plant every seed what if creating wealth was as easy as plantinga seed? i have been doing some figuring and it justmight be true, what i said i have also found that the seed grows in value,faster than any other investment, in the world! in fact, the seed grows faster than all otherbusinesses, combined! if you want to ride a vehicle to great wealth,try planting all the seeds you encounter in daily life the seed grows so fast in value that i havecome to realize that all wealth comes from seeds, not industry!
how about 180,000% in a single month? a business is lucky if it grows money at therate of 1% per month! i don't think that 1% per month is the averagereturn for stocks in the stock market and that's where you find all industries, isn'tit? this is why i like seeds, as a vehicle andit's decentralized, as well the secret government which acts more likea money mafia every day, is stealing money from people in the most imaginative way it's as if it's no longer your money, buttheirs! you have total control over a seed, whereasif you put your money in the bank, it's gone!
it belongs to the bank from the time of yourdeposit laws are in place, i think, to steal yourmoney and there are discussions about how to tighten the noose, even more, on our freedoms it seems they want to outlaw cash and stealpart of your money, when you convert it into the new currency that's coming the assumption is a lie; that you are a drugdealer, not them you are a money launderer, when all of usknow that the cia is 'the' kingpin in illegal drugs, such as heroin and cocaine the big banks launder money for them and theythink we are too stupid to know this
every time they tighten the grip on free markets,they destroy capital and that is their intention because they want to own you, as a slave they want to reduce you to a serf, like inthe middle ages and what do they get from this? control! they want control over your life! they are trying to take all private propertyaway from people and their monopoly over the nation's currency has enabled them to printmoney, buy up all the best real estate, all the big banks, all the best corporations andstocks and that's not enough!
the parasites want to outlaw cash, for evenmore control either you have thought about these thingsi am mentioning, or you haven't if you haven't, you're going to lose, becausethere is no limit to human greed many can see signs that they are going tosteal your pension fund, if you have one, your bank account, if you have one and yourhome, if you own one they have been planning for decades and theyare 99.99% of the way there, yet most people haven't a clue about what's going on the people have less and less and those incontrol, just take more and more what i want to talk to you about, is a wayto create real wealth, using tomato seeds
and growing money at a fantastic rate, rightat home, expanding to your back yard, when conditions are right this is a home based business, like no other! after 25 years in investments, looking atall types of wealth creation methods and vehicles, i discovered one that puts all others to shame the seed grows in value faster than any otherinvestment vehicle and what i want you to do is grab all the seeds which pass throughyour hands each day and plant them i will give you a method, do some math foryou and show you how you can turn seeds that you once threw away into cash to spend, buildingup a mountain of money, but i advise you to
never put money into the banks, even whencash is outlawed, because a study of the laws will reveal that there is a plan to take allthe money in the banks, when the banks fail and the derivatives have priority over yourbank deposits when cash is outlawed, you have value in yourgerminating seeds, mature crops and you can barter with those who also have somethingto trade outlawing cash is a totalitarian move, whichthey think is going to force you to continue using their banks, their federal reserve notesand force you to accept their tyranny! i have a much better idea! plant every seed you encounter and free yourself,as a slave!
have plenty, while others are forced to beas poor as a serf in the middle ages we have hydroponics, today we don't need to work the fields, as the serfsdid do you know what one acre of ground is? that's the amount of land that one serf couldwork in a day! he was pushed to the limit and at the endof the day, he was aching that's how the acre came about, in case youdidn't know our measure of land comes from serfs, fromthe middle ages that speaks to who we are and how long wehave been serfs, to the ruling classes
well, it's time to break the tradition andget free, finally! plant seeds! you come across them, every day pull them out of your peppers and tomatoesand get them germinating in potting soil with an automatically watered tray if you eat a peach, there is a pit, so plantit maybe it won't make you rich, but i plantedthe pit of a peach and i sold the tree for $5 the peach only cost me $1, so i got my $1back, five times and this is what i want you
to do some people have a back yard and they cangrow peaches there if they pay me $5 for the tree, what do theyget? a lifetime of peaches, don't they? how much is each peach worth? $1? that's what i paid, but i got my $1 back andso can you, if you know what to do! if you eat the peach, plant the pit, that'sit! there is no reason not to! do you want to get your money back?
you have $1 to spend, after the ruling classtakes what they want right out of your paycheck they take out some money for social securityand you will never get all of that back that's a fact! so, how much do you have to earn to have $1left? this is why it's better to plant the seedsof the peach and the pepper of the two, planting and not planting, onlyone leaves you with more money in the end and so i would say that planting is better! what i recommend makes total sense in theend you have to recover every nickel you spend
if you planted every seed, you'll have millions,in the end no need to handle their federal reserve notes,when they become illegal no need to bank in banks you can't trust if you want to survive outside of their system,plant every seed you encounter and save the seeds from your crops, because i think theywill outlaw seeds that will bring us 180,000% growth, in a month the draconian measures they are implementingtoday, will only get worse they can't make us a slave, if we have seedsto sow the seeds will germinate and your money willgrow
at this time you can buy 18 seeds for a penny,but buying 40,000 seeds is a bit too many, so ask four of your friends to take 10,000seeds each and then the four of you only pay $5 each once you have the seeds in your hand, youcan offer them to others at one cent each, understand? sell just 500 seeds and you've recovered thecost you have still 9,500 seeds which are now freeand what have you lost? why shouldn't you try to recover the cost? are you trained to play their game, in whicheverything is lost?
it might be time for you to consider my plan as you eat fruits and vegetables which containpits and seeds, put them into potting soil, where they can germinate in a tray that isplaced anywhere that it fits and use the money that comes from this to satisfy your needs if you have never considered how you willsurvive, if they outlaw cash, you should contemplate this for a day and read 100 or 200 articlesabout it the future is bright for those who study theupcoming changes in our totalitarian state and are ready for the draconian rules thatare going to fall upon you and everyone else in this nation, this world
these parasites are 99.99% of the way towardcompleting their agenda and there is little you can do about it, because they have plannedit for decades laws are being passed that we didn't votefor we don't like these laws and we certainlydon't want them! when a secret government rules over us, withoutour consent, that's tyranny! a legitimate government has the consent ofthe governed, otherwise, it's just another dictatorship or fascist state! you don't have to wait for tyranny to arrivein america; it's already here! there is a gun in your face to force you todo everything and we're all supposed to brag
about american freedom! you are not part of government, you are undertheir rule and most live in a dream world where they think they elected the government,but that so-called elected government isn't even the real government the real government is secret, unelected,fascist, totalitarian, permanent and a dictatorship they rig elections and they rig markets they siphon off the wealth of this nationand all others the parasites set up 187 central banks, innations around the world they were installed to rob every citizen onthe planet and few know about it
i found out, recently and i'm telling you i hope you will spread it around too and ifall of us did this, we would be a mighty force to contend with! the more i read, the more frightful it becomes! the people feel safe, with their head in thesand what i'm going to tell you will give you achance to survive, in spite of the controls we are going to have to go to a barter system if you have anything of value, you can tradewith others, who have something to trade, as well
those who have nothing, will starve! since it takes a while to learn how to keepa plant alive, the best time to begin farming, was in your youth, you may now realize what if you started this when you were a kid you watched your parents and this is whatthey did while others try to find a job, when the badtimes hit you have tomatoes to sell and lettuce as welland you're moving a lot of it! since you don't have to pay transportationcosts, the price you charge is much less than the store
your customers notice that your tomatoes andpeppers are cheaper and so with you, their money buys more! those who don't plant, won't have anythingto trade they will turn to crime and be gunned downin the police raid when people are hungry, they become riotousand that's when they get killed who made them hungry no longer matters they are committing crimes and so they arekilled since depopulation of the planet is one ofthe goals of this ruling class of tyrants, killing the people suits them, just fine!
you germinate seeds in order to survive, avoidturning to crime and getting yourself killed i can show you how to create a lot of valuableproduce for very little money and have something to swap for things that you need in a space of 2,050 square feet, you can create200,000 plants per month and here is the example to prove it these self-watering trays hold 25 plants each there are five rows and five plants in eachrow in this small tray the dimensions are about 15 inches by 15 inchesand you can stack them, if you have enough space
if you gave the seeds room to sprout, youcould have 20 trays in a stack, just a little taller than a grown man of average height,say 4 feet wait! that's not right! wrong planet! my mistake! on earth, the average man is about 5' 9" that's a lot taller than those little fellowsfrom .... well never mind! one day, i'll do a video about them those little guys said we would be bartering,long before the arrival of planet x, so i thought i'd do a video about creating somethingto barter with, since most of you have nothing!
if cash was outlawed, tomorrow, you'd starveto death! follow my advice and you might survive, unlesssomeone kills you for your crops it's getting to that, you know? the police are seizing cash from motorists,who have broken no laws and committed no crimes the chip in the money is read and the copspull people over and take everything they have it's a war on cash it's an illegal search and seizure, whichtells you what state the us constitution is in
we have no more rights they killed the us constitution and i don'tknow what we can do to get it back, other than secede from the union and tell the federalgovernment to find another country to pillage and plunder! when cops have guns and they take by forcewhat is rightfully yours, that's pillaging! when cops rip you off, taking your privateproperty, without cause or reason, that's plundering! they are doing both and nobody is protectingyou the righteous government is gone and congressis looking the other way, like they are part
of the gang of organized criminals if you know all this, then you might wantto plan for tomorrow germinate the seeds you run across every day,when eating various fruits and vegetables i made a list today of over 1,000 fruits andvegetables, all of which have seeds some of them can be obtained from your food,like watermelon, apples, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peppers, pears, peaches, plums, grapefruit,oranges, lemons, tangerines avocados, persimmons, pomegranates and so on take all the seeds out of the food you eat,first and if you still need seeds, like lettuce seeds, you pay for them
some seeds you can buy at very cheap prices,when you buy in bulk to germinate a seed, give it two things that's all you need moisture and warmth it will sprout and then it needs two morethings; room to grow and once it has leaves, it needs light, to make sugars, which becomevegetables and fruits if you germinated every seed you came acrossin your daily routine of eating, you would have more plants than you can care for, morefood to eat than you can consume and more money to spend than you have ever had
some of you hear this, recognize it as a goodidea and want to go from hot idea to mass production, but let's be reasonable aboutit you are not ready for mass production, untilyou know if you can keep a plant alive, right? start out with one tray and put all the freeseeds into it if anything sprouts, take good care of it if you can't keep a plant alive, maybe farmingisn't for you so start with just one tray of 25 plants andsee how you do try this for one month and next month, ifyou found success, do two trays your business can double, every month andin a very short time, you will have a huge
business customers might buy your lettuce, your tomatoes,your peppers, squash, melons, pears, peaches, plums, walnuts, grapes or whatever you findyou can grow where you live some seeds will have to be stored in yourrefrigerator for a few months, before they will germinate i didn't say freezer i said refrigerator if you freeze the seed, you might kill it that stuff inside is a living pack lunch,prepared by the mother of that seed and it
wasn't made to be frozen, in most cases in farming, you will find a tiny bit of successand a whole lot of failure in the first few years the successes will make you rich and the failureswill make you wiser one day people might look up to you, as theydo with max keiser, the investment adviser success and failure are both the results ofone's efforts and both have value with your successes, you are earning and withyour failures, you're learning so remember that, each time you try, regardlessof the outcome! if you heed my words, you will always be awinner; never a loser!
in life, you have to keep trying things try something new, every day, just to learn you're here to learn, so what are you waitingfor? i just showed you a way to grow 200,000 plantsper month i recommended that you begin with just onetray, to see if you can do it if it proves successful, you do two trays,then four, then eight you build upon success, doubling your size,each month one day, you're managing 2,050 square feetwhich is a space about 40' by 50' your back yard might be 40' by 50' and ifit is, then you can grow into your back yard,
but frankly, if you're approaching $200,000a month, by working at home, you're going to be looking at a warehouse of 50,000 squarefeet, instead! right off the top of your head, can you tellme the potential of 50,000 square feet, if 2,050 square feet can produce 200,000 plantsper month? it's almost 25 times as much space, isn'tit? if we figure on 25 times as many plants, howmany is that? can you multiply 25 times 200,000 in yourhead? double 25 and cut 200,000 in half it's easier that way!
you get the same result! that would be 50 times 100,000 that's 5,000,000 plants per month and maybe$5 million per month, isn't it? now, what is the cost of the seeds if youget 40,000 seeds for $20? that would be 400,000 for $200 right? also 4,000,000 seeds for $2,000 right? now increase both by 25% you get 5,000,000 seeds for $2,500 right? now subtract $2,500 ... that's the cost ofthe seeds... from $5,000,000 which is the
value of the plants that grew from those seedsand what do you get? $4,997,500 do you have enough to pay the rent on thewarehouse and buy some potting soil? could you hire labor with this kind of money? to me, this is the potential of starting abusiness of germinating the seeds you come across in your daily routine there are tomatoes in your hamburgers andyou can take some out and begin you have tomatoes on your kitchen counterand you can slice those tomatoes and begin your business with seeds that you come across,every day
if you eat an avocado, plant the seed! if you eat a plum, get the pit out and plantit peaches have a pit and so do nectarines plant them! cut a bell pepper or a jalapeno and take theseeds out! you can get hundreds of peppers from the seedsof just one jalapeno or sweet bell pepper i see no reason to throw those seeds away,do you? you're throwing away your fortune, your future,your prosperity and your children's prosperity, aren't you?
why do that? potting soil isn't that expensive grow things, as a hobby, at first and watchhow the income grows double the size, each month, until the businessis large enough to support you if you planted every seed you encounter, eachday, you'd be richer than anyone you know they will be asking you how you did it you tell them what i told you "there is nothing which grows money fasterthan a germinating seed! it creates money out of thin air!"
anyone can be filthy rich or at the very least,filthy, because gardening is kind of a dirty job! thanks for watching!