good food to party with sometimes. or, i mean, i always wanna encourage you guysto do good, better, best. obviously the best is eating high fresh fruit and fresh vegetablesas much as you can, whether they’re juiced, blended or whole. you know, next best mightbe eating some kale chips instead of some

potato chips right. and you guys know this,you guys know what the junk food is and i want you guys to make better choices in yourlife. and that’s what raw food central allows you to do here. now the reason why i liketheir stuff is check this out, this is their kale chips. it actually looks like kale. itdoesn’t look like, like you know, dressing and some stuff on there right. and i wantyou guys to do this also before you buy any packaged kale chips and what not, you’re gonna wanna put the bag, you know, i’ve gotten away from reading ingredientsbecause truly our diet should be ingredient label free right. we wanna eat foods thatdon’t need ingredient labels. we don’t need an ingredient label on an apple, on anorange, on a mamey sapote. but, you know,

on packaged products there are ingredientlabels. so, flip it over and the things that i really want you to be concerned about are,you know, looking at the calories, but not just the calories but the calories from, you know, on a lot of the raw foods packaged products, the calories from fat are extraordinary.they’re very high. so this is less than 50% calories from fat, which is quite good.and they’re featuring kale, because kale chips should be about eating kale and gettingmore greens in you, instead of getting more cashew nuts in my opinion. so that’s whatthey’re basically focusing on here. they got kale chips. they actually also got somesuper delicious onion rings. i’ve tried different brands of onion rings and theseones are definitely my favorite. these are

seasoned lightly and then they have a nicemild flavor and they’re still delicious, but they’re really focusing on, once again,the onions instead of the sauces and dressings. they also have a really decent flax cracker.and also they got this snack mix. this is something that’s really cool. what theydo is they take the kale chips, all the crumbs off the kale chips, they mix that with somefreeze dried peas and freeze dried corn that are organic, and this is very important wheneating any corn. you should only eat organic corn. and the freeze dried foods, anywaysthe vegetables, are blanched before they’re freeze dried, so technically they’re notraw but they’re close enough. i have eaten them on occasion and they definitely had anice crunchy texture to what you’re eating,

plus you got the kale and the flavors of thekale along with it. so these guys definitely delicious, although not 100% purest raw foodif you’re into that, but i know most of you guys out there are not. but, yeah, definitelyreally delicious. if i had to pick one product actually, i don’t know, actually i kindalike the snack mix just due to the crunch, due to the flavor. next i’d pick the kalechips and the onion rings, and of course i like these packaged products. they’re convenientand handy for when i travel or when i feel like partying a little bit. or when i cometo expos and get lots of free samples to eat. i’ll try this for you guys. definitely reallygood. to learn more about the raw food central products, you can check them out at next i wanna share with you guys the product

that i found actually in my local whole foodsfirst, and i’m glad to find them at the trade show here. it’s actually called rawfoodzand what they do is they make pre-bottled raw dressings. i think this would make a greattransition food. it is basically oil based, and they’re actually, you know, organic,gluten free, nut free, you know, very flavorful with many different flavor profiles and differentoptions for raw vegan dressings and also raw vegan cheese sauce. and that’s why i’mhere because i know many of you guys may have still addictions to cheese and i want youguys to get that outta your life. and they make raw vegan cheese sauce here - check itout. raw vegan cheesauce is what they call it and they have a couple different flavorsof this stuff. we’re gonna go ahead and

open this stuff up for you guys. and checkit out, this stuff to me kinda looks like mustard, but it’s that same kind of cheeseflavor. we’re gonna go ahead and try this. and check it out right there. amazingly, tasteskinda like cheese. and the thing i want you guys to look at ‘course the ingredient labels.and on here it says for one tablespoon it’s 45 calories and conveniently enough, they’veleft out actually how many calories come from fat. i would surmise that it’s probablythe majority of the calories coming from fat in this raw vegan cheese sauce. so, you know,i think it’s far better to be able to eat some raw vegan cheese sauce or there’reother amazing dressings. and they have a variety of flavors. i mean, i always want you guysto do good, better, best right. if you’re

buying still the packaged and processed, youknow, non-organic, you know, dressings in the salad dressings aisle, you know, thisis a major improvement and you can now do that. ‘cos like they got like, you know,ones like ranch, japanese dressing, a caesar dressing, a poppy dressing and they’re evencoming out with new sauces here – check it out. they’re actually coming out witha cream cheese line. once again, raw vegan – check it out. had this yesterday. definitelyvouch it’s delicious. if you wanna learn more about these sources and raw vegan dressings,you can learn more at rawfoodz, and that’s with a “z”, dot com.alright, the next booth that i’m gonna share with you guys is really cool it’s’s actually called my magic mud. and i

know many of you guys out there, you know,eating a raw foods diet, eat a lot of highly pigmented foods like spirulina powder, greenjuices. it stains your teeth man, and especially blueberries stain your teeth and all thosekinds of stuff. and many of you guys are like, wanna look good and have white teeth. thisis the thing that people want in this day and age but all those teeth whiteners aresuper toxic, super bad, i do not recommend that you guys use those. so i’m glad there’snow a natural, organic solution that’s entirely plant based. what that’s called is it’scalled my magic mud. it’s literally a powder that you use to whiten your teeth. it alsofreshens your breath and detoxifies you at the same time. and check it out, approvedby dentists. and here’s the teeth before

and look, after 1 use you can tell it’sa little bit whiter. but look, after using it 7 just 7 times all natural, look what’s a lot, your teeth are gonna be a lot whiter. because then also it’s probablygonna be good for you mouth. let me show you guys what this stuff looks like right here.and let me just stop for a second, i mean you know, many of you guys might be takingyour kids to the dentist to get fluorinated so that it whitens and strengthens their teeth,this is not a good thing in my opinion. i will never ever ever take my kids to get fluorinated,you know, treatments on their teeth. i mean, i did as a kid and they even put fluoridein the water which i do not approve of either. that fluoride stuff in my opinion is reallybad. there’s no fluoride in here, this is

all natural. and basically what it is it’scharcoal with some other ingredients that’s gonna detoxify your mouth, whiten your teethat the same time, you know, help keep the micro fluoral, the bacterial level, properand help your gums. definitely really good. and this is what it is right here. all itis it’s an activated coconut shell carbon and this is all food grade safe for kids,can be swallowed. and actually this is how the product came up. the mother, and it’sa family owned business, came up with this because she did she wanted her kids teethwhite because, you know, as kids everybody always gets teased. and you might still begetting teased. oh your teeth isn’t white, you know, your diet doesn’t work and allthose stuff. and what, guess what buy this

stuff – teeth be white, your diet works‘cos i already know you guys are eating a fruit and vegetable based diet, and lotsof fresh fruit and vegetables are the best foods on the planet. but, yeah, then that’show she made this and she’s so passionate about getting this out to people to give peoplenatural alternatives to, you know, look cosmetically perfect like we’re all supposed to lookthese days. so, yeah, coconut shell, charcoal, calcium, bentonite clay, that’s also reallygood for detox, they like put that on people’s faces, draws out the toxins so just imaginethe feeling in your mouth after using this stuff. living clay, certified organic, orangepeel extract, nice flavor and wild crafted mint extract powder. so all natural. thisis something that i would definitely use,

give my kids. and here it is right here. andwe’re gonna go ahead and try that now – check this out. this stuff is a really fine powder,this will stain. yeah, look at that. put it on my teeth, you’re gonna wanna brush thison. it actually tastes good. has no taste, little bit dry. and now my fingers are probablygonna be stained all day. alright, to learn more about this stuff you wanna check outthe website so now we’re at the booth of treeline artisanalnut cheese. i know many of you guys still be may addicted to cheese. i know you guyswanna get on a plant based diet but you’re still like, you love the cheese and you can’tgive it up. well this is the one product you need so you can help give up the cheese becauseit’s gonna give you the taste sensation,

although it’s not gonna give you the opiatesthe cheese will give you because those are addicting. you guys gotta work on that onyour own stuff. but this stuff truly to me tastes like cheese. it’s made from nutsand the majority of the line is actually gluten free. that being said, the one i like themost actually has some gluten. and they label this so that’s really cool. and check thisstuff out. i mean, it comes in little blocks there, and this is what it looks like. i meanthis stuff to me it has really like the texture of a hard cheese. you could crack it. tasteslike cheese too – it’s super delicious. and they also have their creamy soft cheeseshere. all different kinds, raw vegan probiotic. and that’s the other thing i want to sharewith you guys. i mean, these are probiotic.

these are beyond foods. these add the beneficialbacteria in there which is so good for us. you know, the beneficial bacteria they helpus digest food. they also play a role in our immune system. i believe they’re super important.and they make it easy to get these guys in something that tastes good for you insteadof taking some white crystalline powder. so if you wanna learn more about these artisanaldelicious nut cheeses, you can learn more at the next vendor i wanna share with you guys is definitely a really good know, on the way to the convention center the other day actually i saw a lake full ofplastic bottles and all kinds of plastic sitting in there like junk and trash. and it’s myopinion that plastic is polluting the planet.

i mean, plastic is swirling around the pacificgyre. plastic does not break down. and think about this. in nature, there is no waste.everything in nature, right, compost down breaks down is reused later. and it’s quitesad that there’s so much plastic being introduced and used in today’s world that i wanna encourageyou guys to reduce your plastic consumption. you know, filter your own water at home insteadof buying bottled water, you know. stop using things like plastic bags, bring your own bags,you know. stop using saran wrap. be like, john, if i don’t use saran wrap how am igonna wrap my food up? well that’s why i’m here at actually the bee’s wrap and they’regiving you a natural product that can be composted when you’re done using it. it will probablylast you about a year. hundred plus uses easily

and it’s all natural. and what it is, it’sright here. it’s just called the bee’s wrap and what it is is a mom made this becauseshe wanted to get plastic out of her family’s life. and it’s really cool, this is reusable.and all they do is simply take basically cloth and they dip it in a proprietary recipe tomake the bee’s wrap. i originally saw this last year and i had it on my gardening channelbut now i’m introducing it to you guys. and i think this is a really excellent wayto store, you know, your salads if you have a large bowl that you’re gonna store overnightor to even store, you know, your cut fruits or vegetables in. and you just take this stuffand you just put it on the bowl and you just basically press it down and it presses andseals. and this stuff is actually water resistant

and water proof to some extent. and so it’swrapped and look at that, it has a nice tight seal so now you can wrap your nice large bowlsand other things with that to preserve your foods. in addition the reason why i like itmore is because many of you guys may use like half a lemon for your salad dressing, butthen you have the other half and what do you do with that? if you put it in a ziploc bagthat you throw out later in your fridge, do you just leave it in your fridge like thisto get exposed to the oxygen and oxidized. no, you should be using the bee’s wrap tohold it and, you know, prevent oxygen infiltration. and you're just gonna put it in here and justsqueeze. squeeze it up and tie this off. and look at that, you have a nice, simple wayto store your lemon. and when you wanna use

the lemon, check it out, ‘cos this is waterproofyou could literally put the lemon in here and squeeze and look at that, instant lemonjuice on all your salads. super amazing. let me go ahead and share with you guys what thisnatural product simply is. it’s just a handful ingredients and it’s no surprise that youcan actually make one of these yourself. i mean, they went through many different trialsand tribulations to get the right formula to have the product they have. and i alwaysencourage you guys if someone’s already doing something, why reinvent the wheel? buysomething that’s already pre-made instead of trying to make it yourself. there are manydiy recipes on this, you know, online that you could come up with and, you know, makeat home. but i’m gonna be using the bee’s

wrap now ‘cos it’s already pre-made andso easy. so the only ingredients they use, of course bee’s wrap they use the bee’swax. they use real us sourced bee’s wax. it has a nice floral fragrance. in additionbesides the bee’s wax, they use some plant resins here. tree resins. and then they alsouse jojoba oil which i like to put on my skin. all these are food grade products so, youknow, if it does flake off, which it doesn’t, it’s all edible. and besides that, theyjust use, you know, a cloth fabric to dip it in. so this is super ingenious. i definitelywanna once again encourage you guys to get off plastic. bee’s wrap is a really goodsolution that’s gonna help you to do that. to learn more, you wanna visit the

so the next vendor i wanna share with youguys looks like they didn’t come back on the final day on sunday. so we got an emptybooth but at least they left some brochures and information. and what it’s actuallycalled is apeks supercritical. looks like they got all these big factory, industrialmachines here. the one that they actually had here on the table was this guy right herein the middle. and this is actually a supercritical machine. many of you guys may not have heardof this, but when i saw, talked to them and learned about it, i was super excited. whatthe supercritical machine does is literally if you’ve heard of doterra essential oilsor young living oils, they’re like “living” because they’re low key process essentialoils or plant essences. it’s my opinion

that plants are the best foods to be eatenand the plant essences, like all the different, you know, phyto chemical and phyto nutrientscome out when you extract the living oils not only to get flavoring, are definitelybeneficial and can be used medicinally. the supercritical systems they use co2 to basicallypull things out, you know, at 65 degrees. so this keeps it totally raw and totally muchmore bio available than, you know, distilled essential oil products. and these can be the biggest use of supercritical machinery in this day and age and most of their customers,actually are medicinal cannabis growers that extract not only the thc but more importantlythe cbd. something you’re gonna learn more about in future years, there’s one of thebooths downstairs is the cbd booth. this is

the medicinal component of the cannabis. andthis machine pulls it out. so you can literally make your own medicine at home. the only negativeto this stuff, they’re about 30,000 dollars. but now you know the technologies that’sused to look into it more if you’re interested in that. this is something that i’m definitelygonna be looking into more and i’m superly critically interested in. you can learn moreabout their stuff at it’s a big technical website, you probablywon’t understand a lot of it, but it’s definitely cool and this is the future ofmaking plant medicines in my opinion. so the next vendor i want to share with youguys is actually right here. it’s fire cider. small business here in the us. they make thingsin small batches. i talked to them in detail

yesterday and they do definitely some greatwork. and what it is it’s this stuff right here. fire cider. this is an unpasteurized,raw, fermented beverage. i want to encourage you guys to get some fermented foods in yourlife. they’re quite beneficial in my opinion. and the fire cider, you know, is basicallya honey with apple cider vinegar. but, you know, there’s a lot of honey apple cidervinegar products in the market, but they are definitely not the same as this hand craftedfire cider because the process they’re using is different. this is based on a traditionalrecipe used for many years and it has many benefits in my opinion. and they have someof the benefits here. some of the things it can help with are things like immune systemsupport, seasonal allergy support, digestive

system support. if you still drink, whichi do not recommend you guys drink, this will be a hangover helper as well. definitely openyour eyes and get you feeling better after that after consuming too much and being inebriated.and then also it’s an eye opener. and i just like the way it tastes and it makes mefeel after i drink it. let me go ahead and explain the process to you guys. what theydo is the take whole ingredients such as oranges, lemons, onions, ginger, garlic, horseradishroot, habanero and turmeric. and these are not powders, flower essences, essential oils,they’re the whole fruits or vegetables or roots. they soak it in a mixture of the applecider vinegar and the honey and they basically let it ferment for weeks. and then they takethat mixture, they grind it all up and put

it through a press, like a norwalk press - industrialsize. and squeeze out all the liquid so you’re literally getting fermented juices of theseproducts. and turmeric, one of my favorite roots in the whole world, is very anti-inflammatoryand some of these other products, you know like the horseradish root after it’s beenfermented, really nice flavor. also probably some medicinal benefits in there. so i guesswithout further ado i’m gonna go ahead and try this stuff for you guys. and here it isright here. this is fire cider. these are like taken like shots, so don’t drink thiswhole bottle like you do at the kombucha. i don’t recommend drinking the whole kombuchabottle in one sitting anyways. swish it around in your mouth. you can feel the burn as itgoes down. my mouth is literally on fire.

it’s kinda like exuding like saliva in mymouth right now. it’s warming and it just kinda gives me that boost of energy that iknow you guys all need. to learn more about the fire cider, you wanna visit the so next i wanna share with you guys my favoritefood booth at this whole event over, whatever, several hundreds of booths here and vendors.and the reason for that is because this stuff does not come in a packaged bottle or jarand it’s not a processed food. it’s a natural food that grows in nature. it’sfrom actually the radicle farm company. and they’re doing something pretty radical here.what they’re doing is they’re growing greens. i love my greens. i wanna encourageyou guys to grow your greens but i know many

of you guys might not. they are located inthe new york city area and have distribution in new york city. so if you live in new yorkcity, let me tell you, these are probably some of the best greens money can buy in newyork city. and what they’re doing is, you know, you guys were buying greens and whatnot in your grocery store and they’ve been cut. once things have been cut, they lowerthe nutrition right. the flavor changes, you know, they may get more tough, more bitter,not taste as good. so that’s why i encourage you guys to grow sprouts and things like microgreens in your house. but these are actually between micro greens and full sized greens.these are like baby greens that are still alive when you buy them. you’ve seen thebasils in the stores that you can buy and

bring home a little plant and keep the plantgrowing in your house to have fresh basil, well now you can do it with a variety of differentkinds of seasonally grown leafy greens. and this is called the shanghai spinach. theygot japanese pepper grass and they got unique crops that you probably would never normallyeat. here’s one with some mustard greens, that’s these frilly leaves here, i don’tnecessarily recommend eating full sized mustard greens. they are quite strong in flavor. butthese baby ones are completely different. and check this out, this is what makes thefarming company completely different. they give this to you in a tray. i mean literallythis is grown in the coconut core fiber. these plants are still alive, they’re still growing.they’re making nutrition as it’s sitting

there because they’re still alive, i wantyou guys to eat all your foods as alive as possible. the more alive foods you eat, themore alive you’ll be. that’s why i‘m so alive. this stuff’s so amazing. so, yeah,i hope they’re able to reach a lot more markets and i hope, you know, they open divisionsin every city around the country, ‘cos it’s truly live food, raw food. this is what it’sall about – still living. now, the cool thing is, you can keep this on your counterand it will grow for weeks and you could cut it a little bit at a time. you do not, youknow, it’s not like it’s in the fridge and it’s gonna go bad. this will continueto grow and once you cut it once, you could even maybe try to plant in your garden andsee if it comes back and grows some more food

for you. to learn more about them you wannavisit them at alright, so probably all out of cool vendorsand booths to show you. once again, you know, the booths and vendors that i share with youguys this time were hand selected by me. some of the products that could literally changeyour life and improve your life, and plus these are some of the products that i wasinterested in in this show that are new and different that i’ve never seen before. imean, that literally the dehydrated fruit juice that has the b12, that stuff’s insane.i’m gonna order some and experiment with it. i’m still highly critical of the claimsthat were made with it containing b12. the kale chips and all that stuff, i like thata lot because they’re focusing on the kale,

once again, focusing on the fruits and know, the dressings, the raw dressings definitely tasted good, they had many know, help move you in the right direction, although it’s quite high in fat i wouldrecommend making salad dressings out of, you know, fruit and nuts. blend it up in the vitamix.definitely really cool and i guess in the end i wanna encourage you guys to eat a dietrich in fruits and vegetables. the majority of my diet is fresh fruits and vegetables.these are simply the best foods on the planet. you wanna get rid of the processed foods,the junk foods, the animal products as much as you possibly can in my opinion out of yourdiet to be as healthy as you can. be sure to subscribe to my videos okraw to learn moreand be sure, if you’re interested. check

my past episodes. i’ve been making videosat these natural products expos for years now always highlighting some of the newest,latest and greatest products. and of course i have many videos sharing with you guys howyou can get more fruits and vegetables and how to do a plant based raw foods diet assuccessfully as i’ve learned in the last many years. once again, my name is john kohlerwith we’ll see you next time and remember until then, keep eating yourfresh fruits and vegetables, they’re always the best.

asian health meal