
Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

what is health food to eat

this is john kohler with growingyourgreensand i have a special announcement for you guys! until may 25th at midnight, i’m offeringsome t-shirts for you guys, growing your greens official t-shirts, limited time only. i don’tknow if i’ll ever be back again because i’m not in the business of selling t-shirts.i’m here to teach you guys about how to grow your own food. but anyways, you couldhelp me out so that i could buy a farm with my girlfriend, and you guys get a t-shirtat the same time. 100% recycled, 100% made in america. they fit me great. that’s whyi selected them. i’ve had this same brand t-shirts for over 2 years now, and they wearreally well and wash really well and don’t rip and all this other kind of stuff. theyhold up really well. that’s why i’m offering

them. click over right here to get yours today! alright! this is john kohler with!today we have another exciting episode for you. and what we’re going to do today foryou guys is actually do another compilation video. these guys, these videos are one ofmy favorite style of videos to do. it’s where i interview other long term raw foodistsand ask them questions that you may be wondering about. like, in this episode we’re goingto ask them, what percentage raw are you and what percentage of raw do you recommend forothers? so in this episode i’m going to interview9 of my friends who’ve been doing raw foods for a long time. some of them many popularyoutube personalities and other friends of

mine that i’ve known for many years now.and we’re going to find this out. and then at the end of this video, i’ll be answeringthe question myself and sharing with you guys my opinions on this topic. so without furtherado, let’s get in to the clips. john: so now we’re here with kristina carillo-bukram.she’s been in a fully raw, raw vegan diet for the last 9+ years now and you can learnmore about her at today we’re going to ask her some questions. “what percentageof raw foods do you eat and what percentage of raw foods do you recommend to others?” kristina: i eat a 100% raw food diet. andi recommend as much raw food as they fit into the day. i typically recommend 1 to 2 fullyraw meals a day for people who are really

trying to, to do this. because, i mean, whenwe’re at the fruit festival it’s really easy. we’ll start off with 3 raw food mealsa day. but when we go home, it can be a little bit more challenging. i personally go allout and just eat fully raw all the time because for me it’s easier just to eat fully rawall the time rather than trying to mix it up so much. for me it’s more complicatedto have to cook a meal because it takes more time or to scrub my pots and my pans. buteating fully raw is just so easy. like, and i have my routine. once you get into a routineof, you know, juice in the morning, smoothie or mono meal in the afternoon, salad at night,you just know, and once you get in your routine it becomes like awkward.

john: so now we’re with tim van order. andhe’s been into a raw foods diet since 2004. so that’s like 10 years at this point. iadmire tim, look up to him a lot. you can learn more about him and his work at runningraw.comor his youtube channel running raw. “what percentage of raw foods do you eat yourselfand do you recommend to others?” tim: when i was competing with running raw,i was 100% raw for 7 years. because it was an experiment for me. it first started outas my own personal health transformation. but then it became an experiment, what cani do on a 100% raw vegan diet? so if i’m not a 100% then i’m not that experimenthas no value. so i was a 100% for 7 years. and then at the end of the 7 years, i hadaccomplished what i wanted, i won 10 us championships.

and i thought ok, you know, hopefully that’senough data for people to look at and say well the diet clearly works, look at whatthis guy did. and then i gave myself a little bit of flexibility. what i say now is i’ma 100% raw 95% of the time. which means that do i feel better when i eat a 100% raw? i always strive for that? absolutely. but are there times when i’m in a situationsocially or otherwise where i don’t have that option? i’m an athlete so i have toeat. you know, i can’t fast. some people say well if nothing is available, fast. i’man athlete, i can’t do that, i have to make sure i have the energy. so okay well whatdo you have? okay you have some steamed broccoli and some rice? i’ll have that okay, i cando that, that’s fine. you’ve got some

potatoes, great, steamed sweet potatoes aremuch better. i was hoping sweet over the regular. i’m not a big fan of regular. sweet potatoes,good stuff. so yeah, every now and again i will have some kind of steamed or boiled.i never go beyond that temperature. because once you get above, you know, 250 degreesfahrenheit you start producing toxic compounds. boiling, steaming, relatively safe. you degradethe nutrition a little bit in some of the veggies. but, you know, do i feel best wheneating a 100%raw? yes. so. but i also give myself that flexibility. john: so now we’re here with dr. samuelmielcarski. he’s been into the raw foods for the last 15 years. and you can learn moreabout dr sam at and we’re going

to ask him a simple question today. “whatpercentage of raw foods do you eat yourself and what percentage do you recommend to others?” dr sam: well, i personally it probably wouldbe technically fast if i said like 99.something % because people are going to get technicalabout like cashews or this was slightly processed so it’s not raw. okay so, the intentionis there to do raw when it’s all the time. and, you know, i ran, i run experiments inmy lifetime where i said what would happen if i ate some cooked food? because some peoplesay they eat it and they get sick. and i’m like, what if i had to? you know, what wouldhappen to me? you know, and so you try some steamed broccoli. nothing happened to me.i felt fine actually. i just prefer raw food

because actually i just, it’s easier andit’s more for me and i feel better. but i can’t say i felt bad, including tryingthat experiment. but that’s for me, like 99.whatever %. i think what other people shoulddo is what makes a 100% happy and healthy. so what i do believe is this. a 100% raw fooddiet may not be for everybody but a 100% of the people could benefit from eating moreraw food in their diet. john: so now we’re with chris kendall. he’sbeen raw for 10 1/2 years now. you can learn more about him at theone question that we have for chris today is “what is the percentage of raw foodsthat you eat?” chris: i’d say 99.9, you know. besides theolives on an odd occasion or maybe some nuts

that maybe weren’t perfectly you know dehydratedat a low temperature that it says raw on the package or if i go to a raw restaurant, theysneak something weird in there like some oil or some nama shoyu which i don’t use inmy own kitchen ever. so i go to a raw restaurant once or twice a year. i can pretty honestlysay probably 99 to 99.9. john: today we’re with matt monarch. he’sbeen into a raw foods diet for the last 17 years. and you can learn more about him andhis internet online super store at the questions for matt today is “what percentageof raw foods do you eat and what percentage do you recommend to others?” matt: i know i’m in danger on here withjohn kohler, because if i say 100% you’re

going to be like no, it’s 99.9%! because,you know, i had the meal here last night which was probably not 100% raw would you say it’sa 100% raw? john: probably not matt: so let’s say 99.9. i eat a 100% rawfood diet, you know. and these little things that when we do raw food restaurants, youknow. raw food i feel is just a label. and it’s all about how damaging is it to thehuman body. for example, there was, i was eating genanitized maca which is not in it’sraw state. and it’s like a lot easier on my body compared to a regular maca becauseit’s broken down more and i mean it takes off that nasty enzyme. but also if i wereto take like, you know, kale chips, or something

like that, i’d feel like that is more harmfulto my body than like just cooked product gelanitized maca or something like you know what i it’s all about what’s damaging to your body versus raw, you know, in my opinion. john: and what percentage do you recommendto others? matt: well, i generally recommend to limitprocessed foods completely and to do a raw food diet or a cooked whole foods diet. andi’m big time into helping people who are in the mainstream and generally a raw fooddiet would be too extreme for them. so the majority of the people i usually recommenda cooked whole foods diet and with as much raw as they want.

john: right. so now we’re here with meganelizabeth. you can learn more about her at or check her out on youtubeat easy to be raw. she’s been into raw foods now for the last 6 years. and the questionfor megan today is “what percentage of raw foods do you eat and what percentage of rawfoods do you recommend for others?” megan: i, i would say like i eat a 100% raw99% of the time. there’s like stuff that i eat like freeze dried things when i’mtraveling like fruits and vegetables that are technically not raw, they’ve been likeflash cooked and stuff. and when i’m traveling i’ll drink pasteurized juices like orangejuice just because it’s like a really simple thing that i get at the airport. and for mei got into the raw food diet because i was

trying to reduce stress in my life and onmy body, and i feel like if i’m under eating just because i can’t get a 100% perfectorganic raw food, that can be more stressful to me sometimes. so i try not to stress outabout it. that’s the biggest thing. i just look for the best option in the situation.and i recommend for others to eat as much raw food as they need to to feel their best.and no more and no less, you know. if you’re not enjoying it or you’re you feel finenot doing a 100% raw, like do it as long as you can. and then, you know, when you feellike you need a 100% raw, like listen to your body and go for it. john: so now we’re with one of the godfathersof the whole living foods movement here in

the us. he actually wrote a book, survivalin the 21st century, that’s like a classic. and i’m glad to have him on the show, youknow. he’s pretty hard to get a hold of these days. and he’s been doing a raw enzymaticlive food vegan diet now for the last 50 years! so he’s been doing this stuff a long time.he definitely knows his stuff. if you want to learn more about viktoras kulvinskas, youcan check him out at . so the question i have for viktoras today is “whatpercentage of raw foods do you eat and what percentage of raw foods do you recommend toothers?” viktoras: my overall, most of the time it’s100% of the dietary is raw foods. occasionally i’ll eat some cooked like beans or squashesor soup. but primarily and whenever i do,

i make sure that i take extra enzymes. or/andkimchi, i have sauerkraut as a way of supporting the digestibility of some foods so that itdoesn’t create any stress on my not only digestive but also immune system functionand metabolism. so best, you know, for the individuals, when you do it, you think interms of, you know, making a transition. whoever you are in the mainstream, you might be stilla meat eater or you might be, you know, vegan or vegetarian, and the whole idea is to tryto increase the volume of raw meals, specially the greens, big salads, the sprouts. and thesprouts are the most powerful foods of regeneration and make them part of every one of your meals,breakfast, lunch and supper. so either it’s soaked seeds and nuts and/or fermented foodsby way of seed cheeses the morning meal and

also including greens, specially baby greens.the more immature plants you eat the healthier you become. so as much as, you know, you continuouslyincrease as you become more emotionally stable. because, you know, one of the major reasonsthat we have an addiction to cooked food is that it’s comfort food, as people clearlysay. and what it does, it sedates the emotional issues that we are continuously anchored inthe past, and which is traumatizing us. it’s like a horror show that comes on. and as soonas we pop some corn in our mouth or munch on something, any kind of munching, we feelmuch calmer and satiated. and we’re able to handle that past stress. the whole ideais get over it fast. do a tapping, get into all of all kinds of exercises, anything tokeep us paying attention to the past. the

more you will pay no attention to the past,it’ll disappear as an emotional time bomb and it will be just memories that have novalue other than history that you can learn from and move on instead of having emotionaltime bombs. it keeps you in the area of you feeling very comfortable and delightful onraw foods. during the days when i was a walking emotional time bomb, because i’ve had avery traumatized childhood, from violence to having my leg cut open, my grandmothersewed me up, you know, what i’m talking about violence of world war 2. you think thingslook kind of rough in watts or harlem. well you’ve got to try being in a war where they’reshooting you all over and people are dropping dead all around you. and you are just a childover there. and all of the other attributes.

so i zipped up and then when i started recoveringby the time i was 17, well, it was so horrible, i started having anxieties like asleep. andit took many years to process it. but now i just look back it’s history and it meansnothing more than part of the delightful life experiences i had that made me who i am. youknow, that’s the way you need to appreciate the past. bless it. it made you who you know, it either kills you or it makes you stronger. so it’s a choice that youhave to make. john: alright! so we’re here with dan mcdonald,the life regenerator. you want to check him out for sure on youtube at liferegenerator.and he’s been into raw foods now for the last 14 years. and we’re just going to simplyask dan some question today. “what percentage

of raw foods do you personally eat and whatpercentage of raw foods do you recommend to others?” dan: i mean, you know, as a responsible personwho’s had so much benefit from 100%, i really began to accelerate an evolution of consciousnesswhen i was committed to a 100%. i had to bring in fat to do that because when i was not eatingfat, i was just no matter how much carbs i ate, when i wasn’t focussing on fats andminerals i was just hungry and emaciated and unstable and ungrounded. the fat allowed meto stabilize. and now, now that the fat is bad label is off and i’ve saturated my bodywith healthy omega 3s like hemp, avocado and coconut, i’m much more stable, lubricated,more filled out. and now i’m able to live

on a non-fat diet at least for periods oftime and still stay stable. so i eat a 100% raw. and i recommend, you know, i just, idecided 100% raw 14 years ago and it took me 12 1/2 years to get there. but i knew thatthat’s what i wanted because it made so much sense to me. and if something makes sense,i want to find out is this true or not. for me 100% raw is without a doubt, you know,without question. i would rather eat, you know, cooked, i mean i would rather eat rawfat than cooked carbohydrates, you know. so that’s just me. i like raw fats, livingfoods. i think that my experience has been that cooked food because it’s denatured,demineralized and the cell walls are bursted open and it turns into, it’s very mucousforming when those things are cooked like

that. i mean, to could fatten up the hogsthey’d feed the hogs cooked potatoes. but the thing is is just devitalized food. andthe way that my bloodstream and brain respond to it is not beneficial. i’ve looked atthis many many times, going through 6 months a 100% raw to even a couple of baked potatoes,you know. i’m not against cooked food, if that’s your transition phase. but i thinkthere’s better ways to transition out with these transitions recipes that are 100% raw,where the nutrition is not devitalized in the nuts, seeds and there’s even sproutedgrain. zucchini was amazing soaked and sprouted. soaked nuts and seeds, avocados, coconuts,fruits, vegetables are some of the transition recipes i think. just from the angle i wantto come out. i want to promote a 100% raw.

that’s where i want to live. that’s wherei’d like to see the world go. and that’s where i’d like to see anyone who’s interestedin seeing their potential rise. that’s my little gift to the world. and that’s justthe foundation. so a 100% raw , and work towards it. become a raw foodist because you alreadyare. and every animal that’s living in nature is a 100% raw foodist. animal, organism, imean all living organisms are raw foodists except the humans. and they want they’rejust confused. they’re a confused mess. they don’t even really see. they think theysee but you know that that person is not seeing, you know, as much as they could if they wereto have some type of awakening. john: so now we’re with don bennett d.a.s.he’s been into a raw foods fruit based diet

for over 20 years now. he’s definitely awealth of knowledge. and if you want to tap some of that knowledge, you’re going towant to check him out at his website “what percentage of raw foods do you eatand do you recommend that others eat?” don: well, that kind of depends on how healthydo you want to be. we all have a health potential. we can’t quantify what it is. but we allhave one. that’s the great thing about it. we all have one. but there’s no way to knowwhat it is or even if you’ve ever reached it. so it depends how healthy do you wantto be. the healthier you want to be, the more raw fruits and vegetables you need to if you care about having optimal health, which is defined as the best health you’reliving or wanting to have. well then it’s

a no brainer. the answer is science says andlogic says it’s got to be the diet you ate a hundred of thousand years ago which wasall raw. and the things that you eat all raw, fruits and vegetables. these are deliciousand are good for you. so any manner of cooked food you then eat on top of meals, on topof that. so if you go from, if you don’t do a 100% you could do 90, 10, or 80, 20 or70. the further, the more cooked food in your diet, the less healthy you’re capable ofbeing. so it really all depends on how healthy do you want to be? there’s a differencebetween thriving and surviving. you’re only going to thrive, which is pretty much a guaranteeof no diagnosis of serious diseases if you eat the diet you’re designed to eat. we’renot designed to eat cooked foods. period.

end of discussion. john: alright! so you guys almost made itthrough the whole video. now i’m going to answer my own question. my name is john kohlerand i started a raw foods diet back in 1995. so this is my 21st year now that i’m goinginto it. and in my diet i’m 99.9% raw and living of the foods that i eat. so what’sthat other .01% ? well it accounts for some of the things that i eat that may not be entirelyraw, you know. occasionally i have raw cashews that are labeled raw but not really raw. they’rethe heat processed kind. but in general if i’m to buy them, i buy the really raw onesthat were hand cracked myself. and in the other portion of the small percentage thati eat that may not be raw are things like

dried fruits and other nuts and seeds thatmay be labeled raw but aren’t processed at a temperature below what i would like tosee. also things like herbs and spices, you know. if i dried herbs and spices when i don’thave them in my garden. and i like to add that because it makes the food taste goodso i’ll eat more of it. and i’m not eating more herbs and spices, i’m eating more plantfoods, more fruits and vegetables that i spice up that taste amazing. and i just, i can’tstop eating! but yeah, herbs and spices and other 100% whole plant food products thatmay be heat processed that i’m not aware of, right. now as much as i have this smallpercentage of things that aren’t raw that i eat, you know, i do want to go into moreabout the raw food that i eat specifically

because that’s what’s really importantto me. raw foods as a category could, you know, couldmean a lot of things. it could mean raw olive oil that wasn’t processed, you know, toohot. it could mean, you know, raw sugarcane, you know, powder. or raw coconut nectar andall these things. and these foods i don’t consider to be true raw food products becausethey’re highly processed food products. we want to eat things in their whole naturalstate. and being raw is just one criteria that’s important to have in a food thatis unadulterated, besides just being unheated and also minimally processed. i’ll put alink down below to a few videos, if you want to learn more about this topic. one is titledjust because it’s raw doesn’t mean it’s

healthy. so that you guys could know for yourselfwhat something that’s raw or not is. and also i’ll put a link down below also toanother video i did is the reason why raw foods work. and it’s not just because ithasn’t been heated above a 118 degrees. you could, you could drink, you know, rawolive oil and have raw coconut sugar, mix those two raw things all day long they’dprobably taste pretty good, oil and fat. maybe you have to add some salt to it too. raw himalayansea salt. sun dried, right. all this stuff is healthy but if you ate a diet of those3 things, in my experience in my opinion, you would not be so healthy. so the raw foods you want to focus on as notonly packaged, bottled and processed foods,

we want to focus on the foods in nature. i’msitting here in my abundant garden, i mean, i just have celery here, kale here, onionsthere, garlic there, swiss chard over there. i got peppers already going on. i got tomatoesover there. i mean, we want to focus on fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. that’s whatthe focus of the raw foods diet should be. but unfortunately it’s gotten pervertedover the years. people are eating all other kind of raw foods products. but we want toeat whole fresh fruits and vegetables. and the best thing to do is to grow them yourself,so that you know how they’re growing. you know that the strawberries you’re eating,they didn’t spray meal blood or any other kind of blood or you know ground up fish onyour organic strawberries so that you could

eat them, right? it’s kind of gross butthis is what they do in conventional and even organic agriculture, right. they put all kindsof things or waste products on the foods, on the soil, to add fertility, to grow thefoods you guys are buying. so i want you guys to cut out the middle man and start a gardenif you guys haven’t already. i do teach gardening at growingyourgreens.comor my youtube channel growingyourgreens. so on a daily basis, i pretty much just eat fruitsand vegetables with a handful of nuts and seeds, maybe some avocado and/or for example, today it’s the evening time. for breakfast i juiced a whole bunch of cactusfruits. i don’t know, maybe like, i think i had about a dozen, could be 13, 14 cactusfruits. and i used one whole mature coconut

water and meat, blended that, the water andthe meat together, added some additional coconut water in there. blended that up. and theni juiced the cactus fruits through my juicer, poured in the blended up coconut water i basically made a coconut milk cactus fruit juice. yeah, figure that one out. butanyways, it was delicious. really high pigmented, dark, rich like magenta color. and that’sanother thing i want you guys to focus on besides focusing on whole fresh fruits andvegetables, i want to encourage you guys also to focus on phytonutrients and anti-oxidantrich foods. this is another thing that i’ve really got into lately because when i firstgot into raw foods 21 years ago there wasn’t all the research and data that we have now.and i like to stay up to date and current

with what i’m learning and throw the dogmaout the window. but take in all the new stuff and new information that can help me and alsohelp you guys be healthier. and that’s by eating anti-oxidant rich and phytonutrientrich foods. you want to eat nutrient dense foods. foods that have the most amount of,you know, phytochemicals, phytonutrients and anti-oxidants and all these amazing plantcompounds that the plant makes for itself to defend itself from nature. whether that’schlorophyll or zeaxanthin or lutein or lycopene, isothiocyanates, all these amazing propertiesin the plants. and here’s the tip, you know, i mean, any food that has a nice rich coloris going to have these items, but the darker the color of the food, the healthier it’sgoing to be. so instead of just grabbing like

orange carrots, grab those purple carrots.actually this morning i was out shopping at trader joe’s and they sell these rainbowcarrot packs. and i sat there at the display where the trader joe’s had all the carrotsand i went through every pack, they must have had maybe 30 on the display, i went throughall of them and i picked the three packs that had like all the carrots in there were thedark purple ones except for maybe 4 or 5 carrots, right. and that’s, i got those because thoseare way more beneficial than eating the standard, you know, yellow carrots or the orange carrots.the dark purple carrots, right. anyways, i did some gardening today and workedout in the sun. and then later on actually just before i started making this video, ihad a green juice. so in my green juice actually

i had the celery that was sitting right here.there’s only there’s a couple left in the bed. i harvested the whole head, kindof like this. actually i cut off the leaves because if you juice the leaves they kindof taste nasty when you grow your fresh celery yourself. they’re really strong. so i juicedthat. i juiced like 2 heads of lettuce as well as some swiss chard. well, that was inthe other bed over there. along with one whole pineapple. and i cut off the skin of the pineapple.and this made about 55 ounces of juice approximately. so those are my first two meals. i basicallyhad fruits and vegetables, right. now my dinner meal today i might make a salad or something.maybe a lettuce salad with like the tahini based dressing. i might do that or i mightget kind of lazy and then if i feel like eating

some fresh made guacamole with some cilantroout of my garden, some onions out of my garden, and some other seasoning. and then i’l dipin maybe some peas, whether that’s out of my garden or i got some also organic sugarsnap peas from trader joe’s today. and that might be my dinner as well. i’m not reallysure what i’m going to feel like. but as you guys could see i’m basicallymy diet consists of fruits and vegetables, you know, majoritily. yeah i mean some fatsand stuff and like that. but if we eat majority of our diet fruits and vegetables, we’regong to get a lot of carbohydrates. but more importantly than just focusing on the carbohydrates,i want you guys to focus on the phytochemicals and the phytonutrients. this is what i striveto do at every meal. every meal that you guys

eat is an opportunity. it’s an opportunityto increase your health or decrease you health. and you guys have the choice every meal. andwe’re not, we’re not told this. so i really like to juice because that allows me to basicallyget the nutrition in from the plants without having to chew them. so i mean, i could havesat here and i’d still probably be chewing two head of lettuce, a big head of celeryand my swiss chard. and then eaten one pineapple on top of that that’s probably, it doesn’ttaste so good because it wasn’t maybe optimally ripe and would have burned my tongue due tosome of the enzymes in there, not too fun. so i just juiced it and it was just simpleand super delicious to drink, right. so yeah, i really want you guys to focus on fresh fruitsand the fresh vegetables and high anti-oxidant

ones. so what i recommend for other people is irecommend that people should eat a minimum of 80 % of their diet in fresh fruits andfresh vegetables. that are in a minimally processed or unprocessed state, you know.based on the information that i’ve learned, the fruits and the vegetables, they are thebest foods on the planet. now as you guys just heard, i mean the majority of my dietare fresh fruits and vegetables. but i don’t expect everybody to live on fresh fruits andfresh vegetables like i do. i mean, i’ve been doing this for 21 years. i love it! andif i tried to eat things that maybe aren’t fresh fruits and vegetables, whether i eatat a raw food restaurant or something like

that, i just don’t feel as good. i’m nothigh on life. i don’t have the energy that i do. i feel like more depressed and not quiteas happy and all this kind of stuff. and i think that most people could vastly benefitfrom eating more fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. and 80%, i think that is anachievable number, you know. you could have maybe like a raw fruit and vegetable basedbreakfast and a fruit and vegetable lunch, whether you’re having a salad, eating somefruit, making a green smoothie, making a fruit smoothie or whether you’re going to makeyour green juice like i did today. that’s easily 2 out of your 3 meals. so you’realmost there. and then along, when you eat your dinner yeah have something, have somewhole plant based food whether they’re cooked

or raw, but also be sure to eat, you know,a raw salad. a little small side salad or raw soup or blended soup up, you know, atdinner time. i mean, i only advocate this style diet becausei believe you know all these plant foods have all these beneficial nutrients in it thatwill ward away disease as the medical journals are proving, you know day in and day out,as the new research is emerging. and i want to have the most amount of these protectivequalities in me and by, you know, basically eating this much fresh fruits and fresh vegetables,you’re crowding out the other stuff you’re going to eat. so i personally don’t consume animal products,meats or dairy or things like this. and i,

you know, don’t recommend that people dothat either. i don’t think that’s like those aren’t like the best foods to eat.i mean, animals, they’re concentrators, you know. so you could eat a cow but thenyou’re eating what the cow ate and in most cases the cow ate a ton of corn and soy thatare genetically modified. also you know, maybe if they’re free range, they’re eatinga lot of grass. well i would rather eat the grass than eat the cow because the grass hasa lot more phytonutrients than the cow does. and it’s a lot healthier too for you formany other reasons as well. and, of course, you want to get rid of those processed foodproducts. anything in a can, bottle, jar, packaged that’s been you know basicallyprocessed out of it’s whole state, you know.

if you want to eat some beans, eat some rice,hey great. buy the whole beans and rice, cook them up yourself and enjoy them, you know.have a baked sweet potato, that’s cool. but you know the processed foods they startadding all these chemical preservatives which may be leaching trace minerals out of yourbody, that may be adding high levels of salt, and it’s just really not good for you. iknow you might be thinking, john 80% of raw foods, man, that’s a lot of raw foods toeat. i mean, it’s not natural, you might be thinking. well i eat 99.9% raw. but here’sthe thing, you know, as much as cooking, based on my research, made us human, right. andthat was able and allowed us to get more calories in so we could evolve our brains and havebigger brains than all the other creatures

on the earth and be smarter and all this kindof stuff. well i guess smarter is maybe up to debate. and as long as, you know, we figuredout how to cook and it made us human, you know, we were designed to eat plant basedraw foods. i mean, we don’t have canines you know and teeth like my dog or my cat,which you know, are more carnivorous than we would ever be. and we were designed toeat the fresh plant foods. we have teeth you know that are meant to like grind and chew.and that’s another big challenge. people don’t grind and chew their food to a mushlike they should be. and that’s why i really like the juicers and the blenders that allowme to do that and save a lot of time. so i don’t have to sit here and still be eatingmy lunch meal, which was the juice today.

and yeah, you know, there’s some raw foodiststhat say cooked food is bad, it’s poison, don’t ever do it. and i don’t want tobe like that’s to me that’s like dogma. and i might have believed that or i probablydid believe that when i started raw foods 20 years ago now. but nowadays i know morethan that. and i’ve gotten a lot smarter. and there’s definitely certainly cookedfoods that are quite toxic. and i do not recommend you guys put those into your body, you know,things like fried foods. those are absolutely the worst. get those fried foods out of yourdiet, you know. baking, baking your foods at high temperatures, you know, or broilingthem or whatever, you know, in the broiler and your oven, cranking it up to like 400degrees, that’s not really a good way to

cook your food, in my opinion either. andneither is microwaving. the best ways will be low heat cooking boiling, steaming, pressure cooking, or even a new technique coming out these dayscalled sous-vide. or things like slow cooking. those are the best ways to cook if you wantto cook your whole plant based foods, which is what i recommend. but otherwise, you wantto eat fresh fruits and vegetables, because it’s been shown that they have higher levelsof phytochemicals and phytonutrients. these anti-oxidants that are so important for us,they keep us young, they help ward off disease. and when you start cooking your foods, youdestroy these. now are they entirely all destroyed? well, some are and many are not. i want tomaximize these nutrients into me and i would

much rather, you know, juice. the juice thati made earlier to get these phytonutrients in in the highest concentration than blendit, because blending will actually lower the concentrations of these very valuable phytonutrients.and then i would not be getting the same anti-cancer protection out of the mixture. likewise, ifyou cook the food, right, you’re going to lose some of these phytochemicals and the case if you’re cooking broccoli, kale, cauliflower and cabbage, if you’recooking it whole, and then you’re basically not going to get any cancer fighting effect.there’s enzymes in the cruciferous vegetables that need to be activated while they are intheir raw state. and if you cook them first, you lose the enzymes. so then you won’thave the anti-cancer food. so for example,

if you guys buy frozen kale or broccoli, youknow, in a package that has been blanched and then put in the frozen package, right,you’re not going to get the same level of anti-cancer effect as if you bought the freshkale or broccoli, cut it up and then cooked it yourself, right. so yeah, very important.there’s all these little minute details to remember. that’s just why i recommend eating an 80%fruit and vegetable based diet. and if you guys can’t do that, i don’t really care.this is what i recommend for people and if you can’t do that, do 75, do 65, right.but the more the better, right. you’re thinking, john how do i get that level of raw fruitsand vegetables in me? well, i mean, the easiest

ways are number one, juice. juicing allowsyou to take a big volume of fruits and vegetables and concentrate it into a much smaller for example, 5 lbs of carrots could be compressed down into just 5 cups of a quart, you know, maybe a quart of juice. that you could easily drink in one meal. nowyou got 5 lbs of carrots in you. and carrots are actually anti cancer. there are studiesthat show that. another way i would recommend to get morefruits and vegetables in you is to blend. now while i like juicing better than bending,and i’ll put a link down below if i remember, to a video i did on why juicing is superiorto blending for, you know, anti-cancer and higher levels of anti oxidants, right. i thinkblending has a place. because some people

won’t juice because it takes too long, it’stoo much of a pain in the butt to clean, whatever reason. so i mean, at least if you’re eatingfresh fruits and vegetables in a blended smoothie, that’s better than not eating them at all,right? and so that’s another way you could concentrate them to get those into you, thefruits and vegetables, very important. last way of course is just snack on fruitsand vegetables, right. snack on fruits and vegetables. super simple, super easy. youknow, i bought 4 lbs of organic strawberries today, i’ll be eating those over the nexttwo days. i got over a pound of organic blueberries. open the package up and just eat them. they’redelicious, man! why would you even want to cook like fresh strawberries or fresh blueberries,like that’s just beyond me. and you would

lose a lot of the phytochemicals and phytonutrientsif you did that. so yeah just have a snack of fruits. fruits are really good food. andpeople, “but john, fruits got the fructose man, they got the sugar!” well, let me tellyou, i’m saying fructose aren’t a beat and i’m going to tell you why the fruitsis so good for you. alright, no, seriously though the fruits are while they do have fructose,glucose and sucrose in varying amounts, these are all relatively low. and the sugar in thefruits is just one of the many components of a fruit, you know. fruit contains the mostwater. they’re mostly water. they also have phytochemicals and phytonutrients and fibreand vitamins and minerals as well as the sugar. and the amino acids. i mean, they’re fullof a lot of different things. and when we

start separating these things out and removethe water to have dried fruits. so we remove , you know, the fibre to have a juice. youknow, then it gets more concentrated, right? so eat your fresh fruits whole, or blend them.and they’re fine. i mean if i had diabetes i could tell you this, if i had diabetes,i would definitely be eating fresh whole fruits. yeah specially the ones that are high phytonutrientand phytochemical rich. now i probably wouldn’t be eating a lot of like dates and bananas,but i would be surely eating the high phytonutrient and phytochemical rich fruits and vegetables,specially the fruits like the cactus fruit, a big anti-inflammatory fruit, in my diet.because i believe they can only help as there is emerging research showing as well.

so there you have it. this is what 10 includingmyself, people, what percentage they eat raw and what percentage they believe you shouldeat raw. now just out of curiosity i want you guysto post down below who had your favorite answer, right? who had your favorite answer? we’rejust really curious about that, you know. all of us are here to encourage the worldto eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and we all do it just a little bit differently.and there’s nothing wrong with that. and, you know, it’s just so sad that inthis day and age so many people are not promoting fruits and vegetables when they are by researchthe best foods on the planet. so if you didn’t learn anything else in this episode, learnthat you need to eat more because most americans

are simply not give their 5 to 9 servingsof fruits and vegetables a day. that’s alright because i eat probably i eat 20 to 30 servingsof fruits and vegetables a day. and i’m making up for their slack and i’m also youknow getting the health benefits by remaining fit, trim, healthy, boundless amounts of energy,strong immune system. so anyways, if you enjoyed this format, heyplease give me a thumbs up to let me know. also be sure to click that subscribe buttonright down below to be notified of my new and upcoming episodes i have coming out aboutevery 5 to 7 days. and be sure to check my past episodes. i have over 450 episodes onthis channel to share with you guys all kinds of knowledge so that you can advance yourplant based raw fruit and vegetable diet to

the maximum to have the maximum amount ofhealth, energy and wealth. so well, once again my name is john kohler with we’llsee you next time and until then remember- keep eating your fresh fruits and vegetables,they’re always the best.

asian health meal